Lecithin - what is it for, benefits and harms, how to take it correctly


The composition of different drugs varies depending on which pharmaceutical company produces them.
For example, VitaLine Lecithin, produced in granules, contains a natural soy-based lecithin extract. The substance is 98% composed of phosphatides , including but not limited to: linoleic acid, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, linolenic acid, phosphatidylinositol).

One capsule of Lecithin NSP (NSP) contains 0.52 g of purified lecithin concentrate, which is obtained from soybean oil. Approximately 95-97% of the substance consists of biologically active principles - polyunsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids .

One capsule of Lecithin Nash contains 0.45 g of sunflower lecithin, as well as 0.8% monoglycerides and 0.6% moisture. The active component of the drug is produced from sunflower seeds using an original patented technology, which makes it possible to obtain a highly purified (98.6%), immunologically and environmentally safe substance.

The Doppelhertz Lecithin capsule contains 0.5 g of the active substance, as well as a complex of vitamins (including vitamins, B12, PP ).

The capsule of the drug Coral Lecithin (from the Coral Club) contains 1.2 g of liquid soy lecithin.

The best dietary supplements

It can be difficult to choose a high-quality and natural dietary supplement that has all the licenses. Let's look at a few reliable companies and their drugs:

1. Solgar Soya Lecithin Granules
Solgar is a company that produces premium quality sports nutrition. It produces soy lecithin in the form of granules: one package contains 454 grams. The composition of the drug includes fats, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main components of lecithin - choline and inositol - are substances that are vital for ensuring proper brain .

Choline is responsible for intellectual activity, coordination of muscle contractions, and creative activity. In addition, choline promotes the formation of short-term (working) memory and its retention.

Inositol has a beneficial effect on mood, the ability to navigate in space, and behavior. The substance helps reduce nervousness and irritability and has a calming effect.

A sufficient content of lecithin in food products can reduce cholesterol in the blood and the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle , promotes blood , reduces the tone of the walls of blood vessels , improves blood pressure and blood supply to various organs and tissues .

The substance takes an active part in the regulation of lipid metabolism in the body , stimulating the breakdown of lipids into simple fatty acids . In the presence of lecithin, fats are quickly removed from the liver and enter the internal organs and fat depots.

In addition, its use accelerates the restoration of liver cells damaged by exposure to alcohol, nicotine, narcotic substances, food colorings and preservatives, and medications.

The substance plays an important role in increasing the body's defenses: it helps restore the function of lymphocytes and mononuclear phagocytes , due to the production of antibodies, it increases the body's resistance to diseases, stimulates the growth and activity of phagocytes .

Lecithin activates reproductive function, improves nutrition and detoxification processes, restores damaged skin cells and stimulates the formation of new ones, protects the skin from the effects of free radicals, helps normalize weight, stimulates the production of bile and prevents the formation of gallstones, prevents the development of cirrhosis due to alcohol abuse, stimulates processes of absorption of vitamins A, , K and in the digestive tract.

The beneficial properties of the substance make it indispensable for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that it takes part in the formation and normal development of the fetal nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s mental abilities in the future.

Application in the food industry

In the food industry, soy lecithin is added to sweet products, mayonnaise, and dairy products to create a more viscous, uniform consistency. Widely used as a component of infant formula.

The formula for lecithin (e322) is shown in the image below.

Used in the form of 2 additives: E322 and E476

  • E476 – polyglycerol. The substance is obtained from genetically modified raw materials. It is not considered harmful, but it does not have any particular benefit, although in all its properties it does not differ from natural soy lecithin. It is also added to margarine, dairy products and confectionery.
  • E322 is a natural soy lecithin of high quality. It is preferable to choose products containing this additive, especially when purchasing infant formula.

