Bile medical emulsion for external use fl 250ml


The yellow-brown emulsion with active properties is obtained from cattle.
A product with a characteristic odor is sold in pharmacies: preservatives retain the beneficial properties of the natural product for a long time. The healing composition exhibits beneficial effects:

  • reduces pain in problem areas due to joint pathologies;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • has a local warming, irritating effect;
  • reduces swelling, resolves seals after bruises.

Important! Doctors confirm the positive effect of traditional medicine on affected tissues, but patients are prohibited from using medical bile on their own initiative. The doctor will assess the patient’s condition, study the processes occurring in the problem joint or back, and identify limitations.

Natural medicine is not suitable for everyone. The composition shows high activity and has a strong irritating effect. The use of canned bile for compresses without taking into account restrictions has a negative effect on the condition of the skin and problem tissues.

Some patients experience allergic reactions: the body responds to a strong irritant. Negative manifestations are especially dangerous in expectant mothers and children.

Medical bile should not be used in the following cases:

  • childhood;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • problems with lymph nodes (lymphadenitis, lymphangitis);
  • pustular diseases of the skin;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • cuts, scratches, wounds in the treatment area.

The use of medical bile has been known for its healing effects for several centuries. Nowadays you can easily buy it at pharmacy kiosks in canned form, with the addition of some components that potentiate the therapeutic effect.

Bile is a fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Its main role is the digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Since ancient times, people have noticed the medicinal properties of bile obtained from the slaughter of animals and used it to treat many health problems.

With the advent of the era of scientific research, the properties of bile were carefully studied by scientists. Today it is used in traditional official medicine and some medications have been developed on its basis.

Even Dioscorides and Avicenna considered the substance obtained from the slaughter of animals to be one of the most powerful means that nature gives to man.

In those days, medicines made from bile were distinguished according to the animal from which it was extracted. Cow bile was considered the strongest, pork bile the weakest, and wolf bile the hottest.

The substance obtained from birds of prey and turtles was especially valued, because it was considered a pure and strong remedy.

Not all bile, but only healthy yellow bile, was suitable for the manufacture of medicines. The color of copperhead, lapis glaze or bright red indicated a bad composition and was not used for medical purposes.

For a long time, when preparing a remedy from bile, they took into account the gender of the animal or bird, the state of movement or rest it was inherent in, and even what state it was in (hunger and thirst). The quality of the potion prepared from bile depended on this, because, according to healers, this radically changed its medicinal properties.

Respiratory system;

Musculoskeletal system;


Genitourinary system

and even the organs of vision and hearing.

An undoubted argument in favor of treatment with medical bile in modern medicine can be the fact that it was from it that choline, known as Vitamin B4, was isolated, the absence of which has a detrimental effect on the human body, causing disruptions in functional systems. Using bile in traditional medicine, a modern physician is simply implementing the centuries-old experience of his predecessors.

Hepatocytes (specific liver cells) produce bile, which is a viscous liquid of various shades of yellow or brown, and sometimes acquires a greenish tint and has a specific odor.

The human body, which produces up to a liter of secretory fluid per day, cannot carry out many vital processes without it.

The functioning of the liver and the digestive process in which it:

  • Neutralizes the effect of gastric juice;
  • Participates in the breakdown of fatty acids;
  • Supports motility of the digestive organs;
  • Triggers the processes of hormone regeneration in the intestines.

The multiplicity of functions that bile performs in the body determines its complex chemical composition and wide range of applications.

The composition of bile includes fatty acids and inorganic salts, cholesterol, mucus and pigments, bile salts and water.

Bile, which is sold in pharmacies, is usually obtained from cattle or pigs.

In the body of warm-blooded animals, bile occupies an equally important place and is a unique natural substance that has no analogues.

That is why the founders of medicine were sure that it had healing properties and this led to its use for medical purposes.

In addition to the bile itself, medical alcohol, furatsilin and a stabilizer are added to it for preservation.

