Cheap analogues of Ursofalk® - TOP 12 best drugs

Prohibited during pregnancy

Has restrictions when breastfeeding

Has restrictions for children

Can be taken by older people

Has limitations for liver problems

Prohibited for use if you have kidney problems

Among hepatoprotective drugs, Ursofalk is quite popular, although the cost of the drug is higher than average. Ursofalk is produced by a German pharmacological company, which explains such a high price of the drug.

The active substance of Ursofalk is ursodeoxycholic acid. The drug was created for the treatment of liver diseases and is used for:

  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder;
  • gastritis;
  • primary cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • primary cholangitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • disorders of the biliary tract and other diseases.

Mechanism of action of hepatoprotectors

The medicine can be used in children over 3 years of age (it is recommended in the form of a suspension), but cannot be used to treat pregnant and lactating women.

Ursofalk has analogues both in composition and mode of action, which are cheaper, while showing similar effectiveness in treatment. However, only the attending physician can select a similar remedy, because hepatoprotective medications have many contraindications and, if used incorrectly, can worsen the health condition.

pharmachologic effect

Ursofalk contains ursodeoxycholic acid and is available in capsules and tablets for adults, suspensions for children. The incoming active substance has the following therapeutic effects:

  • protects liver cells from destruction;
  • reduces intoxication;
  • dissolves cholesterol gallstones;
  • prevents their further occurrence;
  • reduces the toxic effects of bile compounds on the liver;
  • improves bile flow;
  • restores hepatocytes in case of various damages, i.e. liver cells.

Indications for use of Ursofalk

Ursofalk is not an antibiotic or a statin; the medicine is based on ursodeoxycholic acid, which is a hepatoprotective and choleretic agent. Indications:

  1. crushing and dissolving cholesterol gallstones, when endoscopic and surgical methods of intervention cannot be used for this purpose;
  2. primary biliary cirrhosis;
  3. chronic and acute active form of hepatitis;
  4. gastritis and reflux esophagitis, accompanied by belching, heartburn;
  5. prevention and treatment of cholestatic syndrome due to certain hormonal contraceptive medications;
  6. alcoholic liver damage;
  7. prevention of liver damage during cytostatic therapy;
  8. as an auxiliary measure during liver and other organ transplantation.

It may be prescribed by a doctor for pancreatitis .

In childhood, Ursofalk and analogues of the active substance are prescribed for jaundice in newborns .

The drugs are available by prescription, the dose is calculated individually depending on the patient’s weight, medical history, and other diseases.

Ursofalk - instructions for use

Ursofalk and its substitute Ursosan are released strictly according to the prescription and are prescribed by a specialist, and the dosage is calculated. With a small daily dosage, it can be used in capsules. However, if you need to drink 8 or more capsules a day, it is advisable to replace them with tablets and recalculate the amount of medicine.

Ursofalk tablets are better than capsules if you need to take a larger dosage. They contain 500 mg of active substance, capsules are half as much - 250 mg. If necessary, the tablet can be broken at risk.

The disadvantage of the drug is its high cost. The price of 100 tablets can reach 4,500 rubles, the cost of capsules is the same.

Ursofalk before or after meals

For better absorption and prevention of unwanted effects, Ursofalk is taken during or after meals. It is possible to divide the tablet in half.

If you keep the medicine in your mouth for a long time, a bitter taste appears.

Interaction with other drugs

If you are taking other medications at the same time as Ursofalk, tell your doctor.

When Ursofalk interacts with certain medications, the effectiveness of one of them may decrease:

  • Medicines whose active ingredients affect blood lipids or substances that reduce the acidity of juice in the stomach. If the patient is prescribed at least one of these drugs, its use with Ursofalk should be carried out at intervals of 2 hours.
  • Certain types of antibiotics or medications that lower blood pressure. In this case, the effect of the latter is likely to intensify. In most cases, the dose of the drug is adjusted by the doctor.
  • In case of simultaneous treatment with cyclosporine (a drug that reduces the activity of the immune system), the dosage of the drug must be adjusted.

Alcohol compatibility

Otherwise, poisons (alcohol toxins) will continue to accumulate in the body, and even medications will not have time to remove them.

