Vitamins and minerals Alphabet Mom in preparation for pregnancy, for pregnant women, breastfeeding, with vitamin C, D3 and zinc tablets 60 pcs.


  • The dietary supplement contains components that are difficult to obtain from a normal diet, including iodine, selenium and increased amounts of calcium.
  • Taking this drug ensures the normal course of pregnancy, reduces the risk of miscarriage and promotes the proper development of the child’s nervous system.
  • Pink tablet - contains iron and vitamins to prevent anemia, folic acid and taurine, necessary for normal fetal development.
  • The blue tablet has an antioxidant effect, strengthens the immune system, protects the expectant mother’s body from harmful environmental influences, serves to prevent thyroid diseases in the woman and fetus, and also ensures the correct formation of the child’s skeleton and nervous system.
  • Yellow tablet - contains a calcium complex, which reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis, helps strengthen bones and teeth, increases blood clotting, increases the stability of vascular walls, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails.
  • By dividing the tablets into 3 doses (morning, afternoon, evening), the components of the drug are maximally balanced, increasing the absorption and effectiveness of each other. In addition, the likelihood of allergic reactions in mother and child is reduced to a minimum.

alphabet vitamins for pregnant women reviews

“The first scientific data are emerging on the negative impact of chemical additives on the development of children. A “chemical attack” may increase the risk of developing allergies and intolerances to certain foods. The sooner you introduce your baby to synthetic taste, the more likely it is that he will become hooked on chemical products.”

