Varicose veins - causes, symptoms, complications and treatment methods.

The first signs of the development of varicose veins are often attributed to ordinary fatigue, a trip to the doctor is ignored, and they continue to lead their usual lifestyle, aggravating the condition of the veins. Complications with varicose veins develop very quickly. Mostly those who require surgical intervention come to the specialist. Until this moment, everyone is trying to cure themselves with the help of tinctures and tablets.

How not to bring yourself to a deplorable state and take the necessary measures in time? First, you need to understand when you need to see a doctor. Secondly, go to the doctor as soon as you realize it’s time. This is not a case where you should wait a little and see what happens to the veins. Any delay can cost you dearly. The article contains descriptions of the signs of different types of varicose veins, which will help determine whether you suspect the disease.

Why do varicose veins appear?

If you know the causes of varicose veins, you can protect yourself in time by taking preventive measures.

Heredity. If one of your relatives suffers from varicose veins, then there is a chance that you will have it too. Varicose veins themselves are not inherited, but you may inherit structural features of the veins or, for example, a tendency to be overweight, which will affect the occurrence of problems with the veins.

Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman's body produces an increased amount of progesterone, which relaxes the walls of the veins. They can't do their job and the blood stagnates. Also during pregnancy, a woman’s body weight increases and the amount of circulating blood increases, which increases the load on the veins.

Overweight. Large body weight creates a constant load on the lower limbs. It is more difficult for the veins to supply blood to the heart and lungs, the blood stagnates, and the veins dilate. As a result, venous expansion of the veins occurs.

Wearing uncomfortable clothes and shoes. If the shoes are too narrow and tight, it prevents blood from circulating normally in the legs. The same goes for clothes that are too tight.

Elderly age. Age-related negative changes occur in the walls of blood vessels. They lose their elasticity, the vessels stretch and blood accumulates and stagnates in them.


Very often people are interested not only in the question of how to treat varicose veins. Many patients suffering from this disease are interested in what they can do and what they cannot do, in order not to worsen their health condition and not provoke the emergence of other health problems. Below are frequently asked questions of interest to people with VV.

Is it possible to get vaccinated against coronavirus if you have varicose veins?

The answer to the question of whether coronavirus vaccination is allowed for varicose veins is yes. This pathology is not a limitation for vaccination against COVID-19 in the absence of its exacerbation. If a person does not suffer from acute thrombophlebitis, then this refers to decompensation of varicose veins of the legs, and he is not prohibited from being vaccinated against coronavirus infection.

Is it possible to drink coffee if you have varicose veins?

Caffeine has the ability to increase blood pressure and increase heart rate, which are unfavorable factors for fragile, swollen veins damaged by varicose veins. Coffee has the following effects on blood vessels:

  • Increased load on the vein walls.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Short-term venous expansion.

Therefore, with varicose veins, you can drink coffee, but not exceeding the daily norm. Completely giving up your favorite tonic drink will not lead to the restoration of veins affected by pathology, so you should not torture yourself and not drink coffee. You just shouldn't drink more than 1-2 cups a day. It is also recommended to dilute coffee with milk.

Is massage allowed?

Comprehensive treatment of varicose veins at an early stage includes massage. However, it requires proper execution.

For varicose veins, you can only do a light massage of the lower extremities. It is also indicated for patients with uncomplicated forms of varicose veins.

It is advisable to perform a professional manual massage for patients with varicose veins, but it is imperative to take into account all the features of the course of the disease. It is recommended that you consult with a specialist before you begin massaging the area where the veins are affected by varicose veins.

Is it possible to warm your feet?

When the legs are heated, the veins expand, blood circulation increases and the load on the venous walls only increases. This can worsen the already poor condition of varicose veins. This is why it is recommended to limit hot baths for patients with varicose veins. It will be better to reduce the temperature of the water from hot to warm, which will not cause vasodilation and will not lead to a worsening of the person’s condition. You should always remember that consultation with a specialist is necessary regardless of whether we are talking about hot baths or vaccination for varicose veins.

Are running and squatting allowed?

Experts recommend starting jogging at the first signs of developing VV. It is important to ensure that these activities are systematic. During running, the blood is saturated with oxygen. Therefore, it is better to give preference to jogging in the forest or park, where the air is always clean.

However, you should adequately assess your capabilities and endurance, and avoid excessive stress, which is contraindicated for varicose veins. It is important to monitor a gradual increase in loads that do not exceed values ​​that are comfortable for the body.

A person with BB should not feel tired while jogging. Only short-distance running using compression socks is allowed. In case of thrombophlebitis, jogging should be avoided. The admissibility of running and squats with pelvic varicose veins should be discussed with your doctor.

What is the best treatment for varicose veins?

Today there is no clear answer to the question of which therapeutic method is the most effective for varicose veins. The fact is that success in treatment depends on a number of factors that must be assessed by a qualified specialist in each specific case. Only after this can they make a final decision on prescribing one or another treatment for IV.

In order to prevent the situation from worsening, you should stop self-medicating at the first manifestations of the disease and consult a doctor. This will make it possible to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner and prescribe adequate treatment, which will stop the progression of the disease and reduce to zero the risks of developing other pathologies.

How to understand that varicose veins are developing on the legs

Many people believe that the first signs of varicose veins are spider veins, swollen areas of veins and other external manifestations. But the pathology is very insidious and for a long time disguises itself as ordinary fatigue of the lower extremities, without revealing itself from the outside.

