Mecol ointment for external use approx. in a tube 40g in a pack. No. 1 (chloramphenicol + methyluracil)

  • Composition and effect of Levomekol ointment
  • Indications and contraindications for the use of Levomekol ointment
  • Levomekol ointment - instructions for use
  • Levomekol during pregnancy and children
  • Levomekol for acne
  • Levomekol for lips
  • Levomekol ointment for boils
  • Levomekol ointment for stitches
  • Levomekol ointment in gynecology
  • Treatment of wounds with Levomekol ointment
  • Treatment of balanoposthitis with Levomekol ointment
  • Analogs of Levomekol ointment
  • Voskopran with Levomekol

Levomekol ointment, “the doctor’s favorite assistant,” has long established itself as an effective antibacterial agent that accelerates wound healing and helps restore normal structures of damaged skin.

Being both an antibiotic and a reparative, Levomekol ointment has become one of the most popular ointments among surgeons in the treatment of deep ulcers, wounds of varying complexity and in restoring the integrity of the skin after suturing.

Composition and effect of Levomekol ointment

The composition of 1.0 g of Levomekol ointment includes chloramphenicol 7.5 mg, methyluracil 40 mg, the base is polyethylene oxide 1500 and polyethylene oxide 400. Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, methyluracil is a drug that improves tissue trophism and stimulates the regeneration process. The combination of these two components makes wound healing successful and fast: thanks to Levomekol, the site of injury is protected from infections and at the same time supported by an effect that stimulates healing. Polyethylene oxide 1500 and polyethylene oxide 400 are auxiliary components; they facilitate uniform application of the ointment and help the active ingredients penetrate the tissues of the human body.

The main forms of release of the ointment are an aluminum tube (25g, 30g and 40g) or a dark glass jar (100g and 1000g each). The structure of the ointment is homogeneous and of medium thickness.

Levomekol, having anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerating effects, belongs to the drugs with a combined spectrum of action.

Thanks to chloramphenicol, the ointment is effective in the fight against resistant gram-negative microorganisms, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, staphylococcus spp., etc. Frequent or extensive use of the ointment can cause microorganisms to become resistant to the drug, but this process happens relatively slowly.

Thanks to methyluracil, which easily penetrates the surface layers of the skin and accelerates the growth of new cells and the regeneration of damaged ones, the healing rate of wounds, cuts and postoperative sutures increases significantly. Moreover, methyluracil is an immune stimulant, which helps increase the production of interferon, a natural antiviral substance.

Excipients from Levomekol ointment help the active components penetrate deep into cell membranes without damaging them, creating an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and therapeutic effect.

The presence of pus or a large number of dead cells in the wound does not affect the effectiveness of Levomekol ointment.

Levomekol ointment has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of increased sensitivity to the components included in its composition, which in rare cases causes external allergic reactions. Moreover, there are no known cases of drug overdose, which indicates the harmlessness of its use among wide groups of people (including pregnant women, children). The ointment is indicated exclusively for external use, which determines the scope of its use - the skin.


  1. Belyaev A.N., Kozlov S.A., Taratykov I.B., Novikov E.I. Patient care in a surgical clinic: textbook. allowance. – Saransk: Mordovian University Publishing House, 2003. – 136 p.
  2. Buyanov V. M. Egiev V. N. Udotov O. A. Surgical suture. – M.: Antis, 2000. – 92 p.
  3. Zoltan J. Operating technique and conditions for optimal wound healing. – Budapest: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of Hungary, 1983. – 175 p.
  4. Mironova E. N. Fundamentals of physical rehabilitation. – M.: MOO “Academy of Safety and Survival”, 2016 – 310 p.
  5. Semenov G.M., Petrishin V.L., Kovshova M.V. Surgical suture - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 256 p.

Author: Korolev E. S.