The period of pregnancy of a modern woman is just as impossible to imagine without vitamins prescribed by a doctor or taken voluntarily, just as Cinderella cannot be separated from the glass slipper. It is in them that the charm of a fairy tale is hidden, and it is there that the hope for the successful bearing of a healthy baby lies. And yet, let's try to look at the magical role of vitamins from a different angle. Vitamins. “Vitamins. This group of compounds includes low-molecular organic substances, characterized by the fact that they do not perform a plastic function, are not synthesized in the body at all or in limited quantities by the intestinal microflora.” “Vitamins come mainly from the external environment. There are over a hundred individual enzymes known to contain vitamins, and an even larger number of reactions they catalyze. The primary source of vitamins is mainly plants. A person receives vitamins either directly from plant foods, or indirectly through animal products in which vitamins were accumulated from plant materials during the life of animals. The microflora of the digestive tract also plays an important role in the formation of vitamins. In recent years, the chemical nature of twenty individual vitamins has been studied almost exhaustively. It turned out that many of them are represented in nature not by a single substance, but by groups of three to five or more related compounds, differing in structural details and the degree of physiological activity. The production of vitamins is based on methods for their synthetic production, which have been especially successfully developed in recent years. In most cases, this is a multi-stage process of fine organic synthesis.” Lack of vitamins-2 It is not clear who sets this very “daily dose” for us. How incomprehensible is our biological prosperity on the planet, as doctors believe, chronic vitamin deficiency. Was it really only through the construction of vitamin factories that it was possible to solve the insoluble problem of survival in a state of severe vitamin deficiency? So, when prescribing vitamins to pregnant women, 2 horror stories are used. The first horror story: you need to eat an incredible amount of food to make up for the supposed losses and lack of vitamins. The second horror story: today's vegetables, fruits, and at the same time livestock contain so few vitamins compared to what grew and leaped 100 years ago, that we inevitably have to rely on synthetics. A pregnant woman is inclined to trust the recommendations of specialists. Once you have prescribed vitamins, it means you should definitely drink them. True, with unpredictable success for one’s own health. The results of doctors’ constant care for the health of a pregnant woman are obvious. Internet sites are so full of reviews about taking vitamins that some of this information is already leaking onto the pages of the professional press. I drank Materna throughout my pregnancy, there was premature aging of the placenta, pediatricians said that, according to some information, Materna can cause premature aging.” “The older doctor advised me to drink Materna, and the more experienced one – Elevit. It seems like Materna doesn’t have a very good effect on the fetus.” “I bought Vitrum Prenatal - they make me sick. I can’t drink them at all.” “So I couldn’t drink Vitrum Prenatal.” “I changed my vitamins. I bought Complivit Mom the day before yesterday. And what do you think? The instructions there say: drink after breakfast. Like smart Masha, I drank and went to work. In short, I thought I wouldn’t make it. About 30 minutes after taking these vitamins, I felt so bad! I felt sick and dizzy...” I also felt very bad, though I wasn’t dizzy, but I felt nauseous and vomited—brrr. Throw them away and buy others!” “I thought that everyone had a different reaction... Eh, I’ll really have to take different ones...” “Well, maybe everyone’s reaction is different, but, apparently, you and I are similar in this regard, or we got a defective batch.” “They make rubbish, and even for pregnant women!” Strange, isn't it? A specialist prescribes a product that women need, but the body goes on strike and does not want such “good” for itself. This is what we sometimes have as an “unconscious” body. Why does vitamin poisoning occur? If there is vomiting, this may indicate: 1. Vitamins are not needed. 2. These are not vitamins. 3. Intolerance of unknown origin. 4. Material interest of producers. 1. Vitamins are not needed. In our time, this thought in itself is seditious. But let's try to assume that such an assumption has a right to exist. Serious scientists, when examining them, do not find a total lack of vitamins in pregnant women, which could be discussed judging by medical prescriptions: “So, out of 1645 pregnant women examined, S.N. Astakhov (1954) noted clinical signs of hypovitaminosis A (hemeralopia) in five, hypovitaminosis B2 in three, hypovitaminosis C in thirty-four, and hypovitaminosis D in nine. All these hypovitaminosis taken together account for about 3% of those examined. Signs of vitamin B1 and nicotinic acid deficiency are more often noted.” Research from half a century ago suggests that, as expected, only about 5% of pregnant women are outside the norm. And if you listen to today’s doctors, vitamin deficiency affects pregnant women (and everyone else) with an inevitability that did not exist during the plague and universal pestilence. What now? “Only 3.45% do not take vitamins during pregnancy.” Three percent of pregnant women may require vitamins in addition to their diet, although they should rather adjust their diet alone. But they don’t look