Summary table of technological functions of soy lecithin

name of categoryProduct type
Flour productsBakery, pasta, confectionery (muffins, biscuits) products
ConfectioneryChocolate, chocolate glaze, soft caramel
DairyPowdered milk, baby food
Emulsion ProductsMargarines, salad dressings, dairy-free creams
Installed productsFruit powders, cocoa powder
PowdersCocoa powder
Shortening (confectionery fat)Cookies, waffle filling, cake creams
Anti-spatter agent
Anti-stick agent
Lubricants for bread pansBaking rolls, bread
ConfectioneryCaramel masses
Cheese productsProduction of cheeses in molds, soft cheeses

Emulsifier E476 is a safe additive approved in Japan, the USA, and European countries. However, if possible, give preference to products containing soy lecithin marked E322.

The food additive E322 is absolutely not dangerous and does not have a negative effect on the body. In industrially produced food products, kometogo acts as a natural preservative that extends shelf life.

Confectionery production

In the confectionery industry, the emulsifier lecithin is used quite widely. It is used as an emulsifier - a substance with which different types of liquids are combined, thereby simplifying the production process.

More often, water and fat components are mixed to obtain a smooth dough of uniform consistency. To obtain this effect, you only need to add 1% E322 lecithin.

Oil and fat production

The emulsifying effect of lecithin is also used in the production of oils, margarine, and confectionery fat. This additive makes the product more uniform and tender.

The emulsifier E322 is especially important in the production of margarine. This product is most often used in the manufacture of baked goods and confectionery products. It gives the dough a more stable consistency. Margarine responds better to temperature changes during cooking. This property is ensured by the lecithin included in its composition.

Baby food

Lecithin is not only important for the harmonious development of a child. Soy protein isolate is added to infant formulas to reduce the risk of allergic reactions to cow's milk protein.

When producing soy lecithin from raw soy, allergens contained in the protein fraction are almost completely removed. Therefore, the resulting soy-based final product practically does not cause food allergies in children and adults.

Such mixtures are useful for babies with congenital intolerance to dairy products. Soy-based mixtures help normalize gastrointestinal function and improve the child’s condition as a whole.

Molecular Cooking

Lecithin, derived from soybeans, is traditionally considered a natural emulsifier - it is added when preparing immiscible liquids. In cooking, it is used mainly to bind fat and water. It is thanks to this dietary supplement that cocktails, puddings, aerated creams are made, and it is added to chocolate as a thickener.

Dairy industry

Lecithin is added as an emulsifier to fermented milk products. Thanks to it, the consistency of sour cream and yogurt is more homogeneous, and the taste is very delicate. The additive also speeds up the food production process.

Indications for use

The use of Lecithin is advisable for:

  • fatty liver degeneration of various etiologies;
  • acute and chronic hepatitis;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • hepatic coma;
  • food or drug poisoning;
  • alcoholic and radiation damage to the liver (including alcoholic polyneuritis);
  • sclerotic lesions of blood vessels (dietary supplements are indicated for use both for therapeutic and preventive purposes);
  • conditions accompanied by decreased concentration and/or performance;
  • stress;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • increased nervousness;
  • insomnia;
  • cardialgia;
  • overwork;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases associated with aging of the body;
  • hyperlipidemia.

In addition, the medicine is prescribed to speed up recovery after serious illnesses and faster recovery after childbirth (if the woman is not breastfeeding), as well as one of the components of therapy, the purpose of which is to generally strengthen the body.

The drug can also increase the effectiveness of therapy prescribed for the treatment of women's diseases such as endometriosis , fibrocystic mastopathy , breast cancer and uterine cancer .

Application in the cosmetic industry

Hair, skin and body care products are most often produced in the form of an emulsion. The emulsifier soy lecithin must be added to it to give a uniform consistency. In addition, lecithin has moisturizing properties by retaining moisture in skin cells.

Adding lecithin to cosmetic products allows you to:

  • improve the protective properties of the skin;
  • protect the skin from exposure to adverse substances, including free radicals;
  • saturate the skin with nutrients.

Instructions for use of Lecithin

In accordance with the instructions for use, Lecithin Nash and other lecithin preparations produced in capsule form should be taken in a dose of 1.05 to 2.1 grams per day. Divide it into 3 doses.

Granulated lecithin, as well as preparations that are available in powder form, take 1-2 teaspoons per day, first dissolving in water or fruit juice.