Reviewer: reflexologist Kurus A. N.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Levomekol ointment

Frequent diseases and disorders for which Levomekol ointment is indicated are wounds with pus, wounds infected with mixed pathogenic microflora, and boils. The drug helps stop the inflammatory process, stop the infection zone, destroys dangerous microflora, and also relieves swelling at the site of the lesion.

The main indications for the use of Levomekol ointment are:

  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Boils.
  • Purulent-inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Second and third degree burns.

Prophylactic indications for the use of Levomekol:

  • Seams.
  • Wounds.
  • Cuts.
  • Calluses.
  • Eczema.
  • Bedsores.

The only reason for refusing to use Levomekol ointment may be increased sensitivity to the active substances included in the drug. It is worth noting that long-term use of the ointment can provoke an allergic skin reaction, but cases of allergies are scanty. Chronic diseases or other disorders are not a contraindication to use.

Levomekol ointment - instructions for use

As already mentioned, Levomekol ointment is used exclusively externally. A thin layer of the drug is applied to the affected or damaged surface, after which the treated area of ​​skin is tightly covered with sterile gauze or bandage rolled up in several layers (4-5).

Treatment of the wound surface is repeated several times a day for 5–10 days until the injury site is completely cleared of pus.

If the wound is deep and large, abundantly filled with pus or located in a body cavity, then the ointment is used in the form of a tampon (also made from a sterile bandage or gauze), which is inserted into the wound surface. Before the procedure, Levomekol is heated to 35 degrees, after which the tampon is generously soaked in ointment and slowly, consistently immersed in the wound until it is completely loosely filled.

If the wound has a shape that does not allow the installation of a tampon, the ointment is administered through a drainage tube using a medical catheter. The ointment slowly fills the wound through the tube, after which a fixing bandage is applied to it. The frequency of changing a bandage, tampon, or flap depends on the rate of its filling with purulent masses and necrotic particles of human tissue.

Napkins with Levomekol are replaced with new ones as they become saturated with pus and the accumulation of necrotic masses in them. If the wound is not deep, dressing is indicated once a day; in other cases, with severe infection and the presence of a large amount of pus, the dressings are changed 4-6 times a day. If the dressing was skipped, treatment is continued according to the previously planned schedule.

Levomekol is often used for minor disorders, such as purulent pimples, cuts and torn calluses. The scope of indications for the ointment also includes the treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients.

Levomekol ointment is often used for inflammatory processes in the auditory canal of the external ear. To do this, make a thin gauze tourniquet, soak it in ointment and place it shallowly in the ear for twelve hours. In the same way, Levomekol on gauze tourniquets is injected into the nasal passages and sinuses for sinusitis.

For purulent acne rashes, it is recommended to lubricate the affected area (at night) with a small layer of Levomekol ointment. After rupture of the pustule or mechanical removal of pus, the procedure should be repeated.

When using Levomekol externally, it is not recommended When applying the ointment, you must be careful and avoid the eye area and mucous membranes. Internal use of Levomekol is prohibited. If caution has not been observed, if the drug gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, rinse them with plenty of clean water, and in case of ingestion, rinse the stomach with water and activated charcoal.

Let's first look at the drugs that you can buy at the pharmacy to remove scars. These include a number of different ointments, for example:

