Mexidol 50mg/ml 5ml 5 pcs. solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration

We all need protection to one degree or another. External and internal. The body and mind are quite fragile and can be strengthened and supported in different ways. Even with medication.

If a person experiences negative effects (stress, shock, ischemia, intoxication, cerebrovascular accident, etc.), then the doctor may prescribe Mexidol.

Mexidol is a good helper in the fight against stress

Operating principle

The drug belongs to the group of heteroaromatic antioxidants and basically contains ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, which in turn protects cell membrane lipids and reduces the level of free radicals in the body. This significantly expands the spectrum of pharmacological action. Mexidol has an antihypoxic (saturates the blood with oxygen), anti-stress, anticonvulsant effect. It also has nootropic properties, prevents and reduces memory impairment, increases concentration and performance, and reduces the manifestation of alcohol intoxication. Restores the sleep-wake cycle, improves the metabolism of brain tissue and their blood supply, improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood (its fluidity), reduces the rate of dystrophic and morphological changes in the brain. It has a pronounced therapeutic effect in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Mexidol improves the functional state of ischemic myocardium and the adaptive capabilities of the human body when exposed to various stress factors.

Mexidol also increases the content of dopamine, the so-called “hormone of joy”, in the brain.

Mechanism of action

The drug belongs to the class of heteroaromatic antioxidants, which includes ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. Thanks to the beneficial effects of the medication, which are indicated in Mexidol’s instructions for use, the price of which is included in the price of the drug, it can have an antihypoxic, antidepressant and anti-seizure effect. Among other things, it has a stimulating property, prevents or reduces the degree of impairment of cognitive abilities, and the severity of poisoning with alcohol-containing drinks. Restores high quality sleep, improves metabolism and blood circulation, reduces the rate of various transformations in the brain. It has a clear medicinal effect in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. The product allows the body to adapt to the influence of various types of stimuli.

In addition to all of the above, Mexidol increases the concentration of dopamine in the brain, known as the “happiness hormone”.


In neurology, Mexidol is used in the following cases:

  • acute cerebral circulatory disorders and discirculatory encephalopathy (otherwise – cerebral atherosclerosis);
  • after transient ischemic attacks, in the subcompensation phase as preventive courses;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • cognitive problems of atherosclerotic origin (impaired speech, memory, attention, intelligence and other symptoms associated with the development of atherosclerosis).

In psychiatry Mexidol is prescribed:

  • to relieve withdrawal symptoms (otherwise known as withdrawal) due to alcohol and drug addiction;
  • in case of intoxication with neuroleptics (drugs intended for the treatment of psychosis);
  • to alleviate the impact of extreme (stress) factors;
  • for anxiety disorders and neurotic and neurosis-like conditions.

Mexidol is also used for acute purulent-inflammatory processes of the peritoneum (necrotizing pancreatitis and peritonitis) as part of a complex of therapeutic treatments.

Indications for use

In the field of neurology, the medication is used in the following situations:

  • impaired blood circulation in the brain and discirculatory encephalopathy, occurring in an acute form,
  • after the above-mentioned ischemic type disorder,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • impairment of basic human cognitive abilities.

In the field of psychiatry, the drug is prescribed in the following situations:

  • to relieve the severity of alcohol or drug addiction, if there is such a need,
  • in case of poisoning with drugs that are produced for therapeutic actions against psychosis,
  • to reduce the influence of irritating factors,
  • with worries and excessive feelings of anxiety, which provoke corresponding behavior.

In addition, the product is used in the presence of acute pathological processes occurring in the abdominal cavity. This drug is included in a set of therapeutic treatments.

Side effects

One of the side effects after taking Mexidol may be nausea

Despite the body’s positive reaction to taking Mexidol and its low toxicity, the medicine still has side effects.

  • from the cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure, decreased blood pressure;
  • from the nervous system: drowsiness, difficulty falling asleep, anxiety, emotional reactivity, headache, loss of coordination;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, dry mouth;
  • from the immune system: allergic reactions, including hyperemia, skin rash, itching;
  • others: distal hyperhidrosis.

Side effects

Despite the fact that the body, as a rule, takes the drug positively, and the drug itself has a low level of toxicity, it still has side effects that are prescribed in Mexidol's instructions for use; you can read reviews on the Internet.

  • If we consider the cardiovascular system, then this includes: a significant increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  • Nervous system: fatigue, anxiety, excessive emotionality, pain, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, dehydration, which contributes to severe thirst.
  • The body's immune system: the appearance of allergic reactions (rashes on the skin, scabies).
  • Other criteria: distal hyperhidrosis.