for, don’t correct, but prescribe vitamin preparations by eye and to everyone, violating the doctor’s oath, which says: “Do no harm...” In the remaining 97% of cases of prescribing vitamins, apparently, one should look for someone’s interest in selling these same vitamins In addition to the fact that artificial vitamin supplements systematically poison pregnant women themselves, they also cause intoxication of intrauterine infants. Children are born already having allergies: antibodies to a whole range of vitamins are found in their blood. Research conducted at the Novosibirsk State Medical Academy by S. M. Gavalov was presented in the material: “Possible causes of allergies in mothers and newborns”, voiced at the Russian forum: “An analysis of 5970 birth histories was carried out in two maternity hospitals in Novosibirsk, which revealed that 30-35% of women received an increased load of medications (MP) and poor nutrition (NP). Of the 330 women in labor with a burdened allergic anamnesis, 35.5% received 5 or more medications during pregnancy and childbirth and 41.5% received NPs. Out of 330 women, drug allergies (DA) were detected in 40% of women and in 23.03% of their newborns to antibiotics (33-35%), vitamins (27-30%) and others. Antibodies to vitamin B1 and B6 (in 25%), vitamin E (in 8.3%), and antibiotics (in 16.6%) were detected in colostrum and breast milk of mothers. Of 258 newborns with established PA and PA (food allergy) and 47 children in the first days of life, there were clinical signs of allergy: toxic erythema (in 38.7%), skin rash (in 6.1%), dry skin with lamellar peeling (in 4.7%), eosinophilia (in 22.9%). According to follow-up data, out of 110 children (from 6 months to 4 years), only 13 (11.8%) were healthy; 97% of children (88.2%) had various manifestations of atopy - atopic dermatitis (60.4%), eczema (27.8%), bronchial asthma (9.2%), allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, vulvovaginitis (2.6%). Early detection of obvious and latent sensitization in pregnant women is of great importance, since PA and LA are manageable conditions when prevention can be carried out long before the birth of the child.” 2. These are not vitamins. Why do you feel sick? Because these are... not vitamins!!! Paradox? Let’s try to figure this out: “The world has again been called upon to stop taking chemicals internally. Another blow to the pharmaceutical industry was dealt by Danish scientists who reported the results of a seventeen-year study during which they tried to find out whether synthetic vitamins are really as beneficial as doctors claim. Let us note that this is the first such large-scale study, which uses large statistical material to show the uselessness of vitamin supplements. American researcher Andrew Chetley, in his book “Problem Medicines,” provided documented evidence that more than 80% of all vitamin preparations cannot be recommended for use.” Here is the opinion of the head of the laboratory of morphology of biological fluids of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Shatokhina, stated in her article “Vitamins — kidney stones?”: “In patients who regularly took vitamin complexes. we detected an active process of stone formation. Now we can say quite objectively that the component of many vitamin complexes is such that it can trigger the process of formation of stones from uric acid salts. The problem with the formation of stones in the body arises precisely from the usefulness of vitamins, which stimulate metabolic processes and activate the body's defenses. If we consider that up to 40% of the population in our country already have certain abnormalities in kidney function, then, of course, people with such problems should take vitamins with extreme caution.” The article “Victims of Vitamins” is published, written by Sergei Vladimirovich Korzh, pediatrician of the first qualification category, consultant physician at the Children's Center for Diagnostics and Treatment named after. ON THE. Semashko: “Many of us take vitamins for quite a long time and do not get any effect. Others, even worse, are forced to treat allergic reactions caused by their excess.” 3. Intolerance of unknown origin. Vomiting in pregnant women after taking beneficial vitamins can occur spontaneously, for unknown reasons, but sometimes this vomiting is a menacing harbinger of an incipient disaster with very serious consequences: “Vitamins and their synthetic analogues, according to many practitioners, are considered harmless drugs and are widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes parenterally (introducing substances into the body, bypassing the digestive tract) and orally. However, they often cause allergic reactions and severe shock. Often, various vitamins are used by patients on their own initiative without the supervision of a doctor. However, many vitamin preparations are synthetic substances and are not entirely identical to natural vitamins when commercially produced. They, like any chemical substances, apparently have the ability to cause pathological immune and non-immune changes in the body with the development of severe shock conditions, which do not always end favorably. Thus, vitamins and their analogues also have shockogenic properties and should be used with caution and strictly according to indications.” 