Zinc ointment: effects of the drug, contraindications

Zinc ointment is one of the best remedies in the fight against diaper rash, excessive sweating and acne. It provides the necessary skin care, disinfecting and protecting from external adverse factors. The low price makes it accessible to consumers, and the low percentage of allergic reactions gives it the right to be called safe for babies.

How to use zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is used in pediatrics as a protective agent against diaper rash. In addition, it is recommended to lubricate the baby's delicate skin under the diaper every time after bathing. Zinc creates a reliable barrier that protects children's skin from constant contact with urine and loose stool. By applying zinc ointment to the buttocks daily, you can protect your baby from diaper dermatitis.

The disinfecting effect of the drug is used when treating wounds. By applying the composition to abrasions, you can avoid infection, prevent acidification of the damaged surface, and speed up the process of skin regeneration.

The main indications are:

  • diaper rash;
  • scratches;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • cuts.

In addition, zinc ointment is used to care for the elderly and immobile patients. Treatment of bedsores slows down their spread and disinfects, which eliminates the risk of secondary infections.

Composition and release form

The ointment is a white or slightly yellowish thick mass, packaged in aluminum tubes, polymer or glass bottles. Most manufacturers choose the first option for packaging the medicine, as it is the most convenient for the consumer. The patient can purchase a small tube of ointment (25 or 30 g), medium (50 g) or large (100 g) depending on the severity of the problem and the planned duration of treatment.

The main active ingredient of the drug is zinc oxide, its mass fraction in the total volume is 10%. Zinc is an essential biomineral contained in several hundred enzymes in the body. Zinc ointment uses its compound with oxygen, which has many healing properties.

Medical Vaseline is used as an auxiliary component. Thanks to its soft structure, the ointment is easily distributed over the surface of the epidermis. Vaseline balances the drying effect of zinc and prevents the skin from losing precious moisture.

Classic zinc ointment contains only the two indicated components. However, some pharmaceutical companies produce varieties of drugs that additionally contain menthol, retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E).

How does zinc ointment work on acne?

Use in cosmetology has shown its effectiveness against acne. Skin rashes caused by excessive secretion from the sebaceous glands may disappear if zinc ointment is used correctly:

  1. Cleanse skin of makeup and impurities.
  2. Wipe skin dry.
  3. Apply zinc ointment to the area affected by acne.
  4. Leave overnight.

Zinc will dry out areas of the skin and prevent the sebaceous glands from producing sebum.

How to store the drug according to the instructions

  • The shelf life of zinc ointment is 5 years . After this time, the drug cannot be used, as the effectiveness of the drug decreases several times and the likelihood of side effects increases.
  • Temperature . The most optimal value for storing the drug is a temperature not exceeding +25 °C. You can store it in a separate refrigerator door. But under no circumstances should you freeze it. In addition, a negative effect of temperature changes on the stability of the dosage form was noted. For example, with a sharp increase in temperature, the liquid component of the medicine may “sweat out”. And if the storage temperature drops sharply, the consistency of the ointment will not be suitable for application to the skin.
  • The storage area must be dry . So it is best to use special cabinets for storing medicine that are not subject to periodic increases in humidity.
  • Light . The drug is not recommended to be stored in a room exposed to natural or artificial light. This is due to the fact that its composition can sharply deteriorate under the influence of influences unfavorable for zinc ointment. Therefore, it is important to place it in a closed and darkened room.
  • Storage together with other medicines . Zinc ointment can be stored next to other drugs, but it must be hermetically sealed with a lid.
  • Transfer to other containers . If the ointment is in a dark glass jar, then for ease of use it can be transferred to other containers, which should also be covered with a lid. However, moving the medicine is prohibited if the medicine is packaged in a sealed tube.

Do I need to wash off zinc ointment from my face?

The constant presence of zinc on the skin of the face can lead to dryness and flaking. However, this depends on the individual characteristics of the sebaceous glands. If pathological activity is noted, the zinc ointment may not be washed off, but in this case there is no need to apply foundation and other cosmetics on top of it: firstly, this will clog the pores, and secondly, the compositions of some products may react with zinc, which may lead to chemical reactions between components.

If the ointment is not washed off during the day, be sure to cleanse the skin by washing before the next application. Otherwise, the accumulation of daytime dust in the pores with ointment residues can give rise to a new skin problem.

Pharmacological properties

If you read the instructions for zinc ointment, you will see a large list of indications for which this external remedy is prescribed:

  • therapy and prevention of diaper dermatitis;
  • diaper rash;
  • bedsores;
  • photocontact dermatitis;
  • minor skin damage - cuts, scratches, abrasions, minor superficial wounds and burns;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • prickly heat;
  • diathesis;
  • chicken pox;
  • herpes;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • acne.

