Bayu-Bai drops for children. Instructions for use, analogues, price

Manufacturer: Kurortmedservis (Russia)
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Calming
  • Antispasmodic
  • General strengthening
  • Painkiller
  • Description of the pharmacological action of Bayu-Bai - for children
  • Composition of Bayu-Bai - for children
  • Indications for use of the drug Bayu-Bai - for children
  • Release form of the drug Bayu-Bai - for children
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Bayu-Bai - for children
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Bayu-Bai - for children
  • Overdose of Bayu-Bai - for children
  • Special instructions when taking the drug Bayu-Bai - for children
  • Storage conditions for the drug Bayu-Bai - for children
  • Shelf life of Bayu-Bai - for children

Release form and composition of the drug

The medicine can be found on pharmacy shelves only in liquid form, that is, in the form of drops for oral use. The liquid has a dark brown color and a pronounced aroma of medicinal plants.

It is packaged in glass bottles of 25 ml. There are also volumes of 50 and 100 ml, but they are less popular if the drug is used to treat children. Each bottle is placed in an individual cardboard box and equipped with a dropper for easy dosing. In addition, in the box you can find instructions that similarly describe all the features of use and dosage regimen.

The composition contains several active components, due to which the therapeutic effect is achieved:

  • Peppermint and chamomile extract.
  • Extract from lemon balm and linden.
  • Concentrated oregano extract.

It is due to the mixture of these components that the therapeutic effect is achieved. Auxiliary ingredients do not have beneficial properties, but are used to preserve the chemical composition of the product during its shelf life. Additionally, the composition contains glycerin, citric acid and magnesium lactate. The product contains sodium acetate as a preservative.

The amount of active and additional components per 1 ml of product is the same and does not depend on the volume of the bottle.

Pharmacological properties

Bayu-Bai drops for children, reviews of which are often contradictory, have pronounced sedative and hypnotic properties. The combination of several medicinal herbs helps to influence certain centers in the brain that are responsible for normal sleep.

As a result, the process of falling asleep is facilitated and the child’s general condition is improved due to deep, restful sleep.

Additionally, the medicine has immunostimulating properties, helps the body fight various diseases and prevent their progression. The choleretic and diuretic effect of the drug was noted, stimulating the elimination of toxins and harmful components from the body.

It is worth noting that the medicine has mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which are due to the presence of medicinal chamomile in the extract. Drops also help eliminate mild pain in the stomach, headaches and toothaches.

There is a positive effect of the product on digestion and the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

The drug also relieves smooth muscle spasms, which has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines. The complex effect on the body helps to cope with various sleep disorders, as well as some other disorders that accompany anxiety, restlessness and insomnia.

How effective are Bayu-Bai baby calming drops?

Of all the possible uses, these drops can be really effective during overexcitation of the baby, not associated with any disease of the nervous system, or in the complex treatment of alopecia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, allergic dermatitis or neurotic conditions. These drops are not a sleeping pill, they only have a calming effect. In addition, this dietary supplement is not a medicine; it does not cure the underlying disease, but provides symptomatic assistance. That is, if the baby is overexcited while playing, for example, in kindergarten, then Bayu-Bai drops will not help him calm down. However, if there is any disorder of the nervous system, then the dietary supplement will provide only symptomatic temporary help, but will not lead to a complete recovery. In case of sleep disturbance, Bayu-Bai drops are ineffective if this condition is caused by serious diseases.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The pharmacological agent produces a therapeutic effect almost immediately after ingestion. This is due to the good absorption of active components into the blood from the stomach and small intestine.

Plant substances distribute well through the systemic bloodstream, bind to blood proteins and exert a therapeutic effect, reaching centers in the brain responsible for controlling the emotional state.

As a result, nervousness and anxiety are eliminated, sleep and the general condition of the patient are normalized. The product belongs to the group of biologically active food additives, therefore it has a complex effect on the body.

Mint extract has a mild sedative property. When it enters the body, the transmission of nerve impulses to cells slows down, which leads to the elimination of causeless fear and anxiety.

However, the remedy is effective not only for unspecified anxiety, but also for neuroses that are associated with the chronic course of dermatological diseases, as well as somatic disorders.