The instructions for the solution for oral use indicate that in this dosage form the drug should be taken orally three times a day, 20 ml (this corresponds to the volume of 2 dessert spoons).

How to take Lecithin? It is recommended to drink the product for a long time. Typically, the course of treatment ranges from 1.5-2 months or more (up to several years). In each specific case, the duration of treatment and the advisability of repeated courses are determined by the attending physician depending on the characteristics of the disease.

Age restrictions differ for drugs from different manufacturers. For example, Lecithin Our Juvix-Pharm is not prescribed to persons under 12 years of age. Some products can be used starting from 6-7 years of age, and some are recommended exclusively for people over 18 years of age.

How to choose a supplement?

  1. First of all, carefully study the packaging. It must indicate that the product does not contain GMOs (non-GMO).
  2. Give preference to those additives that do not contain additional preservatives or colorings. To do this, it is important to study the composition indicated on the packaging.
  3. Lecithin supplements come in three forms: powder, liquid, and capsules. The first two forms are quite popular and convenient for those who cannot swallow a capsule. However, only capsules can guarantee the most accurate dosage. In other cases, dosing is carried out “by eye”.
  4. There is currently no clear guidance on what the optimal daily dosage of soy lecithin is for the average adult. Various scientific studies for the treatment and prevention of diseases indicate from 1.5 g to 6 g. per day. Therefore, aim for the supplement you choose to contain about 1,000 mg of soy lecithin per serving. This will make it easy to adjust the dosage while remaining at the lower limit to avoid complications from overdose.

special instructions

Lecithin - what is it?

Wikipedia to the question “what is lecithin?” answers that lecithins are a general concept that is usually used to define by-products of the refining of vegetable oils by the hydration method.

The chemical formula of the substance is as follows:

phosphatidylcholine molecule contains phosphoric acid , glycerol , higher fatty acids and the vitamin-like substance choline , which is the raw material for the synthesis of neurotransmitters (transmitters of nerve impulses).

The human body experiences a need for polyunsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids from the moment the embryo begins to form and subsequently throughout life.

Phosphatidylcholine belongs to the group of complex lipids and is one of the components of living cell membranes . nervous tissue are especially rich in it .

The versatility of lecithin preparations is due to the fact that phosphatidylcholines are the basis of all cell membranes in the human body: the insulating and protective tissues that surround nerve fibers , the brain and spinal cord consist of about 30% of them, and liver cells - 65%.

The body's need for phosphatidylcholines is also due to the fact that the latter are used as a building material necessary for the restoration of damaged cells. In addition, they are the main vehicle for delivering vitamins , nutrients and drugs into cells.

With a deficiency of these substances, the effectiveness of all medications without exception is significantly reduced.

When there is a hormonal imbalance in the body, endogenous progesterone, estrogen and testosterone are formed from cholesterol and only if the cholesterol is in an assimilable and transportable state. Inositol and choline give it this state .

In addition, the substance is an effective form of organic phosphorus, a trace element that is extremely important for dental health.

When taking lecithin preparations, you should not exceed the dose recommended by the instructions. The drug is used with caution in patients with cholelithiasis and pancreatitis in the acute stage.

vitamin C into the diet or take additional preparations of ascorbic acid and calcium in order to neutralize the harmful products metabolism .

The benefits and harms of lecithin

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of the substance. Its deficiency primarily affects the state of the nervous system . The main symptoms of insufficient lecithin in the body are memory disorders, insomnia, mood swings, and decreased concentration.

In addition, a deficiency of the substance in the diet is accompanied by digestive disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of aversion to fatty foods, bloating, frequent diarrhea, impaired renal and/or liver function, increased blood and intracranial pressure , progression of diseases of the heart , blood vessels , joints , and organs of the digestive system. , weight loss, poor speech development in children, mental instability.

Taking the drug, as a rule, does not have any side effects, which distinguishes it from most medications that are used to treat disorders of brain function .

