Useful properties of the mummy supplement - rich composition of minerals

Mumiyo is a natural mountain product with a very rich mineral composition in a biologically active form. Together with fulvic acid, it helps in the absorption of other nutrients and has excellent regenerative properties, for example, for fractures and joint diseases. In our review of mumiyo, we will look at the main beneficial properties, as well as other pressing issues.

  1. What is mumiyo, where to buy it and how to avoid counterfeiting.
  2. Useful properties and harm of mumiyo.
  3. Instructions for taking mumiyo, dosage, contraindications.

What diseases does it help with?

The range of diseases for using mumiyo is wide. There are entire guidelines regulating the use of this substance in medical practice, rules for preparing dosage forms from it, ointments, tablets. It is these standards that doctors are guided by when prescribing treatment for a patient.

The substance helps cope with many diseases and problems:

  • laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, asthma;
  • problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • lung diseases;
  • ARVI, sore throat;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • inflammation of the bladder or kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • problems in the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases or problems with the skin - eczema, burns, frostbite, wounds, rashes;
  • fractures;
  • problems with teeth and gums – stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, etc.;
  • infertility;
  • hair loss.

The substance can be used internally in the form of tablets/drops or externally in the form of masks, ointments, creams.

Composition of mumiyo

For normal human life, the presence of organic substances is required, which he synthesizes independently or receives from the outside with food. Inorganic compounds (mineral) in the form of ions, or as part of certain compounds, participate in the construction of the body and come only from the outside. The environment consists of elements necessary for the human body, but not all substances are able to be absorbed in this form. Mumiyo preserves their mineral substances in a biologically active form so that they are maximally absorbed in the human body. Surprisingly, but true: mumiyo contains substances in exact accordance with their percentage in the human body.

The component composition of mumiyo varies from deposit to deposit, as does the percentage of specific groups of substances and elements, which can differ significantly in different samples of mumiyo. On average, mumiyo contains a large number of organic compounds, they make up approximately 95% of the total composition. All other elements make up about 5%. Of the conditionally toxic elements in some additives, the presence of lead can be noted, but it is 2.5 times less than the daily permissible standards. To be honest, lead is allowed even in medicinal mineral water, the question is the quantity. Since, according to US laws, manufacturers are required to indicate the presence of lead, at the end of the review we will provide links where lead is not contained in the composition. So, the greatest value in the therapeutic effect of mumiyo is occupied by humic acids with fulvic acid and amino acids.

  • Humic acids. This is an extremely useful product of the geological process of humification, which took place over millions of years, we reviewed them in detail here . The starting materials for humic acid are ancient living organic plants (primarily the Ginkgo tree), fruits and vegetables, and ancient seaweed. Just imagine, the formation of humic substances is the second largest process of transformation of organic matter after photosynthesis! The complex of humic and fulvic acids is an extremely powerful combination for healing the body and, moreover, has high bioavailability. Its composition contains a full range of mineral salts, amino acids and trace elements. These include natural polysaccharides, peptides, up to 20 amino acids, some vitamins, mineral salts, sterols, hormones, fatty acids, polyphenols and ketones with subgroups including flavonoids, flavones, flavins, catechins, tannins, quinones, isoflavones, tocopherols and others . They have antioxidant properties (prevent the aging process), antiviral activity, detoxification and hepatoprotective effects, antibacterial, enterosorption, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-atherosclerotic and anti-stress effects.
  • More than 20 amino acids Thus, the mummy contains all the amino acids a person needs to build the body’s proteins.
  • Macro and microelements : Potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), sulfur (S), phosphorus (P); aluminum (Al), barium (Ba), beryllium (Be), vanadium (V), bismuth (Bi), helium (He), iron (Fe), gold (Au), cobalt (Co), silicon (Si), lithium (Li), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), tin (Cn), rubidium (Rb), silver (Ag), strontium (Sr), antimony (Sb), titanium (Ti), chromium (Cr), cesium (Cs), zinc (Zn), zirconium (Zr). Rare earth trace elements: gadolinium (Gb), holmium (Ho), dysprosium (Dy), europium (Eu), ytterbium (Yb), yttrium (Y), lanthanum (La), lutetium (Lu), neodymium (Nd), praseodymium ( Pr), promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), terbium (Tb), thulium (Tm), cerium (Ce), erbium (Er).