There is an increase in the effect of mint extract when combined with an extract from lemon balm leaves. The component prolongs the sedative effect of the medication and has a gentle effect on the central nervous system.

Chamomile extract has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, helps improve the functioning of all internal organs. As a result, the condition normalizes if the disorders were associated with somatic disorders.

Additionally, chamomile has a mild sedative effect, which persists only at night, but does not impair concentration during the day. It is noted that when taking the medicine, memory and concentration improve, and mental performance increases in adults and children of different ages.

The presence of oregano and linden extract in the composition allows the product to normalize blood pressure and body temperature, reduce heart rate, which increases with neuroses, insomnia and anxiety syndrome.

The complex effect of the product is considered relatively safe for the body. The supplement is not addictive like synthetic medications. This advantage makes it the most preferred option for children.

After oral use, the components of the product are quickly absorbed into the blood and have a therapeutic effect. The maximum concentration of substances in the blood is observed 30-40 minutes after administration.

The components bind well to blood proteins, which explains their high bioavailability. Herbal extracts are processed in the liver. Removal of breakdown products is carried out through the kidneys within 1 day after taking the last dose.

It is noted that the medication does not accumulate in tissues and organs and is completely eliminated from the body. This significantly reduces the risk of overdose.

Description of pharmacological action

It has a mild calming effect, helps restore all phases of sleep and morning activity, eliminates irritability, increases performance, mood, and analytical ability of the central nervous system, strengthens the nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Helps children adapt to school stress. The herbs included in the composition have a general strengthening, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic effect, and have a beneficial effect on the function of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. Long-term use does not cause addiction, dependence or withdrawal symptoms.

Indications for use

Bayu-Bai is used for various forms of insomnia. The drops are intended for children of different ages and adults, and reviews about them can be positive and negative, which is explained by the individual characteristics of each patient.

Main indications for prescribing the drug:

  • Insomnia due to vegetative-vascular dystonia. At the same time, the medicine not only improves sleep, but also eliminates the most pronounced manifestations of the disease, which speeds up the recovery process.

  • Neuroses provoked by chronic dermatological diseases. For dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other diseases, taking drops helps improve sleep and eliminate psycho-emotional stress. As a result, the symptoms of the underlying disease are suppressed.
  • Sleep disorders of unspecified origin, when a lack of adequate rest provokes the development of various disorders.
  • Intestinal colic in patients of preschool and school age.
  • Atopic form of dermatitis with severe itching.
  • Indigestion and indigestion.
  • Hyperactivity in school-aged patients.
  • Impaired concentration, memory impairment in schoolchildren.

The drug is considered effective not only for the treatment of various disorders, but also for the prevention of complications and recurrence of the disease. The immunostimulating properties of the drug promote the production of cells responsible for fighting pathogens, which also has a beneficial effect on the body and the functioning of internal organs.

Indications, contraindications

Neurological disorders in children accompanied by sleep disturbances are the main indication for use. A sedative is also prescribed in the presence of the following conditions:

  • colic in the abdomen;
  • hyperactivity;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hair loss (alopecia).

They are often prescribed to school-age children to adapt to the educational process. They help cope with lack of sleep, bad mood, irritation, and apathy. In addition, it is used as a prophylactic agent to prevent depression.

Despite the natural composition, the drops are not recommended for use in children without a prescription from a pediatrician.

Individual intolerance to the components of the biological additive is one of the contraindications. Herbal extracts can trigger the development of allergies.

Cannot be used in children under three years of age. Sometimes drops are prescribed to babies up to one year old. In this case, the dosage regimen is determined by a specialist.


The medication is not used if you are allergic to its components or have a tendency to such manifestations. If a patient is diagnosed with a history of intolerance to one of the herbal components, taking drops is not recommended due to the increased risk of complications.

In severe cases of renal and liver failure, the drug is contraindicated, as it can lead to aggravation of disease symptoms.

The choleretic properties of the drug can negatively affect the condition of the gallbladder in patients who suffer from cholelithiasis. This is due to an increase in the outflow of bile and the movement of stones towards the bile ducts.

The official instructions indicate that the medicine cannot be used to treat patients under 3 years of age. In addition, the drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, adults and children with severe epilepsy.