Analogues of Ursofalk

Replacing the drug with Ursosan and other medications is advisable in the following cases:

  • high cost;
  • individual intolerance to the active substance and auxiliary components;
  • absence or defects in pharmacy organizations;
  • dissatisfaction with the quality or the effect provided;
  • difficulty swallowing large quantities of capsules or tablets;
  • the occurrence of side effects;
  • presence of contraindications and restrictions.

Replacing the drug for any reason, especially for small children and newborns, should be agreed with your doctor. Analogs are presented by active substance (for example, Ursosan, Urdoxa) or group.

Only a doctor can replace Ursofalk suspension for a child with another analogue. There are no analogues of the active substance in liquid form.

List of analogues indicating the release form, country of origin and approximate cost in Moscow

AnalogueRelease formPrice, in rublesManufacturer country
Ursofalkcapsules 250 mg190-2300Germany
tablets 500 mg1800-2300
Ursosancapsules170-1750Czech Republic
Heptralinjections1600-1900France, Italy, Germany
Urdoxatablets, capsules1300-1550
Hofitolsolution, tablets400-1000France

Other generics Ursofalk and Ursosan:

  • Livodex (tablets 150 and 300 mg, India);
  • Exchol (capsules 250 mg, tablets 500 mg, Russia);
  • Urbihol (capsules 250 mg, RF);
  • Choludexan (capsules 300 mg, Egypt), etc.


Karsil is a pill based on milk thistle extract that has a hepatoprotective effect. Protects the liver from damage, restores organ cells, and reduces the manifestations of intoxication. Produced in Bulgaria.


Galstena is a homeopathic medicine in drops, used for diseases of the gallbladder and liver. It is safe; undesirable reactions may include allergies. According to the instructions, the dosage is selected by a homeopathic doctor.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Limited research has been conducted on its use in pregnant women and infants.

Only a doctor can prescribe this drug, taking into account all the risk factors to which the fetus and woman are exposed when using Ursofalk.

There is no data on the penetration of the main active ingredient into breast milk. Therefore, simultaneous treatment with the drug and breastfeeding is prohibited. If the use of Ursofalk is simply necessary, the child should be weaned.

Ursosan or Ursofalk – which is better?

Ursofalk is a generic drug produced in Germany. It is available in suspension for newborns and older children, 250 mg capsules and 500 mg tablets in blisters. Based on ursodeoxycholic acid, which has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. Thus, Ursofalk helps get rid of gallstones, restore the liver and remove symptoms of intoxication, and minimize the impact of negative factors on the organ. Often prescribed in childhood to combat jaundice.

Ursosan is an analogue from the Czech Republic, including the same active ingredient - ursodeoxycholic acid. Ursosan has the same indications and limitations for use. The difference is the release form: regular capsules, enhanced tablets Ursosan forte. It is not available in the form of a suspension for children, so it is used from 3 years of age.

Ursosan and Ursofalk are drugs with identical properties and are interchangeable for adults and children from 3 years of age. Both drugs are effective. The difference in price: Ursosan is up to 25% cheaper. When choosing a medicine for a newborn for jaundice, preference should be given to the Ursofalk suspension.

Use for newborns with jaundice

Many newborns suffer from jaundice after birth.

It can only be determined after the child is tested for bilirubin.

Its significant growth leads to jaundice.

To protect the liver of a newborn baby and quickly remove such toxins, special drugs are used to normalize the excretion of bile from the small body.

One of these drugs is Ursofalk.

It helps strengthen the liver, has a protective function for the liver, quickly utilizes bilirubin and promotes its excretion.

How to use?

Newborns are prescribed only suspensions. The dose is prescribed by a pediatrician or neonatologist. But on average it is 10 mg per 1 kg.

Like adults, these children should be given the drug in the evening. You should not risk the life and health of the child and self-medicate.

Heptral or Ursofalk - which is better?

Heptral is an original drug based on ademetionine, produced in Germany, France or Italy, depending on the form of release. At first it is prescribed mainly by injection, then it is used in tablets to enhance and prolong the therapeutic effect. Not for use in children under 18 years of age. It has hepatoprotective, choleretic and antidepressant effects. It is often prescribed for liver damage to reduce intoxication and restore organ function. Prolongs survival and improves quality of life in stages 1–2 of alcoholic and other cirrhosis.