How effective is it to treat arthrosis with mumiyo?

Shilajit does not cure arthrosis, just as no other remedy can cure it, be it a salt compress, chondroitin or painkillers. The disease is a chronic degenerative process in the joints, which is completely impossible to get rid of. They can only be suspended, but no one has yet managed to do this with the help of mumiyo.

Today, orthopedists and rheumatologists much more often prescribe intra-articular injections of a synovial fluid prosthesis, for example the synthetic hypoallergenic drug Noltrex, for this diagnosis. The gel is injected into the joint, where it replenishes fluid deficiency and prevents further friction of the cartilage surfaces.

The action of the medicine is quite understandable and understandable, unlike the action of mumiyo. Therefore, instead of experimenting with your own health, it is better to find a good specialist and trust the best medical developments, supported by numerous positive results.

The best mumiyo on iHerb

Supplements containing mumiyo can be purchased on the iHerb website. This largest online store offers products from world manufacturers at very competitive prices; promotional code AEL3924 gives an additional discount. Shipping to many countries around the world is usually free on orders over $40, with home delivery over $60. Prices on the site are significantly lower than if you bought the goods in a regular store or pharmacy. Below we highlight the most popular and high-quality options (in the photo is Altai Mumiyo, don’t look for it on Iherb).

  1. Paradise Herbs, Shilajit, 60 Vegetarian Capsules . Himalayan mumiyo extract, 250 mg per capsule. Has GMP registration. FDA Registered, Best Seller, No Lead Reported. Extremely attractive price for such a pure product.
  2. Youtheory, Shilajit for Men, 60 Capsules . A similar dosage of 250 mg, and also from the Himalayas. The presence of lead is not reported, but the price is much higher than that of Paradise.
  3. Jarrow Formulas, Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex, 250 mg, 60 Vegetarian Capsules . It is a purified and standardized extract that contains at least 60% fulvic acid complex with high levels of combined dibenzo-a-pyrone and dibenzo-a-pyrone chromoproteins. The manufacturer advises of the possible presence of lead.
  4. Sunfood, raw shilajit in powder form, 100 g . It is mined in the Himalayas, it is convenient to stir in water, juice, you can make compresses on sore joints. Lasts approximately three months with standard use. There is a lead warning.
  5. Sunfood, Raw Shilajit Capsules, 500 mg, 90 Capsules . Raw shilajit extract (min. 15% fulvic acid), 500 mg per capsule. Excellent dosage and cost per day. There is a lead warning.

Useful properties of mumiyo

The pharmacological properties of mumiyo were studied carefully and for a long time by scientists and doctors of the Soviet Union around the 1960-1980s. Scientific conferences on mumiyo were held (in 1965, 1972, 1978), which were based on experimental studies on more than 500 animals and clinical observations on more than 5,000 patients. As a result, the main medicinal properties were identified:

  1. Regulatory property. Thanks to the presence of fulvic acid (FA), mumiyo reacts with simple inorganic molecules of mineral substances and breaks them down into bioavailable substances in the form of ions. It is nature's most powerful electrolyte and has the ability to identify and enhance the beneficial effects of any substance it may be combined with. The table above shows an example of this effect on essential minerals, taken from here. But the main feature of mumiyo is that it is not a stimulant, but a biological regulator, which, with its component part, regulates the electrolyte balance. Shilajit belongs to the group of adaptogens - substances that help the body adapt to various extreme and harmful conditions. This is not an immunostimulant, but a modulator - it reduces excessively hyperactive immunity and increases low immunity.
  2. Regenerating property. Accelerates regenerative processes, which has a positive effect on the healing of wounds, both external and internal, for example, with gastric and duodenal ulcers, and accelerates tissue fusion in fractures. At the same time, mumiyo has a high resorptive activity - swelling, hemorrhages, blood clots, surgical scars, stretch marks and excess callus in fractures quickly resolve.
  3. Antioxidant property. It is one of the most powerful free radical scavengers. Due to their high reactivity and mobility, fulvic acids effectively interact with free radicals to form more inert, safer products. The resulting compounds, depending on their nature, can be used as nutrients or recycled.
  4. For the heart and blood vessels . Actively restores the disturbed chemistry of the exchange of energy resources of the myocardium, reduces inflammation and swelling. Creates favorable conditions for eliminating hypoxia and improving microcirculatory processes in the myocardium, which helps to gradually relieve or prevent attacks of arrhythmia, as well as heart pain. Strengthens and accelerates by 2 times the regeneration of an infarcted heart, normalizes oxidative and metabolic processes. Intensifies interluminal metabolism, stimulates the acceptor abilities of cardiomyocytes. By normalizing coronary circulation and myocardial metabolism, it helps to increase the contractile force of the heart and restores the heart rate. It has a pronounced anticoagulant effect, reduces plasma tolerance to heparin, reduces the amount of fibrinogen, accelerates the process of fibrinolysis, increases the hemoglobin content, the number of red blood cells, and normalizes ROE.
  5. Anti-infective and antimicrobial properties. Shilajit has antibacterial activity against many pathogenic bacteria. Partly due to the high content of silver and fulvic acid. Actively affects streptococci and Escherichia coli. Helps with purulent inflammation, boils, eczema.
  6. Helps in the treatment of anemia. Shilajit contains copper, zinc, manganese, silicon - everything that is needed for the absorption of iron. Shilajit can be a good addition for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
  7. Men's health support. Shilajit is especially useful for men's health, there are even options for supplements purely for men, but this is more of a commercial move, the composition is approximately the same everywhere. Mumiyo increases the quality and motility of sperm. More than 60% of study participants showed an increase in total sperm count, and more than 12% had an increase in sperm motility.

