Marshmallow syrup: what it helps with, how to take it

It is not always necessary to buy expensive medications to get rid of a cough. In the initial stages or in the absence of complications, you can get by with herbal preparations. They are also prescribed at the stage of after-treatment of cough. One such inexpensive and effective remedy is marshmallow syrup.

Composition, description of the medicine

Syrup is a liquid with a thick consistency. The color is from light to dark yellow, there is a weak specific herbal aroma.

Marshmallow cough syrup is produced by different manufacturers, so the bottle volume can be 95, 100, 125 or 150 ml. The bottles can be made of dark glass or polymer and will be placed in a box along with an annotation for the drug.

The main active ingredient of the drug is 2 g of dry extract of marshmallow roots, which contains 40% sucrose and 35% lactose, for a total of 1% glucose. The syrup also contains sodium benzoate, sucrose and purified water.

Some manufacturers use liquid marshmallow root extract as a base. Additional ingredients may include methyl parahydroxybenzoate and rhopyl parahydroxybenzoate, vitamin C.

Composition and beneficial properties of sage

Hippocrates also pointed out the beneficial properties of this plant and recommended using it to give strength and prolong youth.

In the inflorescences and leaves of sage, 0.3–0.5% of essential oil was found, which contains linalool, acetic acid, aromatic resins, pinene, formic acid, flavonoids, and tannins.

Sage seeds contain about 20% protein and 30% fatty oil, which dries quickly, and sage roots contain coumarin.

The plant has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hemostatic, and general strengthening properties, and sage can increase the secretory activity of the digestive tract, increase the secretion of gastric juice and reduce sweating.

The medicinal properties of this medicinal herb have led to its use in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and various viral infections. Salvia officinalis is also well suited for the treatment of sore throat, bronchitis, mumps, gingivitis, radiculitis, polyarthritis, neuritis, diabetes, gynecological and skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, boils, burns, asthma and much more. This list can be continued for a very long time.

The medicinal raw materials of sage are the leaves and tops of the plant with flowers.

In folk medicine this herb is used:

  • In the fight against lung diseases, including such serious ones as tuberculosis. Due to its mild diuretic and disinfectant effect, sage is used for inflammation of the urinary tract - pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • The high content of phytohormones makes salvia officinalis a good remedy for healing diseases of the female genital area. It is prescribed for severe symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, nervousness, sweating). Due to its hemostatic effect, it is used for long and heavy periods;
  • Sage is included in chest teas, which are used to relieve coughs due to bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • Gastric infusions with this plant help with bloating, have a choleretic effect, stimulate appetite and peristalsis of all parts of the digestive tract;
  • Externally, sage is used for fungal skin infections, purulent wounds, psoriasis, burns, frostbite;
  • Sitz baths based on a decoction of this plant reduce inflammation and bleeding from hemorrhoids;
  • Sage is a good immune stimulant; in addition, it improves memory, enhances attention and increases performance.

Sage has also found its use in cosmetology:

  • Sage essential oil is mainly used for aromatherapy. It is used as a stress reliever, soothes headaches, brings balance and a sense of satisfaction;
  • Rinse your hair with a decoction of sage; it gives it shine, gets rid of dandruff and oily sheen, and stimulates its growth;
  • Antibacterial properties make this plant an indispensable assistant in the treatment of juvenile acne. Salvia officinalis extract is included in many products for the care of young skin prone to oily skin;
  • A compress of sage decoction on the eye area will help get rid of dark circles and make your eyes radiant;
  • Sage essential oil is used in the composition of fragrances in perfumery. In addition, it has the property of fixing other easily degraded essential oils, which allows you to create long-lasting perfumes, eau de toilettes and colognes.

Women should use sage with special caution, as the plant contains active phytohormones. Contraindications to the use of sage are described in detail at the end of the article.

Mechanism of action

The syrup is one-component and belongs to the group of expectorants of plant origin. Has the following therapeutic effects:

  • dilutes bronchial secretions;
  • facilitates coughing;
  • relieves inflammation in the bronchi and lungs.

The drug promotes the formation of a mucous film on the membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This film is of plant origin, has a therapeutic effect, and also provides a longer local effect of other pharmaceuticals.

Application regimens, dosages

The syrup is taken only internally, after dilution in warm water. Dosages depend on age:

  • adults and children over 12 years old - one tablespoon added to half a glass of water. Take up to 5 times a day after meals;
  • children under 12 years old – one teaspoon added to a quarter glass of water. Take up to 5 times a day after meals.

