Detralex: what does the drug help with?

Veins and blood vessels are an important link in the chain of our health. In the literal sense, veins, vessels and capillaries are the most important highways along which the energy of life flows. Any disturbances in these structures: varicose veins, blockage, stretching and a number of other problems can significantly reduce the quality of life and, in some cases, lead to serious consequences and the development of serious diseases. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health constantly and always.

In the article we will consider the drug “Detralex” as a means of treating and preventing diseases of the veins and blood vessels. Let's talk about what makes it special, what its composition is, how to take it correctly and when a positive effect is achieved.


Detralex tablets are capsules that are yellow or pinkish in color and have a break on both sides. The color of the tablet may be blurred, slightly uneven, from light brown to yellow or orange. The main active ingredients are called flavonoids, processed and maximally adapted to the human body. The distribution of substances is as follows:

  • diosmin – 900 mg;
  • hesperidin – 100 mg.

Additional components include gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and talc. Sodium starch glycolate type A is also used, and macrogol is used as an excipient for polishing tablets.

The liquid solution for internal use is usually light yellow in color and has a recognizable citrus aroma. The liquid mass is homogeneous and has no foreign inclusions. In each package of Detralex tablets, the manufacturer's instructions must be included.


The pharmaceutical product belongs to the group of bioflavonoids. These are agents that significantly reduce the permeability of capillary walls. The active components penetrate the venous cavity and tone the walls of blood vessels. At the same time, the elasticity of the veins increases, reducing extensibility, and stagnation of venous blood is eliminated.

The fragility of capillaries is sharply reduced, and their resistance increases.

The studies carried out showed. That the optimal effect of the drug occurs when taking 1000 mg per day, in a single dose. The active substances quickly increase venous tone, their emptying occurs more quickly, due to which the walls become stronger and more elastic.

Severe pathologies of blood flow in the lower extremities are recommended to be treated with the drug Detralex, the price of which is affordable for everyone. It has been proven to increase capillary resistance. This helps in the fight even against chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities and in case of hemorrhoids.

The pronounced symptoms of the disease become less noticeable and bother the patient much less.

Once in the human body, the drug begins to quickly ferment and be processed, distributing the active substances. Scientists report that the half-life of the substances is about eleven hours. Most of the drug is excreted naturally in the feces, a little more than 10% is excreted in the urine.

Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics

The medicine has a venotonic, angioprotective effect. After its use, venostasis, capillary permeability, and vein distensibility decrease.

In addition, taking the medicine helps:

  1. Improving microcirculation
  2. Lymphatic drainage
  3. Increased tone of venous walls
  4. Reducing the interaction of leukocytes and endothelium

Basically, active substances are excreted through the intestines, a small part of them through the kidneys.

Indications and contraindications

Any therapeutic agent has a list of cases when it can be prescribed to a patient, as well as separate instructions regarding citizens to whom it cannot be used.

Indications for useWhen the drug is contraindicated
Symptoms of venolymphatic insufficiency, which are expressed in constant pain and severe heaviness in the legs, as well as fatigue in the lower extremities in the morningHypersensitivity to the components of the drug
Therapy for functional indications that are associated with acute attacks of hemorrhoidal diseaseLactation period in women after the birth of a child

As you can see above, the list of contraindications is not too long, so each patient can try the effect of an effective medicinal substance on himself.

Instructions for use

Detralex, instructions for use for which are included in each package, is used in adult patients if there are appropriate symptoms. The drug is prescribed by a doctor. You should not self-medicate and take pills uncontrollably.

The use of Detralex is indicated only for adult patients. Scientists have not conducted studies on the effects of active substances on pediatric patients.

If a person is diagnosed with venous lymphatic insufficiency, he can be prescribed the drug once, in the amount of a full tablet. It is used immediately, the mark on the surface is intended solely for the convenience of dividing the tablet and simplifying swallowing. If necessary, the doctor may increase the duration of the course of therapy.

