Dietary supplement "Golden mumiyo" from "Evalar": composition, use, recommendations, indications and contraindications

Currently, a fairly large number of dietary supplements are produced in the world, which are based on natural mumiyo. In our country, the most famous tablets are “Golden Mumiyo”, which are produced by the pharmaceutical concern “Evalar”. This drug is of plant origin, it contains bioactive elements, its spectrum of action is extensive. It is used as a general strengthening, tonic and immune system aid, and is also taken as a preventative and along with other medications for burns, for diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and for inflammation of the genitourinary and respiratory systems.

Composition of mumiyo

What does this strange product contain? It has already been said that science has not definitively clarified the issue of the content of the mysterious resin. Proven ingredients are amino acids, organic fatty acids, resins, albumin, steroids, terpenoids, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, aluminum, iron, phosphorus, chromium. We should also mention bee venom, essential oil extracts, all vitamins.

The mineral composition is influenced by factors such as flora and fauna, soils, microorganisms and their effects.

In nature, mumiyo can be found in uninhabited places - caves, rocks and niches. It looks like frozen jelly, a thick elastic film or crust of tree resin. Natural, unprocessed shilajit has a color ranging from yellowish to dark brown or black. When it is soaked, it dissolves in water.

Use of mumiyo in cosmetics

Having pronounced properties to regulate internal metabolism, mumiyo thereby promotes active regeneration and rejuvenation of all tissues of the human body, which immediately found its worthy application in the cosmetology field. And although cosmetics with mumiyo are not widely used in retail sales, preparing it at home is not at all burdensome.

For example, a self-prepared cream with mumiyo perfectly smooths out age-related wrinkles, returns the skin to its natural elasticity and color, removes enlarged pores and the effects of unhealthy tanning, pigment spots and other skin defects. It is also possible to get rid of cellulite with the help of such a cream, and even lose weight, even if this requires some persistence. Also, a properly made cream based on mumiyo helps get rid of old scars and stretch marks after pregnancy, removing these unaesthetic marks without any trace. Adding here the penny cost of a cream with “mountain resin”, we end up with an ideal product for caring for one’s own appearance, which also does not cause addiction, allergies, or individual rejection.

But to take care of your hair, if such a need arises, shampoo with mumiyo is prepared. Its action can be the envy of any modern advertised product, since such a shampoo makes hair strong, shiny, healthy, stops hair loss or fragility, adds volume and enhances growth.


There are a lot of enthusiastic reviews from people about “Mummy” from “Evalar”. Among the advantages are listed:

  • excellent composition;
  • effective elimination of skin inflammation;
  • general strengthening of the body and bone tissue, assistance with joint pathologies, toning;
  • Hair Growth;
  • drying effect on acne;
  • affordable price.

However, there are also disadvantages, judging by the comments of patients:

  • bitter taste;
  • peculiar aroma;
  • difficulty tracking the effect;
  • long dissolution in water;
  • stains clothes.

Some users say that the benefits of the supplement are exaggerated. There are reviews that talk about the pointlessness of taking the drug, wasted time and money. In this case, it is advised to give preference to multivitamins.

Shilajit beneficial properties

Usually the product is used as a tonic, but it also has a wide range of therapeutic effects.

Stress and anxiety

Shilajit has tranquilizer properties, for which fulvic acids are also responsible.

For stress, take 500 mg of the drug 2 times a day (this dosage is suitable for any dosha).

Excess weight

According to clinical studies published in the Journal of Ethno-Pharmacology (1990), during 3 months of therapy using Shilajit, patients had a decrease in skin folds, as well as fat deposits in the hips and waist. A decrease in cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood was also noted. No side effects of mumiyo were detected during this time.

How does Shilajit help with obesity?

  • It provides energy support to the body while following weight loss programs.
  • It stimulates the metabolic process, as well as the process of converting cholesterol into bile, which helps overweight people reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • It prevents the re-gain of excess weight that was lost due to a diet or weight loss program.

Shilajit for stretch marks

One of the uses of this natural remedy will help girls improve the appearance of their skin. Shilajit for stretch marks is used as a local preparation. Traces can remain on the skin after a sharp weight loss or childbirth, which makes girls very worried about their appearance. The healing properties of mumiyo have regenerating effects, completely eliminate fresh stretch marks and significantly reduce the visibility of old ones, the color evens out, the size and depth of the crack decreases.