4. Vitamin business. The body clearly responds to food poisoning: vomiting, diarrhea, and poor health. Why does the body perceive drinking vitamins as biological poison? Is it necessary to rape your body with vitamins during pregnancy? Who said that we need them to spite our intestines? Of course, vitamin producers are primarily interested in their consumption. After all, no one will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs? What does this actually look like? “Wherever you are registered, you will probably be prescribed medications that support your health, preserve your immunity and promote the proper intrauterine development of your child. I’m planning a budget, include in it a separate item the cost of vitamins and pills. Pregnancy is not cheap - it’s hard to disagree with this.” Not cheap, because honest care for people has turned into a perverted business. The main topic of one of the recent issues of the magazine “Rody.Ru” is money. It is not for nothing that at the beginning of the above article there is a photograph of a woman thoughtlessly throwing away hundreds of dollars left and right. In my opinion, the financial interest of vitamin manufacturers is visible to the naked eye. The French say this: “Medicine needs the sick to live and thrive. Medicine deliberately creates sick people - this is a recognized fact, but it should also be noted that newly prescribed medications sometimes cause more serious illnesses in patients than the disease itself. In this way, a constant clientele of patients is maintained, whose condition is not improving, but, on the contrary, worsening.” They write about this in Russia: “Our country is firmly on pills. The pharmaceutical market last year grew by 16.5% and its volume reached $6.5 billion, excluding semi-legal, illegal, “folk” remedies and dietary supplements. Moreover, 80% of drugs were purchased without a prescription, and a third of purchased drugs were used incorrectly. The consumer readily responds to any advertising and actively engages in self-medication, including fatal ones. And the medical system and government agencies not only do not resist the aggressive marketing of pharmaceutical giants and small scammers, but they themselves often turn out to be their sales agents. In Russia, thoughtlessly, unreasonably consumed drugs account for up to a third of the total - this is several times more than in other developed countries. In the USA, for example, this figure is 3%. The main task of advertising is to introduce a simple thought into a person’s brain: there are no healthy people, look and you will find destructive ailments lurking in the depths of your strong-looking body. And when there is an impressive list of them, she will offer you a magic potion that will heal them all. All you need is money and patience - and the illness will certainly pass. True, sometimes along with life.” And again the French: “Only immediate results were taken into account and the catastrophic consequences of the side effects of individual drugs released on the market were not taken into account (for example, Stalinon, thalidomide, distelbene, etc.). In 1988, Nice medical practitioner Dr Philippe La Garthe paid for his independent thinking with 45 days in prison.” British: “In 1993, the New English Journal of Medicine reported that one in three Americans uses non-traditional healing methods such as relaxation, palmistry, therapeutic massage, special diets, music and multivitamins. They are most often used by people with higher education and fairly wealthy people.” “The British spend 500 million dollars a year on vitamins, and, as it turns out, with zero results.” Americans: “The production and trade of vitamins today is a super profitable business. Seven out of ten Americans take a multivitamin at least sometimes, and four out of ten take it intentionally and often. As a result, they spend about $4 billion annually on multivitamins.” At the same time, the doctors themselves set new, never disclosed goals: “In the United States, the manifestation of classical vitamin deficiency is rare due to the existing food abundance. That is why, recently, the attention of specialists has switched from life-threatening vitamin deficiencies to the problem of improving human health through the use of vitamins.” Improving our health without our knowledge, and even with the help of unnatural products, is really interesting. And you can “improve” ad infinitum. Just don’t say that we don’t have enough “vitamins”! In response to our call to refuse “pregnant” vitamins, the doctors’ nerves can’t stand it, and we read the following blunders: “according to the doctor, one can suspect some kind of commercial interest here, since propaganda of the uselessness, and even harm, of vitamin preparations only plays into hand to producers of fruits, vegetables, juices and bee products.” If we ourselves feel the difference between a cucumber from the garden and a greenhouse one, then the body also feels the difference between a real, living vitamin and a factory one. You can't fool him. Pharmacy vitamins: what are they? Vitamin A (retinol, beta-carotene): “Retinol is isolated from natural sources or synthesized from the pseudoion as acetate or palmitate.” “Several varieties of this vitamin are known: A1, found in the fat and liver of marine fish and terrestrial vertebrates; A2, found in the liver of freshwater fish, amphibians, etc. Vitamins A are found only in animal tissues. Plant sources contain so-called provitamins A, represented mainly by alpha, beta and gamma carotenes.” There is an opinion that vitamin A is dangerous for the unborn child: “Preparations that contain high doses of vitamin A pose a potential danger to pregnant women. The risk that a child may have congenital malformations is as great as when taking thalidomide. This was stated by Professor Hoffler, Chairman of the Medicines Commission (Germany). Vitamin preparations with a low vitamin content do not pose a