  • Contractubex. A drug from Germany with allantoin and heparin. Active components break down scar tissue, accelerate regeneration, improve the structure of the skin at the cellular level, soften pathological formations, making the epidermis more elastic. The composition contains onion extract - it prevents connective tissue from growing and removes inflammation. Apply the ointment three times a day locally for a month. Contractubex is usually prescribed at an early stage of scarring to prevent the formation of a large scar. The drug will not help with old scars.
  • Dermatix. Made in Holland. The consistency is a gel-like mass. Used to heal the wound and prevent scarring. Helps with pigmentation, improves blood circulation in epidermal cells, improves moisture penetration. Apply twice a day. The gel is quickly absorbed. The course of therapy is 2 months. Not effective for deep damage. But suitable for pregnant women and children.
  • Fermenkol. Collagen-based product. Made in Russia. Dissolves existing scars and prevents the formation of new ones. Convex defects are made flat and elastic. Anesthetizes, relieves itching. There are almost no side effects after application, so the product is used for children. Apply twice a day for 1 month. To improve the effectiveness of the drug, it is used in combination with electrophoresis.
  • Solcoseryl. Improves regeneration and cell nutrition. Apply to eliminate post-acne and acne. Helps with frostbite, burns, cuts, dry wounds. Prevents scarring at an early stage. Apply twice a day; if the wound is fresh, apply under a bandage.
  • Clearvin. Softens the skin, activates cell metabolism, improves blood microcirculation. It contains natural ingredients, so the drug is classified as Ayurvedic. Helps with stretch marks, pigmentation, minor damage, acne. Eliminates signs of fatigue and smoothes wrinkles. Apply morning and night for 1-2 months. If the scarring is minor, it may help.
  • Imoferase. A product aimed at removing scar tissue. It contains hyaluronidase, which prevents the proliferation of connective tissue and eliminates swelling. The course of treatment helps to make convex defects flatter, reduce pigmentation, and improve skin elasticity. Reduces the density of old scars. The results of the treatment can be seen after three weeks. The duration of the therapeutic course is two months. The composition is used after burns, operations, traumatic injuries, cesarean section.
  • Heparin ointment. Improves blood circulation, used for hematomas, stretch marks, ulcerative lesions, localized infiltrates. Heparin ointment will not completely eliminate scars. But it can prevent scar growth. Apply the drug three times a day for two weeks.
  • Methyluracil ointment. Stimulates regeneration and renewal of epidermal cells, heals wounds well, and protects the skin from degenerative changes. Use after burns for 1-4 months. Analog – Levomekol.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. Suitable for resorption of seals, accelerates regeneration. It has a dark color and a pungent odor. It will not get rid of rough scars, but it will help eliminate the consequences of acne, chickenpox, and skin diseases. The drug is used in combination with honey. Mix in equal proportions and apply to the skin as a compress.
  • Hydrocortisone. It has anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits the proliferation of connective tissue. Used after eyelid surgery, including blepharoplasty. Attention - be careful! The ointment has a large list of side effects and contraindications, so be sure to read the instructions. Apply for 14 days, the skin is treated up to 4 times per day.

As you can see, pharmaceutical products are not so effective in the fight against cosmetic defects. What does modern cosmetology offer? Is there a cream on the list of products that will really help get rid of scars and scars? We have already said above that only plastic surgery can completely get rid of the defect. But cosmetic products that significantly reduce the appearance of scarring do exist.

Anti-pigmentation cream South Beach

This is an American product that provides quick results from use. Used for the face and delicate areas of the body. It whitens pigmented areas well and returns the skin to a natural and fresh look. Safe to use, does not contain toxic substances. Active components:

  • thermal water;
  • polysorbate 20;
  • extracts of bearberry leaves, licorice root;
  • saccharide isometrate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • glycerol

Apply morning and evening. Before application, wash the area with plain water and wait until it dries. The gel is applied locally in a small amount, then rubbed in with rotational movements until absorbed. Regular use will help achieve the desired result. Not recommended for use during lactation and pregnancy.

Lakshma Maxxi

Product from the USA. Suitable even for delicate areas. It’s easy to use; to achieve the effect, you don’t need to visit spa centers or beauty salons. Apply the drug before bed every day locally to the area that needs correction. The unique properties of the product are described on the website of the American Association of Dermatologists, in the Marie Claire magazine. According to many consumers, the drug does not cause allergies or side effects. Contains no parabens or alcohol. It is suitable for people with different skin types. It is not recommended to use the cream only during lactation and pregnancy. Active components:

  • soft water;
  • emulsifying wax;
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • arbutin;
  • stearic acid;
  • kojic acid;
  • esters of incense, peppermint, rosemary;
  • extracts of licorice root, Undaria pinnate and other ingredients.