Relative contraindications include the recovery period after surgical interventions on the abdominal organs, as well as after suffering from severe infectious diseases. In each case, the list of contraindications may increase depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Composition of the herbal remedy

The composition of Bayu Bai drops is well balanced, developed on the basis of several plant components. 1 g of medicinal solution contains extracts:

  • oregano;
  • peony;
  • motherwort;
  • hawthorn fruit;
  • peppermint.

Citric and glutamic acid are additional substances. Unlike most similar drugs, the drops do not contain valerian root extract or barbiturates. These components, on the contrary, can inhibit the functioning of the central nervous system, which is harmful.

At what age can the drug be used?

Bayu-Bai drops for children, reviews of which depend on the specific application of the product, are prescribed to patients over 3 years of age. This is stated in the official instructions for use of the medication.

However, in some cases, the drug is prescribed to babies under 1 year of age, but the dosage and duration of use is determined by the pediatrician individually for each child. Drops should not be used independently and without prior examination.

Instructions for use, dosage

The drug is used in different regimens depending on age and disease. The duration of the course also differs.

DiseaseTreatment regimen and dosage of the drug
Neuroses and insomnia of unspecified originFor such a disorder, patients aged 3 to 7 years are prescribed 10 drops of the drug 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. Patients from 7 to 11 years old take 15-20 drops 2 times a day. Children from 11 to 14 years old are recommended to take 25-30 drops of the product 2-3 times a day. Patients over 14 years of age and adults are prescribed 30 drops 3 times a day. The duration of therapy can be 2-4 weeks, but sometimes the course is extended to 6 weeks according to individual indications.
Sleep disturbance with vegetative-vascular dystoniaFor such disorders, the dosage for patients 3-7 years old is 7 drops 3 times a day. Patients aged 7-11 years are advised to take 12 drops 3 times a day. Patients from 11 to 14 years of age are prescribed 20 drops three times a day, and children from 14 years of age and adults are prescribed 25 drops 3 times a day. The duration of treatment does not exceed 30 days.
Insomnia associated with chronic severe dermatological diseasesPatients under 7 years of age are prescribed 10 drops 2 times a day. Patients from 7 to 14 years old - 15 drops 3 times a day. Adults and children over 14 years of age take 20 drops 3 times a day. The course duration ranges from 15-20 days.
Prevention of sleep disorders and other abnormalitiesIf it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis, children of any age take the medicine in a reduced dosage, but for 4 weeks. This allows for a therapeutic effect but reduces the risk of complications. The single dose is 10 drops, they should be taken 3 times a day.

Children from 2 months of age can be prescribed 3-5 drops before bedtime for 5-10 days. However, this dosage may vary depending on the child's condition and other characteristics. Pediatricians rarely prescribe the drug, since its effect on the body of a newborn has not been studied.

Drops should be placed under the tongue . After this, they are swallowed by the patient and enter the digestive tract. It is better to combine the intake with food, since the medicinal components are absorbed faster and have a pronounced effect.

If necessary, drops can be dropped onto a piece of bread or sugar and then dissolved, but this method is only suitable for children over 4 years old. Do not add the product to water, this may disrupt the chemical composition of the medicine.

Side effects

Bayu-Bai drops for children (reviews help evaluate the effectiveness of the medication) can provoke negative reactions, despite the natural composition and relative safety. In this case, complications arise when the rules of application are observed or violated.

As a rule, disorders affect internal organs and systems:

  • The nervous system is characterized by severe fatigue, lethargy and lethargy. In children, symptoms are less pronounced, but worsen the general condition. In addition, headaches and dizziness may occur due to an excessive decrease in blood pressure. After stopping the course, the manifestations usually disappear.

  • From the digestive tract, nausea, pain in the stomach and right hypochondrium are noted. Often, adverse reactions manifest themselves in the form of persistent constipation or loose stools.
  • Disturbances from the urinary system occur quite rarely and are accompanied by frequent urge to urinate, pain in the kidney area and swelling.
  • The skin suffers quite often when taking herbal remedies. Patients experience symptoms of allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching, peeling and irritation.