danger.” “In high dosages, this vitamin can have a teratogenic effect and provoke the development of various abnormalities in the fetus. After being forced to take large doses of vitamin A, you can plan a pregnancy no earlier than 6-12 months later. It is also undesirable to use vitamin A preparations in the first months of pregnancy.” Now look at the percentage of vitamin A in complexes for pregnant women. Mother - 120%, Elevit - 144%, Mamino Health alphabet - 106%, Vitrum Pronalia - 160%, Vitrum Penal Forte - 200%, Lady's Formula for pregnant women and nursing - 160%, Perepol - 120%, Pregnake - 100 %, Gendevit-132%, Sana-Sol-100%, Multitabs Podnatal-100%, complovit "Mom"-100%. All numbers are given for the Russian norm. In the UK, the daily dose of vitamin is only 1,500 IU, and international norms - up to 1000 IU. In Russia, we have a daily norm for pregnant women and lactating for some reason 2500 IU. And we are also from food at least something, but we’ll take it, not only from pharmacy packaging. Yes, and we will have enough of our reserves for the first time: “Usually, in the human liver there is a two -year vitamin A reserve when an exceeding a daily dose of 5,000 IT is a slowdown in the fetus and improper development of its urinary tract. Do not exceed the doses of the RNP (recommended consumption rate) if you are pregnant or plan to get pregnant. Consult a doctor if you have: diabetes, intestinal disease with diarrhea, kidney disease, liver, and thyroid activity, pregnancy, and lactation are increased. In chronic intoxication by vitamin A, laboratory tests show an increased content of glucose in the blood, nitrogen in blood and urine, calcium, cholesterol and triglyceride in serum. Overdose. Bleeding gums or ulcers in the oral cavity, convex soft acne on the head of children, sometimes hydrocephalus (discharge of the brain), confusion or unusual excitement, diarrhea, dizziness, double pain, headache, dry skin, hair loss, skin peeling On the lips, palms and other places, seizures, vomiting, enlarged spleen and liver. ” In the liver we have a large supply of vitamin A. And not only with us, since the main source of vitamin A is the liver of animals and fish. Doctors simply forget that our reserves of all vitamins are not only but so great that they allow us to calmly survive a natural disaster called “Pregnancy”. They write: “Is vitamin E danger? In experiments on white mice, the English researchers E. Hook, K. Highli and A. Niels found that vitamin E is able to cause ugliness and vices of embryonic development. Although in the experiments the frequency of the occurrence of anomalies in the fruits turned out to be low (1:91), the authors, remembering the sad experience of prescribing talidomide and other similar drugs, raise the question of the need for a wider study of this vitamin, since women use it regularly during pregnancy " The sober thoughts of scientists are interrupted by loud professionally set Scanditations: "Drink vitamins, Gertrude!" For more than 30 years, Vitamin E, or Tocopherol, is included in a component in the complexes for pregnant women. Apparently, it is understood that it is easier to abandon the sick child than to take vitamins. Doctors-pediatricians are concerned, only who will hear them? Here is what the pediatrician Elvira Mamedova and professor, doctor of medical sciences Natalya Belova write: “Every year more and more products appear in stores with the addition of vitamins and minerals. Ordinary juices, kefir, milk and bread are increasingly inferior to miracle analysts with vitamins and living bacteria. Admit, for sure, you, buying food for the baby, prefer enriched products. But the pediatricians are sure that the benefits of most of them are greatly exaggerated. If there is a lot of plant foods in the baby’s diet, then there is no need to introduce prebiotics artificially. The first scientific data on the negative impact of chemical additives on the development of children appear. “Chemical attack” can increase the risk of allergies and intolerance to certain products. The sooner you introduce the baby to a synthetic taste, the more likely it is that it will “slide” into chemistry products. ” “An excess amount of protein in a diet leads to significant disorders of the vitamin balance. It was established that under such conditions, the body's need for vitamins of group B increases, and above all Pyridoxine (B6). The main reasons for reducing the number of individual vitamins in the finished food are: ... one -sided nutrition, especially with turning off vegetables, which are the main carriers of vitamins C and P, etc. ” Writes the head of the laboratory of vitamins and mineral substances of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Worker of Science, Professor V. B. Spirichev: "Here is the conclusion to which scientists of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology in Moscow came on the basis of perennial and extensive observations: disadvantage Vitamins are one of the most important causes that increase the frequency and severity of various complications of pregnancy, while the replenishment of this lack, the optimal provision of vitamins of the body of a pregnant woman serves as a reliable guarantee of health and normal development of her child. ” Actually, his thought is similar to the truth. Consigning of vitamins with doctors and their eating all pregnant women leads to the results that the country can be proud of: “According to the materials of the research center for the health of children of the RAMS, the proportion of healthy children barely reaches 4-6%, and the number of sick children has grown from an early