A repeated relapse of the disease can provoke re-prescription of tablets. In this case, the amount of the drug can be sharply increased to achieve a lasting therapeutic effect.

For acute symptoms of hemorrhoids, three tablets are used at once in the first days of treatment. They are taken with food, morning, lunch and evening. The duration of active therapy lasts four days. After this, the dosage is reduced to two tablets per day. They are taken in the morning and evening also with food. This therapy continues for three days. In total, the treatment will take one week, after which the doctor makes a diagnosis and decides on ending or extending the therapeutic effect.

Detralex, how much to drink

It is wise to take Detralex only as prescribed by a doctor; self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences. Based on the complexity of the situation and the course of the disease, the doctor must determine the duration of the therapeutic course. It is useful to know that even taking several tablets can lead to drug addiction.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a second course of medication.

For chronic hemorrhoids, tablets are usually taken for 2-3 months.

Side effects

Like any other medicine, Detralex tablets , the use of which is prescribed by a doctor, have a number of side effects. It is noted that unpleasant symptoms appear extremely rarely, but still occur.

Organs of influenceSymptoms
Organs of the central nervous systemIntense headaches, dizziness, poor health and malaise
Gastrointestinal organsPain in the stomach, colitis, disorders with nausea and vomiting often develop
LeatherSevere itching, rashes, signs of urticaria, sometimes isolated swelling of the lips, eyelids, and other parts of the face is observed; very rarely, experts note angioedema

If any of the above or other types of unpleasant symptoms are detected, stop taking the pills and immediately seek help from a doctor. Most often, the treatment takes place without consequences for the patient, without causing unpleasant reactions in the body.

In research practice, there were no cases of excessive use of the substance. If an overdose of active ingredients occurs and disturbing symptoms appear, it is important to urgently make an appointment with your doctor for help.

Reviews of Detralex

On the forums you can find a variety of (and often completely opposite) reviews about Detralex tablets on the forums you can find different ones. But still, most patients respond well to the drug.

If you take pills for hemorrhoids , the result becomes noticeable already on the 2-3rd day of treatment. Moreover, the medicine “works” even in advanced cases (including during pregnancy, when almost all drugs are contraindicated, and surgical intervention is simply unacceptable).

If you take pills for varicose veins , the effect develops somewhat more slowly, but the achieved result can significantly improve the quality of life. Analyzing doctors' reviews about Detralex, we can come to the conclusion that the drug is effective, but:

  • the result is more noticeable the earlier treatment is started (reviews of Detralex for varicose veins indicate that if you start taking pills when the first signs of the disease appear, you can forget about it (the disease) for many years);
  • the effect develops gradually, that is, if the doctor said that the medicine should be taken for 2 months, then it really needs to be taken for the specified amount of time, and to maintain the achieved results, repeat the course 1-2 times a year;
  • the approach to treatment must be comprehensive - in order to achieve the desired effect, do not forget about the regimen, diet, adequate physical activity, and the use of other medications.

Side effects from the use of tablets develop extremely rarely, and they do not require special treatment or discontinuation of Detralex. This effect is due to the unique medicinal formula of the drug and a special production technology: the particles of the active components of Detralex are so small that they are very easily absorbed by the body (due to its high bioavailability, the drug is considered more effective than its more inexpensive analogues).

Pregnancy and lactation

The instructions for Detralex tablets and oral suspension do not prohibit the use of the drug in patients who are pregnant. Research by scientists was carried out on animals; during them, no deterioration in the well-being of the experimental subjects was revealed.

As part of the use of the drug by pregnant women, during the use of the substance, no side effects were identified specifically in pregnant women. However, with lactation the situation is slightly different.

Scientists have not yet been able to find out whether the drug is excreted through the breast milk of a nursing mother. In this regard, it is recommended that women who are breastfeeding not take Detralex. If it is not possible to do without therapy, lactation is stopped during treatment.

Detralex during pregnancy

Despite the fact that studies have not revealed the teratogenic properties of Detralex, it is used with caution during pregnancy.