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Signs of the development of varicose veins that you need to pay attention to:

  • Frequent muscle cramps. Since the blood does not circulate in the required mode through the veins, it stagnates and, as a result, oxygen starvation of the tissues. These factors lead to seizures.
  • Unhealthy skin color on legs. Lymph and blood do not circulate well in the affected areas of the lower extremities. The skin color here becomes lighter with dark spots. As the disease progresses, these spots begin to become red, swollen, and itchy. If treatment is not started, the likelihood of trophic ulcers increases significantly.
  • The legs and ankles begin to itch for no reason . In the vessels that are adjacent to the skin, transformations occur due to stagnation of blood and lymph. Metabolic products are not removed from these areas properly, which leads to itching, burning, peeling of the skin of the legs and its excessive dryness.
  • Tingling, numbness of the limbs. At the initial stage of varicose veins, the feet may become numb for no reason. The patient will feel a tingling sensation. These symptoms arise due to poor functioning of the joints and tissue hypoxia. Normal motor activity is disrupted because the tissues lack interarticular fluid. If numbness becomes regular, then you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.
  • Swelling . When the valve does not work at full strength, fluid accumulates in the intercellular space and swelling occurs. People prone to varicose veins are recommended to measure the volume of their legs in the morning and in the evening. A reason to sound the alarm and visit a phlebologist will be a change in indicators of 1 cm upward in the evening.
  • Pain in the legs after a static position. If a person sat or just stood for a long time, and after that the lower limbs began to hurt and “hum,” then it is worth paying special attention to this factor.

At the final stages, dilated veins clearly appear on the skin of the lower extremities against a background of swelling and pain. During the period of decompensation in the last stages of varicose veins, signs of thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers may appear.

Symptoms depending on the stage of the disease

Of course, it should be noted that the stage of development of the disease, the rate of progression, and existing complications (such as decompensation of venous outflow, thrombosis, varicothrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers), which are purely individual for each patient, are of great importance. Depending on the above, the optimal treatment option is selected.

The leading symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities are: swelling of the legs at the end of the working day, reticular veins - visually dilated saphenous veins, telangiectasias (in colloquial language - “spider veins”). For a long time, varicose veins manifest themselves only as a cosmetic defect - the presence of reticular veins, varicose veins (varix, lat. - node), however, it should be noted that the further development of varicose veins leads to the appearance of much more formidable symptoms and complications, such as pain, swelling of the feet and legs, and in advanced stages can lead to pigmentation of the skin of the legs (usually the internal surfaces), trophic ulcers, thrombosis, and varicothrombophlebitis.

Why is reticular varicose veins considered a mild form?

Varicose veins of the lower extremities have a separate type - reticular varicose veins. It is common mainly among women and is considered a mild form of varicose veins because in this case only the thin veins dilate.

Reticular varicose veins are often called cosmetic, since the main symptoms are external manifestations in the form of spider veins on the calves and thighs. Reticular varicose veins occur most often due to wearing high-heeled shoes, severe physical activity and taking hormonal pills.

Despite the fact that reticular varicose veins are mild, they need to be treated to avoid possible complications. Treatment of pathology of this type is carried out with the help of ointments, gels, venotonic nature, drug therapy, laser. Traditional surgical operations performed with a laser, especially a scalpel, are very rarely used.

Causes of varicose veins

Blood circulates continuously in the human body; the heart, veins and arteries take a direct and constant part in this movement. Through arteries, blood moves from top to bottom, through veins, on the contrary, from bottom to top, to the heart. The blood moves upward in spurts, fixing itself in the places where the valves are located, and the valves, in turn, prevent the blood from returning back down. Thus, blood moves freely from one valve to another.

This movement of blood occurs with proper and complete functioning of the muscles of the lower extremities. But if the valve does not contract enough, then some of the blood returns down, which leads to an increase in venous pressure and subsequent dilation of the veins. The result is stagnation of blood in the veins.

What could cause valve malfunction?

The reasons may be both external factors and genetic disposition. The veins contract with the help of the muscles located around them. If a person has a sedentary lifestyle or a job that requires constant sitting, such as driving a car or office work, then the muscles become inactive and weak, which leads to poor circulation and, accordingly, to venous diseases.

External factors and causes of varicose veins can be:

- excess weight

- pregnancy

- taking hormonal medications

- menopause

- loads on the lower limbs

- sedentary lifestyle

- work that requires constant sitting (driving a car, office work)

- work that requires constant standing without the possibility of rest or change of body position (surgeons, teachers, salespeople)

- frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes

- wearing tight underwear

- Frequent carrying of heavy bags

- chronic digestive disorders (constipation)

— various concomitant chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases)

What are the symptoms of pelvic varicose veins?

If venous blood stagnates in the pelvic area, this can lead to the appearance of varicose veins in this area. It can stagnate due to sedentary work, mechanical compression of the veins by the enlarged uterus, and uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs. The cause of the appearance of dilated veins in the pelvic area can also be poor nutrition, constipation, hernias, problems in the genitourinary area, pathologies in the pelvic organs, nervous disorders and insomnia.

Most often the disease occurs in women. Pregnant women and menopausal women are at risk. The pathology manifests itself as pain in the perineal area, which becomes more intense after hypothermia or a long stay in a sitting position. Also, venous tubercles form in the perineal area, the process of urination becomes painful, and unpleasant sensations are observed during and after sexual intercourse.

All these signs require immediate contact with a specialist, because without adequate therapy, varicose veins of the small pelvis are aggravated by complications: thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers. Pathology is diagnosed mainly by ultrasound examination, if there are no external signs yet.


