"Derinat": what it helps with, instructions for use, where to buy at an affordable price

“Derinat” is a broad-spectrum remedy for strengthening the immune system, used as a prevention and treatment for acute respiratory viral infections, as well as inflammations of the skin and mucous membranes. It is produced in the form of a solution, which is used for inhalation, irrigation, application and other methods.

Spray "Derinat": composition, description

This drug has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. It accelerates tissue restoration and metabolism, due to which harmful components leave the body naturally faster. The product also has antioxidant functions, strengthens cell membranes, and works as a cardioprotector.

The composition includes the active substance – the organic salt sodium deoxyribonucleate. Auxiliary components are table salt (sodium chloride) and water. Available in the form of a solution that is administered intramuscularly. It appears to be a clear liquid. Another form is a solution for external use (without injections).

It is advisable to store both solutions in the refrigerator or in a dark place indoors (up to 20°C). Must be protected from direct sunlight. Access for children is excluded. The shelf life in a closed container is 5 years, after opening – 2 weeks.


Derinat is a domestic immunomodulatory agent that affects cellular and humoral defense factors. The name "derinat" is derived from the active substance of the drug - sodium deoxyribonucleate (DNA-Na). At the end of the 60s of the last century, scientists from the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Ministry of Health began a large-scale study of the radioprotective properties of DNA-Na. The milt of salmon fish was used as a raw material for the production of this substance. Over several decades, a solid evidence base was accumulated and in 1996 Derinat was officially registered as a medicine. Clinical studies of the drug were conducted in a variety of directions. A large number of works have been devoted to the use of derinat in pediatrics, in particular for the treatment of frequent acute respiratory infections against the background of suppressed immunity. To date, solid experience has been accumulated in using the drug in otorhinolaryngological, gynecological, urological, ophthalmological, dermatological, surgical, cardiological, gastroenterological and oncological practice. Special attention should be paid to the use of derinat for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI in frequently ill children. One of the most important tasks in the treatment of such patients is to increase the general nonspecific reactivity of the body, which is successfully accomplished with immunomodulator drugs and, in particular, Derinat, the effectiveness of which is based on a combination of immunomodulatory, antihypoxic, regenerative and antioxidant properties. The drug has a beneficial effect on general and local immunity and helps remove the infectious agent at the initial stage of its entry into the body. Derinat reduces the risk of acute respiratory viral infection during periods of epidemic trouble, which is due to the normalization of immune parameters responsible for antiviral protection.

The drug has a positive effect on the immune defense factors of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, regulates the secretion of lysozyme and immunoglobulin, protects epithelial cells and improves the barrier protective functions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx, and also normalizes the content of immunoglobulins in the blood, which promotes recovery and helps not to get sick in further. Derinat can be combined with most drugs, which is even welcome, because allows you to more effectively prevent the chronicization of the pathological process. Thus, the drug potentiates the therapeutic effect of antibacterial drugs, while simultaneously neutralizing their side effects by reducing the dose and eliminating the possibility of unjustified prescription of “extra” drugs. The immunomodulatory effect of derinat is associated with its ability to stimulate B lymphocytes and T helper cells, optimizing the immune response to viral, bacterial and fungal antigens. In addition, the drug activates the course of reparative and regenerative processes, regulates hematopoiesis, promotes the implementation of its drainage and detoxification function by the lymphatic system, and desensitizes cells to the damaging effects of radio and chemotherapy.

Derinat is quickly absorbed from the injection site when administered intramuscularly and is distributed through the lymph flow into organs and tissues. DNA-Na has a high affinity for hematopoietic organs and actively participates in metabolic processes inside cells. The highest concentration of the active substance of the drug is observed in the bone marrow, thymus gland, lymph nodes and spleen. After intramuscular administration, the peak concentration of derinat is reached after 5 hours. The drug is excreted mainly in urine and to a lesser extent in feces.

Indications for use

The drug is used as a primary and additional medicine. In the first case, Derinat is used to treat infectious diseases (external use):

  • ARVI (including for prevention purposes);
  • inflammatory ophthalmological pathologies, including those with purulent discharge;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa.

