Back pain under the ribs - causes, types of pain, treatment
Pain and burning under the ribs on both sides are common symptoms that indicate
Sevoflurane, liquid for inhalation anesthesia
Sevoflurane is currently the only inhalational anesthetic with advantages over others
Ginkgo biloba Forte 120 mg with glycine and vitamin B6, tab. No. 60
This article will help you choose the best ginkgo biloba among the mass of analogues. VITGID compiled a rating
Calculation for constant rate infusion
The influence of injection speed, syringe size and model on the initial period of infusion through a perfuser
Infusion (“drip”) is a method of slowly introducing a substance in the form of a solution into a person’s vascular bed.
The founder of the direction of creating synthetic enzymes, Professor R. Breslow (Columbia University, USA), highly appreciated the success of Novosibirsk researchers. International symposium “Advances in synthetic medicinal chemistry” (August 2007, St. Petersburg)
Ribonuclease 10 mg 10 pcs lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection and topical use
: March 20, 2008, Evolution in the Shadow of Dinosaurs, Volume 19, No. 1 B
Lindinet 20 or 30: what's the difference?
Lindinet 20, 63 pcs., 20 mcg+75 mcg, film-coated tablets
Composition Composition of Lindinet 20 (1 tablet): ethinyl estradiol – 0.02 mg; gestodene – 0.075 mg;
A man reaches for a glass of alcohol
Aspirin – to drink or not to drink to live well and long?
More than once at an appointment I was faced with a situation where a patient without any obvious cardiovascular
Painful muscle spasm, spasticity. Algorithm for diagnosis and therapy
A cramp is a painful tonic spasm that is sometimes mistakenly called a cramp. Some may be reduced
Elevated red blood cells in the blood: causes of changes
Red blood cells are elevated in an adult, what does this mean? Causes of elevated red blood cell levels in adults
Red blood cells produced in the bone marrow are called erythrocytes. Their transport function makes it possible to deliver
Antibacterial therapy of acute respiratory diseases
Modern approaches to antibacterial therapy of hospital infections
Modern approaches to antibacterial therapy of hospital infections In everyday practice in a hospital, a clinician has to
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