age.” This is how this situation in the Russian market is evaluated by a professor, doctor of medical sciences, hieromonk Anatoly (Berestov), ​​author of the sensational books “Seduction. On dietary supplements ”(1999) and“ Health Blow ”(2003):“ enrichment and “re -enrichment” by various vitamins can lead to the so -called thesaurisms - accumulation diseases, as a result of which, in particular, such diseases can develop that with normal immune immunity the system is not found. It is extremely difficult to determine in what quantity to take a given person - an adult or a child - one or another vitamin, and it is impossible at a massive scale.: One blood test for the content of the same vitamin C costs about $ 40! In the West, the production and distribution of such drugs is taken under tight control. In some countries, certain types of vitamin additives are simply prohibited. " Conclusions. 1. Do not use vitamins from a pharmacy or in any other way proposed. Basically, they are artificial, which leads to the accumulation of biological errors in the human body due to the inconsistency of artificial vitamins by natural (Ratsemata). On the other hand, if they get pharmacy vitamins in a “natural” way, then this “natural” path looks very unappetizing (example: bacteria that develop on rotting fish flour are able to synthesize vitamin K. These bacteria contain a large amount of vitamin K). 2. “Wrong” molecules from vitamin mixtures (Ratsemats) violate the coordinated work of our body at the level of biochemistry. They even provoke the development of various diseases. An example is a very popular vitamin B9, folic acid. Firstly, folic acid is widely common in nature, present in all animals, plant and microbial cells. Its content in the leaves of green plants and foods such as liver, green vegetables, yeast in the leaves of green plants. Secondly, folic acid deficiency is not so much a consequence of its limited admission to food, as the result of a violation of absorption. Thirdly, as we know. The use of one of the important groups of antimicrobial drugs-sulfonamides-is based on their property to include instead of PABK (due to the similarity of the structure) in the molecule of folic acid during synthesis in microorganisms, thereby blocking foil-dependent reactions. This means that the use of folic acid provokes the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, namely: staphylococci, streptococci, meningococci, gonococci, pneumococci, intestines, pathogens of dysentery, trachomas and some other bacteria. It is these sulfonamides as antivitamins that are used for tonsillitis, erysipelas of inflammation, cystitis, pyelonephritis, enterocolitis, chlamydia and other infections caused by gram -positive and gram -negative bacteria. Doctors require analyzes for various infections, in particular chlamydia, and then try to cure antibiotics from them. Isn't it easier to moderate vitamin appetite? 3. It is unlikely that all the vitamins we need are not in plant foods, although doctors claim that meat products are necessary for us. Otherwise, it will be necessary to assume that the most famous musician Sir Paul McCartney, over 40 years, reckoned with true vegetarians, is sneaking at night to the refrigerator for a piece of sausage or meat. There is a second path of receipt of essential amino acids and vitamins from animal protein. This path is through the intestinal microflora. Few people know that in our stomach there are a lot of microbes with a total weight of 2 to 4 kg. They feed on our food, multiply and ... become our food. We contain our own herd of pets. Intestinal enzymes, gastric juices, hydrochloric acid do not have a selective effect. They just also digest food, microbes, walls of the stomach and intestines (though we protect themselves, our walls are more difficult to digest - this is called cytoprotheme). That is why: a.) Their livestock does not grow at a breathtaking speed, b.) We do not die from a lack of anything. 4. Unsceptible secret goal - “improving the quality of human life” is false. From artificial food, only allergicization of the population is growing. “In developed countries, as in Russia, up to 20% of the population, and more in places, suffer from allergies. Allergic reactions that are characterized by more urgent urgent states than an acute belly in surgery, by the end of the twentieth century, covered 20-40% of the population of developed countries, while at the beginning of the century doctors observed less than 1% of people. ” 5. Eating something (vitamins, for example) during pregnancy on the only basis that this is “necessary”-there is unbelief in the Creator. The very one who at one time, creating us, allegedly “did not think” to the end. And then smart doctors came and thought up for him? 6. Vitamins are a business. True, I don’t know how better than alcohol and drugs. You need to understand that vitamins, medicines and dietary supplements are at least somewhat, but they are worth it. And if the profit of manufacturers and distributors can be approximately calculated, then how much such a “care” for health will cost our body, it is very difficult to determine. Here, in the first place, economic interests. Given all of the foregoing, you have to forbid pregnant women clog their body and body of their baby with artificial vitamins. Today, scurrying is no longer scared. The technology of the advertising business has gone far ahead. Now we are scared by simply the lack of vitamins. At the same time, no one checks for the content of vitamins, how much they correspond to the norm. You can’t just drink medicines in general and vitamins in particular.