There are many positive reviews among women who have tried mummy for stretch marks. It is recommended to use the classic recipe for the product. You need to apply the cream 2 times a day, massage it into the damaged skin for 20-30 minutes. The process of preparing the cream is very simple:

  1. Take 5 g of Altai mumiyo.
  2. Dissolve in 2 tsp. warm water. It is not recommended to take more liquid, because the ointment will not reach the desired consistency.
  3. Take 150 g of your body cream.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, wait 15 minutes and you can apply the ointment.
  5. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

In what cases is it advisable to use mumiyo for medicinal purposes?

This product is considered truly unique and is used for a number of diseases. It is probably easier to say where it is not used than to list a whole list of diseases that can be treated with the help of mumiyo. But I will still list them. So, here are these diseases:

As you can see, the list is very impressive, but there are diseases for which this product has proven particularly effective over hundreds of years of use.

For what diseases is mumiyo especially effective?

Treatment with mumiyo showed the most significant results for the following diseases:

  • Bone fractures - regular use promotes faster healing, due to the fact that callus formation occurs faster
  • Joint diseases - taking mumiyo has a very beneficial effect on the condition of joints and muscles, reducing the number of complications
  • This natural remedy is very effective in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (here about herbal preparations for the stomach and intestines), such as ulcers, gastritis, etc. - many positive cases! In addition to the healing effect, patients noted a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, plus the immune system was noticeably strengthened

In other cases, taking mumiyo also promotes recovery, but a favorable outcome will depend on the severity of a particular disease, regularity of use and the prescription itself. In any case, it makes sense to try this treatment; you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain!

Treatment using mumiyo

Altai mumiyo is used for various purposes

The use of mountain resin is not limited, but it is important to choose the right method of application and dosage form. It is often used in folk medicine to treat skin defects, diseases of internal organs and for the prevention of multiple pathologies.

If you use the substance correctly, the effect will be noticeable immediately.

  1. From stretch marks.
    4 tablets need to be diluted in 1 tbsp. spoon of boiling water and bring to thick sour cream. Take 150 ml. baby or any other cream and mix with the component. Cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator. To achieve a positive effect, it is recommended to use the mixture for at least 4 months. Can be rubbed into the thighs, abdomen, chest and buttocks for prevention during pregnancy.
  2. For hair loss.
    To treat severe hair loss, you need to take a 10% mummy solution and apply it to the hair follicles. Wait 1 hour and wash off. The course of treatment is 1-2 times a week, for 6-8 weeks. You can also prepare a mask to strengthen your hair. To do this, take 4 mummy tablets, mix with 3 tablespoons of liquid honey and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with shampoo. Use no more than 1 time per week.
  3. For weight loss.
    The resin activates metabolism, so if you regularly drink mummy-based tablets, you can get rid of extra pounds. It also reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism. You need to drink it based on the recommended dose:
    • with a weight of 70 kg or less - 0.2 grams;
    • with a weight of 80 kg or less - 0.3 grams;

  4. with a weight of 90 kg or less - 0.4 grams;
  5. with a weight of 90 kg or more - 0.5 grams.
  6. You need to drink tablets containing resin exactly as prescribed so that the daily intake does not exceed the permissible value. The usual course of administration is 10 days, after which it is recommended to stop drinking mumiyo tablets for 1 month, and after the expiration of the period, you can repeat the course of treatment. Before starting to take the medicine, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

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Dosage and regimen for taking mumiyo

Various folk recipes prescribe their own rules for taking “mountain resin,” clearly regulating how much of the substance to measure and for how long to use it. However, there are also regimens for taking mumiyo for more general purposes that can be used to treat almost any disease - with an invariably high degree of success. Let us list the most well-known schemes for using mumiyo, which have been tested for effectiveness both by time and practice.

General scheme

200 milligrams of mumiyo (which is approximately a piece the size of a buckwheat grain) is taken twice a day for 10 days - the first time in the morning, the second in the evening, but both times must be on an empty stomach, before meals. After the ten-day period, a five-day break is arranged, after which taking the “mountain resin” can be repeated. After the third such course, a break is taken for six months.