Mexidol in ampoules

How to take Mexidol?

Mexidol in tablet form is taken orally. The tablet is not chewed or divided in half. You should drink it with plenty of water. Eating does not have any effect on the activity of the medication, so you can take Mexidol before, during or after meals.

The injection form is used for intramuscular injections or intravenous infusions (stream or drip). Before giving the injection, the drug is diluted in a 0.9% sodium chloride solution. It is injected slowly in a stream over 5 - 7 minutes, drip - at a rate of 40 - 60 drops per minute. The maximum daily dose for tablets is 800 mg, for injections - 1200 mg. Course therapy is canceled gradually, after achieving a stable clinical and laboratory effect.

Mexidol solution for intravenous administration

Please note that drowsiness may occur after taking Mexidol, so you should be careful while driving, as well as when engaging in other potentially dangerous activities.

Disease Course duration Dosage*
Acute cerebrovascular accident (ACVA) Initially within 10-14 days 200-500 mg (i.v. drip) 2 to 4 times/day, then for another 14 days 200-250 mg (i.m.) several times/day
Encephalopathy Initially within 2 weeks See ONMK
Mild cognitive impairment Course from 2 weeks to a month 100-300 mg/day (i.m.)
Withdrawal syndrome 5 to 7 days 200-250 mg/day (iv drip or intramuscular injection) 2 - 3 times/day
Antipsychotic drug poisoning Course in 7-14 days From 200 to 500 mg/day (iv)
Acute edematous (interstitial) pancreatitis 200-500 mg (iv drip and intramuscular injection) 3 times a day
Necrotizing pancreatitis (mild) 100-300 mg/day (iv drip and intramuscular injection 3 times/day
Necrotizing pancreatitis (moderate) 200 mg (iv) 3 times/day
Necrotizing pancreatitis (severe) In a pulse dosage of 800 mg on the first day, with a double dose regimen. Then 200 - 500 mg 2 times a day with a gradual reduction in the daily dose.
Necrotizing pancreatitis (extremely severe) From 800 mg/day to relieve shock. Next, 300 - 500 mg (iv drip) 2 times a day with a gradual reduction in the daily dosage.
Open-angle glaucoma of various stages Course 14 days IM 100 - 300 mg/day, 1 - 3 times/day
Traumatic brain injury and consequences of traumatic brain injury Within 10 -15 days IV drip 200 - 500 mg 2 - 4 times / day

*When taking pills. The method of administering the Mexidol injection in the same dosage is indicated in parentheses.

The duration of therapy for patients with coronary heart disease is at least 1.5-2 months. It is advisable to carry out repeated courses (on the recommendation of a doctor) in the spring and autumn.

In case of acute myocardial infarction, as part of complex therapy, it is administered intravenously (the first 5 days) and intramuscularly (the next 9 days) for 14 days against the background of traditional therapy for myocardial infarction, including nitrates, beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, thrombolytics, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, as well as symptomatic agents according to indications.

The goal is to study the effect of the antihypoxant and antioxidant “Mexidol” on clinical, neurological, biochemical parameters and cerebral hemodynamics in patients who have suffered an ischemic stroke during the recovery period. Materials and methods. A comprehensive clinical and neurological examination of 20 elderly patients in the recovery period of ischemic stroke was carried out, before and after a course of taking Mexidol at a dose of 4 ml (200 mg) + 100 ml of saline intravenously 1 time per day (7 days), then 2 tablets 2 times a day for 15 days.

Results. After a course of treatment with Mexidol, the patients experienced a significant reduction in symptoms caused by circulatory failure in the vertebrobasilar system (unsteadiness when walking, dizziness), as well as headaches, which to a certain extent were caused by chronic hypoxia. Positive dynamics were also noted in the autonomic nervous system; patients became less dependent on meteorological changes and stress. After treatment, there was a decrease in irritability, sleep, memory, and mood improved. The level of depression in patients according to the Hamilton Gerontological Depression Scale decreased. An improvement in cerebral hemodynamics was also noted, which was expressed in a decrease in the thickness of the intima-media complex and an increase in the linear systolic velocity of blood flow in the vessels of the carotid and vertebrobasilar basins.