Sometimes the symptoms worsen, and signs of dehydration appear if the patient has loose stools for a long period. The condition is accompanied by severe weakness, fatigue and dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The patient suffers from thirst, the tongue is coated, the appetite is poor or absent.


There have been no recorded cases of drug overdose, but doctors do not rule out this possibility if increased dosages of the drug are taken frequently. The condition is accompanied by aggravation of all adverse reactions.

Nausea leads to repeated vomiting and pain in the stomach. After some time, flatulence, bloating and pain in the intestinal area occur. Diarrhea leads to worsening weakness, as well as rapid fatigue, even in the absence of physical activity.

Only in some cases is there a clouding of consciousness. The symptom is short-term and disappears after stopping taking the drops. An allergic reaction in case of overdose turns into acute urticaria, in which large red spots appear on the body and severe itching is noted.

In case of overdose, the allergy is accompanied by acute rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis. In this case, itching of the skin of the eyelids, souring of the eyes and swelling are noted. Many children experience redness of the eyeballs.

If signs of overdose appear, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for symptomatic therapy.

Side effects, overdose

Digestive disorders (constipation, diarrhea, bloating), urticaria and other manifestations of allergies may occur if the single dosage is significantly exceeded. To avoid these negative consequences, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dosage regimen.

Official statistics do not provide descriptions of overdose cases. If for some reason the child drank a large amount of medicinal solution, he needs to be given Activated carbon. Gastric lavage may be required in a hospital setting.

special instructions

In many Russian clinics, studies were conducted with the participation of groups of children of different ages suffering from somatic or dermatological diseases. When taking the drug, there is a significant weakening of the symptoms of diseases and an increase in the adaptive abilities of patients.

With course use, there is a significant improvement in concentration, memory and thinking abilities. It is important to start using the medication only after examination and consultation with a doctor, especially in the case of treatment of patients under 3 years of age.

Despite its natural composition, the product is not considered absolutely safe for patients, especially those with mental disorders.

Drug interactions

Bayu-Bai drops for children (it is better to study reviews of the medication before starting a treatment course) cannot be used simultaneously with sedatives of synthetic origin, as well as nootropic drugs and tranquilizers.

It is not recommended to take drops simultaneously with other medications containing the same active ingredients. There are no negative reactions when taking drops in combination with antibiotics, vascular and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In each case, the doctor individually decides on the combination of drops with one or another medication.


If you are intolerant to the product, you can choose a substitute with similar properties.

There are several popular analogues that can replace drops:

  • Morpheus - drops for oral administration with a mild sedative effect. Contains extracts of hawthorn, motherwort, mint and oregano. Prescribed to patients over 5 years of age. The dosage and duration of use is determined individually.
  • little hare – syrup for oral administration, which is prescribed to children from 3 years of age in order to normalize the psycho-emotional state and sleep. The product contains extracts of valerian, thyme, caraway and chamomile, as well as ascorbic acid and pyridoxine. The combination of several components helps eliminate the most pronounced symptoms of neuroses of various origins. The dosage of the medication is determined individually, as is the duration of the treatment course.

    Soothing Hare syrup

Analogs of the product are also considered relatively safe and effective, but use without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited. This rule especially applies to the treatment of children with chronic neurological diseases.

Popular analogues

You can replace the drops with a similar medication that has a calming effect. The most popular analogues include:

  1. Droplets Morpheus. The combined effect of the plant components of the phytocomposition has a mild calming effect, helps to normalize the most important characteristics of sleep - it reduces the time of falling asleep, improves the structure of sleep, and normalizes its phases.
  2. Medicine Citral. Neurologists often use this remedy in their practice, and sometimes pediatricians turn to this remedy. This medication has a mild sedative effect. The medicine slightly reduces intracranial pressure.
  3. Bunny syrup. The syrup has a sedative effect on the baby's body. It is used as a dietary supplement for children who are in the adjustment phase to school or kindergarten.
  4. Viburkol suppositories. They belong to homeopathic medicines; they restore the constancy of the internal environment of the body. The drug is used for various diseases to achieve anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative effects.

To normalize sleep, you can also use sedative herbal preparations or Bayu Bai tablets with a similar composition. The choice of analogue should be entrusted to a specialist. Self-administration of another remedy may aggravate the situation and lead to undesirable consequences.

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