Bicalutamide, 150 mg, film-coated tablets, 28 pcs.

Bicalutamide, 150 mg, film-coated tablets, 28 pcs.

The pharmacological action of bicalutamide can cause the following side effects:

- very often (>10%) - gynecomastia (may persist even after cessation of therapy, especially if the drug is taken for a long time), tenderness of the mammary glands, flushing of the face, decreased libido, sexual dysfunction;

- often (>1%, but <10%) - diarrhea, nausea, transient increase in the activity of liver transaminases, cholestasis and jaundice (the described changes in liver function were rarely assessed as serious, were transient in nature, completely disappeared or decreased with continued therapy or after discontinuation drug), itching, asthenia; when using the drug in a daily dose of 150 mg - alopecia or hair regrowth, weight gain;

- rarely (>0.1%, but <1%) - hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema and urticaria, interstitial pulmonary diseases; when using the drug in a daily dose of 150 mg - abdominal pain, depression, dyspepsia, hematuria;

- very rarely (>0.01%, but <0.1%) - vomiting, dry skin (when using the drug in a daily dose of 150 mg, dry skin is often observed), liver failure (a cause-and-effect relationship with taking bicalutamide has not been reliably established ).

With the simultaneous use of bicalutamide and GnRH analogues, the following side effects may also be observed with a frequency of >1% (a cause-and-effect relationship with the drug has not been established; some of the observed side effects occurred in elderly patients).

From the cardiovascular system:

heart failure, angina pectoris, conduction disturbances, including prolongation of the PR and QT intervals, rhythm disturbances, nonspecific changes on the ECG, increased blood pressure, myocardial infarction, fainting.

From the digestive system:

stomach bleeding, anorexia, dry mouth, dyspepsia, constipation, flatulence, periodontal abscess, stomach/intestinal cancer.

From the nervous system:

dizziness, headache, insomnia, anxiety, drowsiness, neuropathy.

From the respiratory system:

shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, bronchospasm, nosebleeds.

From the urinary system:

nocturia, dysuria, urinary retention, edema, frequent urination, hydronephrosis, infections.

From the hematopoietic system:


From the skin and its appendages:

alopecia, skin rash, excessive sweating, hirsutism, dry skin,
herpes zoster
, skin cancer.

From the musculoskeletal system:

myasthenia gravis, myalgia, cramps, arthritis, joint contractures, bone pain, leg cramps.

From the laboratory parameters:

hyperglycemia, increased alkaline phosphatase, hypercreatininemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperbilirubinemia.


diabetes mellitus, polyuria, increase or decrease in body weight, pain in the abdomen, chest, pelvic area, sexual dysfunction, development of the tumor process, chills, dehydration, gout, cataracts.

Bicalutamide Canon, 30 pcs., 50 mg, film-coated tablets

The pharmacological action of bicalutamide can cause the following side effects:

- very often (>10%) - gynecomastia (may persist even after cessation of therapy, especially if the drug is taken for a long time), tenderness of the mammary glands, flushing of the face, decreased libido, sexual dysfunction;

- often (>1%, but <10%) - diarrhea, nausea, transient increase in the activity of liver transaminases, cholestasis and jaundice (the described changes in liver function were rarely assessed as serious, were transient in nature, completely disappeared or decreased with continued therapy or after discontinuation drug), itching, asthenia; when using the drug in a daily dose of 150 mg - alopecia or hair regrowth, weight gain;

- rarely (>0.1%, but <1%) - hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema and urticaria, interstitial pulmonary diseases; when using the drug in a daily dose of 150 mg - abdominal pain, depression, dyspepsia, hematuria;

- very rarely (>0.01%, but <0.1%) - vomiting, dry skin (when using the drug in a daily dose of 150 mg, dry skin is often observed), liver failure (a cause-and-effect relationship with taking bicalutamide has not been reliably established ).

With the simultaneous use of bicalutamide and GnRH analogues, the following side effects may also be observed with a frequency of >1% (a cause-and-effect relationship with the drug has not been established; some of the observed side effects occurred in elderly patients).

From the cardiovascular system:

heart failure, angina pectoris, conduction disturbances, including prolongation of the PR and QT intervals, rhythm disturbances, nonspecific changes on the ECG, increased blood pressure, myocardial infarction, fainting.

From the digestive system:

stomach bleeding, anorexia, dry mouth, dyspepsia, constipation, flatulence, periodontal abscess, stomach/intestinal cancer.

From the nervous system:

dizziness, headache, insomnia, anxiety, drowsiness, neuropathy.

From the respiratory system:

shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, bronchospasm, nosebleeds.

From the urinary system:

nocturia, dysuria, urinary retention, edema, frequent urination, hydronephrosis, infections.

From the hematopoietic system:


From the skin and its appendages:

alopecia, skin rash, excessive sweating, hirsutism, dry skin,
herpes zoster
, skin cancer.

From the musculoskeletal system:

myasthenia gravis, myalgia, cramps, arthritis, joint contractures, bone pain, leg cramps.