Conclusions. Taking Mexidol improves well-being (reduces headaches, dizziness, improves sleep), memory and mnestic functions (according to test results, memorizing 10 words), reduces the level of depression (according to the results of the Hamilton gerontological depression scale). In patients, the range of social and everyday activities expands, spasticity decreases, cerebral circulation improves, and the relationship between hemodynamics in the extra- and intracranial vessels of the carotid system is activated, which indicates the activation of metabolic processes in the brain.

Brain stroke is one of the main causes of morbidity and disability in the population. In Ukraine, the incidence of stroke is 2.5-3 cases per 1000 population per year, and post-stroke disability is 3.2 per 10,000 population. 20% of stroke survivors return to work. In this regard, the problem of neurorehabilitation is of great medical and social importance. In the rehabilitation therapy of stroke patients, drugs with vasoactive, nootropic and neurotrophic effects are used.

In patients with ischemic stroke (IS), a decrease in blood supply and brain metabolism is observed during the recovery period. This is due to changes in redox processes, inhibition of the antioxidant system, disturbances of phospholipid metabolism at the level of cell membranes and depression of individual neurotransmitter systems, in particular GABAergic [3, 8].

Recently, to correct these changes, the use of drugs with complex effects has become relevant. These drugs include Mexidol, an antioxidant with antihypoxic nootropic properties.

The pharmacological formula of Mexidol contains a metabolite of the tricarboxylic acid cycle - succinate. The drug has an antioxidant effect due to increased activity of antihypoxic enzymes [5], and due to the presence of succinic acid in its composition, it helps to improve energy metabolism in the cell. The power of the energy production system using succinic acid is hundreds of times greater than other energy production systems in the body [2, 9].

Mexidol has a neuroprotective effect in hypoxic-ischemic injury due to its effect on biological membranes. It improves the energy supply of the cell by optimizing the functioning of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, which helps to stabilize the cell membrane, reduce post-hypoxic metabolic acidosis, and activate macrophages by anaerobic products against the background of oxygen deficiency [4].

Antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing, antihypoxic mechanisms of action of Mexidol determine its neurotrophic effects. Due to the effect of the drug on the transport of amino acids and the modulation of receptor benzodiazepine, GABAergic, acetylcholine complexes, neurotransmitter activity increases, aimed at restoring integrative functions [1].

Mexidol also has a hypolipidemic effect, reduces the level of total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins [2].

Thus, the mechanism of action of Mexidol is determined by its antioxidant properties, the ability to stabilize cell biomembranes, activate the energy-synthesizing functions of mitochondria, modulate the functioning of neuroreceptors and the passage of ionic currents, improve synaptic transmission and interstructural connections of the brain [6].

In recent years, Mexidol has been used in the treatment of patients with various forms of vascular diseases of the brain, partial epilepsy, parkinsonism, hereditary forms of neuromuscular diseases, and traumatic brain injuries [5, 7, 9].

The purpose of the study was to study the effect of the antihypoxant and antioxidant “Mexidol” on clinical, neurological, biochemical parameters and cerebral hemodynamics in patients who had suffered ischemic stroke during the recovery period.

Materials and methods

We examined 20 patients aged from 59 to 75 years who had suffered atherothrombotic stroke in the carotid system (up to 1 year after the acute period) without significant cardiac pathology, who were in the rehabilitation department of patients who had suffered cerebrovascular accident, Institute of Gerontology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. According to the TOAST classification, the patients suffered an atherothrombotic pathogenetic variant of stroke. The course of taking Mexidol was carried out according to the following scheme: 4 ml (200 mg) + 100 ml of physiological solution intravenously once a day (7 days), then 2 tablets 2 times a day for 15 days.

All patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain (to verify and localize the size and nature of the lesion) using a 1.5 T Magnetom vision plus device (Siemens). MRI of the brain revealed encephalopathy of vascular origin with foci of ischemia in all patients.

The clinical examination included a neurological examination and analysis of complaints.

The volume of social and everyday activity was assessed using the Barthel scale. The Hamilton Depression Scale was used to assess the level of depression. Memory was assessed using a 10-word memory test.

Changes in cerebral hemodynamics were studied using duplex ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck on a Philips EnVisor ultrasound machine before and after a course of Mexidol.

Results and discussion

Before treatment, patients who underwent IS in the internal carotid artery complained of headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. During treatment with Mexidol, the intensity and number of complaints decreased significantly (table).