What is soy lecithin? Emulsifier lecithin - benefits and harms

Soy lecithin - what is it? This is a substance that is obtained from waste from the production of oil and soy products. In the food industry it is used in the form of additive E322.

The emulsifier soy lecithin is necessary in the production of margarine, milk products, chocolate, and bakery products. E322 is also often used as an antioxidant. The additive may be listed in the product description as emulsifier lecithin.

To date, many articles have been written about the dangers and benefits of soy lecithin. The beneficial properties of the substance are described above.

As for the question of the dangers of soy lecithin, all experts agree that if consumed in reasonable quantities, the substance does not cause any harm to the body.

However, when used in high doses, it can cause allergic reactions (especially in people who are predisposed to them).

According to most consumers, another danger lies in the fact that the substance can be obtained from genetically modified raw materials. Despite the fact that there is no official data on the dangers of using GM products, today their quantity is strictly regulated.

Additive E476 - benefit or harm?

Another form of lecithin is polyglycerol , which is also known as stabilizer E476.

Polyglycerol is obtained chemically. The properties of this substance allow it to be used as a stabilizing agent to maintain the required level of viscosity and improve the consistency of individual food products.

In this regard, the additive is often used in the production of chocolate, mayonnaise and ketchup, margarine, ready-made gravy and vacuum-packed liquid soups.

Compared to lecithin, E476 is much cheaper, and such a replacement does not affect the taste of the product.

There is no direct evidence that E476 is harmful to the body. Studies have not revealed the toxicity of this substance. Their results also made it possible to establish that the additive is not an allergen and does not provoke skin irritation (including during direct contact with it).

However, it should be taken into account that since the production of polyglycerol on stream, GM plants have often been used for its production. When asked what this means for the body, scientists are still at a loss to answer.

According to some data, abuse of products containing the E476 additive can cause an increase in the size of the liver and kidneys , as well as disruption of metabolic processes in the body. In this regard, you should be especially careful when including them in the diet of people with stomach diseases and young children.

What foods contain lecithin?

The name of the substance has Greek roots. Literally translated, “lekithos” means “egg yolk”. Accordingly, it is found in large quantities in eggs.

Other foods that contain lecithin are foods high in fat - chicken and beef liver, nuts, fish, seeds, meat, sunflower oil, legumes (particularly soybeans).

The difference between sunflower lecithin and soy lecithin

In the food industry, lecithin is obtained by refining vegetable oils. And the prefix “refined” means that the raw materials are genetically modified and differ from natural additives.

Natural food lecithin is obtained from egg yolk. Therefore, it is considered a natural product. But this is an expensive way.

To reduce the cost of production, lecithin began to be obtained from sunflower oil. In addition, this product has advantages:

  • the substance does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • Soybeans are rich in phytoestrogens, but sunflowers do not contain them. This means that lecithin derived from soy is dangerous for men.

The only downside is that sunflower production is expensive.

Bluebonnet Nutrition, Super Earth, Lecithin Granules, 12.7 oz (360 g)

RUB 1,218

More details

Lecithin for children

The child's body needs lecithin from the first weeks of intrauterine development, since lecithin takes an active part in the processes of formation and development of the central nervous system . The surfactant that lines the alveoli of the lungs , consists of 76% of this substance.

An infant receives it with mother's milk. Therefore, in cases where breastfeeding is impossible for some reason, the resulting deficiency must be compensated additionally.

This is due to the fact that if the substance is insufficient in the child’s diet, the child’s attention and learning ability are significantly reduced.

In addition, it is characterized by the ability to reduce the concentration of fatty acids and cholesterol in the blood and cleanse the vascular walls of cholesterol plaques . It improves the functional activity of the kidneys and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins , which are necessary for the supply of nutrients to all living cells of the human body, stimulates energy production, and also increases resistance to the aging process in adulthood.

The child’s body is especially vulnerable during stress, which he usually encounters for the first time during the period of adaptation to kindergarten, and then to school.

Pediatricians note that children going to first grade need lecithin: the substance stimulates brain , increases concentration and resistance to stress, improves memory, and also effectively reduces fatigue.

