"Senadexin": what it helps with, where to buy at an affordable price online

Herbal laxatives are considered one of the best because they have virtually no side effects. One of these medications is Senadexin tablets. Accepted by adults and children from 12 months. You can purchase them at a very affordable price in our online store.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


A herbal laxative that affects the peristalsis of the large intestine.

The action is caused by anthraglycosides and other glycosides , which, when taken orally, transit through the stomach and small intestine without being absorbed. In the colon, anthraglycosides are broken down by intestinal microflora into active derivatives Anthrone and anthranols , which irritate the interoreceptors of the large intestine, stimulating peristalsis and accelerating the evacuation of intestinal contents. The drug prevents the absorption of water and electrolytes. Due to the osmotic effect, there is an increase in the amount of stool and filling pressure, which helps stimulate peristalsis.

A reliable effect appears after 6-11 hours. With prolonged use of the drug, the intensity of its therapeutic effect may be weakened due to a decrease in potassium in the blood.


Metabolites of anthraglycosides contained in senna are almost not absorbed and are excreted mainly in feces, and to a lesser extent in urine. They are also excreted in sweat, and small amounts may pass into breast milk.

Period of gestation and breastfeeding

The question of how many hours after Senadexin works is far from the only one among those who were prescribed the drug in question. Very often, representatives of the fairer sex are interested in whether this medicine can be used during pregnancy? The use of medication in pregnant women is often associated with a high likelihood of side effects (for example, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc.). However, doctors do not prohibit the use of laxative tablets during such a period.

As for breastfeeding, experts are categorical here. If this medication was prescribed to a new mother, lactation should be stopped immediately. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the components that make up the drug can quite easily penetrate into mother's milk and cause loose stools in a newborn baby.


  • Vomiting, nausea, acute inflammatory lesions of the digestive tract ( colitis , Crohn's disease ).
  • Allergy to the components of the drug.
  • Intestinal obstruction , strangulated hernia , spastic constipation , uterine and gastrointestinal bleeding, cystitis .
  • Undiagnosed diseases of the digestive tract arising from acute intestinal disorders or surgical interventions ( peritonitis , appendicitis , diverticulitis , diarrhea ).
  • Epigastric pain of unknown origin, pronounced changes in water-salt balance, organic liver disorders, spastic pain, rectal hemorrhages.

Side effects

Side effects are reversible and quickly disappear after discontinuing Senadexin or reducing its dose.

  • Digestive reactions: anorexia , abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, colic, vomiting, intestinal pseudomelanosis, flatulence , digestive disorders, intestinal atony, weight loss.
  • Reactions from the genitourinary tract: proteinuria , change in urine color, hematuria .
  • Metabolic reactions: loss of electrolytes, which can cause cardiac disorders, convulsions , muscle weakness, fatigue, collapse .
  • Immune reactions: itching, skin rash, urticaria , generalized or local exanthema .

Senadexin-health tablets 70 mg No. 10x2


Senadexin-Zdorovie tablet 70mg in blister pack No. 10x2

general characteristics

Basic physical and chemical properties: flat-cylindrical tablets, scored and chamfered, from gray-brown to brown in color interspersed with darker and lighter colors, with the smell of vanillin.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Contact laxatives. Senna glycosides. ATS code A06A B06.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics A laxative preparation of plant origin, containing hydroxyanthracene glycosides and sennosides that stimulate intestinal motility. 1,8-hydroxyanthracene derivatives, formed as a result of metabolism in the colon, have a laxative effect. Sennosides and B-glycosides are not absorbed in the small intestine; they enter the large intestine unchanged, where they are metabolized by bacteria of the intestinal flora to active metabolites - reinanthrones. Reinanthrones affect colonic peristalsis, increasing propulsive contractions. At the same time, the contact time of water and electrolytes with the intestinal mucosa is reduced, their absorption is reduced and, as a result, the passage of its contents through the intestines is accelerated. Under the influence of reinanthrones, the secretion of water and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen also increases due to the stimulation of active secretion of chlorides, due to which the intestinal contents soften and their excretion is facilitated. The laxative effect appears after 8-12 hours.