Due to the lack of information on the ability of diosmin and hesperidin to pass into breast milk during breastfeeding, the use of the drug should be avoided.

The category of effect on the fetus according to the FDA classification has not been determined.

Studies on rats have shown that the drug does not have reproductive toxicity.

Reviews of Detralex during pregnancy allow us to conclude that the drug really helps with problems with veins and hemorrhoids . With the use of tablets, pain in the legs disappears, the legs become less tired and do not swell (and if they swell, then not so much), the development of varicose veins hemorrhoids disappear (or are significantly reduced) .

Precautionary measures

The first thing to remember is that you should not engage in self-treatment without first contacting a qualified doctor. Only a doctor can prescribe the use of Detralex, the price of which is so affordable that many people buy it uncontrollably. This cannot be done, otherwise negative reactions may develop and side symptoms of poor-quality treatment may appear.

Exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease becomes the reason for taking pills, but it absolutely does not serve as a substitute for the therapy prescribed by the doctor. The duration of the course of therapy does not exceed the terms prescribed in the instructions for use of Detralex, the price of which varies about a thousand rubles per package.

If the symptoms do not disappear after completing a course of therapy with this drug, a consultation and examination by a proctologist is required to determine the nature of the anal disorders. He will prescribe a new treatment regimen that will help cope with unpleasant symptoms.

Pathologies of venous blood flow are treated with combined methods and complex therapy. Taking pills is combined with rethinking your own lifestyle and diet. It is important to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and avoid constant standing.

For overweight people, it is recommended to gradually lose weight to ease the load on the lower limbs. Long walks at a leisurely pace, carried out regularly, will help speed up the metabolism and “accelerate” the blood, eliminating stagnation. Some patients are advised to wear special compression garments or stockings.

If during treatment with Detralex 1000 tablets the patient’s condition has sharply worsened and the quality of life has suffered, the drug should be immediately stopped and the patient will be sent to see a doctor.

Medicine Detralex

Detralex is produced by the French company Servier, whose production complex is located, among other things, in Russia.
The main principle of the company producing Detralex is environmental friendliness, naturalness and safety. Therefore, all Servier products are a guarantee of high quality. Detralex is no exception. THIS IS INTERESTING: one of the components of Detralex - hesperidin - is extracted from the peel of unripe oranges. Moreover, the choice of unripe fruits is approached with special care - their size should not exceed 2.5 cm in diameter. Because the smaller the fruit, the more valuable substances it contains. The main countries for orange production are Mexico, Egypt, China and Morocco. First, the orange peels are dried and crushed. This is how the basis for Detralex is obtained - a complex of flavonoids or a flavonoid fraction, which is then sent for refinement and production of the drug we are familiar with.


Each package of tablets includes instructions for Detralex, the price of which varies within a thousand rubles. A detailed plan for taking and storing tablets from the manufacturer is required in the packaging of the pharmacy product.

Each cardboard box contains three or six blisters with the same number of tablets. There are ten of them in each blister. There is a package containing two aluminum-coated PVC blisters containing nine pale yellow tablets.

Each cardboard pack contains the number of blisters indicated on the box and instructions for use of the drug from the manufacturer.

Where to buy, how much it costs

Detralex tablets , the price of which varies and is about one thousand rubles for 18 pills, with a dosage of 1000 mg, is sold in almost any pharmacy. Buying it will not be a problem, because it is available without a prescription from a doctor.

The cost of packaging varies greatly depending on the dosage of the drug and the number of tablets in the pack. So a package consisting of eighteen tablets can be purchased for one thousand rubles, while a smaller dosage of 500 mg is purchased for 950 rubles, and the quantity in it will be 30 pieces.

At the same time, packages consisting of 30 tablets with a dosage of 1000 mg cost about 1600 rubles. There are also packs of 60 tablets. A dosage of 500 mg costs around 1800 rubles per unit, and a dosage of 1000 mg costs approximately 2900 rubles per unit.


The drug is a new generation substance. This is a relatively new method of treating venous pathologies, which has become widely used by patients with a similar problem.