Alexander Naumov, pediatrician. Published: Home Child magazine No. 7'2009.


Tablet No. 1 (pink) contains:

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 50 mg.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) - 1.2 mg.
  • Beta-carotene - 2 mg.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 300 mcg.
  • Iron - 20 mg.
  • Copper - 1 mg.
  • Taurine - 50 mg.

Tablet No. 2 (blue) contains:

  • Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) - 19 mg.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) - 12 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 2 mg.
  • Beta-carotene - 2 mg.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 1 mg.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 40 mg.
  • Zinc - 12 mg.
  • Manganese - 1 mg.
  • Iodine - 150 mcg.
  • Selenium - 40 mcg.
  • Magnesium - 50 mg.
  • Molybdenum - 25 mcg.

Tablet No. 3 (yellow) contains:

  • Vitamin B5 (D-calcium pantothenate) - 5 mg.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 300 mcg.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 3 mcg.
  • Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) - 10 mcg.
  • Vitamin K1 (phytomenadione) - 60 mcg.
  • Vitamin H (biotin) - 30 mcg.
  • Calcium - 250 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 125 mg.
  • Chromium - 25 mcg.

Excipients: fillers (lactose, microcrystalline cellulose), binders (polyvinylpyrrolidone, sodium carboxymethylcellulose), disintegrant croscarmellose sodium, glidants (talc, silica), lubricants (magnesium stearate, stearic acid).

Tablet shell: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, polydextrose, talc, maltodextrin, intermediate triglycerides, food colors (Ponceau 4R, brilliant blue FCF).

Mode of application

During the period of pregnancy planning, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, take one tablet with meals (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3) with breakfast, lunch and dinner in any order with an interval of 4-6 hours.

If the recommended dosage schedule has been violated, you can resume it with any tablet or take the missed tablets along with the next one.

Duration of treatment: 4 weeks.

Further appointments are agreed with the doctor.


Alphabet Mom's Health is the world's first vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant and lactating women, created taking into account the interaction of components. This increases the effectiveness of vitamin prophylaxis by more than 30% and ensures hypoallergenicity.

The composition and dosage are developed based on the latest scientific achievements and reliably provide the body with vitamins and minerals during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Efficiency and safety depend decisively on taking into account the interaction of components. This is an elementary truth of modern medicine.

How can we take into account the interaction of components?

Vitamins and minerals interact during storage, during absorption and during the implementation of biological functions in the body, which can lead to the loss of activity of some of them, and, consequently, their beneficial properties.

Negative interactions during storage (for example, oxidation of some components of the tablet even before it is taken) can be prevented using known methods: multilayer tableting, microencapsulation, etc. But the interaction of components in the digestive tract and in the internal environment of the body cannot be eliminated using similar methods. It is physiologically necessary, and this is required by strict pharmaceutical standards, for the vitamin-mineral complex tablet to completely dissolve within 1 hour. The process of assimilation of vitamins and minerals lasts 4-6 hours, and during this time the negative interactions are fully manifested. Thus, they can only be avoided by taking the antagonistic components of the complex at different times.

When creating the Alphabet of Mom's Health, all the facts known to science about the interaction of vitamins and minerals were collected and systematized. The data obtained were taken into account in dividing the complete set of components into three tablets, each of which included only compatible substances.

The separation of components improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals, and, consequently, the effectiveness of the vitamin-mineral complex.

What is the benefit of separate intake?

1. Provides higher efficiency compared to traditional (single-tablet) drugs:

  • 30% more vitamin B12 is retained;
  • iron absorption doubles;
  • calcium absorption increases by 36%;
  • the absorption of manganese increases by 34%.

2. The likelihood of developing a number of undesirable reactions is excluded:

  • the oxidative reaction between vitamins C and B12 disrupts the entire process of absorption of the latter (not only from drugs, but also from food);
  • Vitamin B1 can cause an allergic type reaction, and the presence of vitamin B12 can aggravate it.

3. The benefits of synergy remain when the components of the drug work better together than separately:

  • Vitamin D promotes optimal absorption and efficient use of calcium;
  • calcium helps the absorption of vitamin B12;
  • Vitamin C restores the protective (antioxidant) properties of vitamin E.

How to take Alphabet Mom's Health?

The daily dose consists of three tablets of different colors, taken at intervals of 4-6 hours during meals (for example, breakfast, lunch and dinner). The sequence of tablets can be any. It is important that you take three tablets throughout the day: orange, yellow and cream.

The Mother's Health Alphabet includes phosphorus and increased calcium content, since during pregnancy and breastfeeding the need for these minerals is increased. That is why the third (white with a creamy tint) tablet is larger than the others.

Maximum effectiveness is achieved when taken separately, but if you forget to take one or two tablets on time, take the missed ones with the next one the next time or simply resume taking any tablet.

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