Fluoxetine (Prozac) - a drug or an antidepressant?

In drug treatment practice, psychotropic medications are very often used. With the help of these means, doctors are able to eliminate various mental disorders in patients suffering from addiction to psychoactive substances (PAS). Unfortunately, almost all drugs have their side effects, which can minimize the therapeutic benefit, or become the subject of the formation of a new addiction. Narcologists at the Alcohol Help clinic also face this problem.

Fluoxetine (Prozac) is one of the most common antidepressants in medicine from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. It is used in cases of depressive disorders with lethargy and daytime sleepiness. Its action is based on:

  • slight stimulating effect;
  • eliminating manifestations of depression;
  • relieving feelings of tension;
  • reducing anxiety, fearfulness;
  • reducing feelings of fear;
  • avoiding thoughts that cause a gloomy mood.

The drug helps well in the treatment of addiction in people suffering from drug addiction. Individually prescribed doses by a doctor can greatly reduce the painful manifestations of withdrawal symptoms and accompanying complaints. Important: Fluoxetine should not be prescribed to patients with psychomotor agitation. Another possible side effect of Prozac is to suppress the hunger center. This problem has been noticed by people who are trying to get rid of what they consider to be excess weight. Naturally, they also often became victims of addiction.

Manifestations of narcotic effects

Taking the medicine in combination with a number of drugs enhances the drug effects of the latter. This property is the main reason why people suffering from addiction begin to use this antidepressant. In some cases, even isolated use of a drug can give patients narcotic sensations. This phenomenon becomes the beginning of the formation of addiction. Prozac can cause:

  • euphoria and mental comfort;
  • psychostimulation;
  • exacerbation of all types of sensitivity;
  • a surge of mental performance and physical strength.

Fluoxetine and alcohol: compatibility

Fluoxetine and alcohol are characterized by poor compatibility. This is due to three main reasons:

  1. Fluoxetine enhances the intoxicating effect of ethyl alcohol and causes atypical reactions to alcohol (severe drowsiness, overexcitation, inappropriate behavior).
  2. Ethanol, in turn, increases the risk of developing adverse drug reactions, especially in the brain.
  3. Both substances are processed in the liver, so when they are taken simultaneously, the load on the organ increases significantly. This increases the risk of liver complications (jaundice, inflammation, failure of function).

Since Fluoxetine is completely eliminated from the body only 3 weeks after stopping its use, it is undesirable to drink alcohol during this time.

Consequences of use without specialist prescription

Uncontrolled use of this drug, as well as non-compliance with dosages, is the cause of the development of withdrawal syndrome. In a person who does not suffer from drug addiction, the negative effect is limited to the formation of addiction, that is, the need to increase the effective doses. In the worst case, there are signs of deprivation syndrome, developing several days after discontinuation or reduction in the amount of the drug. They appear:

  • dizziness increasing in intensity;
  • attacks or constant presence of nausea and vomiting;
  • severe fatigue;
  • headache;
  • incoordination and lack of stability when walking;
  • anxiety, emotional lability, irritability;
  • trembling in the body, arms, legs, disorders of skin sensitivity;
  • vision problems;
  • intestinal disorders (diarrhea).

Against this background, addiction quickly forms - the need to relieve negative complaints with another dose of Fluoxetine.

Description of the drug

Fluoxetine is an antidepressant from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. In essence, this means that under the influence of the drug, nerve cells begin to consume more of the “hormone of joy” - serotonin. Under its influence, mood improves, mental state stabilizes, and appetite decreases.

The medicine is prescribed for:

  • depression;
  • obsessions, fears, actions;
  • sexual dysfunction in men;
  • Bulimia – an eating disorder in the form of excessive food consumption.

The drug is contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women, patients with severe liver and kidney dysfunction, as well as with individual intolerance to the drug.

Fluoxetine can cause adverse reactions from the nervous system, digestive tract and genital area. The frequency of undesirable effects increases with increasing dosage of the drug.

What are the consequences of taking Prozac for a long time?

Over time, destructive processes develop throughout the patient’s body. Almost all organs are affected. The symptomatic picture appears:

  • paranoid disorders;
  • generalized convulsive syndrome;
  • muscle atrophy due to appetite suppression;
  • excessive salivation;
  • sphincter disorders (fecal and urinary incontinence);
  • various skin rashes;
  • sexual problems;
  • formation of blood clots and malnutrition of the heart muscle, arrhythmias;
  • anemia.

Is Prozac a drug?

Prozac in Russia is better known as Fluoxetine, a drug belonging to the group of antidepressants. The principle of its action is based on blocking the return of the substance serotonin into synapses, resulting in the following effect:

  • Feeling of mild euphoria.
  • Stimulation of the nervous system.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Increased muscle tone.
  • Dulling of the feeling of hunger.

Use of the drug in an increased dose causes narcotic intoxication, which is not much inferior to known drugs with a psychostimulant effect. Based on this, we can say that Prozac is a drug that can be legally purchased at any pharmacy.

Such a substance leads to the development of serious addiction after just a few uses. If you notice signs of drug use by your loved ones, you should immediately seek help.

Is your husband addicted to Prozac? Seek treatment for pharmacy addiction

Treatment of fluoxetine addiction

As with any type of drug addiction, the treatment plan consists of going through a sequential series of therapeutic stages:

  • medicinal and non-medicinal detoxification;
  • treatment of acute, chronic and concomitant pathologies;
  • enhanced motivation-based psychotherapy;
  • coding;
  • rehabilitation process.