After a course of treatment with Mexidol, the patients experienced a significant reduction in symptoms caused by circulatory failure in the vertebral-basilar system (unsteadiness when walking, dizziness), as well as headaches, which to a certain extent were caused by chronic hypoxia. Positive dynamics were also noted in the autonomic nervous system; patients became less dependent on meteorological changes and stress. After treatment, a decrease in irritability, improvement in sleep, memory, and mood were observed. The level of depression in patients according to the Hamilton gerontological depression scale decreased (before treatment - 11.33 ± 0.03, after - 7.53 ± 0.02, p < 0.01). Under the influence of Mexidol, patients noted an activation of mnestic processes. Thus, an initial and moderate decline in cognitive functions was observed in 75% of patients before treatment, and in 61% after treatment. Data from quantitative determination of the degree of reduction (memorization test for 10 words) also indicated an improvement in memory (before treatment - 77.72 ± 0.1, after - 91.86 + 0.3, p < 0.01). When analyzing the dynamics of neurological symptoms during the period of treatment with Mexidol, a tendency towards a decrease in spasticity in paretic limbs, a decrease in the severity of pyramidal insufficiency, a slight increase in muscle strength and an expansion in the range of social and everyday activities was noted (Barthel index increased from 81.2 ± 3.51 to 93 .1 ± 3.01; p < 0.01).

Analysis of the state of cerebral hemodynamics in patients before treatment showed an increase in the thickness of the intima-media complex (IMC) in the common carotid artery (CCA), a decrease in linear systolic blood flow velocity (LSVV) and an increase in resistance and peripheral resistance indices (RI and PI) in individual vessels carotid and vertebrobasilar (VBB) basins. Under the influence of a course of Mexidol, patients who underwent IS experienced an improvement in cerebral hemodynamics, which was expressed in a decrease in the IMT thickness, as in the ipsilateral one (before treatment - 0.97 + 0.01, after - 0.89 ± 0.02) , and in heterolateral OSA (before treatment - 1.04 ± 0.01, after - 0.98 ± 0.02); an increase in LSCV in the vessels of the carotid system and VBB. Thus, LSCV increased in the ipsilateral CCA (73.89 ± 0.14 - before treatment, 77.91 ± 0.2 - after treatment; p < 0.05), in heterolateral VA (respectively 36.57 ± 0.17 and 40.24 ± 0.2; p < 0.05) and posterior cerebral artery (49.95 ± 0.21 and 58.90 ± 0.18; p < 0.05, respectively). The patients also showed a decrease in resistance and peripheral resistance indices in the ipsilateral CCA (RI before treatment - 0.76 + 0.01, after - 0.72 + 0.015; PI - 1.65 ± 0.14 and 1.51 ± 0, respectively ,15).

In 80% of patients before treatment, venous discirculation in the intracranial veins and dilatation of the jugular or vertebral venous plexuses were detected to varying degrees of severity. Mexidol reduced the linear velocity of blood flow through the veins of Galen (before treatment - 38.2 ± 2.64, after - 26.7 ± 3.15).

Analysis of indicators of lipid metabolism and the blood coagulation system in patients who underwent IS before and after taking Mexidol indicated only a statistically significant decrease in fibrinogen (before treatment - 3.31 ± 0.04, after - 3.07 + 0.07) and prothrombin index (before treatment - 83.03 + 0.21, after - 75.21 + 0.19). The content of total cholesterol and low- and very low-density lipoproteins had only a slight tendency to decrease.

Considering that the range of relationship between the level of hemodynamics in extracranial carotid vessels and hemodynamics in intracranial vessels to a certain extent characterizes the activity of metabolic processes in the central nervous system [10], to assess the effect of Mexidol on metabolic processes, an analysis of the structural relationship between hemodynamic parameters in the CCA and intracranial vessels of the carotid basin and VBB. An increase in LVSC was noted in the ipsilateral CCA, as well as in the heterolateral VA and posterior cerebral atreria. The figure shows the structure of correlations between hemodynamic parameters in extra- and intracranial vessels in patients who have undergone IS, before and after a course of taking Mexidol. The results obtained indicate that under the influence of Mexidol in patients, the number of correlations between hemodynamic parameters in the CCA and in the intracranial vessels of the carotid system significantly increases. Thus, before taking the drug, the background structure of correlations was characterized by the presence of only positive correlations between indicators of peripheral resistance (PI) in the hetero- and homolateral CCA and LSCC in both posterior cerebral arteries. After a course of treatment with Mexidol, the number of correlations more than doubled and the range of relationships between hemodynamics in the intracranial vessels (in the anterior and middle cerebral arteries) and hemodynamics in the CCA expanded. The type of increase in correlation relationships indicates that a course of Mexidol increases blood supply to the brain due to the carotid system.


