In search of the most effective remedy for baldness

Many women, losing their hair, suffer in silence and try to hide the problem by changing their hairstyle. But the sooner medical assistance is provided, the greater the chances of successful treatment.

Most often, women experience not androgenetic alopecia, to which men are more susceptible, but a diffuse form, when after eliminating the cause of hair loss, hair begins to grow again. This explains why hair restoration methods for women differ from those indicated for men.

Every day a person loses 50–100 hairs; exceeding this norm is a dangerous symptom.

Hair loss is not as rare a problem as many people think. The disease occurs in 5% of women under 30 years of age and in almost half over the age of 70 years.

Hair loss not only causes serious emotional stress, but can also be an indicator of health problems. Deficiency of iron, vitamin D, zinc, stress, autoimmune disorders, thyroid disorders are all possible causes of hair loss.

Hair loss in women is treated in several ways; we will look at the most effective ones today.

Drug treatment


For hair loss, the drug Minoxidil is widely used. It is available in liquid or foam form. The drug is rubbed into the scalp twice a day. Products in the form of 2% and 5% solutions of Minoxidil are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

The results are noticeable after regular use of the drug for 3-4 months. If the product is used at an early stage of hair loss, the effect appears faster. Minoxidil prolongs the anagen (active growth) phase, providing more time for hair to grow and achieve the required density.

Despite the fact that Minoxidil has a positive effect in 81% of cases of diffuse hair loss, it also has a disadvantage. The drug must be used constantly. Once you stop doing this, your hair will start falling out again.

Minoxidil does not provide a lasting effect after the end of treatment

Hair loss is best treated comprehensively. Along with local effects, the doctor will check the level of ferritin protein to find out the total amount of iron in the body, and will analyze the content of trace elements and vitamins. If necessary, he will prescribe iron supplements, vitamin and mineral complexes, and drugs that normalize metabolism.


Mesotherapy is a procedure during which nutrients are introduced into the scalp. Today, this method is one of the most effective in restoring and stimulating hair growth.

After the procedure, blood supply to the scalp improves. Blood flow in this area passes through the narrow space between the skull and the superficial layers of the skin. By saturating the follicles with a vitamin cocktail, hair nutrition, disturbed due to vasospasm, is restored. It is caused by stress, lack of minerals and vitamins.

Preparations for mesotherapy are selected individually. They can use ready-made cocktails (NCTF 135, XL-hear, Keraktiv, etc.) or specially formulated for the patient. For this purpose, vasodilators, antiandrogens, antispasmodics, veno- and lymphotonics, and vitamins are used.

Immediately after the procedure, you should not wash your hair - part of the cocktail remaining on the skin will continue to work

The standard course of mesotherapy is 10 procedures once a week, then five more times every two weeks, after which maintenance procedures once a month are sufficient. Each session lasts about half an hour. Depending on the degree of hair loss, the course may be adjusted.

The effect of mesotherapy is visible after the 5-6th session. Additionally, oral medications and hair lotion may be prescribed.

PRP therapy

Another name for the procedure is plasma lifting. The essence is to stimulate the hidden reserves of scalp tissue by introducing plasma from the patient’s own blood.

Blood is drawn from the patient and processed in a centrifuge to separate platelet-rich plasma. The result is a safe, hypoallergenic drug for normalizing hair growth.

Platelets contain growth factors and restore hair at the micro level. The procedure is carried out similarly to mesotherapy through micro-holes. Carry out at intervals of 10–30 days, depending on the condition of the hair.

PRP therapy restores hair growth and fights hair fragility and dullness

The effect of the procedure is noticeable after 2-3 sessions. New hairs begin to grow all over the head. At the end of the course, hair loss is reduced, hair gains shine and strength. The procedure is cumulative in nature, the results last a long time.

See also PRP Regen Lab - Swiss PRP therapy method.

Healing lotions

Lotions that stimulate hair growth are prescribed as an independent remedy and as an auxiliary during a course of PRP or mesotherapy. Their action is aimed at stimulating hair follicles, restoring structure and accelerating hair growth.

The lotion is selected by a trichologist individually, depending on the existing problems. Popular drugs: “Follicel” with a mesotherapeutic effect, Dercos Neogenic from Vichy, Time to Grow based on natural sphingolipid immunomodulators.

Therapeutic lotions stop hair loss, improve the appearance and resistance of hair to negative factors

Good results are obtained by massage with heated coconut oil, applying aloe vera juice or gel, jojoba, emu, safflower or rosemary oils mixed with almond oil to the scalp.