The drug is also used as an additional remedy as part of the complex treatment of such pathologies (external use):

  • inflammatory processes (chronic);
  • gynecological infections of a bacterial or fungal nature;
  • acute and chronic pathologies of the nasal sinuses, including sinusitis, rhinitis;
  • wounds and ulcers that do not go away for a long time, including due to the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • gangrene;
  • burns of varying degrees;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • partial death of the skin or mucous membrane;
  • frostbite.

Injections are given for the treatment of a number of diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and other organ systems:

  • ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • IHD;
  • OSC (stages of development: I, II);
  • long-lasting wounds, burns and other skin damage;
  • dysfunction of hematopoiesis;
  • radiation injuries;
  • myelodepression;
  • stomatitis of various nature;
  • rheumatoid type arthritis;
  • endometritis;
  • COPD;
  • prostatitis;
  • bacterial infections of the genitourinary system, including chlamydia, ureaplasmosis.

Nasal drops for children Derinat - reviews


Derinat drops worked for me. I started taking them in the fall, now for me the colds in the autumn-spring period pass normally, without constant ARVI and temperatures. Of course, they happened in winter, but they are rare and pass very quickly, and not like before. The most important thing for me is the feeling of hydration in the nose, after using it, there is no feeling of dryness in the sinuses and I can breathe easily. This medicine is not a vasoconstrictor and has a good effect on the mucous membrane.


Even when Derinat was not very advertised, I tested its effect in the treatment of wounds. My mother was accidentally injected with a calcium chloride solution under her skin. The result is that a piece of skin along with the muscle has bent. The wound was about 5x3 cm. The surgeon prescribed treatment, which was of no benefit. Meanwhile, it was scary to look into the wound. I think the tendons were visible there! In desperation, I began to place sterile napkins soaked in Derinat solution into the wound. As a result, the wound healed within a week.


I spent a long time figuring out Derinat... and the composition is unusual and there is a lot written about everything that helps. But I think I understand. The main thing is that it has a good healing effect, plus antiviral properties. As a result, it turns out that when viruses take root in the nose and multiply, destroying the cells of the mucous membrane, the picture in the nose turns out almost like herpes, literally an open wound. And now the derinat heals it and fights viruses, so the snot does not decrease, but there are usually no complications. It turns out to be a normal healing process, but facilitated and accelerated, that is, natural for the body! That’s why I trust only derinat)


Derinat supports the immune system very well.:) Tested on our entire family. We give drops to the baby, but the spray is more convenient for our eldest daughter and us. We get sick extremely rarely and on our feet, because it’s easy. And they bought it for our grandfather; he is on duty with us, picking up the children from kindergarten and school while we work. In order to be surrounded by less and less sick people, I started advertising in kindergarten to mothers as an advanced user, a universal remedy for the whole family. And before this they tried everything, but to no avail.


My opinion - it works. Just as 3 years ago I started using it for prevention, in the autumn-winter-spring period, I practically forgot about seasonal sores. Even if they sneeze at me point-blank, I somehow manage not to get sick. It’s true that I also don’t forget about simple hygiene measures, such as washing my nose, and during an epidemic, it happens that I even wear a mask. It happens, however, that I catch the virus... But then, Derinat, tea with honey/raspberries, and ascorbic acid help me. But I recover very quickly, usually.


Derinat helps me cope with chronic rhinitis. Exacerbations have become much less frequent, I told my doctor so, thank you for recommending these drops. I use them not only when I’m already sick, but also as a preventive measure. My nose began to breathe normally, and because of this I feel much better, as well as my mood and... well, in general, beauty :-) I can’t say anything bad, on the contrary, a positive result, hence the positive opinion.


I read different reviews on derinat. There are a lot of different opinions, because... People don’t understand that there are no drugs that are 100% effective. If Derinat is more than 80% effective in treating colds, this is an excellent result.