Lakshma Maxi is used externally only. Apply in small quantities and wait until completely absorbed. Do not use on open wounds or irritated skin. Helps not only reduce the appearance of scars, but also get rid of pigmentation in about 3-4 weeks. Once the result is achieved, stop using it. For preventive purposes, use once every two weeks.


The drug reduces scarring after burns, wounds, operations, reduces acne marks, stretch marks. Improves collagen synthesis, as a result of which the structure of the scar changes, increases skin elasticity, smoothes and nourishes. Apply a small amount to the problem area twice a day. Rub in with massaging movements. The course of treatment is at least two weeks.


Gel is a good prevention against postoperative scars. Helps prevent all types of scars. Used by children and adults. Apply twice a day: in the morning and before bed. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. Results become visible in approximately 60 days. Pain, itching, inflammation, and tightness on the skin are reduced. The cream is also used to heal fresh wounds.


Basically, the product is used to treat household burns. The ointment will clean the affected surface, disinfect and speed up healing. In addition, it will prevent the formation of a scar. Apply a thin layer locally. The drug reduces inflammation and redness of the skin.

Levomekol during pregnancy and children

Since the drug does not have a systemic effect and does not penetrate into the blood, it is allowed to be used by pregnant and nursing mothers.

Frequent cases of using Levomekol during breastfeeding or pregnancy are:

  • treatment of sinusitis, otitis;
  • treatment of minor cuts, abrasions, insect bites;
  • treatment of minor burns;
  • treatment of complications of ingrown toenails;
  • treatment of complications after sloppy manicure;
  • treatment of acne on the face or other parts of the body.

However, when in a position, it is worth remembering the increased dangers of self-medication. In case of serious injuries, it is better to seek qualified medical help.

Levomekol ointment can also be used in the treatment of children of different ages, including newborns and infants.

For children, Levomekol is indicated for:

  • treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • treatment of the cut site;
  • treatment of mosquito bites, midges;
  • treatment of pustules;
  • treatment of vaccination and injection sites;
  • treatment of scratches, abrasions, bruises.

Due to the high frequency of injuries, wounds and injuries among children of different ages, as well as due to the absence of contraindications for use and good tolerability, Levomekol ointment is recommended to be kept in your home medicine cabinet. However, it is worth remembering that frequent or prolonged use of the ointment can provoke the manifestation, more often than not, of a local allergic reaction on the skin in the form of redness, rash or itching; rarely, an allergy can manifest itself in the form of urticaria (the appearance of blisters similar in appearance to blisters after a nettle burn). The component that causes these symptoms is chloramphenicol.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Seeking help from a doctor during the healing process of a suture is a completely normal practice, even in the absence of serious problems. And in the event of adverse reactions due to a violation of the treatment regimen or any unforeseen circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to delay it. First of all, it is dangerous to ignore the following symptoms:

  • bleeding that cannot be stopped by conventional means;
  • high temperature (more than 38 degrees);
  • weakness, chills;
  • increasing pain or other progressive discomfort that cannot be relieved with medications;
  • purulent discharge of a bright yellow or green color with a thick consistency and very often with an unpleasant odor;
  • severe redness, swelling, or swelling in the wound area;
  • the skin at the site of injury is hard and hot to the touch;
  • the appearance of a rash or blisters;
  • Suspicion of seam dehiscence.

Levomekol for acne

Teenage acne or acne, as well as pimples caused by other reasons, can be effectively treated with Levomekol ointment.

The methods of using the ointment in this case are quite varied and depend on the severity of the rash.

In case of a profuse rash all over the face, the ointment should be applied to the entire surface of the face before going to bed for several hours, for two weeks.

If the cases of acne appearing are isolated, then the product is applied in a small layer, leaving for two to three hours, after which it is washed off. After a few days of use, the redness around the pimple disappears, and the site of inflammation is significantly reduced in size. Levomekol is indicated for treating acne not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body - neck, arms, chest, stomach, back, shoulders, etc.