Dosage regimen according to patient weight

This scheme assumes that the dosage of mumiyo will be calculated in accordance with the patient’s weight according to the following recommendations:

  • for a patient weighing up to 70 kg, the single dose is 200 milligrams;
  • if the patient weighs 70-80 kg, the single dose is 300 milligrams;
  • if the patient weighs 80-90 kg, the single dose is 400 milligrams;
  • if you weigh over 90 kg, take a maximum single dose of 500 milligrams.

The indicated dosage is based on the assumption that mumiyo will be taken three times a day, before meals, always on an empty stomach. The course of therapy is 25-28 days, then a ten-day break is taken, after which the course can be repeated, if necessary. After the third such course, a break is made for a year.

Scheme according to A. Sh. Shakirov

Shakirov’s scheme assumes a wide variation in dosage from a minimum of 0.2 grams to a maximum of 0.5 grams, with the significant clarification that this is not a one-time dosage, but a daily one. That is, the patient will take “mountain resin” not three times a day, but only once – usually in the morning. In this case, mumiyo is always taken 1-2 hours before the intended meal and washed down with something - milk, sweet tea, juice, honey water. The duration of treatment ranges from a week to ten days, then a permanent ten-day break is arranged, after which the course is allowed to be repeated. It is allowed to take no more than three courses in a row during one half-year.

People's scheme

The most impractical scheme involves a person simply breaking off a small piece of mumiyo “by eye”, dissolving it in a glass of water and drinking it 20-60 minutes before meals. The rest of the rules are the same - take mumiyo exclusively on an empty stomach, 1-2 times a day, the course is 10-25 days, followed by a mandatory ten-day break, in total you can take only three courses in a row.

Features of the substance

No one knows exactly how mumiyo is formed. It is found in various places on Earth: in Altai, the Caucasus, Turkmenistan, India, South America and many other regions. Despite its wide geographical distribution, this substance is rare. Its reserves are limited and it is restored slowly. Based on its origin, it is divided into the following types:

  1. Coprolite. It consists of fossilized animal and plant remains mixed with soil and rock. Found in Altai, Pamir and other places. Contains the largest amount of biologically active substances.
  2. Mummy breccias are rocks, mainly limestone, mixed with a clayey mass.
  3. Evaporite. It appears as streaks on the walls of caves, niches and other cavities created by nature. It is found very rarely and in small quantities.

Not everyone knows what mummy is and what it cures. It is an amorphous substance that can have different densities and transparency. Some of its types resemble glass, others resemble resin, but they all have a similar composition and a special balsamic smell.

In medicine, mumiyo is used as an additional remedy, which is used together with basic medications. With its help, a person recovers faster. The product contains many organic and inorganic compounds that are beneficial to the human body.

To determine what mumiyo is and what it is used for, you need to know its properties. It contains the following elements:

  • various vitamins;
  • zinc, cobalt, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and many other trace elements;
  • amino acids and saturated fatty acids;
  • mountain wax;
  • succinic, lichen, citric and other organic acids;
  • bee venom and a large number of other elements.

Useful properties and contraindications of mumiyo

The composition of the mineral is rich in B vitamins, amino acids and other useful components. According to research by scientists, the product is formed through the interaction of animal waste, insects and plant debris with each other. Mumiyo resembles black resin. If you pour water over a whole piece of mass, after some time it will dissolve, coloring the liquid. Resin is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

The use of mumiyo tablets is prescribed for:

  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • cell restoration;
  • treatment of vision problems;
  • skin restoration;
  • to improve the structure of the strands.

Although mountain wax has many advantages and beneficial properties, drinking mumiyo in tablets is not recommended in some cases. Do not forget about drug overdose. It is necessary to take breaks between courses of treatment, otherwise allergies may develop. The use of the medicine is prohibited for people who suffer from tumors or bleeding. No harm to nursing or pregnant women has been found from the drug, but doctors still advise temporarily refraining from therapy with medications that contain this natural material.

How to use mumiyo recipes

This substance is used externally as a solution with water or ointment. And they take tea, juice, water, milk, honey with mumiyo internally. It is not recommended to consume alcohol or other medications during treatment with this substance. It is good for health to drink a drink made from 1 tbsp once a day. l. honey, 0.6 g of mountain resin, 1 cup of liquid. For compresses or lotions, mumiyo (0.5 g) is diluted with water (25 ml). Let's look at some more recipes for using mountain resin in cosmetology and medicine.