My experience shows that with a cold, there is always a significant improvement, if not recovery. With a chronic runny nose, and even with sinusitis, the effect is naturally lower. But as part of a complex it works well for improvement.



Derinat is a very good drug and, first of all, it is good because you need to drip it into the nose, and not swallow a bunch of drugs that have a detrimental effect on the stomach, liver, and so on. And here are droplets that are absolutely harmless, but very effective. During the period of colds, I took drops for prevention and did not get sick.



Derinat is a great product, our whole family uses it. My dad is a fan of medicines, he constantly reads articles and argues with doctors :)

I read somewhere about derinat and began to match him with us, we brushed it off as always, but then my mother came down with the flu, he finally persuaded her. After he got her back on her feet in a matter of days, we also began to trust this medicine. Now if choderinatika and that’s it :)



What I like about Derinat is its release form. If it came in tablets or syrup, then, like everyone else, it would probably put a strain on both the liver and the stomach, but this way the drug reaches the nasopharyngeal mucosa, strengthens the defense of the entire body, and restores it. A very good effect, not only does it strengthen the immune system, it also prevents viruses from further attacking the body.



Derinat has long gained popularity among me and many employees at work, so I couldn’t stand it and decided to write a review. One of the employees’ sister works as a doctor, and several years ago, when a colleague had a bad cold, she recommended it to her. Since we usually share useful information with each other in the department, I quickly took note of this drug, since I often catch colds.

Since then, my relatives and I, at the slightest sign of a cold, run to the pharmacy for Derinat. We all like the drug, so we don’t spare money, because a cold is dangerous with various complications, sometimes very severe. Derinat in our city at the nearest pharmacy from my house currently costs 252 rubles. — bottle-dropper 10 ml.

Derinat is produced in the form of a liquid, which is instilled into the nose of adults, 2-3 drops each, and the drops should be taken regardless of whether there is a runny nose, but simply when there are signs of a cold. On the first day, you need to bury it often every hour and an hour and a half. In the following days, three to four times a day is enough. If you are not late with the development of a cold and start using the drug on the first day of illness, then sometimes 2-3 days are enough and you are healthy.

Derinat has a fairly wide spectrum of action - from colds to hemorrhoids. It can have a positive treatment effect on many inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes. My eye somehow became inflamed, but there were no eye drops. I started treating my eye with Derinat - the inflammation went away the next day.

This wonderful drug was produced by JSC FP Tekhnomedservis, for which we thank him.



Attention! Before using medications, consult a specialist!


  • Supports immunity
  • can be used to prevent ARVI


  • not detected

So I decided to write about Derinat drops and add my positive review about them.

I learned about Derinat drops when my daughter first became ill.

It turned out that they can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of ARVI.

These drops are used for acute respiratory infections, for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, in ophthalmology, for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, for burns, frostbite, etc.

To prevent ARVI, instill 2 drops into the nose 2-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

When symptoms of colds appear, 2-3 drops are instilled into the nose every 1-1.5 hours during the first 24 hours, then 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.

Drops are available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, but you need to be careful when using them for the first time, as individual intolerance is possible.

Now, when my daughter shows even the slightest signs of a cold, I drop Derinat into her nose and calm down.

These drops can be used from the first days of the baby’s life. Suitable for children who are often sick to maintain immunity.

General impression:

Good drops for children!



Review: Tekhnomedservice “Derinat” nasal drops are an excellent after-care remedy for adenoids.

Attention! Before using medications, consult a specialist!


  • Constant snot stopped bothering me


  • The drops must be stored in the refrigerator, and the pipette is not removable, so it is not very convenient to warm up the drops before instillation.

After we were tired of treating our daughter’s constant snot, which practically did not go away, it was simply better or worse, we visited a paid ENT specialist. It turned out that our adenoids were growing, so the doctor prescribed us not only treatment, but also further treatment. So, for follow-up treatment, one of the types of drops for us was the effective nasal drops Technomedservice “Derinat”, after which we at least for the time being forgot about the constant snot and for the second month we have been quietly going to kindergarten, and for us this is progress.