Reviews for Detralex are almost unanimously positive, with a lot of praise from satisfied patients.

For many years I worked in production, where I had to constantly sit in an unchanged position. This had a negative impact on the condition of my legs, and serious varicose veins appeared. Phlebologists and other doctors were already throwing up their hands and suggesting surgical intervention. I did not dare to do this, because I am very afraid of such manipulations. But the drug Detralex, which was prescribed to me by the doctor, worked wonders. The veins began to gradually return to normal. There is still a long way to go to a perfect cure for the pathology, but I feel much lighter. The constant pain and heaviness in my legs have disappeared; in the morning I don’t want to lie down longer so as not to feel pain again. I'm happy with the therapy.

Anna Borisovna, 62 years old

I spend a lot of time on my feet, playing sports and taking long walks. I know how important this is for human health and I try not to miss training. But at the same time, I was surprised to notice that my legs began to be covered with a thin venous mesh. Mistaking this for age-related changes, she nevertheless did not put up with this state of affairs and went to a phlebologist. The diagnosis of varicose veins struck me in the heart. But I'm not used to giving up. The doctor prescribed a course of treatment with Detralex, which I readily comply with. I can note that the symptoms of varicose veins have noticeably subsided, the enlarged veins on the calves and thighs have disappeared. I am pleased with the result and with my beautiful legs, which I am proud of.

Valeria S., 45 years old

For many years I suffered from the appearance of hemorrhoids. Consultations with a proctologist and regular courses of treatment helped little. I lived with constant pain and lack of comfort, as a result of which my quality of life dropped significantly. Another trip to the doctor resulted in the prescription of Detralex tablets. At first I was too skeptical about them and did not believe in the therapeutic effect, but the result I saw pleased me. The symptoms of hemorrhoids have practically disappeared, and finally I can move around and sit without pain.

Vyacheslav P., 52 years old

Question answer

The drug has a number of indications for use. Among them:

  • pain in the lower extremities and other organs, where there is a decrease in vascular tone;
  • leg cramps;
  • a feeling of heaviness and fullness during the day in the lower half of the body;
  • constant “fatigue” of the legs;
  • severe swelling of the limbs;
  • trophic ulcers that appear on the skin;
  • venous trophic ulcers.

In addition, the drug is widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, chronic or acute.

Only the attending physician can answer this question. You cannot self-medicate, even with over-the-counter medications. We advise you to contact the clinic, the doctor who is observing you, and clarify the drug treatment regimen, taking into account the addition of the substance Detralex.

The smallest cardboard package contains 18 tablets, which are enough to cure the acute phase of hemorrhoids and relieve the symptoms of the disease. For long-term treatment regimens, large packages of the drug are used, containing 30 and 60 tablets, respectively.

It is recommended to take the tablets in the morning, combining them with meals. If there is an acute phase of the disease, three tablets per day are prescribed, each of which is combined with food.

The manufacturer, in the instructions for use of the substance attached to the medicine, clearly described the components. None of them are gluten free.

Detralex tablets are a modern, well-absorbed drug that has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of venous pathologies and hemorrhoids. It is widely used by qualified doctors when prescribing treatment regimens for their patients.

Directions for use and doses


Venous-lymphatic insufficiency. Recommended dose: 2 tablets/day: 1 tablet. - in the middle of the day and 1 table. - in the evening, during meals.

The duration of treatment can be several months (up to 12 months). In case of recurrence of symptoms, on the recommendation of a doctor, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Acute hemorrhoids. Recommended dose: 6 tablets/day: 3 tablets. morning and evening for 4 days, then - 4 tablets per day: 2 tablets. morning and evening for the next 3 days.