For teenagers, whose body is in a phase of rapid growth, it is the second most important building material after protein.

The optimal form of Lecithin for children is a gel, which, unlike tablets, is not perceived by the child as a medicine and, moreover, has a pleasant taste and fruity smell. Another option is instant capsules, which can be used to make a vitamin drink.

Use for health problems


By reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body, the dietary supplement helps reduce the load on the liver, preventing the formation of fatty hepatosis and other diseases. Lecithin also has a choleretic effect, preventing the formation of gallstones.

You will be surprised, but the famous domestic drug “Essentiale Forte” consists of soy lecithin! One capsule contains 300 mg of soy lecithin phospholipids. This is the only component of this pharmaceutical product.

Nervous system

One of the main effects of taking a dietary supplement is improving the functioning of the nervous system.

Lecithin helps restore cells of the nervous system, improve sleep, memory and concentration, and helps fight stress.

The cardiovascular system

High cholesterol levels lead to atherosclerosis, including coronary arteries. Lecithin prevents the fixation of “bad” cholesterol on blood vessels, maintaining it in suspension.

This prevents the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques and helps prevent the main cardiovascular pathology - myocardial infarction.

In 2010, a study was published in the American medical journal Cholesterol that showed that taking 500 mg of lecithin per day reduced total cholesterol levels in the body by 42%.

Weight loss

Weight loss occurs by reducing cholesterol levels in the body. As a result of normalization of the ratio of lipid components, metabolism is stabilized, which leads to the loss of extra pounds.

Strengthening the immune system

According to the results of a study conducted on rats, regular use of lecithin increased the number of macrophages, i.e. cells that absorb infectious agents, by 30% of the initial value.

The number of lymphocytes, the main immune cells, increased by 92%. This confirms the immunostimulating effect of lecithin.


The level of cholesterol in the body shows the adequacy of lipid metabolism. With elevated cholesterol levels, the content of LDL, the so-called “bad” cholesterol, is increased, and the content of HDL, which is considered “good”, is reduced. Lecithin helps normalize lipid metabolism, increasing the level of “good” cholesterol.

Brain Functioning

Lecithin has a positive effect on human cognitive functions due to:

  1. acceleration of signal transfer along nerve fibers;
  2. improving blood circulation in cerebral vessels;
  3. stimulation of cell and tissue regeneration, and normalization of metabolism.

Joint problems

The supplement is successfully used for diseases of bones and joints by improving microcirculation processes in the area of ​​inflammation and stimulating the regeneration of cartilage tissue. This helps to increase joint mobility and prevents the development of joint pathology.


Taking a dietary supplement based on lecithin has a positive effect on the general condition of a woman during the menopausal period: it reduces the frequency of headaches, normalizes heartbeat, improves intestinal motility, and has a good effect on the condition of the skin.


Phospholipids, which are abundant in soy lecithin, are an integral component of beta cells of the pancreas. Additional intake of lecithin improves its function, which means it alleviates the course of diabetes mellitus.


Soy lecithin is rich in acetylcholine, a substance that is an antagonist of nicotine. Therefore, this dietary supplement is necessarily included in medications for the treatment of nicotine addiction.

For skin

You can take a nutritional supplement for the complex treatment of psoriasis, as well as to prevent relapse. In addition, lecithin ensures the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), which also have a beneficial effect on the skin.


Inosine and choline are B vitamins that are known for their positive effects on the nervous system. Therefore, lecithin is recommended to be taken for depressive disorders, as well as neuritis and neuralgia.

Reviews about Lecithin

Almost all reviews about Lecithin left by consumers and doctors are positive. Both doctors and ordinary people who have used the product for various health problems note its high effectiveness, benefits for the nervous system and liver , and the absence of side effects and contraindications.

Reviews of granulated soy lecithin are similar to reviews of ArtLife Lecithin or reviews of Doppelgerz Lecithin . Each of these remedies has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole (especially if the latter is constantly exposed to stress and increased physical activity), normalizes the function of the heart and vascular system , has a choleretic effect cholesterol levels .