Ursofalk is prescribed from the neonatal period for diseases of the gallbladder as a choleretic agent, against cholesterol stones, for jaundice and the initial stage of liver damage. Safe because there are no age restrictions. The price of the Ursofalk course and its analogue is expensive. The difference between the drugs is age restrictions, indications.

Both medications are available by prescription. Substitution and choice between Heptral or Ursofalk, or Ursosan is possible after consulting a specialist and filling out the appropriate form.

Ursofalk or Hofitol

Hofitol is a French analogue based on artichoke extract in tablets and solution. Prescribed to adults and children for biliary dyskinesia, chronic forms of hepatitis, cirrhosis, nephritis, cholecystitis, and renal failure. It has two effects at once - choleretic and diuretic. Used as an aid for pregnant women with toxicosis and severe edema.

The analogue has positive reviews from doctors about its effectiveness and safety, since it is used to treat small children and pregnant women. One of the advantages is the relatively low price and over-the-counter availability. However, you can replace Ursofalk or Ursosan with Hofitol after consulting a doctor.

Inexpensive substitutes for Ursofalk based on action

These medications are based on different substances, so when replacing Ursofalk with one of them, you need to take into account the nature of the action of these drugs.


Produced in Bulgaria. The drug is based on an extract of the fruits of spotted milk thistle in an amount equivalent to 90 g of silymarin. Karsil is produced only in capsule form.

The drug has cleansing, restorative, membrane-stabilizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Prescribed for adults and children over twelve years of age for the following indications:

  • liver damage from toxins;
  • hepatitis and rehabilitation after illness;
  • steatosis, cirrhosis;
  • prevention of liver damage by various factors.

Karsil should not be taken by patients who have:

  • increased sensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • The capsules contain lactose, so they should not be taken by people who have diseases associated with intolerance to this substance;
  • celiac disease, since Karsil contains wheat starch;
  • hormonal disorders (take with great caution).

Advantages of Karsil

Women carrying a child and breastfeeding are also not recommended to use this hepatoprotective agent. Karsil is accepted quite well by patients: side effects occur quite rarely and, as a rule, are fleeting. Possible unwanted effects:

  • allergy;
  • exacerbation of vestibular apparatus disorders;
  • diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, flatulence.

The capsules are not broken into pieces, but are swallowed whole before eating. It is better to drink them with clean water in sufficient volume. The regimen for using Karsil depends on the severity of the disease:

  • in severe cases, 1 capsule three times a day may be prescribed;
  • in moderate conditions and disease prevention, the dosage is reduced to 1-2 doses of medication per day.

The full course of Karsil is at least 3 months. It can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor.


Hepatoprotector made in Germany. Like the previous drug, the basis of Legalon is milk thistle fruit extract, but in a higher dosage. On the shelves of pharmacies this medicine can be found with the following content of the active substance:

  • Legalon 140: 173.0 - 186.7 mg of extract, which is comparable to 140 mg of silymarin;
  • Legalon 70:90 mg extract = silymarin 70 mg.

Capsules are prescribed for the treatment of liver disorders of various etiologies. However, it is suitable only for simple cases of the disease. Legalon is not used to treat children under 12 years of age, pregnant or nursing mothers.

Description of the drug

The medicine is taken 1 capsule three times a day. The duration of use is determined by the attending physician. Manufacturers list only sensitivity to the active substance or other components of the capsules as contraindications for use. Cases of adverse symptoms occur very rarely. As a rule, this is mild diarrhea, or itching and rashes (in some cases).

The medication does not affect the patient’s ability to drive a car or use other machinery, but Legalon’s ability to interact with other substances has not been studied.


Produced in Russia, you can buy it without a prescription. A natural remedy to restore and protect the liver. The main substance is flavolignans, which are obtained from milk thistle extract. Silymar is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • liver damage from toxins (including chronic intoxication);
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The tablets should not be used by people with a personal sensitivity to their composition. Silymar should be taken half an hour before meals, without chewing and washed down with clean water. Children over 12 years of age and adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets three times a day. The standard duration of treatment is no more than a month, but for chronic diseases you can drink it in courses of 1-3 months. It is extremely rare that side effects may occur in the form of allergies or loose stools. The medicine is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age and women carrying a child.


