Alphabet Cosmetics: composition of vitamins and minerals

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  • Every self-respecting woman closely monitors her own appearance. Psychologists say that the worse a woman’s emotional state, the better she looks. In fact, this is impossible from a purely physiological point of view. Depression and constant stress at work and in personal life can give the female body such an emaciated look that salon procedures to restore beauty will not help. The Alphabet Cosmetics multivitamin complex contains 13 vitamin elements, 10 mineral elements, coenzyme Q10, PABA and bioflavonoids, which allows the fairer sex to always remain beautiful.

    What are the benefits of Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins?

    The complex of vitamins helps improve the condition of hair, it stops falling out. Skin looks healthier and younger. And the nail plate is restored, becomes stronger, and grows faster.

    The dietary supplement is not a drug. It allows women to look good at any age. Their condition is affected by CFS, lack of sleep, and stress. Therefore, it is important for women to receive additional vitamins and minerals to protect the body from stress and support its functioning.

    Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins have a positive effect on overall well-being

    After the first course, a woman will feel a surge of strength, energy and vigor in the morning. Insomnia will pass, lightness and self-confidence will appear. Contains coenzyme, which has a rejuvenating effect, and biflavonoids, which can slow down the aging of the skin and the body as a whole.

    We recommend reading: What are the benefits of coenzyme Q10, how to take it, face masks

    Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins perform all of the listed tasks 100%, which is why they are so popular among girls and women.


    Considering the composition that determines the benefits of vitamins such as Alphabet Cosmetics, most consumer reviews are positive. People note that the effect of the drug is noticeable after the end of the first course, since the separation principle on which it is based allows the vitamin and mineral components to be absorbed quickly and efficiently. Most women talk about improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, and nail plates. There is also a rejuvenating effect achieved by taking a multivitamin complex.

    Release form and composition of vitamins Alphabet Cosmetic

    Available in the form of coated tablets. During the development of the composition, all useful substances were divided into three parts. Scientists took into account dozens of interactions and conducted experiments.

    The resulting tablets were yellow, green and orange with different elements. Thanks to this, it was possible to avoid the interaction of antagonist substances and achieve good absorption of vitamins.

    Green pill

    Calcium D3 reduces the development of osteoporosis, strengthens legs and teeth. This tablet promotes hair growth, and PABA in the composition protects against the occurrence of hives


    • coenzyme R—75 mcg;
    • vitamin B5 - 7.5 mcg;
    • cobalamin - 3 mcg;
    • K1 - 60 mcg;
    • B9— 100 mcg;
    • cholecalciferol - 5 mcg;
    • Cr - 50 μg;
    • Ca2+—4 mcg;
    • Si—4 mg;
    • para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) - 50 mg.

    Yellow pill

    It contains antioxidants and biflavonoids, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system and protecting the skin from harmful environmental influences. The yellow tablet also has a choleretic effect.


    • B6 - 3 mg;
    • lactoflavin - 1.8 mg;
    • niacinamide - 20 mg;
    • ascorbic acid - 49 mg;
    • true vitamin A - 1 mg;
    • tocopherol - 10 mg;
    • Mn—2 mg;
    • Zn - 15 mg;
    • iodine - 150 mcg;
    • Se—70 μg;
    • Mg - 60 mg;
    • coenzyme Q10 - 4.5 mg;
    • quercetin - 15 mg;
    • proanthocyanidins - 15 mg;
    • polyphenols - 8 mg;
    • diferuloylmethane - 7.5 mg.

    Orange pill

    A pill containing ascorbic acid and iron prevents the development of anemia, restores metabolism and rejuvenates.

    Fights wrinkles and prevents the appearance of asthenopia

    Composition of the pink tablet Alphabet Cosmetic:

    • B1 - 1.5 mg;
    • vitamin C - 21 mg;
    • B9 - 100 mcg;
    • retinol - 0.8 mg;
    • Fe - 14 mg;
    • Cu - 1 mg;
    • para-aminobenzoic acid - 50 mg;
    • inulin - 200 mg.