For children and students, the drug is especially necessary during periods of mental fatigue (for example, during exam periods). In addition, against the background of its use, many note a significant increase in immunity and, as a result, the body’s ability to withstand the effects of adverse factors.

Doctors consider the remedy a wise addition to any diet. Many of them recommend it as a dietary supplement for people who have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Neurologists often prescribe drugs based on this substance in cases where a child has a delay in mental and/or speech development.

A large number of positive reviews about Lecithin Nash and Lecithin NSP are associated with the positive effect of these products on lactostasis , problems with excess weight, and cellulite.

In addition, the product can be used in cosmetology. It is characterized by its ability to deeply moisturize the skin and stimulate its regeneration. Its use is no less effective for hair: by helping to normalize the function of hair follicles, it improves the structure and appearance of hair.

The role of lecithin in the body

Lecithin is involved in the following processes:

  • metabolism and cell integrity;
  • breath;
  • work of the nervous system;
  • cleansing the liver and gallbladder.
  • normalization of cholesterol levels and skin condition.

During physical activity, the concentration of lecithin in the muscles increases. Therefore, during active training, you should give preference to products containing it.

Solgar, Soya Lecithin Granules, 16 oz (454 g)


RUB 1,136

More details

Soy lecithin: is the supplement harmful to the body?

Many patients are interested in whether soy lecithin is harmful if consumed regularly.

Doctors provide the following information regarding contraindications:

  • soy lecithin can cause allergic reactions, accompanied by itching, rashes and hives;
  • with prolonged use, indigestion, nausea, stool disorders, and vascular blockage occur;
  • in men, the active use of soy lecithin in order to avoid problems with hormones increases the content of phytoestrogens;
  • lecithin should be used carefully by people with cholelithiasis;
  • in case of overdose in women during breastfeeding (lactation), the quality of milk decreases.

Lecithin price

The price of Lecithin differs depending on which pharmaceutical company produces it. So, for example, the price of Lecithin NSP is about 420 UAH (in Russia - from 1400 to 1900 rubles), and you can buy Lecithin Doppelgerts at a pharmacy for an average of 69-75 UAH.

The cost of Solgar from the company Solgar Vitamin (USA) starts from 225 UAH. You can buy Solgar soy lecithin in Moscow from 930 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Our Lecithin powder 300gUvix pharma
    RUB 729 order
  • For men caps. Our Lecithin 0.35g 60pcsUvix Pharma

    RUR 624 order

  • Soy lecithin capsules Solgar/Solgar 100pcsSolgar Vitamin and Herb

    RUB 992 order

  • Lecithin super granulate 250g (dietary supplement)ProVista-AG DE

    929 rub. order

  • Alco support caps. Our Lecithin 0.35g 60pcsUvix Pharma

    RUB 383 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Our lecithin (caps. No. 30)Uvix-Pharm LLC

    RUB 144 order

  • Our lecithin (caps. No. 90)Uvix-Pharm LLC

    RUB 324 order

  • Our lecithin (caps. No. 150)Uvix-Pharm LLC

    RUR 534 order

  • Lecithin super granules 250gPro Vista AG

    RUR 957 order

  • Our lecithin (por. 120g)Uvix-Pharm LLC

    RUB 369 order

show more


  • Vita-Supradin Lecithin 175 g gel Lichtenheldt GmbH FF, Nimechchina
    114 UAH.order
  • Soy lecithin N100 capsules Solgar Vitamin End Herb, USA

    331 UAH. order

  • Doppelhertz Active Lecithin+B No. 30 capsules Swiss Caps AG, Switzerland/Queisser Pharma GmbH and Co.KG, Nimeczina