In patients with IS during the recovery period, Mexidol reduces the manifestations of diffuse and focal cerebrovascular insufficiency, which is characterized by a decrease in the intensity and frequency of headaches, dizziness, improved sleep, memory, increased emotional level and mnestic functions. Patients have an expanded range of social and everyday activities,

spasticity decreases, cerebral circulation improves and the relationships between hemodynamic parameters in the extra- and intracranial vessels of the carotid system are activated, which indicates the activation of metabolic processes in the brain. Considering the multicomponent regulatory effect of Mexidol on emotional and mnestic functions, the level of social and everyday activity, the use of this drug in the rehabilitation system for elderly patients who have suffered ischemic stroke is advisable.

CM. Kuznetsova, V.V. Kuznetsov, F.V. Yurchenko


1. Astakhov S.V. Possibilities of antioxidant therapy in limiting secondary brain damage in neurocritical care patients. Bull. experiment, biol. and med. M.: Medicine, 2006. pp. 176-178.

2. Voronina T.A. Mexidol. Domestic drug of a new generation, main effects, mechanism of action, application. Journal Neurology and Psychiatry 2003; 5: 34-38.

3. Gusev E.I., Skvortsova V.I. Cerebral ischemia. M.: Medicine, 2001. 586 p.

4. Dyumayev K.M., Voronina T.A., Smirnov L.D. Antioxidants in the prevention and treatment of central nervous system pathologies. Institute of Biol. honey. Chemistry RAMS 1995; T. 4: 2: 73-85.

5. Zhulev N.M., Pustozerov V.G., Saykova L.A. The use of Mexidol in the treatment of patients with hereditary neuromuscular diseases. Bull. experiment. biol. and honey M.: Medicine, 2006. pp. 22-27.

6. Kravtsova E.Yu., Martynova G.A. Mexidol in the complex treatment of stroke in working-age streets. Mater, scientific-practical conf. in neurology. M., 2005. T. 1. P. 215-224.

7. Lyubashina O.V., Bobakho V.V. Antioxidant therapy of stroke in the prehospital and hospital stages. Mater, scientific-practitioner. conf. in neurology. M., 2000. T. 1. P. 148-154.

8. Skvortsova V.I., Stakhovskaya L.V. et al. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effectiveness and safety of Mexidol in the complex treatment of ischemic stroke in the acute period. Journal Neurology and Psychiatry 2006; 18: 47-54.

9. Suslina Z.A., Smirnova I.I. and others. Treatment of nervous diseases 2002; T. 3: 3: 28-34.

10. Alexandrov AV Cerebrovascular ultrasound in stroke prevention and treatment. NY: Blackwell Publishing, 2003. 267 p.

Mexidol during pregnancy and lactation

Often, medications for pregnant women and nursing mothers are prescribed with caution, and also in cases where the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the fetus and newborn. It’s the same story with Mexidol. There are no statistically reliable studies of the use of the drug in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. That is, there are no clinical studies on which to rely, alas. Therefore, the drug is either prescribed as a last resort or is not recommended for use.

Mexidol is prescribed with caution during pregnancy

As for children, the use of Mexidol in pediatrics is indicated in the treatment of purulent neuroinfections, traumatic brain injuries, as well as for emergency care in case of childhood traumatic brain injuries (100 mg once).

Mexidol and alcohol-containing drinks

As mentioned above, Mexidol is used as a treatment for alcohol addiction. The medication reduces the degree of toxicity of alcohol-containing drinks and allows you to remove it from the body. However, this does not mean that you are allowed to drink alcohol while taking the study drug. The active enzyme Mexidol, entering the liver and brain, helps prevent the severity of poisoning, but it does not provide cell protection. This means that the effects of consumed alcohol still have a negative effect on internal organs.

mexidol tablets

Interaction with other drugs

Mexidol has proven itself to be a drug that is highly compatible with other medications, including those used to treat somatic diseases. But it is worth noting that Mexidol can enhance the effect of benzodiazepines, carbamazepine and drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, analgesics, tranquilizers, neuroleptics and antidepressants, as well as substances with hypnotics and anticonvulsants. This allows you to reduce their doses and remove most side effects.

Mexidol reduces the toxicity of ethyl alcohol. This beneficial property is used in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Mexidol and alcohol

As mentioned above, Mexidol is used as therapy for getting rid of alcohol addiction. The drug reduces the toxic effect of alcohol and removes it from the body. But this does not mean that you can drink alcohol while taking Mexidol. The active substance Mexidol, penetrating into the tissues of the liver and brain, only stops the signs of intoxication, but does not protect the cells themselves. That is, the effect of alcohol consumed by Mexidol is not neutralized and causes harm to the body.