In cases of severe acne, Levomekol ointment is recommended to be applied for a longer period of time, from 8 to 12 hours. After two weeks, the acne will either disappear or be ready for “mechanical” removal. Recurrence of acne during treatment with Levomekol is unlikely. In case of spot reappearance of acne, the ointment should be applied only to the places where they appear.

Levomekol for lips

Some people use Levomekol ointment to treat herpes on the lips. But it is worth remembering that in this case, the use of the drug will be ineffective, since Levomekol has an antiseptic (antibacterial) rather than antiviral effect, and is not effective in the fight against herpes viruses.

However, at the stage of wound healing after a blister breaks, Levomekol ointment can speed up the process of tissue regeneration. But when applying the ointment to the lips, you should be careful to avoid getting it on the mucous membranes and swallowing it, since the ointment is intended exclusively for external use.

Levomekol ointment for boils

As with other purulent skin lesions, with boils, ointment is an excellent remedy that helps eliminate inflammation.

Before using Levomekol in the treatment of a boil, the affected area should be treated with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, then a spot-apply ointment and cover it with gauze or a bandage, the compress should be changed 2-3 times a day, and a fresh bandage should be applied before going to bed.

After opening the abscess, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide and Levomekol ointment applied again. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day until the site of the boil has completely healed.

How to care for the suture after surgery?

Once the edges of the incision tighten, there will be no need for additional support. Removal of sutures in the head, face and neck area occurs already on the 5th day after the operation. If they were applied in the area of ​​the torso or limbs, then it will take at least 10 days for the wound to heal. Daily dressings are necessary for the first few days. The patient usually spends this time in the hospital. After discharge, tight bandages are usually no longer needed. But if necessary, you can always change the dressing at the nearest hospital or medical center.

Caring for the suture after surgery consists of daily treating the incision area with an antiseptic and taking medications that accelerate tissue regeneration. All medications for home therapy are used strictly according to the doctor’s recommendation!

Treatment of sutures is usually carried out with ready-made pharmaceutical preparations or homemade antiseptics, such as solutions of iodine, potassium permanganate, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide. To avoid getting a chemical burn when performing such procedures, the liquid for disinfection should be prepared only according to a prescription issued by a doctor.

To speed up regeneration processes, external agents with wound healing and antibacterial effects are used. These include balsamic liniment (better known as Vishnevsky ointment), levomekol, ichthyol ointment and many others.

Pain of varying intensity after surgery is absolutely normal. If discomfort is severe, analgesics approved by your physician may be used.

Levomekol ointment for stitches

Due to the high effectiveness of Levomekol ointment in healing wounds and cuts, it is often used in the treatment of postoperative sutures.

Frequent cases of using Levomekol ointment on sutures are sutures on the perineum in women after birth ruptures, as well as in case of their divergence. The scheme for using the ointment in this case is as follows:

  • The perineum is washed with water and treated with a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, better known as potassium permanganate.
  • Dry the seam area with a soft cloth or towel; wait another 10-15 minutes for the skin to dry completely.
  • Levomekol ointment is applied in a generous layer to a gauze flap and applied to the sutures.
  • To secure the bandage and to prevent it from moving, wear underwear with a pad.
  • The bandage is left at the suture site for two to six hours, then removed.
  • The procedure is repeated until the seam is tightened.

In the case of other types of sutures on different parts of the body, the scheme for using Levomekol is identical, with the exception of the method of securing the flap with ointment; in other cases, a bandage or adhesive plaster is used. The frequency of changing the dressing is from two to four times a day; in case of suppuration of the wound or infection, the frequency of changing the dressing should be increased to 5 or more times.

Professional care for postoperative sutures at Stoletnik MC

If in any matters related to taking care of your own health, you prefer to trust professionals, you are welcome at the medical office. To help those who are not sure how to properly care for a suture after surgery, a wide range of post-operative services is available. Among them:

  • dressing large and small;
  • removal of stitches up to 5 cm;
  • removal of sutures 5–10 cm;
  • removal of stitches more than 10 cm;
  • sanitation of the wound surface;
  • scar excision;
  • and much more.