Heredity and its role in the development of varicose veins have not been unambiguously confirmed. One of the main counterarguments to the presence of a genetic predisposition is the different incidence of varicose veins in ethnic Africans and their fellow tribesmen who emigrated to the United States and Western European countries. At the same time, in comparison with settled fellow tribesmen, the incidence of varicose veins, which does not exceed 0.5%, among emigrants there is a significant increase in the incidence of 10-20%. In this regard, the obvious conclusion is that environmental factors, lifestyle characteristics and nutrition prevail in the pathogenesis of varicose veins.

Pregnancy is traditionally considered one of the main risk factors for the development of varicose veins, which explains, in particular, the more frequent (3-4 times) incidence in women. It is generally accepted that the main provoking factors are an increase in BCC (circulating blood volume) and compression of the pregnant uterus by the retroperitoneal veins. Meanwhile, the results of epidemiological studies indicate that only the second and subsequent pregnancies lead to a significant increase in the incidence of varicose veins by 20-30%. Moreover, the first signs of the disease appear already in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when a sharp increase in the volume of blood volume or an enlargement of the pregnant uterus has not yet occurred.

Obesity is a proven risk factor for varicose veins. At the same time, an increase in body mass index to 27 kg/m2 and above leads to an increase in the incidence of the disease by 33%.

The high incidence of varicose veins in industrialized countries is to some extent due to dietary habits. A high degree of food processing and a decrease in raw vegetables and fruits in the diet has led to a constant deficiency of plant fibers necessary for the remodeling of the venous wall and chronic constipation, which causes a permanent increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Lifestyle has a significant impact on the development and course of varicose veins. In particular, the adverse effects of prolonged static loads with heavy lifting or immobile standing and sitting have been proven. In Asian countries, the more frequent use of chairs and armchairs among the Europeanized part of the population led to a significant (3-4 times) increase in the incidence of varicose veins compared to people traditionally sitting on mats.

Dyshormonal conditions are involved in the pathogenesis of varicose veins. Their role has been progressively increasing in recent years, which is due to the widespread use of hormonal contraception, the popularization of hormone replacement therapy during the premenopausal period and in the treatment of osteoporosis. It has been proven that estrogens and progesterone, as well as their derivatives, reduce the tone of the venous wall due to the gradual destruction of collagen and elastic fibers.

How to determine the appearance of varicocele

Varicocele is a purely male type of varicose veins, which is an expansion of the veins of the spermatic cord. Signs of varicocele include nagging pain and a feeling of heaviness in the groin area, shrinkage of one of the testicles, enlarged veins under the skin, and frequent urination.

Why does pathology occur:

  • the valves of the spermatic cord veins do not work well;
  • there is not enough connective tissue forming the venous wall;
  • the valves of the spermatic cord and testicles are underdeveloped;
  • disruptions in the process of formation of the inferior genital vein in the womb.

If a man has high abdominal pressure, often experiences constipation, spends a lot of time sitting or standing, or exposes his body to excessive physical activity, then the risk of varicocele increases significantly. This disease has three degrees of severity: at first the veins can only be palpated in a standing position, at the second stage the lumps can be palpated while lying down, and at the third stage the swollen veins of the spermatic cord on the testicle are visible to the naked eye.

The stage when the testicles are covered with numerous clusters of veins is considered final and requires emergency treatment. After all, neglected varicocele very often becomes the cause of male infertility, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and other complications. Pathology is diagnosed using an external examination, ultrasound, MRI or CT. Adult patients are often prescribed a spermogram to determine sperm activity and exclude asthenozoospermia.

Varicose veins - what is it? Diagnosis of varicose veins in Moscow

A good and correct diagnosis of varicose veins can only be carried out by a professional specialist - a phlebologist. During the consultation, a Moscow doctor will conduct a modern examination, which includes palpation, questioning, clarification of complaints, and in some cases, testing (cough, reflux, tourniquet). Based on the results obtained, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, and to clarify the diagnosis, he independently performs ultrasound, less often contrast venography, spiral computed tomography, plethysmography, phlebometry and Doppler measurements. After all the studies, the doctor can make a diagnosis: “Venous dilatation of the lower extremities.”

What are internal varicose veins

With internal varicose veins, it is not the superficial, but the deep veins that are affected. The usual external signs in the form of bulging veins and vascular networks are often absent. The pathology is manifested by soreness of the lower extremities, which is often mistaken for banal fatigue. Elderly people are susceptible to internal varicose veins, whose deep veins transform due to age-related changes, become less flexible and elastic, and the valve system suffers from wear and tear. If the pathology is not treated, ulcers form on the lower extremities, which are difficult to heal.

Diagnosis of varicose veins

At the appointment, the phlebologist performs a visual examination of the patient. An experienced specialist will recognize varicose veins at the earliest stages.

During diagnostic procedures, the doctor establishes or excludes the presence of varicose veins, then he determines the nosological variant of chronic venous disease and determines treatment strategies. It is at the stage of determining the treatment strategy that the doctor decides which methods are suitable for correcting varicose veins of the extremities - whether it is possible to limit ourselves to conservative non-surgical methods, or whether only surgical methods of treating varicose veins are possible.

Next, the treatment tactics are determined - is it possible to treat with one technique or is a combination of several techniques better suited for the treatment of varicose veins. At the final stage, the doctor objectively evaluates the effectiveness of treatment procedures.

Methods for diagnosing varicose veins of the lower extremities


In addition to the traditional history taking, examination and palpation in modern medicine, the diagnosis of diseases of the veins of the lower extremities is carried out using ultrasound angioscanning - USAS.

Ultrasound angioscanning is a modern express method that allows you to diagnose the condition of veins and arteries and can determine signs of venous reflux (backflow of blood from the deep superficial vein).