    Instructions for use

    Alphabet Cosmetics vitamins really take care of women’s health. Their use according to the rules, as indicated in the instructions for use, allows a woman to forget about frequent colds and infectious diseases, not to spend huge sums on restoring hair, nails, skin, and also helps to keep the body slim, thanks to receiving an additional boost of vigor and energy. The composition of the vitamin complex is based on elements that can give the body a chance for a second youth.

    Release form

    The Alphabet Cosmetics complex, instructions for which are included in the packages, contains 60 dragees of different shades, greenish, yellowish and bluish, packed in blasters. The components of all dragee-like tablets were selected by leading specialists in the production of the drug in such a way that they interact perfectly with each other. This allows the female body to completely absorb them.


    Vitamins "Alphabet" for women and girls are taken at any convenient time, regardless of main meals. To make it easier to track your consumption schedule, you can decide for yourself which shade of tablet to take in the mornings, evenings and afternoons.

    Green pill

    The composition of the green-colored dragees in the Alphabet Cosmetics complex contains the following components:

    Composition for 1 tabletContent
    Biotin (N)75 mcg
    Vitamin B57.5 mcg
    Vitamin B123 mcg
    Vitamin K160 mcg
    Folic acid100 mcg
    Vitamin D35 mcg
    Chromium50 mcg
    Calcium200 mg
    Silicon4 mg

    Eating pills helps strengthen bone and muscle tissue, stimulates the immune system, and also allows you to get additional energy from food. According to the unspoken recommendation of therapists, green tablets are best taken during the daytime.

    Yellow pill

    The main components of the yellow-colored dragees contained in the “Alphabet of Cosmetics” complex, the instructions for which prescribe all their properties, are:

    Composition for 1 tabletContent
    Vitamin E10 mg
    Vitamin B63 mg
    Vitamin B21.8 mg
    Vitamin PP20 mg
    Vitamin C49 mg
    Beta carotene1 mg
    Manganese2 mg
    Zinc15 mg
    Iodine150 mgk
    Selenium70 mcg
    Magnesium60 mg

    The use of such a pill allows you to slow down the aging process of the body and removes toxic, harmful substances from the body. It can be taken together with any other tablet from the blaster.

    Orange pill

    The constituent elements in the orange dragee are:

    Composition for 1 tabletContent
    Vitamin B11.5 mg
    Vitamin C21 mg
    Folic acid100 mcg
    Vitamin A0.8 mg
    Iron14 mg
    Copper1 mg

    The main effect of orange tablets is to prevent the development of anemia, as well as general strengthening of the body. Therapists recommend taking it in the evening, when he needs rest after a hard day of work.

    Indications for use

    The Alphabet Cosmetics complex, the instructions for which provide detailed recommendations for use, is an alternative option for replenishing substances that are extremely important for the beauty and adequate functioning of the female body. The main indications for its use are situations such as:

    • various types of hypo- and vitamin deficiency;
    • deterioration of the condition of the hair, nail plates, and skin.

    Faced, for example, with heavy loss of individual hairs, women usually pay attention to expensive shampoos, but do not think about the fact that the problem needs to be solved from the inside. It is best to use not only masks and folk restoration recipes for hair, but also Alphabet Cosmetics vitamins, which help eliminate the lack of essential elements in the body.


    The Alphabet Cosmetics complex, the instructions for which list all the vitamin and mineral components contained in it, has certain strengths. Its positive impact is:

    • strengthening the nail plate and tooth enamel;
    • maintaining the normal functioning of the bone marrow, sweat glands, and nervous system;
    • promoting the synthesis of amino acids;
    • the body receives an additional charge of vigor and energy;
    • normalization of the production of such a “female” hormonal substance as cortisone;
    • strengthening the work of protective forces;
    • increasing resistance to stress and depression;
    • improving carbohydrate and other metabolic processes;
    • acceleration of insulin synthesis;
    • prevention of the development of atherosclerotic and oncological diseases;
    • neutralize heart attacks;
    • normalization of the functioning of “female” organs;
    • slowing down the aging process;
    • improving brain function;
    • increasing physical endurance.

