Gaviscon: contraindications and instructions for use

Heartburn. Is this a familiar phenomenon? It bakes, it hurts in the throat, esophagus, behind the sternum. This condition is debilitating, provokes inflammation in the nasopharynx and oral cavity, and has similar symptoms to heart diseases. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called gastroesophageal reflux. This is a pathological condition in the gastrointestinal tract.

Heartburn is not an independent disease, but a symptom. You need to find out the cause of the problem and get rid of it. But our people love to get treatment using advertising and online forums. In advertisements for antacids, heartburn medications, courageous firefighters extinguish fires in the mouth and esophagus. And everything is fine... For a while... One of the advertised drugs for heartburn is Gaviscon suspension; before treatment you need to read the instructions for use.

Composition and release form

The medicine Gaviscon has 2 release forms: tablets and suspension for oral use.

Tablets with a chewable base, slightly flat with a round shape and a light shade. They have minor inclusions over the entire surface, with a pleasant smell of mint or lemon. Packaged in cardboard packaging with 2-4 blisters, each containing 8 pieces. Or in a polypropylene container of 16 tablets with attached instructions for use.

Gaviscon suspension for oral administration has a uniform consistency, light color and menthol flavor. Sold in a dark glass bottle with a volume of 100, 150 or 300 ml.

The active components of the drug are sodium bicarbonate and alginate, calcium carbonate. Their concentration varies depending on the dosage form. Excipients: mint flavor, magnesium stearate, macrogol, aspartame, mannitol, acesulfame potassium.


In terms of 1 tablet, it contains 80 mg of calcium carbonate of sodium alginate and of sodium bicarbonate .
As excipients, the tablets contain aspartame , macrogol , copovidone , mannitol , acesulfame potassium, magnesium stearate, mint or lemon flavor.

In Gaviscon Double Action, the dose of the main substances is twice as high: sodium bicarbonate contains 267 mg, calcium carbonate – 160 mg.

pharmachologic effect

Gaviscon is a drug for symptomatic treatment. Thanks to the antacid group, it has the property of neutralizing hydrochloric acid in the stomach cavity.

After oral administration, the active ingredients immediately react with the acidic environment. As a result, a gel base with a neutral pH is formed. Due to it, a protective film is formed on the mucous surface of the stomach, preventing gastroesophageal reflux from developing within 4 hours.

In case of severe pathological process, the gel penetrates into the digestive tract, ahead of the entry of gastric contents, where it helps to reduce the irritant factor on the esophageal mucosa.

The therapeutic effect of the drug occurs 3-4 minutes after administration.

The drug does not have general bioavailability. Its pharmacological activity does not extend beyond the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the active ingredients rarely penetrate into the bloodstream. This occurs when the therapeutic dose of the drug is increased. Then it is excreted from the body through the kidneys with urine unchanged.

Reviews of Gaviscon

There are reviews on the forums about Gaviscon as an effective medicine for eliminating heaviness in the stomach after eating and relieving heartburn . The tablets have a pleasant taste, but many people notice that the drug sticks strongly to the teeth, and this causes some discomfort. Also, the disadvantages include the high cost, since to eliminate heartburn you have to take 4 tablets at once.

There are a small number of reviews with complaints of a side effect in the form of nausea .

Gaviscon is also widely used during pregnancy. Very often pregnant women are interested in reviews about candles. Therefore, you need to note that this form of release does not exist. Apparently, they are confused with Hexicon , which are used as an anti-inflammatory drug in gynecology.

As for Gaviscon, reviews during pregnancy in large numbers are only positive and speak of the drug as a good remedy to remove bitterness and heartburn , which so often occur with this condition. Thanks to this, Gaviscon has become widely used in pregnant women.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, the medication is taken only orally. It is important to observe the therapeutic dose per day and not exceed it.

The tablets are chewed and washed down with a sufficient amount of water. The suspension in powder is kneaded to a homogeneous viscous consistency. As a rule, the course of therapy lasts a week. If there is no pharmacological effect, you should consult your doctor.

