What does Dibazol help with and where to buy it at an affordable price

Dizziness and headaches are often associated with increased blood pressure. To stop an attack, including relieving the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis, you can use inexpensive Dibazol tablets or injections. This is one of the most affordable medications that can be taken by both adults and children.


The drug is contraindicated in diseases that are accompanied by increased muscle tone or convulsive syndrome. Hypersensitivity to the drug.

With caution - long-term use as an antihypertensive drug in elderly patients (decreased cardiac output).

Pregnancy and lactation period

Since there is no data on the safety of the drug for the fetus, it cannot be used for a long time during pregnancy. During breastfeeding, use only when the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the baby.

Dibazol solution for injection IV, IM 5 mg/ml 2 ml ampoules No. 10

Trade name: Dibazol. International nonproprietary name: Bendazol / Bendazol Dosage form: solution for injection 5 mg/ml. Description: transparent, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. Composition: 2 ml (one ampoule) of solution contains: active ingredient: ben-dazole - 10 mg; excipients: hydrochloric acid, water for injection.

Pharmacotherapeutic group Other peripheral vasodilators.

Indications for use: relief of hypertensive crises (as part of combination therapy); - treatment of atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities, spasms of blood vessels in the brain and extremities (as part of complex therapy); - prevention and relief of spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs during peptic ulcers, cholecystitis, spastic colitis, pylorospasm; — relief of biliary and renal colic; - residual effects of poliomyelitis, peripheral paralysis of the facial nerve.

Contraindications - hypersensitivity to Dibazol; - history of convulsive syndrome or epileptic seizures.

Method of administration and dosage To relieve hypertensive crisis and colic, administer 30-40 mg (6-8 ml of 5 mg/ml solution) intramuscularly or slowly intravenously. When treating diseases of the nervous system, use 5 mg 1 time per day or every other day intramuscularly for 5-10 days. The course is repeated after 3-4 weeks. Subsequently, courses are held every 1-2 months. For children under 1 year of age, a dose of 1 mg is prescribed, at the age of 1-3 years - 2 mg, 4-8 years - 3 mg, 8+12 years - 4 mg, over 12 years - 5 mg.

With caution Old age (decreased cardiac output).

Side effects Allergic reactions; deterioration of ECG parameters with long-term use due to a decrease in cardiac output. When used in high doses - a feeling of heat, increased sweating, dizziness, nausea, headache.

Drug interactions When used simultaneously with papaverine, a mutual enhancement of the antispasmodic effect of the drugs is observed. When used simultaneously with phentolamine, clonidine, reserpine and diuretics, an increase in their hypotensive effect is observed. Warns indirect? - adrenergic blockers increase peripheral vascular resistance. When used together with ascorbic acid, an increase in the immunostimulating effect of Dibazol is observed.

Special instructions Pregnancy and lactation. During pregnancy and lactation, the safety and effectiveness of Dibazol have not been established. Use in pediatrics. Dibazole can be used to treat neurological disorders (consequences of birth injuries) in newborns. Use in gerontology. Caution should be exercised and short courses of Dibazol should be used when treating people over 70 years of age, due to the possibility of a decrease in cardiac output and worsening ECG readings. Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery. Dibazole does not have an undesirable effect on the ability to drive a vehicle or other operator activities.

Overdose Symptoms of intoxication appear when high doses are administered. Characteristic symptoms include diaphoresis (sweating), hot flashes, dizziness, nausea, and headache. Treatment: There is no specific antidote. Helpful measures include drug withdrawal, gastric lavage with activated charcoal, supportive and symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating existing disorders and increasing blood pressure.

Packaging: 2 ml in ampoules in packaging No. 10, No. 10×1. Storage conditions: 3 years. Do not use the medicine after the expiration date. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: by prescription. At temperatures from +5 to +25C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Directions for use and doses

Dibazol is prescribed orally, intravenously or intramuscularly. Take 0.02–0.05 g orally 2-3 times a day, usually for 3-4 weeks or in shorter courses. Higher doses for adults orally: single 0.05 g, daily 0.15 g. Children are prescribed (for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system) in the following doses: up to 1 year - 0.001 g, 1-3 years - 0.002 g, 4-8 years – 0.003 g, 9-12 years – 0.004 g, over 12 years – 0.005 g. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 3-4 weeks. In case of hypertensive crisis, 30-40 mg (3-4 ml of 1% solution or 6-8 ml of 0.5% solution) is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Note: Since bendazole is poorly soluble in cold water, it is advisable to slightly warm the injection solution before use to avoid the formation of sediment. In case of exacerbation of arterial hypertension in case of increased blood pressure, 20-30 mg (2-3 ml of 1% solution or 4-6 ml of 0.5% solution) is administered intramuscularly 2-3 times a day. Other antihypertensive drugs can also be used simultaneously with Dibazol.

Dibazol solution for IV and IM injection 10 mg/ml amp 1 ml N10

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Dosage form

Medicine - Dibazol


Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration
1 ml
bendazole 10 mg

1 ml - ampoules (1) - cardboard packs. 1 ml - ampoules (5) - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.


Arterial hypertension, hypertensive crisis.

Spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs (including stomach, intestines).