    Many who use vitamins such as Alphabet Cosmetics and see in the instructions that the thiamine they contain helps reduce the harmful effects of tobacco and alcohol on the body, tend to use them according to their own scheme, increasing the dosage of the drug. However, this should never be done, as various side effects may occur. It is best to try to get rid of addictions on your own by saturating the body with additional vitamins.

    How to use?

    The Alphabet Cosmetics complex, the instructions for which indicate not only storage conditions, but also use, contains, as has already become clear, tablets of different shades. Every day you need to take pills of different shades, without repeating them, the order does not matter. The interval between use should be four to six hours. This recommendation, indicated in the instructions, which outlines tips for using the Alphabet Cosmetics multivitamin, is given so that the nutritional components of the pills are fully absorbed and do not begin to interact with each other.

    It is recommended to take a sufficient amount of vitamins, taking breaks. This recommendation does not apply to the multivitamins presented; on the contrary, experts advocate that women take them throughout the year, paying special attention to their health during periods of epidemics of viral and infectious diseases. Alphabet vitamins for women are an ideal option to maintain the normal functioning of the body, especially in severe stressful situations, when working in hazardous industries. For preventive purposes, the drug should be used for three months with breaks of 10-15 days.

    Some experts argue that the regimen for taking pills may be different. In one case, to increase the effect of the drug, it is necessary to take one tablet in the morning, and two in the evening, or vice versa, in the other, we will be talking about taking the vitamin complex three times a day. The first regimen is usually offered to those representatives of the fair sex who have a severe form of vitamin deficiency, which affects the unstable functioning of internal organs and their systems.

    Indications for use

    Recommended for anyone who needs to replenish their deficiency. Alphabet Cosmetics contains the largest class of plant polyphenols, macro- and microelements, as well as ubiquinone.

    Attention! A dietary supplement cannot replace a nutritious diet. It is used simultaneously with a balanced diet.

    Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins are recommended to be taken by patients who were previously malnourished. Prescribed to improve hair, nails and skin.

    Recommended for all girls over 14 years of age.


    The use of vitamins such as “Alphabet” not only normalizes the condition of the hair, but also improves the skin, slows down the aging process, and strengthens the nail plate. Drugs with similar actions are:

    • "Velumen";
    • "Vitrum Beauty";
    • "Lady S" etc.

    However, they cannot be called a substitute for the specified drug for a simple reason: during their manufacture, the method of separating vitamin-mineral substances according to the degree of their interaction with each other was not taken into account. So we can say with confidence that the Alphabet Cosmetics vitamins have no analogues.

    How to take Alphabet Cosmetic

    The vitamin contains three pills of different colors. You need to consume 1 piece per day. each shade, but with a break of 4-6 hours. This method of use is necessary so that the nutrients in the tablets are properly absorbed and do not interact with others.

    When taking several Alphabet Cosmetic tablets at the same time, the absorption of some elements occurs poorly. The patient will again not receive the necessary substances in the correct quantities. Therefore, such an application scheme has been developed.

    If you strictly follow the instructions, the components will be completely absorbed. Doctors advise taking Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins in courses. 2-3 per year is enough. The duration of one is a month, then a break of 15 days is taken and the reception is repeated.

    The first preventive course lasts up to 3 months. In the future, you can take Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins for 1 month each in spring and autumn.

    Components and beneficial properties of the vitamin complex

    The main difference between Alphabet® Cosmetics and similar products from other manufacturers is the division of the daily intake of vitamins and minerals into 3 doses. This innovative approach is based on many years of research that has proven the dependence of the absorption of nutrients on their combination with certain components.

    For example, when taking iron and calcium together, one of the minerals is absorbed completely, while the other is absorbed only in half the dose. And if the daily intake of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 is taken at the same time, then the first of the listed components will not be able to transform into a biologically active form and will be completely destroyed.

    To achieve maximum effectiveness of the vitamin-mineral complex, domestic pharmacists divided the biologically active substances into 3 groups and placed them in green, yellow and orange tablets.

    For better absorption of vitamins, biologically active substances were divided into three groups and released in tablets of different colors.