Instructions on how to take mumiyo

The dosage and method of use greatly depend on the intended use, so we will present several options for use, including preventive use.

  1. Preventive general strengthening reception . Start taking 100-150 mg 1 time per day before or after meals in the first couple of days. Then gradually increase to 150 mg 2 times a day or 100 mg 3 times a day. If your weight is more than 90 kg, the daily dose is 400-500 mg. If less than 15 kg - 100 mg. If the weight is from 15 to 40 kg - 200 mg. The course of treatment is 1-3 months, repeat if necessary.
  2. For fractures . It all depends on the severity of the fracture. Depending on this, mumiyo is taken from 25 days to 6 months. 1 course lasts 25 days. Then you need to take a break for 7-10 days and repeat the course. We follow this scheme until complete recovery. Up to 70 kg – 200 mg mumiyo, from 70 to 90 kg – 300 mg, over 90 kg – 500 mg. Take 15-30 minutes before meals, preferably on an empty stomach 3 times a day.
  3. For joint disease . Dosage 300 mg mumiyo, drink 3 times a day before meals 15 minutes. The course is 21 days, a break of 10 days, then the course is repeated. To complete the coverage of the problem, it should also be added that, despite all the effectiveness of mumiyo, the use of this remedy for joint diseases does not eliminate the need for properly prescribed exercise therapy, a special diet and therapy.

Shilajit and contraindications for use

Shilajit is an excellent general strengthening remedy that has a minimum of contraindications; according to Elena Kornilova, it can be taken by children, pregnant and lactating women. But, in every matter, measure makes perfect. And if it is written safe, that is, it can be in kilograms - this is far from the case. Each useful supplement has its own dosage and the principle “More is better” does not work here. If you really want to get a good and lasting result, follow the instructions for taking mumiyo. There are observations regarding the specifics of the course of some diseases:

  1. In the presence of urolithiasis, the combination of mumiyo with acidic foods (lemons, oranges, etc.) can potentially become an additional risk factor for the development of urate urolithiasis. This risk exists only in isolated cases, and is not noted for the vast majority of patients, but just in case, on the days of taking mumiyo, it is better to refrain from taking acidic foods that contribute to the accumulation of urates in the body. If these conditions are met, the uric acid contained in mumiyo does not pose a particular danger to the development of urolithiasis.
  2. In the presence of thyrotoxicosis and hyperfunction of the adrenal glands , in which sympathetic innervation sharply increases, mumiyo can provide additional overload to the body with its stimulating effect on adrenergic receptors.
  3. In cases where, along with hypertension, there are severe bone fractures, trauma to peripheral nerves, atrophic ulcers of the extremities, the use of mumiyo as a stimulator of regenerative processes must be combined with sedatives or vasodilators.

When taking mumiyo, as many sources write, alcohol is contraindicated . Although this issue has not been studied in various studies, it is therefore not confirmed. But, given that during treatment it is generally not recommended to drink alcohol, you can abstain.

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