Ultrasound ultrasound is the most basic method for diagnosing varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Next, the doctor determines the treatment strategy for the disease. Modern methods of treating varicose veins of the lower extremities allow the procedure to be carried out painlessly and absolutely safely.

Remember that you absolutely cannot prolong the course of the disease, since varicose veins can cause all sorts of complications.

Team of Doctors

Internal varicose veins are very difficult to recognize in the initial stages. Therefore, everyone who has a genetic predisposition to this disease is recommended to undergo a preventive ultrasound at least once a year. Since the deep veins are surrounded on all sides by muscles, it is impossible to detect their deformation during visual inspection

Varicose veins - what is it? Treatment at home

How to treat varicose veins? Many of us ask this question, but you can carry out simple procedures at home and avoid aggravating forms of the disease.

But is it really possible to achieve great success at home? Treatment with folk remedies includes ingesting various tinctures and decoctions, rubbing homemade ointments into the skin, and applying compresses soaked in healing plant juices. The most commonly used tincture of horse chestnut fruit, nutmeg, garlic-honey mixture, hazel tincture, decoction of hop cones, apple cider vinegar. How to recover completely without resorting to the services of doctors? This question interests many. Unfortunately, the “green pharmacy” does not have the same potential as the experience of a doctor who has the latest advances in the field of phlebology. Therefore, it is better not to place unnecessary hopes on folk remedies. As preventive measures - yes, please. But, unfortunately, they cannot seriously help. Otherwise, so many medical techniques would not have been invented in the fight against varicose veins.

Varicose veins treatment at home

What does varicose veins of the foot look like?

At the very beginning of the development of pathology, one feels heaviness and fatigue in the legs by the end of the day. Next, aching pain may appear, a sensation as if the leg is bursting, and the foot swells. All these symptoms may go away on their own after rest. But you shouldn’t put off going to the doctor. If varicose veins of the feet are not treated at the initial stage, the disease will begin to progress. First, spider veins and spider veins will appear, then varicose veins will also affect large veins. At this stage, the pain becomes constant, the legs begin to swell more, and muscle spasms appear.


A successful solution to the problem of treating varicose veins consists of the consistent implementation of the following tasks:

  • Elimination of varicose veins;
  • Elimination of signs of CVI;
  • Prevention of progression and relapse of the disease.

Methods for treating varicose veins:

  • Compression therapy;
  • Conservative therapy;
  • Surgical treatment (phlebectomy);
  • Sclerotherapy.

First of all, they try to treat varicose veins using conservative methods. Strictly speaking, this is not a method of treating varicose veins. All conservative methods in the “treatment of varicose veins” are aimed, first of all, at preventing the disease and its complications. Also, conservative methods are the only possible therapy if the patient has serious contraindications to other treatment methods or if the patient refuses surgical treatment of varicose veins. Radical elimination of varicose veins is possible only surgically, however, the functional result of treatment is of great importance, which implies the elimination or minimization of the manifestations of CVI.

Treatment of varicose veins should be comprehensive and individual, most often including conservative and surgical treatment. A phlebologist can only recommend a treatment method for varicose veins based on his experience, but the decision is always yours

Complications due to varicose veins

If treatment for varicose veins is not carried out or is carried out insufficiently, then sooner or later complications arise. These include venous thrombosis. A blood clot forms in the lumens of the vessel, which leads to thrombophlebitis. The vascular walls become inflamed, and the blood clot plays the role of a time bomb, because at any moment it can break off and clog vital arteries. Thrombophlebitis progresses especially quickly after infectious diseases, during air travel, difficult childbirth and complex surgical interventions.

Deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities occurs very quickly. Literally within a few hours, inflammation occurs on the vein, the lower leg increases in size, swells, and acquires a bluish tint. At the slightest physical exertion, a person feels acute pain, but rest does not bring complete relief.

Trophic ulcers occur due to disruption of blood flow in tissues, resulting in necrosis and tissue rejection. First, severe swelling and burning of the skin appears. The legs become as if wet due to lymph seeping out; small ulcers first appear on the skin, which subsequently develop into large, non-healing wounds.

Very often, complications of varicose veins manifest themselves in the form of venous bleeding, which is sometimes impossible to stop without medical intervention. If a person with varicose veins has been injured in the area of ​​bulging veins, lifted an unbearable weight, or overexerted in sports, then the likelihood that the thinned vein may burst increases.

Opportunities of the Innovative Vascular Center

  • Thermal methods for treating varicose veins are endovenous laser coagulation (EVLC) and radiofrequency obliteration (RFO) of the veins of the lower extremities.

Endovenous laser coagulation is an effective treatment for varicose veins, the principle of which is based on the thermal effect of laser energy. This treatment was introduced in 2001 and is still the best method. With laser coagulation, the damaged vein is heated by a laser beam, which provides a strong effect of damaging the collagen of the venous wall, causing an inflammatory process in the vein and its overgrowth. Advanced varicose veins on the legs, which are treated with this method, regress completely and without a trace, and its main symptoms disappear: swelling, heaviness in the legs, hyperpigmentation of the skin. Varicose veins have been treated at the Innovative Vascular Center in Moscow using lasers since 2005, since the advent of this technology in Russia.

EVLT begins with the installation of a laser fiber into the lumen of a varicose vessel through a skin puncture, which is guided along the affected vein to the site of the incompetent valve. For the patient, this method is a safe, painless and reliable way to prevent further development of the disease and its complications. Complete elimination of varicose veins is observed in 98% of patients with proper use of the EVLT method. The capabilities of this method make it possible to both treat varicose veins on the legs in women and correct venous outflow in case of trophic ulcers.

