Actovegin ointment for external application approx. 5% in a tube of 20g pack. No. 1

Actovegin – biological stimulant

The action of Actovegin ointment is provided by a biological stimulant of animal origin. This is an extract from the blood of calves, obtained by decomposition of protein structures (its scientific name is deproteinized dialysate

). That is, it is free from foreign white, which causes resistance in blood cells and forms an allergic reaction. But at the same time it retained a complex of biologically active components.

Actovegin is a complex biological substance that contains amino acids, oligopeptides, oligosaccharides, macro- and microelements (magnesium, copper), enzymes. All of them have low molecular weight, which means high penetrating ability. The theory of treatment with these biological stimulants is based on the following.

When synthesizing the drug, animal tissue is used (in this case, the blood of calves). It is exposed to destructive factors (high or low temperature, radiation, etc.). Under conditions of unfavorable influence, biological cells form certain changes in their structure aimed at survival. Thus, after heating, cooling or irradiating plasma or serum, active substances are formed in it. When they enter the blood or soft tissues of a person, they promote the regeneration and restoration of cells and organs.

Dialysate is a biological stimulant and antihypoxant (counteracts hypoxia, suffocation, and lack of oxygen). Its action is explained by the normalization of oxygen supply. It improves oxygen delivery to cells. In addition, it normalizes glucose absorption.

The combined action of oxygen and glucose improves metabolism and provides additional energy, which is spent on building new cells and strengthening the membranes of old ones. In addition, an increased concentration of amino acids is formed in the area of ​​topical use of Actovegin, which is also necessary for the regeneration of new cells and restoration of old ones. Additionally, increased oxygen in the blood equals increased blood flow. Which helps remove toxins and treat inflammation. Thus, Actovegin ointment is used as a wound healing agent.

In addition to the ability to accelerate wound healing, Actovegin restores nerve tissue. Therefore, cream and ointment with Actovegin are effective for the treatment of diabetic foot and other wounds in diabetics (with this disease the nerves are affected and sensitivity is reduced). Actovegin partially restores nerve damage, and thereby normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses and tissue sensitivity. It is also considered an insulin-like substance (due to improved nutrition and restoration of nerve fibers in diabetics).

Shelf life and storage

From the date of production, the shelf life of the eye gel is 3 years. If the bottle has been opened, it is reduced to 1 month. After this, you must throw away the packaging. The drug is stored in a place away from children. In this case, the ambient temperature should be room temperature. Do not expose the bottle to direct sunlight.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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What is Actovegin ointment used for?

Actovegin was developed as a means of neurological treatment. However, it quickly expanded beyond its original boundaries and became a means of widespread use in various medical fields. It is prescribed by almost all doctors - diabetologists, ophthalmologists, dentists, cosmetologists, surgeons.

We have already become familiar with the general theory of treatment with biological stimulants. Now let’s turn to the instructions for use, which describe in detail what Actovegin ointment treats in humans.

  • Actovegin ointment is prescribed for various skin injuries (minor abrasions and scratches, deep wounds). It is applied to open wounds up to 6 times a day.
  • For any burns - thermal (hot water, steam, electricity), chemical (acid), solar, etc.
  • For frostbite.
  • For the treatment of bedsores (damage to soft tissue due to impaired blood supply, constant compression in bedridden patients).
  • To treat skin irradiation (during radiation therapy), as well as to prevent the consequences of irradiation of the skin or mucous surfaces, it is better to use a gel, but ointment is also possible.
  • For the treatment of trophic ulcers (their therapy is usually complicated by vascular disorders).
  • For varicose veins , the ointment is applied to the bulging veins under a bandage at night. This increases blood flow and reduces blood stagnation in the veins, reducing their bulging.

The instructions for use for Actovegin ointment say that the effect of its application occurs within 20-30 minutes. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment is determined by the weakening of painful symptoms. Monitoring the presence of therapeutic components in tissues and blood is difficult. They are biological substances and themselves are also present in the human body. At the same time, they are no different from human enzymes, peptides, and trace elements.

Actovegin ointment in cosmetology

Actovegin facial ointment is used as a remedy for acne, blackheads, ulcers, peeling and wrinkles . Important: the drug contains foreign biological components, which in some cases can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, if you are using the composition for the first time, do not apply it all over your face at once . Limit yourself to a small area of ​​skin on your cheek or wrist.

The action of Actovegin anti-wrinkle ointment is based on its ability to stimulate the regeneration (formation) of new cells. The ointment composition is effective for fine wrinkles and expression lines, and is weakly effective for deep wrinkles.

Actovegin also restores skin elasticity and improves complexion (due to normalization of blood flow).

In addition to the cosmetic effect, Actovegin is used to treat skin inflammation. The ointment composition is applied to the face to treat acne and acne.

Note: a gel is better suited for treating pustular rashes.

Actovegin ointment in gynecology

The regenerating properties of the ointment and a slight anti-inflammatory effect have found application in the treatment of cervical erosion . The properties of the composition are most fully manifested after the cauterization procedure . For two weeks after it, women are advised to place the ointment with a tampon inside the vagina.

Actovegin ointment is also used to treat ruptures and other perineal injuries after childbirth . The composition of the ointment is approved for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. At the same time, it has a high wound healing ability.