For hair

Shilajit is an excellent remedy for restoring the thickness and beauty of hair and treating the scalp. It is useful to wash your hair with shampoo containing mountain resin. To prepare it, combine 1.5 mountain resin and 25 ml of water, add 0.5 tbsp to the resulting solution. l. honey, 100 g of shampoo. The resulting product is applied to the head, left for 3 minutes and washed off.

To improve the condition and appearance of your hair, try using mummy masks:

  • A mask made from 3 g mummy, 1 yolk, 1 tsp will help against hair loss. honey The mixture is applied to the strands. Leave for 25 minutes and wash off. You need to make a mask once a week. Course of 15 procedures.
  • A mask with mountain resin the size of 3 match heads and 100 ml of warm water will help improve the condition of your hair. The resulting solution is rubbed into the scalp, kept for 45 minutes, and rinsed off.

In cosmetology

Mumiyo is perfect for preparing facial care products. The use of mountain resin in cosmetic procedures leads to cell rejuvenation, tissue regeneration, skin cleansing, and getting rid of acne and pimples. To prepare face masks, use mummy in tablets or in the form of a balm. For a noticeable visual and therapeutic effect, it is recommended to apply them to the face once every 10 days for a course of 10 procedures. Mountain resin face masks:

  • For acne. Take crushed 2 tablets of mountain resin and dissolve them in a cooled calendula decoction prepared from 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers, 1 cup of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes.
  • For oily skin. Combine 2 resin tablets, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 beaten egg white.
  • For dry skin. Combine 2 resin tablets, 1 tbsp. l cream, 1 beaten yolk.

In gynecology

Mumiyo is effectively used to treat female diseases. It helps with fibroids, cervical erosion, polyps, infertility, and inflammatory processes of the genital organs. For gynecological diseases, mountain resin is used to prepare suppositories, tampons, and douching solution. Although mumiyo has many healing properties, it is better to consult a doctor before using this remedy for treatment. The following recipes will help women become healthy:

  • For small fibroids, treatment is carried out with mummy tampons. To carry out this procedure, 2-3 g of mountain resin are stirred in a glass of water and a tampon is soaked in the resulting solution, which is then placed in the vagina overnight. Mountain resin is also taken orally in the form of a solution, which is made by combining 40 mg of healing resin and 1 glass of water. They drink the drug for 10 days, and then take a five-day break and repeat it.
  • For cervical erosion, treatment is carried out with tampons soaked in an aqueous solution of mumiyo (2.5 g of resin per 100 ml of boiled water). They are placed in the vagina overnight.

For cellulite and stretch marks

Shilajit will help get rid of the “orange peel” on the thighs. Mountain resin is used for anti-cellulite procedures. An excellent remedy for orange peel and stretch marks can be obtained by combining 5 or 6 tablets of mountain resin with body cream. The resulting product should be used for rubbing into problem areas. To make a cellulite wrap, you need to take 2 g of mumiyo and mix the resin with 1 tbsp. l. warm water, and combine the resulting solution with baby cream. The prepared mixture should be applied to the thighs and covered with film for 15 minutes, rinse.

To strengthen the immune system

To increase immunity, drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. mumiyo solution prepared from 2 g of mountain resin and 10 tbsp. l. water. You need to use this remedy for 10 days, and then take a break for 5 days. Then drink 1 tbsp again for 10 days. l. aqueous solution of mumiyo on an empty stomach. And before going to bed, take 1 tbsp. l. honey mixture with mountain resin obtained by combining 2 g of mumiyo and 10 tbsp. l. liquid honey. Take a break for 5 days. Then drink an aqueous solution in the morning for 10 days. And after a 5-day break, take the last 10-day course, using a water solution in the morning and a honey solution in the evening.

Shilajit tablets instructions for use

The standard dosage regimen is one tablet with a dosage of 0.02 grams, twice a day. The average duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. It is recommended to take the tablets with plenty of liquid.

For the treatment of diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, acute pancreatitis, etc.), tablets are taken orally on an empty stomach, the dosage varies depending on the patient’s weight and the stage of the pathology. The dosage is determined by the doctor. The duration of therapy is about 4 weeks, after which you need to take a break for 10 days and repeat the course. During treatment, you should follow a gentle diet.

In the form of suppositories, mumiyo can be used both rectally and vaginally, depending on the diagnosis. In the field of gynecology, tablets are sometimes prescribed, which are taken according to a standard regimen, or lotions with tampons soaked in mumiyo solution can be prescribed. If the dosage is observed and used correctly, no side effects are observed.