Radiofrequency obliteration (RFO)

Treatment of varicose veins using the radiofrequency obliteration (RFO) method is a similar thermal method, but heating of the tissue of the venous wall occurs according to different physical principles due to radio wave energy. Radiofrequency obliteration allows you to remove varicose veins and eliminate its symptoms; such treatment in its immediate and long-term results does not differ from EVLT, but is more painstaking for a phlebologist.

Other thermal methods

When deciding how to treat varicose veins, phlebologists often used exotic methods. Varicose veins were treated with thermal effects using superheated steam and bipolar electrocoagulation. However, modern thermal methods are more effective and they allow the doctor to prevent further development of varicose veins, and the patient to be treated on an outpatient basis without disturbing his lifestyle. In the hands of a novice phlebologist, thermal ablation methods can cause unpleasant complications: decreased sensitivity, burns, seals. The effectiveness of this method in the hands of an experienced phlebologist is more than 98%, and the laser method and RFO make it possible to get rid of not only the initial form but also severely pronounced varicose veins on the legs without incisions. In the photographs from the “Treatment Results” section you can see the view before and after minimally invasive treatment.

Non-thermal methods for eliminating stem reflux

For many years, phlebologists have been thinking about how to cure varicose veins of the lower extremities without incisions and pain. The disappearance of the saphenous veins in the arms after frequent injections prompted the idea that certain substances can cause inflammation of the vein walls - thrombophlebitis and subsequent gluing of them with the disappearance of the lumen of the vein. After the advent of the Fegan method, when treatment began to be carried out based on the cause of varicose veins, the development of non-thermal scleroobliteration methods began. Since then, varicose veins on the legs, especially in women, are treated not only with a scalpel, but also with a syringe.

  • Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy appeared in the practice of doctors at the end of the 19th century. In recent years, the method of treating varicose veins using injections of a special substance (sclerosant) has reached perfection. The main point of sclerotherapy is to inject a drug into a varicose vein, which causes inflammation and subsequent gluing of the varicose vein. Sclerotherapy does not involve eliminating the cause of venous insufficiency and is more suitable for certain forms of varicose veins or in the initial stages of the disease. Advanced varicose veins of the lower extremities are treated with more complex methods; damage to the trunk of the great or small saphenous vein does not allow one to count on a long-term effect of sclerotherapy, since a relapse is sure to occur due to reflux.

Sclerotherapy can be done if you are not allergic to tetradecyl sulfate or polidocanol. These substances are the main sclerosants. During sclerosing treatment, manifestations of thrombophlebitis may occur, especially if liquid forms of the drug are used. Sclerotherapy of perforating veins is highly effective in the treatment of venous trophic ulcers. It is possible to eliminate the manifestations of varicose veins of the lower extremities at any stage with the help of sclerotherapy, but the relapse rate is about 40% over the next 5 years.

The advantage of sclerotherapy is a good immediate effect and low cost of treatment. Injections of sclerosant lead to the gluing of veins and the cessation of the pathological process - reflux of blood through the saphenous veins. The drug is usually injected in the form of foam (Foam-Form) into varicose veins. A spasm of dilated subcutaneous vessels is formed, prolonged contact of the foam form of sclerosant with the vein wall and their subsequent inflammation and gluing. This process occurs unevenly and the degree of obliteration of the vein is not the same, so 40% of patients after sclerotherapy have relapses of varicose veins. After sclerotherapy, the affected area of ​​the veins of the lower extremities closes and over time completely heals, and the blood flow in the opposite direction stops. To prevent the occurrence of skin necrosis due to the penetration of the foam form of sclerosant into the subcutaneous tissue, administration is carried out strictly under ultrasound control.

Foam sclerotherapy can be used as a stand-alone method or in combination with laser treatment to eliminate varicose veins. The number of sessions to eliminate varicose veins using sclerotherapy depends on the stage of varicose veins and the condition of the veins. The course of treatment usually consists of 2-3 procedures. The area of ​​skin over the sclerotic vessel may take on a dark shade for 2-3 months (hyperpigmentation appears). It can ruin a woman's legs for several months, so this treatment is best done in the winter months. Drug treatment and ultrasound-guided vascular punctures can speed up the process of resorption of intravascular fluid accumulations (coaguls), the risk of which is about 10%. Coaguli form when there is insufficient compression, but will certainly go away over time. Many patients know that within a month after sclerotherapy, the signs of varicose veins of the lower extremities go away for many years, which is why sclerotherapy is still one of the most popular treatment methods.

  • Using special glue (VenaSeal)

Since its inception, this method has aroused great interest among phlebologists. It involves gluing the trunk of the great saphenous vein with a special cyanoacrylate glue. In the lumen of the vessel, this glue polymerizes and fills the lumen of the dilated vessel. According to the developers, this method does not require any anesthesia, and a “plug” appears in the vessel, which reliably blocks blood flow. Taking this into account, half an hour is enough for the procedure to eliminate varicose veins on the legs. Venasil is the only technology for the treatment of varicose veins that does not require wearing compression stockings.

Most women can return to normal activities immediately. Symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency are relieved shortly after the procedure. The process of active promotion of this glue to the phlebological market should begin in the near future. However, there are certain disadvantages: The presence of a foreign body in the human body. The curdled glue remains in the vessel forever and can cause chronic allergies; sometimes there is inflammation of the vessel wall or rejection of the polymer with suppuration. Acute thrombophlebitis of the glued vessel may occur.