These drops cost 329 rubles, we were immediately warned that they needed to be stored in the refrigerator. But since cold drops cannot be dropped, I consider such a bottle inconvenient, since it does not have a removable pipette. Therefore, I took the required few drops into a pipette from another product that had run out, waited a little until the drops reached room temperature, and only then did I instill them in my daughter.

We were prescribed 2 drops 3 times a day for two weeks, and during this time, as well as in the next month, we were able to forget about the snot.

Therefore, I was very pleased with the effect of these drops, I know that they are also for immunity, so if necessary, next time I will definitely buy them again.

General impression:

An excellent remedy for after-treatment for adenoids.



For hardening, my husband and I sent our son to the pool six months ago. This did not help us, as we had colds after colds, and it continued. In the pool I saw how one of her mothers was dripping Derinat right after class. It turned out that not only for prevention, but also to restore the nasal mucosa, otherwise our water is still disinfected with bleach. We decided too. We've had it for two weeks and haven't gotten sick yet. It turned out that they really raise and strengthen the immune system well. We’re also thinking about trying to put some drops in our eyes after training, otherwise they’re always red after drinking water and there’s a stinging sensation.


The first time we used Derinat nasal drops was on the advice of a pharmacist at the pharmacy. My oldest was 9 months old at that time. In the midst of the New Year holidays, snot appeared without any other signs of a cold. Within a few days we got over our runny nose without additional medications. Later, the pediatrician also prescribed Derinat for the nose for the youngest child. and again a positive effect. We recently visited an ENT specialist (since the eldest suffers from adenoids). A course of treatment was prescribed, which included derinat. Moreover, the ENT specialist is the head of the department in our city hospital. The result is obvious. At least the child began to go to the garden more often, otherwise they didn’t come out of sick leave. As a mother, I'm happy.


At first, I took the risk of trying Derinat without a doctor’s prescription; my friend on the baby blog recommended it to me. For which special thanks to her.

She wrote that the drug is an immunomodulator and that she had already tested it on her two children; the pediatrician prescribed it to them. What attracted me was that these were not vasoconstrictor drops, i.e., no possible complications should have arisen. My husband just came home with a cold, and our son was then 1.5 months old.

Naturally, I was worried that my baby might become infected, because we live in a one-room apartment. Derinat drops turned out to be very useful, because they increase local immunity, and I immediately put drops on the child’s nose. Then I dripped them for a couple more days. It’s difficult to say for sure whether the drops helped or not, but the baby didn’t get sick. My husband put a gauze mask on his face and also dribbled Derinat on himself, although he said that he did not feel a noticeable effect. I then bought a 0.25% solution of drops in a 10 ml bottle.

When the child caught a cold for the first time at 5 months, I consulted with our local doctor and she gave the go-ahead, only she said to drip Derinat for no longer than 3 days, I don’t know why this is so, I haven’t studied it in detail yet. The baby then suffered from an acute respiratory infection for 2 weeks, but suffered more from a prolonged cough.

I tried these drops on myself. I want to honestly say that with my weak immune system, a runny nose often ended in sinusitis. Vasoconstrictor drops constantly cause allergic rhinitis in me, which can last a month and creates terrible discomfort. I gave myself a drop of Derinat at the very first hint of a cold, and now for the second time there were no complications. True, when I just start dripping them, I immediately experience increased secretion from my nose. It's unpleasant, of course. But this goes away gradually over 2-3 days. My last runny nose lasted less than a week, what else can I say, I’m happy and recommend it to anyone who has similar problems.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components that make up it.

Side effects occur infrequently, but are not excluded:

  • rejection of dead tissue during gangrene;
  • painful sensations in the area where the injection was given (go away on their own);
  • hypoglycemia (patients with diabetes should monitor sugar levels);
  • short-term increase in body temperature to 37.5-38.0°C.