From the laboratory parameters:

hyperglycemia, increased alkaline phosphatase, hypercreatininemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperbilirubinemia.


diabetes mellitus, polyuria, increase or decrease in body weight, pain in the abdomen, chest, pelvic area, sexual dysfunction, development of the tumor process, chills, dehydration, gout, cataracts.

Bicalutamide Canon (50mg, 150mg)

WHO classification of the incidence of side effects: very often - > 1/10 prescriptions (> 10%) often - from > 1/100 to < 1/10 prescriptions (> 1% and <10%) uncommon - from > 1/1000 to <1/100 prescriptions (>0.1% and <1%) rare - >1/10000 to <1/1000 prescriptions (>0.01% and <0.1%) very rare - <1/10000 prescriptions (<0.01%) Classification unwanted adverse reactions in accordance with damage to organs and organ systems (medical dictionary for regulatory activities Med-DRA).

Immune system disorders: rarely - hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema, urticaria, skin rash. Endocrine system disorders: very often - gynecomastia (may persist even after cessation of therapy, especially if the drug is taken for a long time), tenderness of the mammary glands; often - decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, weight loss or gain, hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus. Nervous system disorders: often - asthenic syndrome, dizziness, insomnia or drowsiness, anxiety, loss of appetite, rarely - depression, flushing of the face. Cardiac disorders: often - angina pectoris, development or worsening of heart failure, increased blood pressure. Disorders of the respiratory system, chest and mediastinal organs: rarely - chest pain, cough, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, interstitial pulmonary diseases (including fatal ones), rhinitis. Gastrointestinal disorders: often - nausea; rarely - abdominal pain, dyspepsia, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, gastric bleeding, dry oral mucosa. Disorders of the liver and biliary tract: rarely - transient increase in the activity of “liver” transaminases, cholestasis, jaundice; very rarely - liver failure (including fatal outcomes). Disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissues: often - alopecia, hirsutism or hair regrowth, dry skin. Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders: often - myasthenia gravis, myalgia, convulsions, arthritis, joint contractures. Renal and urinary tract disorders: uncommon - dysuria, polyuria, urinary retention, peripheral edema; rarely - hematuria. General disorders and disorders at the injection site: often - fever, flu-like syndrome, chills, increased sweating, pain in the pelvic area. Laboratory and instrumental data: often: anemia.

Bicalutamide, 50 mg, film-coated tablets, 28 pcs.

The pharmacological action of bicalutamide can cause the following side effects:

- very often (>10%) - gynecomastia (may persist even after cessation of therapy, especially if the drug is taken for a long time), tenderness of the mammary glands, flushing of the face, decreased libido, sexual dysfunction;

- often (>1%, but <10%) - diarrhea, nausea, transient increase in the activity of liver transaminases, cholestasis and jaundice (the described changes in liver function were rarely assessed as serious, were transient in nature, completely disappeared or decreased with continued therapy or after discontinuation drug), itching, asthenia; when using the drug in a daily dose of 150 mg - alopecia or hair regrowth, weight gain;

- rarely (>0.1%, but <1%) - hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema and urticaria, interstitial pulmonary diseases; when using the drug in a daily dose of 150 mg - abdominal pain, depression, dyspepsia, hematuria;

- very rarely (>0.01%, but <0.1%) - vomiting, dry skin (when using the drug in a daily dose of 150 mg, dry skin is often observed), liver failure (a cause-and-effect relationship with taking bicalutamide has not been reliably established ).

With the simultaneous use of bicalutamide and GnRH analogues, the following side effects may also be observed with a frequency of >1% (a cause-and-effect relationship with the drug has not been established; some of the observed side effects occurred in elderly patients).

From the cardiovascular system:

heart failure, angina pectoris, conduction disturbances, including prolongation of the PR and QT intervals, rhythm disturbances, nonspecific changes on the ECG, increased blood pressure, myocardial infarction, fainting.

From the digestive system:

stomach bleeding, anorexia, dry mouth, dyspepsia, constipation, flatulence, periodontal abscess, stomach/intestinal cancer.

From the nervous system:

dizziness, headache, insomnia, anxiety, drowsiness, neuropathy.

From the respiratory system:

shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, bronchospasm, nosebleeds.

From the urinary system:

nocturia, dysuria, urinary retention, edema, frequent urination, hydronephrosis, infections.

From the hematopoietic system:


From the skin and its appendages:

alopecia, skin rash, excessive sweating, hirsutism, dry skin,
herpes zoster
, skin cancer.

From the musculoskeletal system:

myasthenia gravis, myalgia, cramps, arthritis, joint contractures, bone pain, leg cramps.

From the laboratory parameters:

hyperglycemia, increased alkaline phosphatase, hypercreatininemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperbilirubinemia.


diabetes mellitus, polyuria, increase or decrease in body weight, pain in the abdomen, chest, pelvic area, sexual dysfunction, development of the tumor process, chills, dehydration, gout, cataracts.

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