"Orthomol": composition, beneficial properties for women

Feminal® contains phytoestrogens - isoflavones. Research on the structure and biological properties of phytoestrogens has been carried out since the 30s of the last century. Studies of phytoestrogens have proven that their structure is similar to the hormone estrogen produced by a woman’s body, and that phytoestrogens have a molecular weight similar to estrogen.

In the 80s, the anti-cancer effect of Biocanin A, one of the isoflavones contained in Feminal®, was proven. In the last decade, isoflavones contained in red clover extract have been successfully used to treat symptoms and complications of menopause.

What kind of drug is this

Good afternoon My name is Rimma, I'm 49 years old. Of course, I was waiting for menopause and understood that changes would occur in the body. But believe me, when so many illnesses came at once, I forgot to think about menopause and was distracted by treatment. Expensive medications did not improve my condition, I developed serious problems with women’s health, and I was preparing for the worst. Agree, when you are undergoing treatment and there is no improvement, your thoughts become not at all joyful and you give up.

My blood pressure began to rise sharply, I began to feel dizzy, and it got to the point where I could simply lose consciousness at work. Fortunately, I was lucky and I met a competent specialist. After a series of tests, the doctor came to the conclusion that the main reason is menopause, due to which there is a hormonal imbalance.

Of course, I couldn’t even imagine that the harmless menopause, which is a normal process for all women, could be so serious. I took into account all the doctor’s recommendations and decided to take a look at the pills he prescribed for me. Feminal is a homeopathic medicine based on herbal components, which restore the functioning of hormones and improve the condition. In addition, while reading the description, I learned that the product is a prevention of cancer of the breast and female organs. Unlike powerful hormonal drugs, the medicine has a mild effect with a long-lasting effect; it can be taken for three years, just until the entire process of restructuring in the body takes place. The product has no side effects and does not cause allergies.

pharmachologic effect

The vitamin complex helps to harmoniously cope with the menopause period. At this point, women face some adverse consequences:

  • disorders of fat metabolism;
  • excess weight with the same diet;
  • profuse sweating;
  • metabolic disorders
  • depressive states;
  • mood swings, irritability;
  • problems falling asleep, insomnia;
  • changes in bone and cartilage tissue.

Due to its rich chemical composition, the drug has a complex effect on the body:

  1. Vitamins take part in all vital processes and support the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Biotin provides an attractive appearance to nails and hair and prevents their loss. Useful during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Folic acid stimulates the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all tissues. It supports the normal functioning of nerve cells, heart and blood vessels, and also helps prevent skin aging processes and ensures attractive hair.
  4. Selenium prevents premature aging, eliminates imbalances in the synthesis of female sex hormones, and helps maintain skin elasticity.
  5. Zinc ensures normal vision, prevents myopia, and takes part in the functioning of the nervous system.
  6. Omega-3 fatty acids stimulate brain activity, ensure normal performance, and stabilize mood during menopause.
  7. Omega-6 fatty acids strengthen the immune system and prevent memory loss, inflammation, and cleanse the body of excess “bad” cholesterol.

What components are included?

On the Internet, I came across a site where there was a detailed description of Feminal tablets. Reading the information, I was convinced of the naturalness of the composition and learned that the main and most important component is red clover. It is this plant that contains isoflavones, which are very similar to female ones. And due to this similarity, the manifestations of menopause decrease and menopause proceeds calmly, without any special manifestations.

These are the active substances that are present in red clover extract and have a positive effect on the hormonal levels of the female body:

  • biocanine;
  • genistein;
  • formononetin;
  • daidzein.

Of course, in order for the tablet to have its own structure, there are also auxiliary components such as silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, magnesium stearate, but I think they do not play a special role in improving the condition.

Reading the description of Feminal, I saw a lot of reviews from experts. It turns out that most gynecologists recommend its use even in the early manifestations of menopause. You can take it for three years, but with regular visits to the gynecologist and always with breaks.

“Most women have a difficult time going through menopause, which is caused by a slowdown in the production of essential hormones.
Red clover extract, which is part of Feminal, compensates for the lack of estrogen hormones and improves a woman’s condition. Symptoms such as sweating, rapid heartbeat and pressure changes decrease already on the third day of using the tablets. I recommend that my patients take the drug for different periods of time, it depends on the severity of menopause. Feminal suits me with its quick and positive effect on the female body and the absence of side effects” Anna Vladimirovna, gynecologist, Orel

I heard reviews from specialists and realized that most of them were in favor of Feminal. Despite the fact that the remedy is an absolute homeopathy, it has a good effect and improves the condition.

Research on the effectiveness of isoflavones in the treatment of menopause (menopausal disorders)

Research from the University of Vienna, Austria, has proven that the effect of red clover isoflavones contained in Feminal® is more consistent with the effect of the hormone estrogen on the female body than the effect of soy and black cohosh isoflavones. (V. Beck, U. Roi, A. Jungbauer / “Phytoestrogens derived from red clover: an alternative to hormone replacement therapy?” / Biochemistry of steroids and molecular biology, 2005.)

A study of 75 women who sought medical help with complaints characteristic of menopausal syndrome, conducted by scientists from the St. Petersburg State Medical Academy. Mechnikov, showed that: “Red clover extract effectively relieves (prevents) the manifestations of menopausal syndrome, eliminating neurovegetative (hot flashes, palpitations, chills) and psycho-emotional disorders in patients, which makes it possible to recommend Feminal® as an alternative remedy for patients with menopause. Taking Feminal® significantly reduces the psycho-emotional manifestations of menopausal syndrome, regardless of its severity.” (N.A. Tatarova, V.A. Linde, E.V. Zhidkova, Kh.S. Sokhadze / “Non-hormonal correction of menopausal disorders in peri- and postmenopause” / Effective pharmacotherapy in obstetrics and gynecology, December 2009).