Actovegin ointment during pregnancy

Actovegin in tablets and injections is often prescribed during pregnancy to normalize placental circulation. The biological substances of the drug are of natural origin and are found in the human body. Therefore, they are not dangerous for the child developing in the womb.

Actovegin ointment is applied to abrasions and cuts in pregnant women. As well as wounds on the skin and mucous membranes in diabetic women.

Actovegin eye ointment in ophthalmology

In addition to skin ointment, the pharmaceutical industry produces Actovegin eye ointment. In fact, the composition is a gel and is correctly called Actovegin eye gel. Eye gel differs from skin ointment, firstly, in the concentration of Actovegin (it contains 20% of the active substance)

. And, secondly, the components of the base (less petroleum jelly and fatty components).

Actovegin eye ointment is used to treat burns of the cornea (eyes with acids or alkalis, electric arc welding). And also for the treatment of traumatic lesions of the cornea from putting on and wearing contact lenses .

special instructions

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor must warn the patient about special instructions regarding its use:

  • If the patient uses contact lenses, they may be worn together while using the drug. First you need to inject the substance, wait 20 minutes, and only then put on the optical models.
  • It is recommended to apply the drug 30-40 minutes before driving a vehicle or working in an enterprise that requires increased concentration. This is due to the fact that blurred vision is possible for a short period of time after instillation of the drug.

Actovegin: ointment or gel

The pharmaceutical industry produces three forms of Actovegin preparations for external treatment. These are ointments, creams and gels. They are intended for use in various traumatic or inflammatory skin lesions.

Gels – contain a high concentration of the medicinal component . They contain 20% dialysate

(while in creams and ointments
there is only 5% of it

Gels are used for weeping wounds. These can be weeping bedsores, or deep wounds (at first they secrete a lot of ichor). Purulent wounds are also classified as weeping wounds (pus in medicine is called exudate).

The ointment is used for final scarring . Its fatty composition prevents the crusts from drying out and thereby prevents the formation of scars.

Ointment is a preparation for long-term use . After application to the skin, it is absorbed for a long time and supplies biological substances to the cells for a long time. Gels are absorbed quite quickly.

Creams are means for intermediate treatment . In the case of wounds, creams are applied during the initial epithelization period, between the use of gels and ointments.

To treat the mucous surface, including for dental and ophthalmological practices, jelly-like gel forms are used . This is the optimal treatment option, which lasts quite a long time on the surface of the gums, tongue, and inside the mouth (up to half an hour). Neither ointments nor creams remain on the mucous membrane for a long time. They are swallowed along with saliva within the first 5-10 minutes.

Actovegin ointment: analogues

The question of the need to replace a drug with its analogues arises in two cases. Or if the drug is not available in the pharmacy chain (which is quite rare, you can almost always order it online and receive it by mail within one or two days). Or if the price of the drug is quite high, and you want to replace it with something more affordable. How to replace Actovegin ointment?

A traditional substitute for Actovegin ointment is Solcoseryl ointment . The ointment and gel of this brand also contains dialysate from the blood of calves. It also improves tissue regeneration and has some anti-inflammatory effects.

Solcoseryl ointment or Actovegin - which is better?

Solcoseryl in gel form is used in dental treatment, as well as as an eye ointment, and also for weeping bedsores and purulent wounds. Actovegin in ointment form is ineffective for treating mucous membranes and is used for dry wounds in the epithelialization stage, without pus. Ointment is an indispensable option for the treatment of wounds in the last stage, with the formation of crusts. Note: Actovegin ointment has more preservatives, and therefore differs from Solcoseryl in longer storage.


The composition of the drug is multicomponent, so its effects are maximized. The medicine includes the following substances:

  • deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood (8 mg per 100 g of product) – restores damaged tissues and blood vessels, eliminates inflammation and irritation;
  • teomersal;
  • E466;
  • lactic acid.

The ointment is homogeneous. Color - yellowish. Has no smell. When applied to the eyes it does not cause any unpleasant sensations.


Galina, Shakhunya
Aktovegin was recommended by a cosmetologist. I have acne, the cosmetologist said that there will be less acne. And on the Internet it is written that Actovegin is prohibited in America.

Vladislav, Western Dvina In America it was banned due to the petition of animal protection organizations. For its production, the blood of calves up to 3 months of age is used. How have they not banned meat yet?

Lyudmila, Stavropol The tube of ointment is almost full in the medicine cabinet. The result of its use is weak.

Evgeniy, Mariinsky Posad People, when I fell off my motorcycle, I smeared this thing on my terribly torn knees. I won’t say that there were no scars left, but the healing process went really quickly. But I will say, without this thing the scars would be twice as big!

Instructions for use

The medicine is used 1-2 drops in the damaged eye 1-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor after examining the patient.

Before opening the bottle, wash your hands thoroughly with bactericidal soap. The drug is applied directly from the tube after retracting the lower eyelid. In this case, do not touch the tip of the packaging to the eye tissue. This will cause pathogenic microorganisms to enter the vial.

For children

There have not been enough studies on the use of the drug in children. Therefore, its use is not recommended for persons under 18 years of age. The doctor may prescribe the drug for children if the effect caused exceeds the possible side effects.

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