In search of the most effective remedy for baldness

These are, first of all, direct trichogens based on minoxidil, antiandrogens - finasteride and cyproterone acetate, flutamide and spironolactone are used less frequently. According to indications, glucocorticosteroids, cyclosporine, PUVA therapy, anthralin, diphenycyclopropenone, and squaric acid dibutyl ester are used. But even among these relatively small list of drugs, only two (minoxidil and finasteride) have been officially approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in trichology.

Trichologists are well aware that the effectiveness of minoxidil does not apply to all patients; deficiency of the enzyme sulfotransferase is one of the established factors of individual low sensitivity in this stimulant. Young women planning pregnancy belong to the category of patients for whom the recommendation to use minoxidil is not relevant. Up to 20% of patients experience known side effects - contact dermatitis, itching, excess facial hair growth, facial swelling, headache and/or dizziness even at low concentrations of minoxidil.

Many people are “scared” by withdrawal syndrome, severe hair loss within a few weeks after stopping minoxidil-containing medications. From a practical point of view, the biggest problem with minoxidil treatment is the inability to obtain a long-term stable effect.

It is worth being well aware of the fact that minoxidil does not eliminate the influence of pathological factors, but in fact, masks their destructive effect on the hair follicles. As a result, despite relative apparent well-being, degeneration processes continue in the cells of the hair papillae, root membranes and other structures of the hair follicles.

For this reason, the effect of minoxidil weakens quite quickly, making it impossible to maintain hair growth at an acceptable level for a long time. Although there are examples where the use of minoxidil made it possible to ensure relatively healthy hair for more than 10 years. Unfortunately, this is not any pattern. As for finasteride, the data accumulated in recent years are causing increased concern.

It has become known that at least 14% of men experiencing symptoms of decreased potency while taking this inhibitor of dihydrotestosterone synthesis (DHT through inhibition of type 2 alpha-reductase 5) continue to experience these symptoms after discontinuation of the drug. There is a growing body of evidence indicating an increase in the level of depression due to the inhibition of a number of neurosterides in the central nervous system by finasteride, which in some cases even leads to suicide.

In connection with these, the urgency of searching for alternative agents that do not have destructive side effects, but retain their activity, is growing. The effectiveness of a number of drugs is still only assumed and not always confirmed by double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.

Nevertheless, their use may be completely justified, at least as corrective agents against the background of drug therapy, and in some cases as independent agents. Additional therapeutic interventions are planned primarily in accordance with the etiopathogenetic mechanisms found in patients with hair loss.

As a rule, factors affecting the receptor apparatus of hair follicles, neurotransmitter and psychogenic disorders, microcirculatory and hemorheological changes, proinflammatory cytokines, growth factors and signaling molecules are used.

Currently, the attention of researchers is attracted by a substance such as IGF-1 (somatomedin or insulin-like growth factor).

The use of drugs with adenosine promotes hair growth, including by stimulating the production of IGF-1. Stimulation of the B-catenin pathway by adenosine leads to the production of fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor. Adenosine is contained in Dixidox DeLuxe Intense Shampoo No. 3.1

Dixidox DeLuxe intense shampoo No. 3.1 Dixidox DeLuxe intense shampoo

Another substance known as HIF1A (hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha) prevents the early death of hair follicle cells under hypoxic conditions. An inducer of HIF1A production is ciclopirox, which is part of many anti-dandruff products.

Piroctoneolamine has a similar effect, which in experiments shows comparable effectiveness to ketoconazole not only in the fight against dandruff, but also in hair loss. For this reason, we recommend combining hair growth stimulating products from the DSD line (lotions 3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.5) with antiseborrheic agents containing piroctoneolamine (octopyrox) -1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.4.

Further development of drugs with prostaglandins is promising - the founders of which in cosmetology are bimatoprost and its analogues. This substance is currently used in products to stimulate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitors include substances such as zinc, azelaic acid, β-sitosterol, polyunsaturated fatty acids, curcumin, green tea catenins and many plants, in particular: Angelicakoreana, GardenBalsam, Turnip, turnipmustard (Brassicarapa), Dodder (Cuscutareflexa) , Euphorbiajolkinii, Lingzhimushroom or Reishimushroom (Ganodermalucidum), ChineseKnotweed (Polygonummultiflorum), BlackPepperleafextract (Pipernigrum), RedStinkwood (Pygeumafricanum), SawPalmetto (Serenoarepens), the active substance of which is lauric acid, Pine, KuShen or Bitterroot (Sophoraflavescens), Japanesehedge parsley (Torilis japonica) , EasternArborvitae, NorthernWhitecedar (Thujaoccidentalis), SporeofJapaneseclimbingfern (Lygodiumjaponicum).

Nettle is comparable in its effect to another known 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor - Pygeumafricanum (African plum).