The responsibility and high professionalism of the clinic’s staff is the key to the safe and speedy recovery of our patients. And the affordability of the services provided will eliminate the need to waste time and nerves on trips to the clinic. Sign up for procedures by phone: +7 (8412) 999-395, 76-44-20. We are waiting for you at the address: Penza, st. Chaadaeva, 95 (Shuist microdistrict).

Levomekol ointment in gynecology

Levomekol ointment is quite popular and is often used in gynecology for the following diseases:

  • Cervical erosion.
  • Inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes.
  • Dehiscence of the perineal sutures after childbirth.
  • Bacterial vaginosis with inflammation.
  • Vulvovaginitis with inflammation.

To treat all of the above diseases of the genital area of ​​women, Levomekol is used in the form of tampons.

A cotton swab of dimensions 15 mm X 15 mm, and a height of 5 mm with Levomekol ointment is inserted into the vagina before bed, in the morning the tampon is removed and the usual hygiene of the external genitalia is carried out. The duration of treatment with ointment is from 10 to 15 days with daily repetition of the procedure.

It is worth remembering that inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in women can provoke both temporary and complete infertility, and therefore delaying their treatment is dangerous. Moreover, the prescription of a course of treatment and medications should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Treatment of wounds with Levomekol ointment

Thanks to the action of Levomekol ointment, its use is indicated in the treatment of various kinds of cuts, scratches, bites, abrasions and wounds. In case of a wound free from inflammation and pus, the ointment will help speed up healing and restoration of normal skin.

If the wound is filled with pus and has obvious signs of infection, then Levomekol, thanks to the presence of an antibiotic, will destroy pathogenic microflora, cleanse it of purulent and necrotic masses and speed up healing.

Before applying ointment to the wound, it should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. The ointment is applied in a thin layer and, if necessary, covered with a bandage or gauze. The frequency of use of the ointment depends on the speed of wound healing.

In case of suppuration of the wound, before using Levomekol, the wound must be cleaned with a gauze pad with an antiseptic to remove superficial pus and dead tissue. After this, a bandage with ointment is applied and secured with a bandage or adhesive plaster; the bandage must be changed as it fills with wound particles (pus, necrotic tissue).

How long does it take for a wound to heal after surgery?

The rate of healing of a postoperative wound depends on many conditions. Among them:

  • age;
  • body mass;
  • state of immunity;
  • state of the cardiovascular system.

On average, it takes about 3 months from the moment of surgery to the formation of a scar. Depending on the complexity of the operation and if there are complications, this period may last 12 months. Tissue regeneration takes place in 4 stages.

  1. Inflammation (5–7 days). The body's standard defense reaction to damage. During this period, there is an increased production of substances that stimulate blood clotting.
  2. Polyferation (from 10 days to 1 month). At this stage, the formation of young connective (granulation) tissue, penetrated by a dense network of microvessels, occurs. At first it is bright red in color and grainy in consistency, but as the wound heals it becomes pale and smooth, and its bleeding decreases.
  3. Epithelization (from 1 to 3 months). The connective tissue is finally formed. Skin begins to form at the site of the wound. The number of vessels decreases, a scar forms.
  4. Scar formation (from 3 to 12 months). Temporary vessels completely disappear. Fibers of collagen and elastin - elements of connective tissue - form the scar.

Treatment of balanoposthitis with Levomekol ointment

Balanoposthitis is an inflamed disease of the foreskin and glans penis of men. It can be caused by both bacteria and fungi, and can also serve as a manifestation of contact dermatitis.

If balanoposthitis is caused by bacterial microflora, then treating it with Levomekol ointment will be quick, successful and effective.