After oral administration, sennosides are practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Glycosidic bonds are cleaved in the colon to form sennidins, which, under the action of bacterial reductases, are converted into rheinanthrones, active metabolites. The main amount of reinanthrones (more than 90%) are excreted by the intestines in the form of pharmacologically inactive polymers. The remaining part of reinanthrones is absorbed, but their bioavailability is very low (about 5%). Absorbed reinanthrones are metabolized in the liver. Partially excreted by the intestines in the form of glucuronides, partially by the kidneys, which causes urine to turn yellow-brown to red. Reinanthrones are also excreted in sweat, and a small amount passes into breast milk.

Indications for use

For short-term use for constipation.

  • spastic constipation, intestinal obstruction, strangulated hernia, perforated ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs (appendicitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, proctitis, hemorrhoids in the acute phase);
  • abdominal pain of unknown origin;
  • metrorrhagia;
  • disturbances of water and electrolyte metabolism;
  • cystitis;
  • galactosemia, lactase deficiency 1app (lactase deficiency in some peoples of the North) or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • pregnancy;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to sena extract or other components of the drug.

The drug should be prescribed with caution in case of liver and/or kidney failure, conditions after abdominal surgery, and diabetes mellitus.

Precautionary measures

The drug is recommended to be used only if normalization of bowel movements cannot be achieved by changing the diet; The minimum effective dose necessary to restore normal bowel function should be taken. Patients taking cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmics, drugs that prolong the QT interval, diuretics, corticosteroids, or licorice root-based drugs should consult a physician before using the drug. If the cause of constipation is unknown or there are complaints from the digestive tract (abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting), then before starting to take laxatives, it is necessary for a doctor to determine the cause of constipation, since these symptoms may be signs of intestinal obstruction, beginning or already existing. The drug is intended for occasional use, therefore, with caution and after prior consultation with a doctor, take the drug for more than 1 week, since long-term use of laxatives that stimulate intestinal activity can lead to increased intestinal atony. The drug should not be used within two hours after taking other medications or in doses exceeding the recommended ones. Adults suffering from fecal incontinence (incontinence) should avoid prolonged contact of the skin with feces by changing pads (wipes) when taking the drug. The drug should be used with caution in patients with liver or kidney diseases, or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. The drug contains lactose, which should be taken into account in patients with hereditary forms of lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, and glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding

Safety of use during pregnancy has not been established. The use of the drug during pregnancy is not recommended. During treatment with the drug, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding, because the components of the drug can pass into breast milk and cause frequent loose bowel movements in the baby.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles or use other machinery

The drug usually does not affect driving or performing work that requires increased attention, speed of mental and motor reactions. However, it is necessary to check the individual response to the drug.


Not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is taken orally with a small amount of liquid. The minimum effective dose needed to restore normal bowel function should be taken. Adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1-2 tablets before bedtime. The maximum daily dose is 2 tablets. Elderly patients should start treatment with a dose of 1 tablet. It is not recommended to take the drug for more than 1 week without consulting a doctor.


In case of an overdose, diarrhea may develop, which causes a violation of the water-salt balance, intestinal colic, irritation of the digestive tract, nausea, epigastric pain, cramps, deterioration of intestinal function, vascular collapse and metabolic acidosis. Treatment: symptomatic, including gastric lavage. If there is a risk of severe diarrhea, rehydration (drinking plenty of water) is recommended. Side effects The drug is usually well tolerated, but rarely side effects are possible, which are usually reversible and disappear quickly after stopping the drug or reducing its dose. From the digestive system: in isolated cases, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea are possible; with long-term use/abuse - nausea, vomiting, flatulence, intestinal pseudomelanosis, colon atony, indigestion, colic, weight loss. From the urinary system: change in urine color (red or brown depending on the pH, which has no clinical significance); with long-term use/abuse - proteinuria, hematuria. From the side of metabolism and metabolism: long-term use/abuse of laxatives can lead to loss of electrolytes, mainly potassium, which can cause cardiac dysfunction, collapse, feeling of fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps. From the immune system: allergic reactions (skin rashes, itching, urticaria, local or generalized exanthema) may be observed. From the side of the central nervous system: fatigue, confusion, muscle cramps (with prolonged use).

Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions

To date, no cases of clinically significant drug interactions have been reported. There may be a decrease in serum levels of active substances with simultaneous use of quinidine sulfate (an antiarrhythmic drug) due to competing properties with anthraquinone laxatives. Concomitant use with cardiac glycosides due to hypokalemia may cause cardiac arrhythmia. Co-administration with drugs that cause hypokalemia (including diuretics, adrenocorticosteroids, licorice root) can lead to electrolyte imbalance. With the simultaneous use of antiarrhythmic drugs, diuretics and corticosteroids, muscle weakness develops. With prolonged use or use in high doses, the drug interferes with the absorption of tetracyclines. Reduces the effectiveness of drugs that are slowly absorbed in the digestive tract.