Interaction with other medications

Mexidol has demonstrated itself as a medicine that has a high degree of compatibility with other drugs, including those used for the treatment of pathological phenomena in the field of neurology.

However, it is worth immediately noting that Mexidol can enhance the effect of drugs such as benzodiazepines, carbamazepine and drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, hypnotics and anti-seizure drugs. This makes it possible to reduce their dosage and eliminate most signs of the clinical picture.

Mexidol reduces the toxicity and harmfulness of ethyl alcohol. This is a rather useful feature that is used when carrying out therapeutic measures against the physical and mental disorders of alcohol syndrome.


The pharmaceutical market offers not only Mexidol, but also its analogues. The drugs differ in the main substance (although the synonyms of Mexidol still contain the same ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate), auxiliary components, manufacturers, and the quality of purification of the raw materials used. That is why, after consulting a doctor, you can select medications in pharmacies that are similar in their therapeutic effect to Mexidol tablets, but are suitable for a specific clinical picture.

Replacement of the drug with an analogue must be agreed with the attending physician

Mexidol analogue tablets include:

  • Medomexy;
  • Mexiprim;
  • Mexidant;
  • Mexipridol;
  • Mexicofin;
  • Neurox;
  • Cerecard.

Analogues of Mexidol injections

In terms of therapeutic effect, the following drugs are similar to the solution:

  • Medomexy;
  • Armadin;
  • Mexico;
  • Astrox;
  • Mexipridol;
  • Mexiprim.

The therapeutic effect can be achieved by other active substances. But not always analogues in effect can ideally replace the drug chosen by the doctor, so replacement is possible only after consultation.

Thus, the following medications are considered analogous in effect:

  • Kaviton (active ingredient - vinpocetine) improves metabolism in brain cells, helps improve blood circulation;
  • Nootropil (active ingredient - piracetam) stimulates brain activity;
  • Glycine (active ingredient - glycine) improves processes in the brain;
  • Cytoflavin (active ingredient - succinic acid) stimulates brain activity, improves thought processes, etc.

Mexidol or Actovegin?

Often those who take Mexidol are faced with a choice between it and Actovegin. What's better? The drugs have similar uses and are often prescribed together. Both act on the central nervous system, eliminate hypoxia, restore metabolism and affect the circulatory system. But Mexidol has broader pharmacological properties, and it is used in most cases. Allergic reactions to Actovegin are more common, but it can be taken by pregnant women. Also, unlike Mexidol, Actovegin is used for disorders in peripheral vessels, and to treat the consequences of such disorders - trophic ulcers and angiopathy. As a result, the decision to prefer one of the drugs or take them together falls on the shoulders of the doctor.

What it is

These are drugs that improve performance, memory and learning ability. Piracetam was created first - it appeared in the sixties of the last century. In the seventies, scientist Corneliu Giurgia discovered that this medicine stabilizes the membranes of cells in the central nervous system, improving the functioning of brain cells. They didn’t know the exact mechanism of how piracetam works—they were just guessing. Giurja proposed using it to restore mental abilities after injuries, oxygen starvation of the brain, with senile dementia and congenital dementia in children.

Most nootropics are of animal origin. They are extracted from the brains of pigs and cattle, rich in low molecular weight proteins. The drugs are inexpensive and rarely cause side effects, which is why doctors love them.

Features of the use of Mexidol in the treatment of alcoholic diseases

This drug is not compatible with alcohol, but it allows you to completely (in some cases partially) neutralize the negative consequences of excessive alcohol consumption.

The result of taking Mexidol will be the following changes:

  • change in the pharmacological effect of alcohol,
  • elimination of withdrawal symptoms,
  • relieving cravings for alcohol,
  • curing various mental disorders that have developed against the background of alcoholism,
  • getting rid of concomitant mental disorders not caused by alcohol,
  • cure somatic complications of alcoholism.

Only Mexidol does not treat alcohol addiction. Pharmacotherapy includes a whole range of drugs with different effects, such as: nootropics, vasoactive drugs, antioxidants, drugs with neuromodulatory and neurotransmitter effects. Mexidol is a highly effective drug of combined action with a minimum number of side effects. The drug has an effect on various stages of pathogenesis, eliminates polypharmacy, reduces the time and cost of treatment, and also makes the treatment of alcoholism more effective.

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