Duration of treatment is 1.5-2 weeks. Longer or repeated courses are possible after consulting a doctor.

Among the side effects, the manufacturer notes the possibility of allergic reactions. Exceeding recommended doses may cause nausea and vomiting. In this case, the medicine should be discontinued and the stomach should be rinsed.

Use of sage in medicine

There are a great variety of different formulation options for medicinal infusions and decoctions of medicinal sage. Quantitative ratios, as well as methods of preparation, as a rule, directly depend on how this product is going to be used. It is best, of course, to look up the exact dosage of sage in special reference books, where the method of treating a particular disease is described in detail.

Although it is quite possible to use one of the most famous recipes, which is suitable for both internal and external use. This infusion is prepared based on a ratio of dry raw leaves and water of 1:10, but you can take 1:5 if the sage leaves are fresh. The medicine must be infused for one hour in a thermos; you can also use a water bath, but you need to make sure that the infusion does not reach the boiling stage.

To prepare a healing decoction, the same ratio of raw materials and water is taken, only this composition must be boiled for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

An infusion or decoction prepared in this way can be used for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity as a rinse, and they can also be used for lotions and compresses in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases, ulcers, wounds and frostbite.

This infusion and decoction can also be taken orally to treat a fairly large number of diseases, usually this is done 30 minutes before meals or on an empty stomach in the morning. For example, sage infusion and decoction, thanks to its antiseptic and astringent properties, successfully treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diarrhea.

In folk medicine, it has already become a tradition to use sage to treat feverish conditions and reduce sweating during tuberculosis, as well as to alleviate menopause in women. Sweating noticeably decreases within 20–30 minutes after taking the medicine, and the duration of action of this remedy is at least 3-4 hours, maximum 1 day.

Since ancient times, sage has been considered a good remedy for female diseases, which has already been confirmed by modern medicine, since the plant contains phytohormones that are very similar to estrogen in their effect on the female body. Beauties have long taken this herb to rejuvenate their skin and cleanse their bodies, which, as it turns out, is not without meaning.

Modern medicine has been able to find out that sage can relieve frigidity and can also significantly increase libido. For these purposes, an infusion of linden flowers with sage was most often prepared and is being prepared. Linden, as you know, is also a plant quite enriched in phytohormones. Since ancient times, infertility has been treated quite successfully with an infusion of sage seeds. Sometimes they prepared tinctures from sage seeds in grape wine. Of course, now it’s hard to believe in the effectiveness of such a medicine for infertility, but it’s worth considering that this remedy has been used for centuries, and it’s clear that there was still a result from the treatment.

Quite an interesting fact: in ancient Egypt, priests, in order to increase the birth rate in families, specially distributed sage to young women, and taught them to prepare tea from this plant, which they had to drink every day until pregnancy occurred. It is worth saying that any preparations that contain sage are not recommended for use during breastfeeding, because sage contributes to a noticeable decrease in lactation. But when the time comes to wean the child from the breast, potions containing sage will come in handy.

The beneficial properties of sage may also be necessary for men. A decoction and infusion of this plant is an excellent remedy for strengthening hair follicles, which can significantly slow down the process of baldness, and sometimes even stop it altogether. The fact that this is not without meaning can be seen from the fact that there are quite a large number of shampoos that contain sage extract.

This medicinal herb is considered very useful for people in old age, because it helps strengthen the nervous system, improve memory, and also relieve senile hand tremors. It is worth noting that sage is present in many medicinal preparations used for the treatment of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stomach and duodenal ulcers, inflammatory processes in the urinary and gallbladder and kidneys, and even cancer. It should also be noted that self-medication in these cases can be extremely inappropriate and sometimes even destructive. But with proper prescription and medical supervision, preparations containing sage can have a very effective effect. Of course, you should not assume that sage is a panacea for all diseases, this, of course, is not the case, but still, thanks to the properties of this wonderful herb, it is quite possible to improve your health and you can even extend your life.

Reception features

It is not recommended to take marshmallow syrup in parallel with medications containing codeine, as well as other drugs that suppress the cough reflex. Otherwise, the discharge of liquefied bronchopulmonary secretions will be difficult.

Patients with concomitant diabetes mellitus should take into account that one teaspoon contains 4.2 g of sucrose, a tablespoon - 16.8 g.

The medication does not affect attention or reaction speed, so it can be taken without fear by people driving vehicles, working with complex machinery, or engaging in hazardous activities.

Combination with sodium bicarbonate is allowed.

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