Most of the described consequences go away on their own and do not require treatment. But if they do not disappear within the first day, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Derinat injection solution 1.5% 5ml amp 5 pcs

Pharmacological group:

Immunomodulatory agent, hematopoiesis stimulator, regenerant, reparant.
The drug activates the processes of cellular and humoral immunity. The immunomodulatory effect is due to stimulation of B lymphocytes and activation of T helper cells. Derinat activates the body's nonspecific resistance, optimizing inflammatory reactions and the immune response to bacterial, viral and fungal antigens. Stimulates reparative and regenerative processes. Increases the body's resistance to infections, regulates hematopoiesis (helps normalize the number of leukocytes, lymphocytes, granulocytes, phagocytes, platelets). Possessing pronounced lymphotropism, Derinat stimulates the drainage and detoxification function of the lymphatic system. Derinat significantly reduces the sensitivity of cells to the damaging effects of chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy. The drug does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects.


Suction and distribution

The drug is quickly absorbed and distributed in organs and tissues via the endolymphatic transport pathway. It has a high affinity for the organs of the hematopoietic system, takes an active part in cellular metabolism, integrating into cellular structures. During the phase of intensive entry of the drug into the blood, redistribution occurs between plasma and blood cells, in parallel with metabolism and excretion. After a single injection, all pharmacokinetic curves describing the change in drug concentration in the studied organs and tissues are characterized by a rapid phase of increase and a rapid phase of decrease in concentration in the time interval of 5–24 hours. The half-life (T 1/2) for intramuscular administration is 72.3 hours. Derinat is quickly distributed throughout the body, during daily course use it accumulates in organs and tissues: maximum: – in the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus; to a lesser extent - in the liver, brain, stomach, small and large intestines. The maximum concentration in the bone marrow is determined 5 hours after administration of the drug. The drug crosses the blood-brain barrier. The maximum concentration of the drug in the brain is achieved after 30 minutes.

Metabolism and excretion.

Derinat is metabolized in the body. It is excreted from the body (in the form of metabolites) partially with feces, and, to a greater extent, with urine according to a biexponential dependence.

Instructions for use "Derinat"

The product is used in different ways:

  • applications;
  • irrigation;
  • nasal drops;
  • eye drops;
  • microenemas;
  • rinsing;
  • injections.

Rinsing, irrigation, applications and microenemas are given 4, 5 or 6 times a day for 5-10 days in a row. To treat gynecological pathologies, it is necessary to perform an intravaginal microenema. To carry out one procedure, you will need to measure 5 ml of solution. 2 injections are made per day, the cycle is 10-14 days.

In the case of hemorrhoids, microenemas are placed directly in the rectal area. The solution is measured in an amount of 15-40 ml. The total duration is 4-10 days.

For eye diseases manifested by inflammatory processes, the product is instilled into the eyes (1-2 drops in each) 2-3 times a day for 15 days in a row.

To treat necrosis and other skin lesions, take sterile gauze, fold it twice, apply the solution and apply the application. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times a day until complete recovery, which can take several weeks or even up to 3 months.

"Derinat" is also used for instilling drops into the sinuses. Each turn gives 2 drops. The procedure is repeated 2-4 times a day for 7-14 days in a row.

To treat ARVI, the solution is also injected into the nasal passages (2-3 drops). Therapy continues for 7-14 days (every day 4, 5 or 6 times).

Injections are given intramuscularly, measuring 5 ml of solution. The frequency and dosage are determined by the doctor. They depend on the diagnosis, for example:

  • IHD – 10 injections in 2-3 days;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers - 5 injections with a break of 2 days;
  • oncological pathologies - 3-10 injections with a break of 1-3 days;
  • prostatitis, gynecology - 10 injections each with the same interval.

Derinat for the treatment of children: effects

Due to undeveloped immunity, the risk of contracting viral and bacterial infections in young children is very high. As a rule, this occurs by airborne droplets through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Derinat nasal drops for children will help prevent infection. When using them, it is possible to avoid the development of serious diseases that pose a threat to health.