    90 UAH order

  • Lecithin No. 30 capsules TOV "Beauty and Health", Ukraine

    59 UAH order

  • Lecithin No. 50 capsules LLC "Elit-Pharm", Ukraine

    84 UAH order


  • Lecithin capsules No. 30, Walmark

    137 UAH order

  • Lecithin capsules No. 100 Canada, Pharmascience

    191 UAH order

  • Lecithin capsules No. 50 Ukraine, Elite-pharm

    104 UAH order

  • Vansiton Lecithin 250g Ukraine, DelMas Ltd

    276 UAH. order

  • Solgar Natural soy lecithin capsules No. 100 Ukraine, Solgar Vitamin and Herb

    345 UAH. order

show more

Lecithin harm and side effects

Lecithin can cause a number of side effects:

  1. Taking the supplement can provoke allergic reactions, manifested by dermatitis and eczema. In severe cases, angioedema may occur;
  2. with long-term use, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur: nausea, dyspeptic disorders, constipation/diarrhea;
  3. in men, with long-term use, the content of phytoestrogens may increase, which leads to changes in hormonal levels;
  4. Dietary supplements based on soy lecithin are recommended to be used with caution by people suffering from cholelithiasis;
  5. when taken in large quantities during lactation, the quality of breast milk may deteriorate in women.

We bring to your attention a short video about soy lecithin.

Olga Shchetinina

Chief editor of the site

Ask a Question

Question to the expert

Can I take lecithin during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

At the moment, there are very few studies regarding the use of lecithin by pregnant women. In this regard, scientists cannot speak with a 100% guarantee about its safety for women during pregnancy and lactation. If you are concerned about this issue, you should consult your doctor. At the same time, there is evidence that lecithin prevents blockage of the ducts in nursing women.

Can I take lecithin if I am taking medication?

Only the attending physician who is familiar with the medical history can answer this question accurately. However, there is no clear evidence that soy lecithin interacts negatively with other medications and supplements.

What happens if I eat a lot of lecithin?

At the moment, the maximum daily dose for an adult, established by scientists, is 5000 mg. She poses no danger. If you take a large dose of lecithin, you may feel nauseous and dizzy. In this case, consult a doctor immediately.

Does lecithin help you lose weight?

Lecithin is believed to help lose weight and improve athletes' performance during training. Lecithin contains components that promote healthy weight loss, but there is little research in this area and not enough clinical trials to say for sure. If you would like to try lecithin as a weight loss supplement, please consult your doctor before starting.

Does lecithin affect sleep?

There is no evidence that lecithin has any effect on the sleep-wake cycle. If you have started taking lecithin and are experiencing disturbances in your normal daily routine, please consult your doctor.

How long does it take for lecithin to start working?

There is no clear data on when you can feel the effect of taking it. All people are different, with their own body characteristics. However, usually, the effect begins to be felt no earlier than after three weeks of daily use.

Lecithin on the website iHerb.com (Ayherb)

I have analyzed and calculated all lecithin supplements listed on iHerb.com ( link to all lecithin supplements

). I will list most of them below, except for the indecently unprofitable options.

I will list lecithin by origin and cost - from profitable to more expensive options. To calculate the cost, I chose the cost of 1 g of phosphatidylcholine as the common denominator. Since it has the greatest significance for our body. Other phospholipids, although they participate in biochemical processes, play a secondary, minor role.

The most interesting and worthy options, in my opinion, are highlighted with asterisks.

Why does the body need E322?

Phospholipids are found in all living cells and nervous tissue. They are present in cell membranes.

The effect of E322 on the body is the delivery of fats, fatty acids, and cholesterol.

Plasma and red blood cells constantly exchange phospholipids with each other, which maintain non-polar lipids in the required soluble state. Phospholipids are the most important source of phosphoric acid, without which the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and the construction of enzyme components are impossible.

The ratio of cholesterol and phospholipids in the composition of bile determines the level of lithogenicity of the latter, that is, the tendency to form cholesterol gallstones.

Used Books

  • Leninger A. Fundamentals of biochemistry.
  • Biochemistry. Laboratory workshop (A.G. Shleikin, N.N. Skvortsova, A.N. Blandov)
  • Efficiency and safety of hepatoprotectors from the point of view of evidence-based medicine
  • Essential phospholipids in the treatment and prevention of drug-induced liver damage
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  • Red blood cell deformation: role in microcirculation

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