The range of applications of mountain resin is very wide. This is a natural, safe and effective drug that has been popular for many years. However, you should not use it without a doctor’s prescription, since even such a harmless remedy can cause a number of unpredictable consequences. Take care of your health and do not self-medicate.

For frequent constipation

It is necessary to dissolve two grams of the drug in boiled water and consume it in the morning on an empty stomach. Therapy is carried out daily for a two-week period.

It must be remembered that no matter how simple these recipes may seem, when choosing the right one for yourself, you should definitely consult with your doctor!

Indications for use

The drug has quite extensive indications, thanks to its rich composition and versatility. For therapeutic purposes, it is prescribed both as a primary and as an auxiliary agent.

The drug can be used both externally and internally:

  1. For local use, the medication is used for injuries, diseases of the dermis, inflammation of the gums, and varicose veins. A positive effect has been seen in the treatment of frostbite and burns.
  2. Suppositories with mountain resin are used for hemorrhoids, gynecological pathologies and even for infertility. It is a local drug with an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Prevents the development of bacteria, infections and viruses.
  3. Tablets are used for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the respiratory system, in particular asthma, and diseases of the ENT organs (nose, throat, ears). Sometimes mountain tar is prescribed in the postoperative period to support the immune system. It has an excellent effect on the condition of patients with neurological diseases.

The drug is considered quite popular in the field of cosmetology, since thanks to its composition it copes well with many dermatological diseases:

  • various types of dermatitis;
  • acne and teenage pimples;
  • clogged pores, blackheads and increased oiliness;
  • small red pimples on the body and face;
  • comedones;
  • inflamed pimples with purulent contents.

Mountain resin is used in dermatology and cosmetology as an external and internal remedy. It is added to face and hair masks, used locally for inflamed acne, and also consumed internally. Despite its safety and ease of use, the drug should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Many girls use mummy at home, adding it to face masks and creams, thus enriching their composition and increasing their effectiveness. A hair mask with mumiyo has a special effect. It is used for hair loss, with very oily hair, to improve blood flow to the scalp and saturate it with useful substances. Great for solving problems such as dry hair and scalp, lack of volume.

What are the benefits of mumiyo for the body?

The benefits of mumiyo are its beneficial effects on the body:

  • rapid restoration of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, bone and muscle tissues;
  • elimination of headaches;
  • normalization of the functioning of the nervous system;
  • detoxification;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stabilization of metabolism;
  • excess weight loss;
  • treatment of arthritis;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • therapy of gynecological diseases and infertility;
  • increased hemoglobin, which is beneficial in the treatment of oncological pathologies;
  • increase in life expectancy.

For women

Shilajit is beneficial for women. The product has been used for many centuries as a rejuvenating balm.

Important! Altai mumiyo brings maximum benefit.

The beneficial properties of the balm are used to treat urological and gynecological diseases. Such therapy is also used for inflammatory processes, endometriosis, and infertility. The substance exhibits its beneficial properties in cystitis and urolithiasis.

The product is actively used in salon and home cosmetic procedures. Shilajit helps fight acne, stretch marks and sagging skin. This effect is due to its antioxidant and regenerating properties. The balm improves blood circulation in the epidermis. Constant use of masks and special shampoos allows you to smooth out even deep wrinkles, get rid of dandruff and hair loss.

For men

The beneficial properties of mumiyo for men are obvious. The product has a beneficial effect on health at any age due to the unique combination of components it contains. The benefit lies in normalizing the functions of the hormonal and cardiovascular systems. Regular use of the balm improves blood circulation in the pelvic area and erection.

The effect on the male body is complex. Immunity and sexual activity gradually increase. The emotional background becomes stable.

The benefits of mumiyo for men are enormous. Taking the product is indicated for men in case of oxygen starvation of the brain, increased concentration of sugar, and nervous disorders. The antibacterial and antiviral properties of the substance are also known.

For children

The product is useful in childhood due to its properties. However, compliance with the rules of admission is essential.

The substance can be used both internally and externally. The balm is taken to strengthen the body and improve immunity. The product is useful for allergies, sinusitis, diabetes and asthma.

Attention! The balm can be given to children over 3 months of age.

The product is diluted with warm boiled water, goat and cow milk. For 5 g of mumiyo you should take 300 ml of water.

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