The use of glue in the trunk of the great saphenous vein does not eliminate the need to eliminate varicose tributaries, which is why doctors will have to remove signs of subcutaneous varicose veins with sclerotherapy or miniphlebectomy. The visible effect of using glue appears only when combined with other methods of eliminating varicose veins. The patient has to pay more. The unreasonably high cost of the gluing kit makes this procedure significantly more expensive than the modern laser or radio frequency method.

In our clinic, preference is given to thermal methods. We believe that it is better to give good local anesthesia than to treat varicose veins of the saphenous veins on the legs with an expensive and untested method. Moreover, the result is the same at best. If a relapse occurs, the patient will have to undergo a complex operation to remove the sealed vessel, since other methods will no longer be applicable.

  • ClariVein mechano-chemical obliteration technology

The modern method of combined treatment of reflux along the subcutaneous venous trunks adds extra weight to conventional sclerotherapy. Mechano-chemical procedures mean a combination of mechanical damage to the inner surface of the venous wall and the introduction of a sclerosing drug. A catheter is inserted into the main saphenous vein through a puncture under ultrasound guidance. After installing the catheter in the desired location, the device is connected. The rotating sharp head of the catheter makes up to 3.5 thousand revolutions per minute, causing severe damage to the inner layer of the venous wall. At the same time, a sclerosing drug is injected through the catheter, which “mixes” in the lumen of the vessel and, using the rotating part of the catheter, acts on the vascular wall, causing its inflammation and gluing.

To date, the only advantage of this technology is the absence of the need for tumescent anesthesia. Mechano-chemical obliteration should, according to its inventors, trigger a stronger obliteration effect than foam sclerotherapy, although for some reason convincing data have not yet been presented. It is clear that such varicose veins can be treated with other minimally invasive methods, so its advantages are not obvious. The introduction of such therapy in Russia will begin in 2022, but statistical data on its advantages over EVLT and sclerotherapy do not yet exist. We have to wait for further studies from Europe or the USA in order to accurately determine the place of this technology.

  • Miniphlebectomy

This is a modern microsurgical aesthetic method for removing varicose veins. It involves a delicate technique of puncturing and pulling out varicose veins using special tools. This operation is not for a novice phlebologist; you need to have the skills of delicate surgery. Miniphlebectomy is an operation without the use of a scalpel and is performed under local anesthesia. The punctures are carried out in the direction of the skin lines, so after 2 months they are practically invisible.

Miniphlebectomy has replaced the classical operation for varicose veins, which involves the use of 1-3 cm incisions, as it is aesthetically flawless, painless and very effective. By assuming how varicose veins manifest, the doctor can clearly plan micro-punctures and get by with minimal intervention. The patient can go home on his own feet immediately after the operation. Miniphlebectomy can be an independent effective method of treating varicose veins, or used in combination after laser coagulation of varicose veins. Removal of varicose veins is carried out using a special technique developed by Professor Varadi. This technique has been perfectly mastered by our phlebologists and allows for the removal of varicose veins on the legs - an effective treatment regardless of its cause.

Venous trophic ulcer

A venous ulcer is classified as a chronic wound that occurs with a long history of varicose veins and has no tendency to heal. This occurs due to severe structural tissue damage due to impaired venous outflow.

Venous ulcers are caused by long-term chronic venous insufficiency.

V stage of varicose veins: trophic ulcer

Blood pools and stagnates in your legs because defective valves in the veins prevent adequate blood return to the heart.

Symptoms of leg ulcers:

  • Painful open wounds on the legs or ankles.
  • Itching sensations in the lower extremities.
  • Discharge of yellow or green fluid from the ulcer.
  • Swelling of the legs.
  • Change in skin color around the ulcer.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the ulcer.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities.

Venous trophic ulcers account for up to 80% of all ulcers of the lower extremities. In the vast majority of cases, patients can be helped using modern technologies for treating varicose veins. Yes, most of them are treated. It is enough to contact a good phlebological center in Moscow and a competent specialist.

Many of the listed symptoms and complications of varicose veins are hereditary, so if you have family members with chronic vein disease and you experience any of these symptoms, you are definitely at risk. Factors such as obesity, diet, smoking and alcohol consumption can also have a detrimental effect on the health of your feet.

Traditional methods of treating varicose veins

There are many folk recipes for infusions, decoctions, lotions and compresses. A number of remedies are advised to be taken even internally. Below are several options for treating varicose veins using traditional methods.

Lilac tincture

Take a container with a volume of one and a half liters, pour flowers and lilac leaves into it. Then everything is filled with vodka or medical alcohol so that the liquid completely covers the grass (to the very edge of the container). Infuse for a week, shaking occasionally, then filter and rub the tincture on your feet every day. Rub the skin with soft massage movements, from fingers to knees.

With the help of tincture they fight inflammation, swelling, cramps, and pain in the legs.

Garlic ointment

Garlic cloves from a whole head are peeled, ground in a meat grinder or pressed through a garlic press. After this, you need to take butter (unsalted) and mix with crushed garlic in a ratio of 1:2 (2 parts butter and 1 part garlic). Apply this mixture to the affected leg, cover with wax paper, bandage it, the compress can be kept overnight.

The compress eliminates pain and burning sensation, it has antiseptic properties, softens the skin, and helps heal wounds.

Honey with garlic

You need to take a head of garlic and 250 ml of honey (preferably linden or buckwheat). Both ingredients are thoroughly mixed and left for a week. Drink a tablespoon three times a day, before meals. The product relieves swelling and fatigue, pain, and varicose veins become less noticeable.