Syrup made in Ukraine. The medicine is based on rosehip extract. Belongs to the group of medications used for biliary pathology. Holosas is prescribed as an additional remedy in the complex treatment of the following health problems:

  • cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • with C- and P-hypovitaminosis;
  • intoxications caused by excessive use of medications or alcoholic beverages.

Properties of the drug

The syrup should not be prescribed to patients with the following concomitant diseases:

  • disturbances in the process of bile outflow;
  • calculous cholecystitis;
  • thrombosis, problems with blood circulation;
  • endocarditis;
  • diabetes mellitus – Holosas contains sugar;
  • severe kidney disease.

It is recommended to take the medicine half an hour before meals.

Children aged 3-6 years can drink 1.25 ml 2-3 times a day; starting from 6 years, the permissible norm is 2.5 ml 1 to 3 times a day; children over 14 years of age and adults can drink 5 ml of syrup no more than 3 times a day. This medicine is contraindicated for pregnant women and newborns.

In case of an overdose of Holosas, the patient may develop jaundice. Adverse reactions are also possible: itching, rash, heartburn.


French tablets, the active ingredient of which is artichoke leaf extract. Included in the group of drugs that affect metabolism, liver diseases, and biliary pathology. Indicated for the treatment of such ailments:

  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • incorrect biliary tract;
  • nephritis;
  • renal failure.

Dosing regimen of Hofitol

These tablets should not be taken by people who have personal immunity to the components of the medication, obstruction of the biliary tract, suppuration of the gallbladder, inflammation of the bile ducts, acute liver and kidney diseases, or obstruction of the urinary tract. Hophytol can be used to treat diseases in pregnant women if the expected benefit outweighs the risks to the fetus. Also, tablets can be given to children who have reached the age of 6 years. The dosage regimen depends on the patient’s age:

  • children under 12 years of age take 1 tablet three times a day;
  • adults can drink 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.

The medicine may cause unwanted symptoms, such as: diarrhea, stomach cramps, heartburn, nausea, skin rashes accompanied by itching.


Belongs to the group of choleretic drugs. Active ingredients: bile, garlic, nettle, activated carbon. Available only in tablet form. Prescribed for the following diseases:

  • inflammation and disruption of the gallbladder;
  • postcholecystectomy syndrome;
  • constipation

Allohol should not be taken by patients who have concomitant diseases:

  • acute hepatitis;
  • gallstones;
  • jaundice;
  • spasm of the sphincter of Oddi;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcers;
  • inflammation of the large and small intestines.

Contraindications to the use of Allochol

It may affect the action of other drugs, so only the attending physician can prescribe Allochol. Treatment of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers is also acceptable, but only if a professional makes an informed decision based on an understanding of the risks of such therapy. Allochol is not prescribed for the treatment of children.

The drug is taken after meals, 1-2 tablets 2 to 4 times a day. Taking this medicine may cause sensitivity to its ingredients and stomach upset.


Available in capsule form and sold without a prescription. The drug is based on phospholipids and sodium glycyrrhizinate. In addition to the ability to restore and protect the liver, the drug has antiviral properties. Phosphogliv is prescribed for the treatment of such diseases:

  • hepatosis;
  • all kinds of liver damage;
  • therapy of hepatitis, cirrhosis, psoriasis.

Effect of the drug

Women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 12 years of age, should not use this medicine. It is also prohibited to drink Phosphogliv capsules to patients with intolerance to its components and antiphospholipid syndrome. In most cases, the medicine is tolerated very well by patients. The following side effects may occur extremely rarely:

  • rash, cough, difficulty breathing;
  • increased blood pressure, swelling;
  • discomfort in the stomach.

You need to drink 2 capsules of Phosphogliv three times a day with meals. The duration of treatment should not be longer than six months.

See also:

Cheap analogues of Phosphogliv - TOP 10 effective drugs

Ursodez or Ursofalk – which is better?

Ursodez - capsules of 250 and 500 mg, produced by the Russian company. Doctors' opinions regarding the plant differ - there are positive and negative reviews from specialists and patients.

Since Ursodez is an analog and generic, it has not been tested for bioavailability and the frequency of adverse reactions. The composition contains other excipients that affect the effect of treatment.