Treatment regimen for balanoposthitis with Levomekol:

  • The penis is washed with a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, better known as potassium permanganate.
  • Dry with a soft cloth or towel, wait another 10-15 minutes for the skin to dry completely.
  • Levomekol ointment is applied in a generous layer to the surface of the penis.
  • The dressing is changed once or twice a day.
  • After the main symptoms of the disease disappear, Levomekol should be applied to the penis once a day for another week.

Analogs of Levomekol ointment

Levomekol has synonymous drugs that contain the same active ingredients, chemical compounds and have the same range of indications.

Synonyms of Levomekol:

  • Levomethyl ointment (applied to the affected areas of the skin in the form of aseptic dressings soaked in ointment, dressings are done every 2-3 days).
  • Netran ointment (sterile gauze pads are impregnated with ointment, which loosely fill the wound; it can be administered through a catheter using a syringe; dressings are performed daily until the purulent-necrotic masses completely disappear).

analogue drugs are those drugs that contain different active substances, differ from each other in name, but are used to treat the same diseases .

Analogs of Levomekol ointment:

  • Salicylic-zinc paste with chloramphenicol (for external use, applied to affected areas of the skin).
  • Levosin ointment (dressings are carried out daily until the wound is completely cleansed of purulent, necrotic, dead tissue, it is possible to store the wound through a catheter).
  • Lingesin ointment (used for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and gums, rubbed into the gums after 1-2 days, after which 20-25 minutes later rinse the oral cavity with copious amounts of warm water).
  • Protegentin ointment (used for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and soft tissues: boils, carbuncles, bursitis, burns, trophic ulcers of the lower leg, bedsores, purulent wounds in the first phase of the wound process).
  • Streptonitol ointment (used for the treatment of purulent wounds of various origins: postoperative, after opening phlegmons and abscesses, etc., in phases of inflammation).
  • Fastin 1 ointment (used for the treatment of burns, purulent wounds, pyoderma; externally, applied to sterile gauze pads and applied to the affected surface, the dressing is changed after 7–10 days).
  • Fugentin drops (for instillation into the nasal passages and ears).

Classification of postoperative sutures

How quickly the sutures heal after surgery largely depends on the nature of their application and the materials used. In this regard, post-surgical procedures are usually classified as follows.

  1. Bloodless (the edges of the wound are glued together with a special plaster) and bloody (a classic suture that is applied manually with a medical instrument). In turn, the latter are divided into:
  • simple knots (applied at a distance of 1–2 cm from each other, after which the knot is tightened until the edges of the incision touch);
  • intradermal continuous (considered the most effective, since after their healing there are no traces left);
  • mattress (applied after abdominal surgery);
  • purse string (used in plastic surgery, as well as in operations to reduce the volume of the stomach);
  • entwining (circular sutures that are used to sew together blood vessels and hollow organs).
  1. Manual (applied with a needle, thread and other special tools) and mechanical (performed with a medical stapler).
  2. Submersible (applied during operations on internal organs with threads that are absorbable or implanted into living tissue) and removable (they are used to stitch the skin, and after the edges of the wound have fused, the threads are removed).

Absorbable sutures are made in cases where long-term fixation of the edges of the incision is required, for example, when cutting the uterus during a cesarean section. As a rule, they are performed with threads from purified connective tissue, which is subsequently rejected into the organ cavity. To apply removable sutures, threads and other fasteners made of cotton, silk, metal and other non-absorbable materials are used (more than 30 varieties in total).

Hand stitching tools

Voskopran with Levomekol

Voskopran is a wound-healing dressing impregnated with Levomekol ointment. Both of these tools effectively complement each other.

At the stage of an open wound, Voskopran does not stick to the site of the lesion, which makes it easier to change dressings, and at the stage of the beginning of healing, it adheres tightly to the skin, which provides protection from pathogenic microorganisms; at the end of healing, Voskopran easily moves away from the place where the wound was.

Indications for use of Voskopran with Levomekol:

  • purulent wound surfaces;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • diaper rash;
  • thermal, chemical, and other burns of 1st – 3rd degree;
  • frostbite;
  • purulent and inflammatory skin lesions.
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