Precursors of nitric oxide NO—amino acids arginine and citrulline—play a significant role in hair growth. Sulfur-containing substances such as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) and vitamin H (biotin) have a positive effect not only on keratin synthesis, improving hair structure, but also affect hair growth and reduce pathological hair loss.

Plants such as the coffee tree, tea, mate, guarana, cola and some others contain a well-known purine alkaloid - caffeine. This substance is synthesized by plants to protect against insects that eat leaves, stems and grains. Caffeine has multiple effects on the human body. According to modern data, a significant role in the mechanism of action of caffeine is played by its inhibitory effect on the enzyme phosphodiesterase, which leads to the intracellular accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).

Under the influence of cyclic AMP, glycogenolysis processes are enhanced, metabolic processes in various organs and tissues are stimulated, including hair follicles. Caffeine reduces platelet aggregation and increases blood flow. When applied externally, caffeine has the effect of stimulating hair growth.

A 2007 study by Fischer used immunohistochemistry to show a statistically significant increase in hair growth under the influence of caffeine in an ex vivo experiment on hair follicles of patients suffering from androgenetic alopecia.

Also, the positive role of caffeine is confirmed by studies conducted at the University Dermatology Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf. Caffeine has a synergistic effect when combined with minoxidil and other stimulants.

In 2007, the FDA approved the use of the HairMax laser comb to treat androgenetic alopecia in men, and 4 years later, in 2011, in women. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 110 volunteers with AGA, use of HairMax was shown to result in a significant increase in average terminal hair density compared to the control group. According to the current consensus, LLLT wavelengths between 650 and 900 nm, with a power of 5 mW, are an effective treatment for patients with alopecia.

This not only restores growth, but also improves the quality and texture of the hair shaft.

In our experience, a combination of small minoxidil with azelaic acid and caffeine (azelomax or azelofeine in small concentrations, with a low frequency of use - once a day or even every other day) combined with cosmetics based on adenosine, caffeine, dwarf palm, zinc, copper , B vitamins, inositol, capsaicin, gamma-butyric acid contained in the DSD line preparations (lotions of the Dixidox, Krexepil, Capixil series) and the HairMax laser allows you to obtain a significant effect in androgenetic alopecia, which, with continued treatment, persists for many years, which distinguishes this approach from minoxidil monotherapy. We recommend avoiding the use of finasteride, except in rare cases.

Prevention of hair loss

The main preventive measures are high-quality hair care and a balanced diet. It is worth limiting procedures that harm your hair:

  • perms;
  • frequent coloring;
  • regular hot styling;
  • sloppy combing;
  • constant straightening with irons;
  • building up.

As a preventative measure, you can take Biotin, a water-soluble B vitamin. Recent studies have shown that women taking Biotin as a dietary supplement doubled the amount of pigmented hair after just three months.

The following also have a positive effect on hair quality:

  • quitting smoking – cigarette smoke damages the DNA of hair follicles, slows down hair growth and promotes hair loss;
  • therapeutic scalp massage – competent mechanical action helps to increase the number of hairs, their thickness and growth rate;
  • reduction of stress – chronic stress unbalances hormonal metabolism and irritates the skin, which negatively affects hair growth;
  • reviewing your diet - a deficiency of vitamin D and iron is dangerous, so you must include foods rich in these substances in your diet.

A diet that includes foods rich in vitamin D and Fe makes hair stronger.

How to use Minoxidil

Minoxidil for hair is used exclusively externally! The lotion is applied to clean scalp 2 times a day with an interval of at least 8 hours. The drug treats only problem areas, that is, areas of the head where hair loss is observed.

Step-by-step instructions for use:

  1. The hair is parted in the area of ​​the problem area of ​​the head.
  2. 1 ml of solution is taken into the dispenser (included in the package) and applied pointwise.
  3. The product is rubbed in with massage movements.

The solution is not washed off. After application, do not use hair dryers or straighteners for at least an hour; the lotion must be completely absorbed into the skin. This takes approximately 50 – 60 minutes. You should not go to bed immediately after application.

The product is also available in sprays and foam. A single dose of the drug in a spray is equal to 7 pumps; if the product is in the form of foam, then for one treatment of the scalp you will need no more than half a measuring cap.

Important! It is highly undesirable to exceed the indicated doses of the drug. The daily norm is 2 ml of the substance. Minoxidil is used over a long period of time: from 3 to 6 months.

When using, do not allow liquid to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Non-drug methods of hair restoration

Diffuse hair loss is a reversible process. You can achieve good results with medication methods, as well as laser treatment. It is based on the principle of photo-biotherapy, in which the scalp is exposed to a cold laser. Skin cells absorb laser radiation, which stimulates blood circulation and cellular metabolism, and activates the functioning of follicles.