Ursofalk is an imported drug, in capsules, tablets and liquid form. It can be used by any category of patients - children, people with swallowing difficulties.

When choosing between Ursofalk and the Russian analogue Ursodez, it is better to choose the first. It is the most researched and studied; on its basis, instructions were compiled for all drugs with such an active substance.

Ursofalk or Urdoxa

Urdoxa is a domestic analogue in the form of capsules and tablets. Do not use before 3 years of age; if swallowing is difficult, use cautiously from 3 to 4 years of age. Tablets are prescribed to adults to reduce the number of capsules per dose, since they contain double the dosage, and for difficulties with swallowing. In other respects, Urdoxa, as an analogue of Ursofalk tablets, is no different: the active substance, indications, and restrictions are the same. The difference is in price, country of origin, possible quality and bioavailability of the drug.

Ursofalk 250 mg and 500 mg is a time-tested original drug. If you have the financial means, doctors advise purchasing it. It is also more convenient for the child due to the presence of a liquid form.

special instructions

Before starting treatment, pay attention to the specifics of using the drug:

  • Ursofalk is used only in the evening or at night. This is due to the fact that there is almost no heavy food in the stomach, which slows down the period of treatment or reduces its effectiveness. It does not matter whether the drug is taken before or after meals.
  • The result of treatment for cholelithiasis should be monitored every 4-5 months using x-rays or ultrasound.
  • The drug does not affect driving or working with machines, which requires increased attention.

Which is better - Ursofalk or Essentiale Forte

Essentiale Forte is a German analogue from the group of hepatoprotectors based on phospholipids. It is used for various liver lesions and intoxication in adults, including pregnant women. Often prescribed for toxicosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration. Serves as a preventive measure against the formation of gallstones. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Which is better - Ursofalk or the Essentiale Forte analogue depends on the indications and the degree of damage to the organ. Often, in severe cases, specialists prescribe both drugs at once.

Side effects

In some patients, the use of Ursofalk may cause side effects:

  • Too loose stools or diarrhea. Feces have a characteristic color and smell. This side effect is the most common.
  • In very rare cases (1 in 10,000) cirrhosis of the liver causes pain or discomfort in the right side of the abdomen. There may be a stabbing, stabbing pain. Symptoms will improve after stopping the drug.
  • Calcification of stones.
  • Allergy symptoms (mainly rashes).

Grinterol or Ursofalk

Grinterol is a Latvian analogue of Ursofalk, but cheaper in price. It is produced in one form - 250 mg capsules. Used from 3–4 years of age depending on indications. The price of Grinterol is 25% lower than Ursofalk.

Both drugs are identical, produced by imported pharmaceutical companies. They have the same indications and limitations. The analogue is not available in tablets with a higher dosage and does not replace Ursofalk syrup for the treatment of jaundice in newborns.

Forms of release and cost

Ursofalk is available in several forms:

  • The capsules are white and contain white powder inside. Each carton contains 10 or 25 pieces;
  • suspension – white, homogeneous, with air bubbles. For more pleasant consumption, manufacturers have added lemon aroma. The suspension is sold ready-made, packaged in glass vials. The set includes a measuring spoon;
  • tablets – have an elongated biconvex shape. The original tablets have a separating strip on both sides. The tablets are packaged in blisters of 25 tablets. One cardboard package can contain 2-4 such blisters.

This drug can be purchased only with a prescription. In Russian pharmacies it costs more than 1,000 rubles per package, but it has substitutes that contain the same substances, which means they have a similar effect on the body. Such medications are:

  • Urdoxa;
  • Ursodez;
  • Exhol;
  • Grinterol.

These medications are cheaper and no less available in Russian pharmacies.

See also:

How to take Ursofalk for jaundice and side effects of the medicine

Ursofalk or Phosphogliv - which is better?

Phosphogliv is a Russian substitute for Ursofalk based on phospholipids. The capsule form is available without a prescription, the enhanced form is prescribed by a doctor. The price of Phosphogliv is lower both per package and per course, starting at 450 rubles for 50 capsules.

This analogue of Ursofalk is used as a hepatoprotective agent for hepatosis, cirrhosis, viral hepatitis and other liver damage. Reduces intoxication, restores organ cells. In children's practice it is used from the age of 12.