Potato juice

Raw potatoes are crushed on a grater or in a blender, and the pulp is applied to sore spots. Keep the compress for about half an hour; if desired, you can leave it on all night. To increase efficiency, drink half a glass of potato juice at the same time. The product relieves swelling and discomfort in the leg, eliminates heaviness, reduces fatigue and inflammation.

Butter with onions

A glass of olive oil and the same amount of onion peels are mixed in a glass bowl, two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar are added there. The mixture is hidden in a dark corner for 2 weeks, shaken periodically.

Before applying oil and onions to your feet, make a bath from a decoction of onion peels. Rub the limb with oil from the fingers to the knee. It is best to perform the manipulation before bedtime. Rubbing eliminates the heaviness and fatigue of the legs, although they cannot completely cure varicose veins.

Calendula-based ointment

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of dried calendula flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave until it cools down (you can use a thermos). Strain the infusion and mix with 250 g of any fatty substance (take Vaseline, lanolin, badger fat, etc.). To improve the smell, add a couple of drops of aromatic oil from mint, grapefruit, rose, lavender, and sage to the mixture. Rub the ointment on your feet until it is absorbed, apply twice a day. The infusion can be made combined; in addition to calendula, add thyme, hop cones, chamomile, and nettle.

How are the veins in the legs arranged?

The legs have two groups of venous vessels: superficial and deep or deep. The first are located in the subcutaneous tissue, that is, on the surface of the leg. The latter are located deeper, in the thickness of the muscles, next to the arteries and tendons. The deep and superficial vessels are connected by perforating or perforating veins. Their wall consists of collagen and elastin fibers, with weak and few smooth muscles. The venous wall has a three-layer structure:

  • At the top is the adventitia, which is composed of loose connective fibers, smooth muscle cells elongated along the walls, surrounded by small capillaries and nerves responsible for the trophism of the vessel.
  • In the middle is the media, consisting of circular smooth muscle fibers.
  • The intima is located on the inside. The basis of the intima is the endothelium; between its cells there are longitudinal fibers of smooth muscles. The inner shell is folded, the thickenings are opposite each other and resemble swallows' nests or patch pockets. They are called valves and are responsible for the correct direction of blood flow.

Venous valves direct blood from the peripheral parts to the heart, as well as from the superficial to the deep veins. They prevent reverse outflow and increase venous pressure. In addition to the valves, smooth muscles, tendons and muscles of the leg take part in maintaining normal tone. When any of the layers (usually the median and internal layers) are damaged, the veins lose their tone and expand, and varicose veins occur.

  • There are several superficial veins:
  1. The great saphenous vein is located on the inside of the leg; its walls are equipped with several valves; blood from the anterior femoral surface is collected into this vein through a series of smaller vessels.
  2. The small saphenous vein is located on the outside of the leg, equipped with valves, and collects blood from the veins on the front and back of the leg.

Communication between the large and small veins occurs through connecting vessels.

  • The deep veins are the posterior and anterior tibial veins, the popliteal vein, and the femoral vein. Varicose veins develop in them at advanced stages, when the disease is not treated for a long time.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities - treatment: surgery or still a procedure?

  • Intravascular coagulation. Do you have varicose veins of the lower extremities? Laser treatment in Moscow is a small endovascular operation during which a vein is obliterated with a laser. Varicose veins of the lower extremities will be removed; laser treatment is based on the introduction of blood flow into the desired vein. This is how varicose veins of the lower extremities are defeated. Laser treatment, the cost of which is not so high, takes little time and is well tolerated by patients, and they forget that they had varicose veins of the lower extremities; laser treatment (the price in our center is affordable) is very effective. The final figure depends on the stage of the disease and the amount of work the doctor does. Do not be afraid that varicose veins of the lower extremities will attack again later. Laser treatment (there are quite a lot of reviews!) will definitely put you “on your feet”!
  • Short stripping is a minimally invasive technique in which a small section of the affected main vein is removed. In this way, it is possible to preserve as many healthy sections of veins as possible.
  • Cryophlebectomy – removal of a vein using a cryoprobe. The operation is low-traumatic - however, one small incision is made to insert the probe. After the operation, you see results immediately.

Caution - varicose veins of the lower extremities

Treatment with traditional methods (prices for herbs and creams differ), but still do not place too much hope on a green pharmacy.

Excess weight provokes the development of varicose veins

It is important to pay attention to nutrition if you have varicose veins of the lower extremities, treatment with traditional methods, the price of which is pennies. It is necessary to limit the consumption of meat, spicy, salty and smoked foods, increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet and eliminate alcohol and coffee.

An optimal daily routine and therapeutic exercises will help improve blood circulation in the extremities. This will take 10-15 minutes a day.

Simple traditional methods of treatment can complement the complex of measures for the treatment of varicose veins. Rubbing the feet with horse chestnut tincture, apple cider vinegar, butter with garlic and many other remedies have been known since ancient times. They will ease varicose veins of the lower extremities, the cost, photos and results can be viewed on our website on the Internet.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities - treatment with radiofrequency

How to remove varicose veins of the lower extremities? RFA treatment is of particular interest to patients. Why do many people dream of eliminating varicose veins of the lower extremities and prefer RFO treatment?

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an operation that can be performed on an outpatient basis if you want to forget varicose veins of the lower extremities. RFA treatment in Moscow uses radio frequency, which is used to “seal” a vein and remove varicose veins of the lower extremities. RFO treatment in Moscow is fast and effective.

What effect does laser treatment bring?