    Green pill

    The green contains :

    1. Folic acid (B9). Responsible for the synthesis of new cells, supports reproductive function, evens out the structure and tone of the skin, and prevents the appearance of age spots.
    2. Vitamin D3. Strengthens bone tissue, has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth, nails, cartilage and skeletal bones.
    3. Cyanocobalamin (B12). Participates in the functioning of the nervous system, prevents the development of anemia, nervousness and depression.
    4. Silicon. Helps form bone, cartilage and connective tissues, maintains healthy hair and nails, increases the body's resistance to infections, and participates in the absorption of many vitamins and microelements.
    5. Extract from green tea leaves. It has a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, reduces the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, and has an antiviral and anticarcinogenic effect.
    6. Calcium pantothenate (B5). Activates brain activity, strengthens the immune system, normalizes restoration and oxidative processes, stops the aging process and prolongs youth.
    7. Biotin (vitamin H). Improves the appearance of hair, nails and skin, regulates the activity of the nervous system.
    8. Chromium. Participates in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, helps maintain normal body weight, and stimulates tissue regeneration.
    9. Calcium. Normalizes blood clotting, strengthens teeth and bones, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
    10. Vitamin K. Prevents fragility and fragility of bones, reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.
    11. Nettle leaf extract. It has a general strengthening effect, normalizes blood composition and lipid metabolism.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Taking vitamins is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

    It rarely causes specific pharmacological effects. May cause an allergic reaction, which includes rash, itching, fever, swelling and hoarseness. Shortness of breath may occur.

    Attention! In severe cases, mainly with overdose, severe nausea and vomiting, numbness in the throat, and a sudden decrease or increase in blood pressure may occur.

    Beneficial features

    A special vitamin complex “Alphabet Cosmetic” has been created for women’s health. The balanced composition of which allows you to give elasticity and firmness to your facial skin, strength to your nails, and shine, radiance and beauty to your hair. The drug is valued by many girls for its ability to improve the condition of their hair. Thanks to the special properties of the components, the medicine improves immunity, helps strengthen, nourish and grow hair.

    The uniqueness of the drug lies in the fact that it completely restores the deficiency of minerals and substances that ensure the full functioning of the body.

    "Alphabet Cosmetic" is designed to maintain the balance of vitamins, accelerate metabolism, improve the functioning of internal organs and the cardiovascular system. A powerful antioxidant promotes the transport of oxygen, resulting in rapid replenishment of energy and restoration of the body.

    The drug contains many important components, including the biostimulator Q10, which stops the production of the stress hormone and promotes skin rejuvenation. The complex includes vitamin A, which makes hair shiny and strong. Retinol prevents hair loss and eliminates brittleness and dandruff. No less important are B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), which are involved in cellular metabolism and normalize the functioning of the intestines, heart and blood vessels. Calcium and magnesium also have a positive effect on women's health, strengthening the skeleton, muscles, and tissues. They help the body cope with fatigue and stress.

    At certain times of the year (especially the off-season) it is very important to replenish the body with missing vitamins. Thanks to a carefully selected dosage of components, the vitamin preparation “Alphabet Cosmetic” helps to resist negative factors, support emotional health, boost immunity and improve the condition of skin and hair.


    Main substances:
    Table. No. 1: calcium carbonate, green tea leaf extract, nettle leaf extract, calcium pantothenate, chromium picolinate, folic acid, phytonadione, biotin, cholecalciferol, cyanocobalamin.

    Table No. 2: para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), ascorbic acid, magnesium oxide, zinc sulfate, chamomile flower extract, birch leaf extract, sodium metasilicate, tocopherol acetate, quercetin, nicotinamide, horsetail herb extract, aloe vera leaf extract, beta-carotene, manganese sulfate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, potassium iodate, sodium selenite.

    Table No. 3: inulin, ascorbic acid, iron pyrophosphate, copper aspartate, ubiquinone, thiamine mononitrate, retinol palmitate.

    Excipients: MCC, colidon, maltodextrin, polyethylene glycol, calcium stearate, talc, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, dyes E102, E110, E141.

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