Drug addiction specialists will help patients go through all the stages of getting rid of drug addiction, correctly assess their condition and fully understand what it is - drug addiction.

Indications for use of fluoxetine

According to statistics, the antidepressant Fluoxetine is often prescribed to patients who are in a depressed mental state. This remedy is not addictive, it does not cause withdrawal syndrome, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • emotional instability;
  • headaches;
  • vomiting;
  • sleep problems;
  • nausea.

An antidepressant is considered a universal remedy in the treatment of a number of obsessive-compulsive disorders. It allows you to get rid of fear and anxiety.

Among the indications for the use of Fluoxetine:

  • depression;
  • obsessive thoughts, fears;
  • insomnia;
  • apathy;
  • anorexia and bulimia.

The components that make up Fluoxetine help produce the reuptake of serotonin, which is associated with a feeling of calm and self-confidence. The drug allows you to slow down the removal of the neurotransmitter from the body, as well as accelerate its accumulation. Thanks to this, the patient's condition gradually normalizes. To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, Fluoxetine is recommended to be used from 15 days to 2 months. But the use of the drug without medical supervision is strictly prohibited, as it can lead to complications.

The result of taking a course of Fluoxetine should be a balanced mental state without fears and obsessions. The patient again feels a taste for life and joy. He gets into a good mood.

When using the drug for a month or longer, its elimination from the body occurs in 3-4 weeks. Usually this period is enough for a person to get used to living in a good mood and with bright thoughts.

Some Notes on the Drug Side of Prozac

Narcologists have different opinions about both the benefits and harms of this pharmaceutical drug. Some believe that the risk of addiction and complications from it is high, others provide evidence in favor of the fact that Fluoxetine is harmless. All over the world, despite the fact that this medicine belongs to “veterans”, millions of prescriptions are still written for its purchase. Prozac has attracted the attention of various specialists due to its connection with suicide attempts described in sources not related to official medicine. According to these statistics, Fluoxetine has caused crimes and a large number of complaints about its side effects. Therefore, before taking this medicine, be sure to consult your doctor.

Find out the cost of addiction treatment

Reviews from those who drank alcohol with Fluoxetine

Reviews about the consequences of taking Fluoxetine together with alcohol mostly boil down to the fact that intoxication occurs faster and the hangover is more severe. Although some patients did not notice any negative consequences when consuming alcohol and fluoxetine simultaneously.

Svetlana, 26 years old

While I was taking Fluoxetine, I went to visit a friend. I drank 2 glasses of wine with her, but it felt like 2 bottles. I barely crawled home, in the morning I had a headache, I felt terribly sick and I was shaking all over. Only a day has passed.

Andrey, 43 years old

A feast just happened while I was taking Fluoxetine, and I recovered from it for a week. Although, of course, we drank a lot.

Anna, 19 years old

Everyone who drank alcohol with Fluoxetine said that they were very sick afterwards. But I didn’t feel anything special. But I only drank one bottle of beer.

Valentina, 33 years old

It seems to me that a lot depends on the manufacturer. I calmly drank Lannacher with alcohol without consequences and didn’t even think about it, but I once mixed Biocom’s Fluoxetine with champagne, and then my head almost exploded.

Sergey, 21 years old

It happens that on the same day I drink Fluoxetine and weak alcohol - beer or wine. I feel fine, but I usually fall asleep very quickly.

Judging by the reviews, the answer to the question of whether Fluoxetine can be taken with alcoholic beverages depends on their quantity and strength, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body.

Consequences of Fluoxetine - existing risks of taking

Taking the drug may cause side effects. They are polysystemic, i.e. can affect any system of the body. Clinically expressed by the following conditions:

  • Manic stalking
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Dizziness
  • Shiver
  • Convulsions
  • Poor appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased salivation
  • Heart rhythm disturbance
  • Urinary retention or incontinence
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Allergic rashes.

Therefore, any discomfort and deviations in habitual behavior during treatment with Fluoxetine require consultation with a doctor. Such patients may need to adjust the dose of the antidepressant or replace it with another drug.

Allergic rashes are a common side effect of the drug fluoxetine.

Does the drug affect hormones: testosterone, cortisol, prolactin

Fluoxetine affects only mediators - substances that ensure impulse transmission in nervous tissue. It does not affect the endocrine glands and the hormones they produce (cortisol, prolactin, testosterone, insulin). Many attribute similar properties to Fluoxetine, confusing it with other psychotropic substances that increase prolactin, lower testosterone and thereby disrupt sexual development.

For the same reason, patients are interested in whether adolescents with unstable hormonal levels can take an antidepressant. The drug is indeed not prescribed until the age of 18, however, not because of the effect on the concentration of hormones, but due to the instability of the child’s psyche.

What effect does the medication have on sleep?

In the vast majority of cases, Fluoxetine has a stimulating effect on the psyche and disrupts sleep. That is why it is recommended to take it in the first half of the day - otherwise the patient will have trouble sleeping.

However, you can often find the following questions on forums: “Why does Fluoxetine make me feel sleepy?”, “What causes drowsiness after Prozac?” Such reverse reactions are usually associated either with an incorrectly selected dose or with the individual characteristics of the body. If the drug is otherwise well tolerated, then in such a situation you should simply shift its intake to the evening.

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