List of used literature

  • The use of Detralex in the treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids, scientific article authored by Ratmanov A.M., Mikhailova N.A., Filosofov S.Yu., Burtsev V.V. and Afanasyeva D.V.;
  • Modern chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities: focus on transdermal phlebotropic drugs. Authors Bogachev V.Yu., Boldin B.V., Turkin P.Yu.;
  • The use of Detralex and Preductal in the complex treatment of diabetic retinopathy. Author: Bahratova Yu.V.;
  • The effectiveness of Detralex in the conservative treatment of pelvic varicose veins in women. Author: Moses V.G.;
  • Phlebeurysm. Injuries that may avoid surgery. Author – Abramovich O.D.

Detralex's analogs

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What can replace the drug?

Drugs similar to Detralex with a similar mechanism of action, but a different composition:

  • Antistax
  • Askorutin
  • Vasocket
  • Venolek
  • Venoruton
  • Rutin
  • Troxevasin
  • Troxerutin
  • Phlebodia 600
  • Yuglanex
  • Phlebofa

Substitutes based on Hesperidine + Diosmin:

  • Venozol
  • Venarus

The medicine and its analogues are used to treat functional and organic venous insufficiency , as well as hemorrhoids (both acute and chronic).

The price of Detralex analogues is from 60 rubles. The cheapest analogues of Detralex are the drugs Rutin and Ascorutin .

In Ukraine, if Detralex is not available in the pharmacy, they may offer to replace it with the following drugs:

  • Venorin
  • Venosmin
  • Juantal
  • Dioflan
  • Normoven
  • Nostalex

Which is better: Detralex or Phlebodia 600?

On forums, the drug is often compared with its analogues. And most often with the drug Phlebodia 600 . The basis of both products is diosmin. Its concentration in Phlebodia is 600 - 600 mg/tab., in Detralex - 450 mg/tab., however, in the latter its effect is enhanced by the presence of hesperidin (50 mg/tab.).

For varicose veins , take Phlebodia 600 1 tablet per day, Detralex - 2 tablets per day, that is, the daily dose of diosmin in the first case is 600 mg, in the second - 900 mg.

If we compare the pharmaceutical effect of the drugs and the specifics of their use, there are practically no differences.

However, thanks to the use of a unique technology for processing the active substance in its production, Detralex is absorbed into the body faster and more completely than its analogue, while its concentration in the blood plasma reaches a maximum after three to four hours.

Which is better: Detralex or Antistax?

Antistax is a herbal medicine that is used for venous circulation disorders. The capsules are based on a dried extract of red grape leaves with a high content of isoquercetin and quercetin glucuronide - flavonoids that help stabilize cell membranes, normalize vascular permeability, and reduce swelling.

However, if the effectiveness of Detralex was confirmed during clinical experiments, there is currently no scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of Antistax.

Another difference between the drugs is that Detralex can be used during pregnancy, but there is no information regarding the safety and effectiveness of Antistax for pregnant women.

According to experts, Antistax for vascular diseases can be recommended more as a prophylactic agent and as an addition to the main treatment.

Thrombovazim or Detralex - which is better?

Thrombovazim is an enzyme preparation with thrombolytic, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory activity. Its active ingredient is a complex of proteinases produced by Bacillus subtilis.

The medicine is prescribed as part of complex therapy for chronic venous insufficiency . It is strictly contraindicated for peptic ulcers , pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Considering that the drugs Detralex and Trombovazim have different pharmacological effects, it is not correct to compare them. Especially if you take into account that doctors often recommend taking them in combination.

Which is better: Detralex or Venarus?

Venarus is a Russian analogue of the drug. If you compare which is better - Detralex or Venarus, then you can come to the conclusion that there is no fundamental difference between them.

The basis of both drugs are the substances diosmin and hesperidin; the products differ only slightly in the composition of the auxiliary components. The principle of action of Venarus is the same as that of its analogue, and the drug is prescribed for the same thing as Detralex tablets.

Recommendations on how to take both remedies for varicose veins and hemorrhoids are also identical.

The annotations for the drugs are distinguished by the fact that an additional contraindication to the use of Venarus is the lactation period. In addition, the cheaper analogue of Detralex is characterized by lower bioavailability and is somewhat more likely to cause side effects than the drug produced by Les Laboratoires Servier.

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