Endovasal laser coagulation or treatment of varicose veins with a laser is a fairly effective technique. There are different options for this method of treatment - laser monotherapy, combined therapy (complex laser treatment with the use of drug sclerotherapy, deep vein ligation). Through the impact of laser beams on the diseased organ, they try to achieve sclerosis of too large and dilated veins, thus the altered areas are removed, some vessels are narrowed and blood flow is normalized. In addition, the treatment also has a cosmetic effect: stars and dilated vessels are removed, and the limb regains its normal appearance. The mechanism of action of the laser resembles the effect of sclerosing drugs. Soldering and further resorption of the affected vessels occurs. But with laser therapy there is no need to administer medications that may have side effects. During the operation, a small puncture is made in the area of ​​the affected vein, and a laser light guide is inserted into it using a needle. Movements in the vein are monitored through an ultrasound machine. When the light guide reaches the desired location, the doctor turns on the radiation, which acts on the vein for several seconds. The walls are burned, and after some time their sclerosis occurs. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The duration of the procedure is a little over an hour, it does not cause pain or discomfort to the patient. After just a couple of hours, the patient can get to his feet and go home on his own. Restrictions regarding work and physical activity are lifted after a week. During this period, it is recommended to lubricate problem areas (where the intervention was performed) with ointments or gels with heparin. A week after completing treatment, the person can return to their normal activities. To improve the condition of the limb and achieve optimal results, compression stockings are prescribed and must be worn constantly.

Laser treatment is indicated in the following situations:

  • Varicose veins in relatively small areas of the vein.
  • The mouth of the great saphenous vein is dilated by no more than 10 mm.
  • Trophic disorders in the lower leg area.

There are few contraindications for laser therapy for varicose veins. One of the main ones is a strong expansion of the veins. There is a certain diameter of the vessel at which laser treatment can bring results and will not lead to relapse of the disease.

Frequently asked questions from our patients on the Internet about varicose veins of the lower extremities

Are varicose veins of the lower extremities dangerous during pregnancy? Anastasia from Belgorod is interested in:

Dear Anastasia! Varicose veins of the lower extremities during pregnancy carry certain risks of developing thromboembolic complications. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a phlebologist and follow his recommendations.

I have had varicose veins of the lower extremities for quite a long time, what surgery is best? Tamara from Ufa asks:

Dear Tamara! If you have varicose veins of the lower extremities, modern minimally invasive surgery will be optimal. The best methods today are thermoobliteration techniques (laser and radio frequency).

I was diagnosed with varicose veins of the lower extremities, how is the operation performed? Boris from St. Petersburg is interested in:

Dear Boris! You have been diagnosed with varicose veins of the lower extremities, and therefore surgery is indicated. In Russia there is no uniform approach to the choice of surgical treatment. There is a classic and outdated phlebectomy technique, with incisions and anesthesia. This operation is usually performed in public hospitals. In specialized phlebological centers, innovative techniques are used through puncture approaches (punctures). Such operations are performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, without incisions or pain.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities, what is it? Elena from Pskov is interested in:

Dear Elena! Varicose veins of the lower extremities are a chronic progressive disease, manifested by pathological dilation of venous vessels, disruption of the normal functioning of vein valves, which adversely affects blood flow. This condition often develops in people whose work and lifestyle are associated with prolonged static load.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities, what treatment is used? Natalya from Petrozavodsk is interested in:

Dear Natalia! When a diagnosis is made: varicose veins of the lower extremities, a fairly varied treatment is used. The conservative approach has many supporters, both among patients and doctors. But we must immediately clarify that treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities cannot only be conservative. Modern treatment of varicose veins involves the use of innovative techniques that radically eliminate the pathology. You can see reviews from patients of our clinic on our website:

How to diagnose varicose veins

  • Using functional tests (application of a tourniquet), the condition of the valves is studied. They are named after the authors - Troyanov-Trendelenburg, Pratt, Sheinis, Delbe-Perthes, etc.. For the Troyanov-Trendelenburg test, you need to lay the patient horizontally, then offer to raise the leg 450. In this position, the doctor strokes the limb from the foot upward to empty the superficial veins. The next step is to apply a tourniquet to the upper half of the thigh, after which the patient rises from the couch. Healthy veins in the legs should fill up after 15 seconds.
  • Duplex ultrasound scanning of veins (ultrasound angioscanning) provides the most information and allows you to visualize the vessels and blood flow through them.
  • Dopplerography is a method for assessing blood circulation through vessels.
  • Phlebography or X-ray examination using contrast, which helps to study the internal structure of the vessel.
  • Phleboscintigraphy is a technique using radioactive substances with further study on a special device for their distribution.

To study the superficial veins, they are examined and palpated. The first three methods are used as additional examinations. The last two methods are necessary to study the condition of the deep or deep veins.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities - prevention

For prevention, it is necessary first of all to adhere to the work regime. You cannot constantly be on your feet or sit in one position. From time to time it is worth taking short breaks to give your legs a rest.

After a hard day at work, you can massage your feet, after which it is advisable to put your feet on a raised platform. This improves blood flow from the extremities.

Exercises to improve venous blood flow in the legs

Don't get carried away with hot baths and saunas. To prevent varicose veins, it is much more useful to take a contrast shower and rinse your legs with cool water.

It is important to monitor your weight. Excess body weight increases the load on the venous system and contributes to the development of the disease.

If there is a predisposition to developing the disease, and it is not possible to eliminate all risk factors, it is better to engage in prevention. Even if the disease has already begun, do not despair. Varicose veins of the lower extremities are not a death sentence. By detecting the problem in a timely manner and contacting specialists, you can get rid of the disease and avoid serious complications.

We invite you to visit our specialist phlebologist and get rid of varicose veins in the early stages.

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