Zinc, selenium and vitamin D. How to protect yourself from COVID-19?

Release form and composition

Antioxicaps with selenium is available in the form of capsules: gelatin, red, with a soft elastic structure, oblong, with a seam; inside the capsule there is a homogeneous red oil suspension (10 pieces in a blister pack, 2 packs in a cardboard box).

1 capsule contains:

  • active ingredients: vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – 100 mg; vitamin A (in the form of 30% oil suspension of betacarotene) – 20 mg (equivalent to betacarotene content – ​​6 mg), vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate) – 30 mg, selenium – 0.03 mg (as yeast selenium 0.1% – 30 mg or 0.2% – 15 mg);
  • auxiliary components: beeswax, sunflower oil, purified lecithin.

Analogues of the drug

Analogs of the Antioxicaps with Selenium complex are the following drugs:

  • "Antioxicaps with zinc."
  • "Antioxicaps with iodine."
  • "Vitrum Vision".
  • "Velman."
  • "Vitrum Performance".
  • "Aerovit with ginseng."
  • "Biovital".
  • Vitamax.
  • "Gerimaks".
  • "Geriavit-Farmaton".
  • "Ginvit."
  • "Jeriton."
  • "Vitrum Beauty".
  • "Gitagump."
  • "Doppelhertz Selevit".
  • "Doppelhertz Energotonic".
  • "Livolin Forte".
  • "Moriamin Forte".
  • "Pantovigar".
  • "Perfectil."
  • "Revalid".
  • "Royal Wit".
  • "Trivita".
  • "Pharmaton Vital"

Before replacing a drug with analogues, you should consult with your doctor, since most of these drugs do not have the full range of beneficial properties of Antioxicaps with Selenium.

Pharmacological properties


Antioxicaps with selenium is a complex vitamin preparation with microelements.

Ascorbic acid plays an important role in the processes of regulating redox reactions in the body, potentiates carbohydrate and protein metabolism, increases cholesterol metabolism, increases blood clotting, and accelerates tissue regeneration. Vitamin C takes part in the synthesis of steroid hormones and increases the body's resistance to infections.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is provided by betacarotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A. The mechanism of its action is the ability to bind active oxygen, protecting cellular structures from the destructive effects of free radicals, which are formed in large quantities under unfavorable environmental conditions or pathological processes in the body.

Alpha tocopherol acetate has antioxidant properties. Vitamin E stabilizes the strength of double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids, slowing down the processes of fat oxidation and the formation of peroxides in the body. Restores the damaged structure of red blood cell membranes and their function. Tocopherol activates the most important processes of cellular metabolism, including the function of tissue respiration and cell proliferation, and takes part in the biosynthesis of heme, collagen and proteins.

Selenium is a microelement that has cytoprotective activity, slows down the aging process, and helps regulate tissue elasticity. It activates the body's nonspecific defense factors and prevents the appearance of secondary infection in the patient. Selenium occupies a significant place in the enzyme system of glutathione peroxidase and affects its activity. Glutathione peroxidase protects intracellular structures from damage from free oxygen radicals formed both during metabolism and as a result of the influence of ionizing radiation or other external factors.

Zinc, selenium and vitamin D. How to protect yourself from COVID-19?

The curve of coronavirus cases has climbed upward. But science does not stand still. The body of knowledge about the disease is growing, and new methods of treatment and prevention are appearing.

Antiviral cocktail

How to protect yourself from COVID-19 until the vaccine becomes available to everyone? And what about those for whom this vaccine is contraindicated for one reason or another?

Many doctors believe that good antiviral protection is provided by a cocktail of three components - zinc, selenium and vitamin D.

“The role of microelements in the functioning of the immune system and protection against viruses is great, and we decided to see what their significance is in the severity of COVID-19,” says Andrei Svistunov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, First Vice-Rector of Sechenov University. – Since we have a database of several hundred patients with this infection treated in our clinic, we checked the concentrations of many trace elements in their blood serum. A clear relationship was revealed - the lower the level of zinc and selenium, the more severe the disease. And vice versa – with normal levels of these microelements, there was more often a mild course of COVID-19.”

“The role of zinc in this study was expected, but such large-scale data on the important role of selenium in protection against COVID-19 have been obtained for the first time,” says Anatoly Skalny, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Dietetics at Sechenov University and the ideologist of this study. – The direct antiviral effect of zinc, including against coronavirus, has been well studied. It inhibits its reproduction (replication) in the cell. Plus, zinc strengthens the immune system, affecting many parts of the immune system. Vitamin D has the same effect. Additional intake of this vitamin to prevent coronavirus infection is prescribed in many official recommendations. Selenium can also affect immunity, including innate immunity, which plays a big role in COVID-19. In addition, it protects the lungs and, together with zinc, is important in reducing the inflammatory response. We know well what negative role excessive inflammation plays during coronavirus infection: the cytokine storm is the most important factor in its severe course. And perhaps selenium plays a significant role in its weakening.

Having reviewed these facts with a large international group of scientists, we came to the conclusion that zinc, selenium and vitamin D are optimal for both the prevention of COVID-19 and its treatment from the very beginning of the disease. After all, all these components are important for the production of antibodies and good functioning of the immune system. We wrote an article about this, published in the influential scientific journal Nutrients, and now together with leading scientists, including Nobel laureate Konstantin Novoselov, we are preparing a book on the role of microelements in COVID-19. It will be released in the USA and will be available to all doctors.”

How to enable “triple protection”?