Depending on the dosage form, the drug is taken according to the following scheme:

  1. Tablets - taken after meals and before going to bed, chewing thoroughly. The therapeutic dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age is 2-4 tablets up to 4 times a day. Persons with liver disease and the elderly do not require course correction.
  2. Suspension – can be used by patients over 6 years of age. Adults are prescribed 10-20 ml, no more than 80 ml per day after meals. For a child 6-12 years old, no more than 40 ml per day, up to 4 times 5-10 ml.

Gaviscon tablets and suspension should be taken with caution if the excretory system is disrupted. Treatment dose adjustment is required depending on the condition.

Gaviscon analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:








Omez DSR

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Main analogues: Phosphalugel , Vikair , Vikalin , Gastrotsepin , De-nol , Gastal

special instructions

The drug contains the chemical element sodium, so it is important for people with pathologies of the heart, kidneys, and when following a therapeutic diet to limit salt to take this into account.

Dose adjustment and strict medical supervision are necessary for nephrocalcinosis, urolithiasis and high calcium levels in the body.

An auxiliary component of the drug is aspartame. It belongs to the group of nonspecific sweeteners, so the medicine can be used for diabetes. On the contrary, it is contraindicated in patients with phenylketonuria.

During clinical trials, Gaviscon did not reveal mutational or teratogenic properties during embryonic development. Pregnant women and nursing mothers can use the drug as prescribed by a specialist.

Since Gaviscon is an antacid, it does not have a direct effect on the nervous system and blood flow. The medicine does not impair memory, does not suppress thinking and concentration, and therefore does not prohibit personal driving.

Gaviscon - taken on the recommendation of a doctor

The drug Gaviscon is widely advertised. Everyone, perhaps, has seen an advertisement more than once that clearly defines the scope of the drug’s activity - stomach pain, heartburn, belching. Here she is

But if you have a stomach ache, can you run to the pharmacy and buy even the most popular medicine? Of course not!

Before taking any medications, you need to determine the cause of the pain, visit a doctor, undergo all the necessary examinations, find out the diagnosis, and only then take the medications prescribed by the doctor.

The same applies to Gaviscon.

The drug Gaviscon belongs to the pharmacological group of combined antacids, that is, drugs containing more than one active component that help normalize gastric secretions by reducing its acidity. This medicine contains three active ingredients:

  1. Sodium alginate is a salt of alginic acid extracted from brown algae.
  2. Sodium bicarbonate is the most common baking soda (folk antacid)
  3. Calcium carbonate is a salt of carbonic acid and calcium, the main component of chalk, limestone, etc.

As you can see, each of the main active ingredients that make up the drug Gaviscon has an anti-acid effect. Sodium hydrocarbonate - baking soda - was recommended by our great-grandmothers to be used for heartburn and stomach pain. The integrated use of these three components has allowed Gaviscon to become one of the people’s most “favorite” drugs against stomach pain due to gastritis, poor diet, etc.

Gaviscon price, where to buy

The cost ranges from 104 - 147 rubles. for 16 tablets up to 213 rub. per pack of 32 pieces. In Moscow, the price of Gaviscon is 32 pcs. is 170 rubles.

Heartburn tablets Gaviscon Double Action in Moscow cost 146 rubles. 16 tablets.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Gaviscon mint oral suspension 150mlReckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited
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  • Gaviscon Double action mint chewable tablets 24pcs Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Limited

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  • Gaviscon mint chewable tablets 24 pcs Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Limited

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  • Gaviscon mint chewable tablets 12 pcs Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Limited

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  • Gaviscon mint chewable tablets 48pcs Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Limited

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Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Gaviscon (double action chewing tablets No. 12 (mint)) Reckitt Benckiser

    RUB 194 order

  • Gaviscon (chewable tablet No. 12 (mint)) Reckitt Benckiser

    160 rub. order

  • Gaviscon forte (pack of 10 ml No. 12 (mint)) Reckitt Benckiser

    RUB 338 order

  • Gaviscon (double action suspension (mint) fl. 300ml) Reckitt Benckiser

    RUB 447 order

  • Gaviscon double action chewable tablets No. 24 MintReckitt Benckiser

    RUB 314 order

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