Best before date

3 years.

Storage conditions

Store in original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.


Tablets of 70 mg No. 20 (10?2) in blisters in a box.

Vacation category

Over the counter.


It is possible to decrease the content of active substances in the blood while taking quinidine sulfate .

Concomitant use with cardiac glycosides may provoke cardiac arrhythmia due to hypokalemia .

When taken simultaneously with antiarrhythmic drugs, corticosteroids and diuretics , the appearance of muscle weakness is possible.

With prolonged use or use in large doses, Senadexin tablets interfere with the absorption of tetracyclines .

Senadexin tablets reduce the effectiveness of slowly absorbed drugs.

Form, composition, packaging, description

What is the drug "Senadexin"? How long does it take for this medicine to work? Before answering these questions, you should tell us in what form the product in question is produced and what its composition is.

The drug "Senadexin" goes on sale in tablets and lozenges. Its active ingredient is 20% calcium sennosides. Lactose monohydrate, corn starch, magnesium stearate, vanillin, stearic acid, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, microcrystalline cellulose, talc and croscarmellose sodium are used as auxiliary components.

In what packaging is Senadexin sold (how long does it take for this medication to work is indicated below)? The drug goes on sale in cardboard packs, which contain instructions for use and dark flat-cylindrical tablets in blisters (20 or 10 pieces).

special instructions

The drug should be used only in cases where normalization of gastrointestinal emptying cannot be achieved through diet. It is recommended to take the smallest effective dosage necessary to restore the physiological functioning of the intestines.

Persons using antiarrhythmic drugs, cardiac glycosides , drugs that increase the QT interval on the ECG, corticosteroids, diuretics or drugs containing licorice root extract should consult with their doctor before starting Senadexin.

Before starting to take laxative medications , you need your doctor to find out the cause of constipation (if the cause is unknown or nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting are present), since these symptoms are characteristic of intestinal obstruction .

The drug is for occasional use, so if its use lasts more than 7 days, you should consult a doctor, since long-term use of laxatives that stimulate bowel function can lead to worsening intestinal atony.

Senadexin should not be used within 2 hours after taking other medications or in dosages exceeding those recommended.

It is recommended to use the drug with caution in persons with liver and kidney diseases, as well as with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.

Instructions for use "Senadexin"

The drug is taken once a day before bedtime. Dosage depends on age:

  1. Adults and children over 11 years of age take 1-2 tablets at a time. If there is no effect or it is weak, you can take 3 tablets at once, but only a few days after the start of therapy.
  2. Children (12 months - 6 years) are advised to take a third of the tablet once a day at night.
  3. Children (6 to 11 years old inclusive) take half the adult dosage also once a day before bedtime.


Level 4 ATX code matches:




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Senadexin for weight loss

Although taking the drug for the purpose of weight loss is not an indication for its use, the use of Senadexin is still quite common in such cases. Patients whose experience in such experiments was successful often post notes entitled “instructions for Senadexin for weight loss.” It is worth recalling that systematic use of the drug for the purpose of losing weight can cause serious side effects and affect the condition of the skin and the balance of intestinal microflora. Reviews claim that Senadexin promotes weight loss, but its effect is short-lived.

Indications for use of oral medication

Now you know how long it takes for Senadexin to work. So why is such a drug needed? According to the attached instructions, it is very often prescribed for the following deviations:

  • chronic constipation;
  • hypo- and intestinal atony.

It should also be noted that this medication is often used to facilitate bowel movements when:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • proctitis;
  • anal fissures.

In addition, Senadexin tablets are very often used to cleanse the intestines before therapeutic or any diagnostic procedures.

Senadexin price, where to buy

The price of Senadexin No. 20 in Russia averages 23-26 rubles.

In Ukraine, the drug in such packaging costs 6-8 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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Reviews of laxatives

Most people taking the drug in question speak only positively about it. According to patients, such tablets significantly improve intestinal motility, quickly releasing its contents. Moreover, the drug almost never causes adverse reactions.

Another positive aspect of this medication is its slow and mild effect. So approximately how long does it take for Senadexin to start working? According to the instructions, bowel movements occur 6-10 hours after taking the tablets.

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