The impressive list of uses is explained by the unique properties of zinc oxide. This chemical has a beneficial effect on affected skin:

  • reduces inflammation and exudate;
  • relieves irritation;
  • dries;
  • increases local tissue immunity;
  • normalizes metabolism in epidermal cells;
  • disinfects;
  • heals;
  • corrects the production of sebaceous secretions;
  • restores skin structure.

If you listen to the advice of cosmetologists, the range of beneficial properties of zinc ointment is much wider. Its use on the face leads to noticeable positive results:

  • the formation of new wrinkles slows down;
  • redness and increased oiliness of the skin disappear;
  • small ulcers dry out;
  • pigmented areas fade and become less noticeable;
  • epidermal cells are restored and renewed faster;
  • porous skin becomes smooth and uniform.

All these properties make zinc ointment an indispensable product for facial skin care. The drug can be used independently or as one of the main components in nourishing and rejuvenating masks.


The ointment is not used to treat skin diseases in patients prone to allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Zinc ointment is not applied to the mucous membranes of the mouth. Once zinc enters the bloodstream through the esophagus, it can cause poisoning, which can lead to convulsions, allergic skin reactions, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Exceptions may be the mucous membranes of the anal ring and foreskin, where the ointment can be applied to relieve the inflammatory process, accelerate the healing of cracks and disinfect the surface.

Contraindications and side effects

The basic component of the ointment is practically not absorbed by the skin and does not have a negative effect on the organs. Therefore, the drug has a short list of contraindications.

The main limitation to the use of the composition is individual intolerance to the components of the product - allergies. The second point is that zinc cannot be used for purulent processes.

Of the adverse reactions, I will only note possible itching, redness, swelling of the skin in response to the body’s intolerance to the composition.

How to use zinc ointment for sweat

Excessive sweating is a problem that zinc ointment helps combat. Violation of the function of thermoregulation leads to excessive production of sweat by the glands, due to which the body tries to reduce body temperature. Zinc ointment does not affect the center of thermoregulation, however, it can reduce the activity of the sweat glands, thereby reducing the amount of sweat produced.

It should be noted that the sweat produced by humans is odorless. The waste products of bacteria that multiply in the armpits, which contain a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms, smell. Zinc ointment, having an antiseptic effect, reduces the rate of bacterial growth, thereby eliminating unpleasant odors.

Application in cosmetology

The method of application of zinc oxide depends on the condition of the epidermis and the desired result. Any manipulations should be carried out only after the skin is cleansed of decorative cosmetics, dust, sweat and sebum. To achieve complete cleansing, you should wash your face with gel or foam and wipe your face with chlorhexidine, lotion or micellar water.

Dark spots

Zinc ointment helps neutralize pigmentation resulting from pregnancy, endocrine disruption, or increased skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Zinc makes post-acne – dark formations left after healed acne – less noticeable.

To remove freckles and age spots, you need to apply a thin layer of ointment to problem areas of the face 2-3 times a day. Such manipulations should be carried out until the unwanted pigmentation completely disappears.

For dry facial skin, such treatment can do more harm than good, because zinc has a strong drying effect. To remove pigmentation from dry skin, it is recommended to mix zinc ointment in equal parts with baby cream or oil. You can use any facial cream and even regular butter as a nourishing and moisturizing component.

Pimples and acne

Zinc ointment has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, so it can be used to treat acne and acne. Directions for use: Apply the product to a previously cleaned surface using a cotton swab. The procedure can be performed up to 3 times a day.

Apply the product only to individual ulcers, and not to the entire face. The exception is those cases when a large accumulation of acne has formed on the surface of the skin, smearing each of which is quite problematic.

30-60 minutes after application, excess ointment should be blotted with a napkin or paper towel. During acne treatment, it is recommended to avoid decorative cosmetics and aggressive cleansers. Visible results can only be expected with regular use of the ointment.


Zinc oxide has proven itself well in the treatment of minor burns - solar, thermal and chemical. Of course, if the skin is covered with large blisters, then you need to use stronger and more expensive products with dexpanthenol. But zinc ointment can also cope with minor redness.

The product should be applied in a thin layer and distributed evenly over the entire hyperemic area. If we are talking about the chemical nature of the injury, then the ointment can be applied only after neutralizing the aggressive substance that caused the burn.

Sunburns can be lubricated 4-5 times a day, thermal and chemical burns - 2-3 times a day and always under a bandage. Prompt use of zinc ointment will help quickly soothe injured skin and prevent it from peeling.


An allergic reaction to foods, medications, sun, frost and other irritants often appears on the face as a small reddish rash, which can be eliminated with zinc ointment. It is allowed to be used from 3 to 6 times a day.

You can apply the product to problem areas with your fingers or cotton pads. Immediately after application, a slight burning or itching sometimes appears, but after 15-20 minutes the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Treatment procedures for facial allergies are recommended to be carried out within 7-10 days. But if noticeable improvement does not occur after 3-5 days, you need to choose another medication.

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