The main property that distinguishes Derinat for children is its immunomodulatory effect. That is why the drug is often prescribed for prophylaxis in newborns under unfavorable epidemiological conditions. The active substance, entering the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, provides local immunity and prevents the penetration of infection into the child’s body.

But besides this, after absorption into the surface of the mucous membrane, the active substance enters the bloodstream and strengthens the overall immune system. This means that Derinat drops for children can successfully fight viral and bacterial infections that have entered the body. In addition to the immunomodulatory effect of Derinat, the instructions focus on this, helping children recover faster from ARVI.

Derinat solution for internal and external use 0.25% fl 10ml

Derinat drops 0.25% fl 10ml N 1

Release form

Solution for external use


Bottle 10 ml.

pharmachologic effect

Derinat is an immunomodulator.

It has a modulating effect on the cellular, humoral components of the immune system and nonspecific resistance of the body, which leads to optimization of the inflammatory reaction and specific immune response to bacterial, viral and fungal antigens.

Possessing pronounced lymphotropism, Derinat stimulates the drainage and detoxification function of the lymphatic system, primarily at the site of the inflammatory reaction.

The drug activates antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial immunity, stimulates reparative and regenerative processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the condition of tissues and organs in dystrophies of vascular origin.

Derinat promotes the healing of trophic ulcers. In case of gangrenous processes under the influence of the drug, spontaneous rejection of necrotic masses in the affected areas (for example, on the phalanges of the fingers) is observed. Derinat promotes rapid healing of infected wounds and deep burns.


As monotherapy:

  • prevention and treatment of ARVI;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • inflammatory and dystrophic eye diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa.

As part of complex therapy:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases, fungal, bacterial and other infections of the mucous membranes in gynecology;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, sinusitis /including frontal sinusitis, sinusitis/);
  • obliterating diseases of the lower extremities;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • gangrene;
  • infected and long-term non-healing wounds (including diabetes mellitus);
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • post-radiation necrosis of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • haemorrhoids.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The patient should be warned that before using the drug during pregnancy and lactation, consultation with a doctor is necessary. If it is necessary to prescribe the drug during pregnancy, the expected benefit to the mother and the potential risk to the fetus should be assessed.

special instructions

IV administration of the drug Derinat is not allowed! To reduce pain during intramuscular injection, it is recommended to administer the drug slowly over 1-2 minutes. Immediately before administering the drug, the bottle with the solution should be warmed in your hand to body temperature.


1 ml of solution contains:

Active substance: sodium deoxyribonucleate 2.5 g;

Excipients: sodium chloride - 1 g; water for injection - up to 1000 ml.

Directions for use and doses

Externally, locally.

The drug is prescribed to children from the first day of life and to adults.

For the prevention of ARVI - 2 drops in each nasal passage 2-4 times a day for 1 month. When symptoms of colds appear - every 1-1.5 hours during the day, then - 2-3 drops in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days (until recovery). For inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses - 3-5 drops in each nasal passage 3-6 times a day or insert cotton swabs with the drug into each nasal passage 1-2 times a day for 5-10 minutes, course duration - 1 –2 weeks

For chronic inflammatory diseases; fungal, bacterial and other infections and violations of the integrity of the mucous membrane in gynecological practice - intravaginal administration followed by irrigation of the cervix or intravaginal administration of tampons with the drug, 5 ml per procedure 1-2 times a day for 10-14 days.

Inflammatory eye diseases of a viral and bacterial nature (conjunctivitis, keratitis, adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis, uveitis, maculitis, blepharitis) - 2 drops 4-6 times a day, course - from 10 days to 1-3 months.

Injuries to the organ of vision, to speed up the healing process during surgical interventions - 2 drops 5 times a day, course - 1-3 months.

Eye irritation (including “computer vision syndrome”), progressive myopia and accommodation spasm - 2 drops 3 times a day for a month.

For diseases of the oral mucosa (stomatitis, gingivitis, aphthous ulcers), rinse with the drug 4-6 times a day (1 bottle - 1-2 rinses). The duration of treatment is 5–10 days.