“Unfortunately, residents of most of Russia lack each of these three substances,” says Anatoly Skalny. – For example, 30–40% of Russians have a zinc deficiency. Among older people with diabetes, obesity, frequent colds and chronic diseases of the lungs, liver or alcohol abuse, zinc and selenium deficiency is observed in 60–80%. Given this situation, drugs can be taken without testing their content in the body. But this can be done for no longer than 3 months and in moderate doses. For zinc this is 5–10 mg per day, for selenium – 50 mcg, for vitamin D – daily intake of 600–800 IU (15–20 mcg). In any case, this will strengthen the immune system.

But it is better, of course, to do an analysis and check the content of the components of the “triple cocktail” in the body. All of them can be determined in the blood, and zinc and selenium can also be determined in the hair. If there is a serious deficiency, the intake will take longer and the dose will need to be higher. For zinc this is 80 mg per day, for selenium - 100–200 mcg. If a person is infected with coronavirus, then such doses can be taken for 3 weeks - this will help in treatment. Don't forget to eat right with enough food rich in these substances. Note that many foods are both high in zinc and selenium, and eggs are rich in all three.

Link to publication: Arguments and facts

Indications for use

  • prevention of hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency of vitamins A, E, C and selenium deficiency in the body;
  • increased activity of factors of nonspecific defense of the body to colds;
  • a period of increased mental or physical stress;
  • climacteric syndrome - as part of complex therapy;
  • the period of recovery after infectious and other serious diseases, accompanied by or without febrile syndrome;
  • compensation of vitamins A, E, C and selenium in case of unbalanced and inadequate nutrition, in conditions of adverse environmental impacts on the body;
  • reducing the negative impact of bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and smoking.

Types of "Antioxicaps"

One capsule of “Antioxycaps with zinc” contains 10 mg of ZnO (zinc oxide), which determines the additional properties of this drug. Zinc is a microelement that takes part in bone formation, as well as the metabolism of nucleic acids and hormones. In reviews of the drug Antioxicaps, some patients speak about the effectiveness of medications containing iodine and iron. “Antioxicaps with iron” activates hematopoietic processes and enhances the synthesis of chromoproteins (myoglobin, hemoglobin). “Antioxicaps with iodine” affects the metabolism of substances, optimizes the morphofunctional state of the thyroid gland, and enhances dissimilation processes. The appropriateness of using a particular medication should be determined by the attending physician.

Side effects

While taking Antioxycaps with selenium, diarrhea, the appearance of a yellow tint in the skin color, the development of allergic reactions, and in rare cases, joint pain and dizziness are possible.

High doses can cause abdominal pain, hyperoxaluria and an increased risk of stone formation (oxalates) in the kidneys, blurred vision, increased fatigue, weakness, with vitamin K deficiency - bleeding, while taking estrogens - an increased risk of thrombosis, with glucose-6 deficiency phosphate dehydrogenase – increased risk of hemolysis.

If undesirable reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Mode of application

Antioxycaps with selenium capsules are taken after meals. For preventive purposes and in complex therapy, it is recommended to prescribe the medication to patients from the age of fourteen, one capsule once a day for 2-3 months. The preventive course must be repeated several times a year.

Many people are looking for an answer to the following question: if Antioxicaps with Selenium is prescribed, how often can it be used? So, it is not worth experimenting with the frequency of taking the medicine and dosage, since the duration of use of the drug is set by the doctor depending on the nature and severity of the pathology, as well as taking into account the patient’s body’s need for vitamins A, E and C.

Drug interactions

When using Antioxycaps with selenium simultaneously:

  • glucocorticosteroids, antibacterial agents from the tetracycline group, ethanol and ethanol-containing drugs reduce the therapeutic effect of provitamin A;
  • anticonvulsants under the influence of tocopherol can increase their effectiveness in patients with epilepsy with increased levels of lipid peroxidation products, vitamin A and D in the blood;
  • oral contraceptives reduce the absorption of ascorbic acid;
  • iron supplements increase their absorption;
  • short-acting salicylates and sulfonamides increase the risk of developing crystalluria;
  • orlistat, cholestyramine cause a decrease in the absorption of vitamins A and E.


"Antioxicaps with selenium" is not prescribed in case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. There is no data on the safety and effectiveness of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In general, “Antioxycaps with selenium” has positive reviews, so if it is used correctly under the supervision of a doctor, no problems should arise.

Replenishing selenium in the body

Most people in the modern world have reduced levels of selenium in their bodies. To prevent the occurrence of a deficiency condition, which can lead to malfunctions of various organs and systems, it is necessary to take selenium vitamins. Various complexes, which contain an important microelement, are offered by manufacturers in a huge variety. They can be purchased in pharmacies at an affordable price. But if you include selenium-rich foods in your diet, then you can completely do without dietary supplements.

You can ensure that the body receives the required amount of selenium by eating 6-8 Brazil nuts a couple of times a week. Also sources of the microelement are walnuts, soybeans, lentils, peas, and seeds. Selenium is also found in sufficient quantities in rice, buckwheat, and oatmeal. Available foods that will help maintain normal microelement levels are seafood and fish. Dishes from shrimp, mussels, crabs, sardines, tuna, and halibut should appear regularly in the diet. It should be remembered that with prolonged heat treatment, the level of selenium in dishes decreases.

Despite the fact that selenium is not produced by the human body, its normal level is easy to maintain with a balanced diet. This will support the body’s defense reactions and reduce the risks of developing many serious diseases.

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