Ursofalk, Ursosan and Phosphogliv are based on different mechanisms of action, have different pricing policies, indications and restrictions. Which is better depends on each case of illness.

Odeston or Ursofalk - which is better?

Odeston is a Polish analogue that has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect. Relaxes the bile ducts, prevents bile stagnation. It is used for biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, decreased bile secretion and associated symptoms - constipation, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Odeston is an over-the-counter drug, approved from 7 years of age.

Ursofalk and Odeston are excellent, safe drugs. However, it should not be taken without a doctor, and it is not recommended to replace it yourself.


Let's take a closer look at Ursofalk's analogues:

  1. Liv.52. Treatment and prevention of chronic liver diseases. It is used for liver damage after chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and alcoholic liver damage. Available in tablets. The manufacturer comes from India. Not recommended for use in children under 6 years of age. Average cost 360 rub. The price is for 100 tablets.
  2. Livodexa. Available in tablet form. In packs of 50 and 100 pcs. Proven properties: choleretic, normalizing cholesterol in the body, immunostimulating. Indicated for biliary cirrhosis of the liver, for small or medium-sized cholesterol stones, for biliary reflux gastritis. The average duration of therapy is 6-12 months. Cost 820 rub. The price is for 100 tablets.
  3. Resalut. Prescribed for liver diseases and liver damage due to radiation, psoriasis, neurodermatosis, and high cholesterol in the blood. The average daily dose is 6 capsules, divided into 3 doses. Cases of side effects and drug overdose are very rare. Cost 1250 rub. The price is for 100 capsules.
  4. Essentiale. Available in capsules. It is used for liver diseases, hepatitis of various origins, cirrhosis, psoriasis, before or after surgery on the bile ducts or liver. Has a minimum number of contraindications. Cost 670 rub. The price is for 30 capsules.
  5. Karsil. The active ingredient is silymarin. Used for toxic liver damage, inflammatory liver diseases or cirrhosis. Can be used in children over 5 years of age. The average dose per day is 3-6 tablets, divided into 3 doses. The dose can only be increased by a medical specialist. There are no studies on the negative effects of interactions with other medications. Price 360 ​​rub. The price is for 30 capsules.
  6. Heptral. The main active ingredient is ademetionine. It is available in powder form, which is converted into an injection solution. It is indicated for liver cholestasis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and depressive syndromes. The dosage and regimen depend on the patient’s condition and diagnosis. Cost - 1860 rubles. (For 5 ampoules), 2110 rub. (For 20 tablets).
  7. Ursodes. Indicated for hepatitis of various origins, cholangitis, cystic fibrosis, for the purpose of removing alcohol toxins, and for biliary dyskinesia. Cost - 520 rubles for 40 capsules.
  8. Essliver. Supplied in capsules. Application: for fatty liver, hepatitis of various origins, cirrhosis, before or after liver surgery, psoriasis and toxic liver damage. Not used to treat children under 12 years of age. Price — 430 rub. The price is for 50 capsules.
  9. Urolesan. The drug is used in urology in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. The drug is quickly absorbed and begins to act within 25 minutes after administration. Excreted by the kidneys and digestive tract. Cost - 355 rubles. (Drops, 25 ml), 390 rub. (Capsules - 40 pcs.).
  10. Phosphogliv. The main active ingredient is phospholipids. It is indicated for use in various forms of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver damage from toxins. Capsules are taken orally. The exact dose of the drug is determined by the doctor. Do not take the drug for more than 6 months continuously. Cost 530 rub. The price is for 50 capsules. The cost of 5 ampoules for preparing injections is 1510 rubles.
  11. Ursosan. The active substance is ursodeoxycholic acid. Normalizes liver function. Used to treat children over 6 years of age. Use only under the supervision of a specialist. The most popular form of release is capsule. Cost 850 rub. The price is for 50 capsules.
  12. Holenzim. The active ingredient is dry bile. It is used for hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis, colitis, flatulence, gastritis, severe non-infectious diarrhea. Approved for use for frequent digestive disorders. The average daily dose is from 1 to 3 tablets. Cost 240 rub. The price is for 50 tablets.

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