In proctology, it is used in the form of microenemas in the rectum, 15–40 ml each, the course is 7–14 days.

For post-radiation necrosis of the skin and mucous membranes, for long-term non-healing wounds, burns, frostbite, trophic ulcers of various etiologies, gangrene - apply application bandages (gauze in two layers) to the affected areas and apply the drug to it 3-4 times during the day, with simultaneous instillation of 1-2 drops into the nose 6 times a day (course of treatment - 1-3 months).

Side effects

Local reactions: moderate pain at the injection site.

Possible: hypoglycemia (in patients with diabetes mellitus); in some cases - 1.5-3 hours after injection, short-term hyperthermia, which can be relieved by the use of symptomatic drugs.

Drug interactions

Combined use with other drugs may increase the therapeutic effect of Derinat. When used together, Derinat may enhance the effect of anticoagulants.

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

The concept of “pelvic inflammatory diseases” (PID) unites inflammatory diseases of the upper parts of the female reproductive system of various origins: salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis, or any combination thereof, including purulent tubo-ovarian formations and pelvioperitonitis.

The cause of the development of PID is inflammation caused by the association of microorganisms, with the participation of pathogens of sexually transmitted infections (most often chlamydia and gonococcal infections (Chlamydia trachomatis 25–30%, Neisseria gonorrhoeae 25–50%) in combination with normal flora (Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteroides, Peptostreptococcus, Mobiluncus, Streptococcus, Enterobacteriaceae, etc.) and opportunistic agents (mycoplasma (Mycoplasma hominis), ureaplasma (Ureaplasma urealyticum)).

Often the source of infection is the lower genital tract, from where, against the background of natural or artificially caused disruption of natural barrier functions (during menstruation, after childbirth, abortion, diagnostic curettage, hysterosalpingography or insertion / removal of intrauterine contraceptives, etc.) it spreads upward .

Throughout the world, the problem of PID is relevant due to the significant proportion of reproductively active women in the morbidity structure.

According to the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PID is found in more than 50% of patients at antenatal clinics (mostly aged 16 to 25 years).

A problem associated with this pathology is the high frequency of complications, including the development of adhesions in the pelvis, non-hormonal infertility, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and the occurrence of pathology in the fetus.

The most common signs of PID: pain in the lower abdomen, pathological discharge (mucous, purulent, less often bloody), menstrual irregularities, increased body temperature, symptoms of general intoxication (weakness, loss of appetite, nausea), decreased libido, discomfort and pain when sexual intercourse, etc.

However, the disease is often asymptomatic or with minimal clinical manifestations, which complicates diagnosis and leads to late requests for specialized help.

Standard therapy for PID is aimed at destroying the infectious agent; suppression of inflammation; elimination of adverse events accompanying the course of the disease (detoxification, restoration of natural microflora), restoration of the body’s normal immune response.

The main difficulties in the treatment of this pathology today are the formation of drug resistance in pathogens, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy, the toxic effect of drugs and severe adverse reactions to active therapy for PID, a high frequency of exacerbations and chronicity of the disease.

The drug Derinat 15 mg/ml based on natural raw materials has multidirectional biological effects.

Being an immunomodulator , it affects the cellular and humoral immunity, and also activates local defense mechanisms, which helps the body effectively fight infection.

The reparative and regenerative effect of the drug Derinat 15 mg/ml promotes the restoration of tissues damaged as a result of the pathological process, the rapid normalization of microflora, thereby maintaining the structural and functional integrity of the female reproductive organs.

The use of this drug in the complex therapy of PID increases the effectiveness of antibiotics, and also reduces the frequency and intensity of their toxic and side effects.

Numerous clinical studies confirm the benefits of using Derinat 15 mg/ml in the treatment of PID.

The inclusion of the drug Derinat 15 mg/ml in the treatment regimen for PID helps to significantly reduce the frequency of exacerbations and complications, reduce the duration of treatment, reduce the dosage of antibacterial drugs, as well as restore full sexual and reproductive function.

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