With laser treatment, 45% of patients experience improvement within 8 weeks, and 90% within 16 weeks.

Hair transplantation as a treatment method is indicated only for androgenetic alopecia; for diffuse alopecia, it is performed for aesthetic purposes:

  • when you need to correct a hairline that is too high;
  • hide scar changes after injuries or burns.

Thanks to the methods of modern medicine, the problem of hair loss is successfully solved. The main thing is not to delay contacting a specialist who will conduct the necessary research and choose an effective method to solve your problem.

What it is

Minoxidil is a hair restoration drug produced for the Costco chain (Kirkland Signature brand in Canada. It is used for androgenetic alopecia of various stages. The main active ingredient of the drug is minoxidil, which promotes the activation of potassium channels in the membranes of smooth muscle cells of the vascular wall.

Available in solutions for external use in dosages of 2%, 5%, 10% and 15%. Dosage is the concentration of the active substance in the drug. The most acceptable dosage is 5%. A solution with such a concentration of the substance has a positive effect if the rules of use are followed after 3–4 months. A drug with a high concentration can only be used after consultation with a trichologist!

The lotion should not be used in case of hypersensitivity or violations of the integrity of the skin on the head, during the lactation period and in pregnant women. You should also avoid using the solution for dermatosis and pheochromocytoma.

All analogues of Minoxidil

An analogue means a drug with an identical active ingredient and similar indications. Such similar drugs are also called generics or substitutes. They are not very different from the original, but are produced by other pharmacological companies.

Analogues in composition and indications for use

The most popular cheap analogues of Minoxidil are:

  • Revasil. Available in spray form, average price from 560 rubles. Produced by Russian pharmacological. The product is available in the form of a spray of 50 and 100 ml with the same dosage of the main active ingredient of 2%. The spray is intended for the treatment of alopecia. The generic does not have many differences from the original. It is known that Revasil in rare cases causes allergies; the first positive results appear after 3 months of use.
  • Generolon. Release form: spray with minoxidil 2% and 5%. Generolon is available in a volume of 60 ml and is intended for the treatment of baldness and hair thinning. To be effective, the medicine must be used for at least 1 year, but the first results appear after 3 to 4 months of use. The average price in Russia is from 400 rubles.
  • Kosilon. In production. This drug contains the same concentration of minoxidil, but the generic contains more ethanol and propylene glycol. Kosilon improves microcirculation and accelerates hair growth. But this drug is effective if alopecia is no more than 10 years old. That is, if a person has not taken any treatment measures for baldness for 10 years, then the solution will not cope with the problem. According to reviews, the use of the product does not always show positive results. The average price is 340 rubles.
  • Alerana. Available in Russian spray form. Cost – from 300 rubles. The first results after use appear after 4 months of use. The drug may cause itching, peeling and rash. Dosage of 2% and 5% minoxidil in 60 ml sprays.
  • Rogaine. This analogue is not much different in price from the original Canadian drug. The average price of Rogaine is from 800 rubles. The main disadvantage is the problem of purchasing the original product. Rogaine is available in the form of an aerosol and foam intended for external use. Side effects from use are extremely rare. The drug has proven itself well and is the closest analogue of Minoxidil.

All of the above drugs are identical in composition. They contain minoxidil, water, ethanol and propylene glycol. In people with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergic reactions, the use of these drugs can cause dermatitis, so before use it is advisable to consult a trichologist.

Cost of the drug

The average cost is from 800 rubles. Depending on the place of sale, the price can reach 1200 rubles per bottle. One bottle lasts for a month.

Today there is a similar drug on the market at a more affordable price (between 400 and 600 rubles), but it is more likely that it is a fake. The original is produced in Canada, so its price is quite high. But thanks to the development of the pharmacological industry, today you can find a cheaper, but no less effective analogue.

Analogues by indication and method of use

Minoxidil-based products are quite effective, but unfortunately they are not suitable for everyone. There are many products with other active ingredients, which in terms of indications and method of use are no different from the Canadian original.

Table: Minoxidil analogues by indication and method of use

Drug name Release form Average cost (expressed in rubles) Recommended course for treating hair loss
Follitzel Scalp lotion 1 250 2 months
Caffeine Hair Tonic by O' Right Coffee tonic to stimulate hair growth 1200 8 weeks
Scalp to Hair Follicle Energizer serum 2 100 8 weeks
Time to Grow Hair strengthening lotion 950 8 weeks
Opium Lotion by DSD Lotion - stimulant 2 000 3 months
Full Force by Ollin Mousse - peeling 360 9 weeks
Serum No. 4.5 Keratin Treatment Serum from Dixidox De Luxe Active serum 6 750 8 weeks
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