Currently, the isoflavones of red clover extract are regarded as one of the best sources of phytoestrogens compared to other plants. Moreover, it is believed that the isoflavones contained in red clover extract have a greater potential for estrogenic effects due to transformation into more active substances when absorbed in the intestines. A study of red clover isoflavones compared with placebo found that isoflavones reduced menopausal symptoms in women and had a positive effect on a woman's hormonal status. Source: L. Hidalgo, P. Chedraoui et al. / “The effect of red clover isoflavones on menopausal symptoms” / Gynecological Endocrinology, 2005.

Scientists from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian State Medical University studied 30 patients with severe menopausal syndrome and came to the conclusion that: “The use of Feminal®, containing red clover extract, leads to a decrease or complete disappearance of menopausal disorders, has a positive effect on the lipid spectrum and hormonal profile . Feminal® is an effective alternative method for relieving climacteric syndrome, especially mild and moderate severity, which can significantly improve the quality of life of this age group of women.” Based on materials from the publication “Experience of using Feminal® in the correction of menopausal disorders Yu.E. DOBROKHOTOVA, N.A. LITVINOVA, E.V. LETYAGINA, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Moscow Faculty (Head - Prof. Yu.E. Dobrokhotova) Russian State Medical University, magazine "Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist" 2009

When should you take Feminal?

Of course, medications of this kind should be started after consultation with a doctor. But I would like to consider those cases when Feminal can have a positive effect and improve the condition:

  • increased nervousness;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • tides;
  • increased sweating;
  • cardiopalmus.

It turns out Feminal is prescribed before, during and after menopause. There are cases when a woman does not have any visible symptoms listed above, but there is increased irritability, pain during sexual intercourse, or heavy discharge that is not justified by tests. In such cases, specialists prescribe medicine, so to speak, for prevention.

What women say about Feminal, reviews from the network

Honestly, I can’t understand why my previous doctor missed the fact that there was a possibility of menopause, because I had all of the above symptoms. I was even more inclined to buy Feminal, but still decided to make sure that there were really no side effects. On women's health forums, I found quite a lot of real reviews. Most women are quite satisfied with the capsules and feel relief already on the second day. I don’t argue, I came across a couple of negative reviews from women who did not get the desired effect and switched to stronger hormonal drugs. But personally, I am more inclined to use gentle and natural remedies, so as not to harm my health even more.

“I took Feminal for a month, I’m very pleased with the result. Before this, I can’t even describe my condition, I felt very bad, I was often dizzy and my blood pressure was jumping. A friend sent me to her treating gynecologist and he advised me to take Feminal. I had to wait perhaps three days for the effect; I had just taken sick leave. But then I was able to go back to work with renewed vigor, and now I regularly take the drug with breaks of several months. The capsules are tasteless and easy to swallow.”

Now I was calm, because I was convinced that women did not experience allergies or adverse reactions while taking the pills. I was worried that there might be discomfort in the stomach and intestines, but fortunately this did not happen.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is indicated for use by women during menopause. It is used as an additional source of various vitamins and minerals, including beneficial components such as biotin, folic acid, zinc, carotenoids, coenzyme Q10, selenium and many others.

The drug is a food supplement; it is especially effective when following a balanced diet. However, it is not a product in itself and does not replace food intake.

The product has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to any of the components. If allergic reactions occur, it is recommended to stop taking it and consult a doctor for additional advice. At the same time, the Orthomol complex does not contain gluten or glucose. Therefore, the tablets can also be used by patients with diabetes.

Instructions for use and my impressions of Feminal

I knew that Feminal belonged to the category of dietary supplements, but a small worry still did not leave me. My package contained two blisters, 15 capsules each. The tablets were in a pink shell and quite small in size. Instructions were also included. It says to take one capsule per day with a glass of purified water. A prerequisite is to take the capsule with food for greater effectiveness. The doctor prescribed me to take it for three months with breaks of three weeks after each. That's exactly what I did.

In the first days I didn’t notice much effect, but gradually the hot flashes began to subside, the tinnitus began to disappear, and the dizziness finally stopped. In terms of the genital organs, the condition has also improved, but I do not stop visiting the gynecologist and hope for the final normalization of my condition. I did not experience any adverse reactions or allergies; in my opinion, this is the most harmless medicine I have ever taken. Improvements, of course, will have to wait a couple of days, but there is no harm to other organs. So I’m quite happy with Feminal tablets and my current condition.

Vitamins "Orthomol": composition, description

The drug is not a cure. It belongs to the group of biologically active food additives, used to compensate for the lack of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

The composition of Ortomol is very diverse:

  1. Vitamins: A, E, B6, D, C, B12, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid.
  2. Mineral components: selenium and zinc.
  3. Plant extracts – soy, flaxseed.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids based on fish oil and flax oil.
  5. Omega-6 fatty acids from evening primrose.

Sodium in the form of selenate, glycerin, lecithin, zinc in the form of gluconate and others are used as additional components. Available in tablet form, easy to use.

They can be stored under normal room conditions at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius, avoiding direct sunlight. It is important to keep away from children. The shelf life is 2 years from the date of production. After this time, vitamins cannot be used.

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