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity to bendazole; pregnancy, breastfeeding period; children under 18 years of age (for parenteral use).

pharmachologic effect

Antispasmodic agent with myotropic action, benzimidazole derivative. It has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs. Lowers blood pressure by reducing cardiac output and dilating peripheral blood vessels. The hypotensive activity of bendazole is very moderate, and the effect is short-lived.

Causes a short-term dilation of cerebral vessels.

Facilitates synaptic transmission in the spinal cord.

Immunostimulating activity is associated with the regulation of the ratio of cGMP and cAMP concentrations in immune cells (increases the cGMP content), which leads to the proliferation of mature sensitized T- and B-lymphocytes, their secretion of mutual regulatory factors, cooperative reaction and activation of the final effector function of cells.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with antihypertensive drugs and diuretics, the antihypertensive effect may be enhanced.

Simultaneous administration of bendazole prevents the increase in peripheral vascular resistance caused by beta-blockers.

With simultaneous use, phentolamine enhances the hypotensive effect of bendazole.

Dosage regimen

Relief of hypertensive crisis - IV or IM 30-40 mg. Exacerbation of arterial hypertension with a significant increase in blood pressure - 20-30 mg intramuscularly 2-3 times a day, course of treatment is 8-14 days.

Orally - 20-50 mg 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

In the treatment of nervous diseases - for adults at a dose of 5 mg 1 time / day or every other day for 5-10 days, after 3-4 weeks the course of treatment is repeated. In the future, courses are carried out with a break of 1-2 months.

For children, depending on age, the dose is 1-5 mg 1 time / day.

Side effect


allergic reactions.
With long-term use:
deterioration of ECG parameters due to a decrease in cardiac output.

When used in high doses:

feeling of heat, increased sweating, dizziness, nausea, headache.

special instructions

Use with caution in elderly patients.

It is not recommended for long-term treatment of arterial hypertension, especially in elderly patients.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Use in elderly patients

Restrictions for elderly patients - Use with caution.

Use with caution in elderly patients to avoid worsening the course of concomitant diseases.

It is not recommended for long-term treatment of arterial hypertension, especially in elderly patients.

Use in children

Restrictions for children - With caution. Parenteral use is contraindicated in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years.

Contraindications and side effects

The medication is not used in cases where the patient has an individual intolerance to the main or additional components. The drug should be used with caution in the presence of the following diseases and disorders:

  • diabetes;
  • low pressure;
  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe forms of heart failure;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • old age (short-term use is allowed in consultation with a doctor).

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients whose work requires a high concentration of attention (driving cars, moving machinery). In this case, you need to monitor your well-being - there may be a lack of coordination, as well as dizziness. If such signs appear, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Side effects are rare. They are mainly associated with dysfunction of the left ventricle of the heart. However, the effect is minor and can only be recorded on an electrocardiogram. The following manifestations are also sometimes observed:

  • allergic reaction;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness.

How does the drug affect the body?

Bendazole has a complex effect:

  • preventing spasms;
  • expansion of the walls of blood vessels;
  • short-term decrease in pressure;
  • myotropic effect;
  • decreased smooth muscle tone;
  • increased blood flow to myocardial cells suffering from a lack of oxygen (this is especially common in coronary artery disease);
  • strengthening the immune system by stimulating the production of interferon (in this sense, the effect of the drug is similar to the therapeutic effect of Levamisole).

The active component also improves contact between neuron synapses in the tissues of the spinal cord. Therefore, it is also used to treat nervous system disorders.

The components of the drug are well absorbed in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The therapeutic effect begins 30-60 minutes after administration and lasts for 2-3 hours. The drug is mainly excreted in the urine, and to a small extent in the feces.

Buy "Dibazol": price, analogues, reviews

You can buy the drug in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. The product is sold at an affordable price - 50-70 rubles per pack of 10 tablets. For about the same amount you can buy injections - 10 ampoules of 1 ml.

Analogues of the product include Oxibral and Halidor. Judging by the reviews, Dibazol is highly effective - it is recommended by more than 90% of patients. Among the advantages are the affordable price, the absence of side effects, and a tangible effect. However, they note that the drug cannot be used for a long time by older people.

What does Dibazol help with: indications

The drug can only be used in consultation with a doctor. Most often it is prescribed when spasms of smooth muscles occur in the walls of blood vessels. "Dibazol" is also used during an attack of hypertension. Other indications for use:

  • cholecystitis;
  • colic in the intestines;
  • pancreatitis;
  • facial paralysis;
  • flaccid paralysis;
  • poliomyelitis (to relieve mild manifestations in the last stages of treatment).

Dibazol tablets are used in cardiology, neurology, and gastroenterology. The product effectively eliminates spasms, but does not affect the cause of their occurrence. Therefore, the underlying disease (for example, cholecystitis, pancreatitis) is treated with other drugs.

Description of the drug "Dibazol"

The medication is produced in the form of tablets, which contain 20 mg of an active substance called bendazole. Another form of release is a solution, 1 ml of which contains 5 or 10 mg of the active ingredient. Tablets are packaged in 10 pieces, the solution comes in 2 ml containers (10 ampoules in one package).

Ampoules and tablets are stored under normal room conditions at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. In this case, avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Access for children is prohibited. The product can only be used within the expiration date - for tablets this is 5 years, for solution - 4 years from the date of production.

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