To give it a more pleasant smell, fragrances can be added. Thanks to such additives, the bile preparation is stored for quite a long time.




Local irritant;


These properties are successfully used in a number of joint pathologies.

Degenerative-dystrophic processes have become the scourge of modern society with its sedentary lifestyle, consumption of unhealthy foods and bad habits.

A natural biologically active remedy found in folk medicine came in handy.

Valuable healing properties and availability, effective use and method of local treatment led to the use of medical bile for the treatment of:

  • Traumatic injuries in which bones and skin remained intact (the list of indications included sprains, hematomas and hemorrhages);
  • Radiculitis and secondary radiculitis in combination with NVPS;
  • Chronic arthritis;
  • Spondyloarthritis;
  • Tenosynovitis;
  • Bursitis;
  • Osteoarthrosis;
  • Gout;
  • Secondary sciatica;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Heel spurs.

The primary use of bile is for compresses, which are applied with the necessary precautions and taking into account the location of the inflammatory process.

This remedy is used to treat joints and eliminate pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

In the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, traditional medicine methods occupy one of the leading places in complex conservative treatment, where its proven recipes are used along with medications, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. Medical bile is a recipe adopted by official medicine.

Bile is used in the form of compresses applied to the affected area. Gauze folded in several layers or cotton cloth is soaked in medical bile and applied to the affected joint. The bottle of bile must be shaken before use.

The fabric is covered with parchment or other waxed paper and secured with an elastic bandage or other method.

During the day, if the bile dries out, it is slightly moistened with water at room temperature. You can apply a compress at night. The course of treatment usually lasts from one week to a month. If necessary, treatment can be repeated, taking a break between courses for one or two months.

Treatment with medical preserved bile is carried out together with other treatment prescribed by the doctor, including medication.

Medical bile for arthrosis has an undoubted ability to have a beneficial local effect on the inflammatory process.

This is due to the beneficial combination of a substance extracted from cattle with some specific medicinal ingredients.

The use of bile for arthrosis of joints is a proven therapeutic practice that invariably gives good results.

Before applying the compress, the knee needs to be steamed. This improves the penetration of the active components of bile deep into the knee joint.

Gauze soaked in medicine is applied to the sore spot, covered with cotton wool and wax paper (or special paper for compresses).

It is strictly not recommended to make a compress the old fashioned way, covering it with polyethylene, but if you cover it with an air-permeable mesh, you can wear the bandage all day.

For arthrosis of the knee joint, it is recommended to change a compress of medical bile at least once a day. Being absorbed into the skin, it partially loses its properties, which is eliminated by preparing a new compress.

Enzipal Complex of digestive enzymes with bile tablets No. 30

A country

The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods.
Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order. Biologically active food supplement “Complex of digestive enzymes with bile”


Helps improve digestion processes and the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve discomfort in the stomach, and replenishes the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes.


Pancreatin (bovine pancreas), bile (bovine), biotin, microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), lactose, polyvinylpyrrolidone (stabilizer), magnesium stearic acid (anti-caking agent), tablet coating: polyvinyl alcohol (humectant) , talc (anti-caking agent), titanium dioxide (color), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (thickener), methylcellulose (thickener), Tween 80 (emulsifier), polyethylene glycol (stabilizer).

Release form

Film-coated tablets, weighing 336.0 mg ±10%. 30 tablets. There are 3 blisters in a cardboard pack.

Scope of application and properties of biologically active substances

ENZIPAL is recommended as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of biotin and a source of digestive enzymes. Pancreatin
is a naturally occurring digestive substance.
The enzymes included in pancreatin (amylase, lipase and protease) facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which contributes to their more complete absorption in the small intestine. Bile
promotes the emulsification of fats, increases lipase activity, improves the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K.
takes part in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and is part of enzymes involved in glucose metabolism. Promotes the formation of fatty acids, supports the metabolism of amino acids.

Directions for use and doses

Adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day, with meals. Duration of admission: 1 month. If necessary, the reception can be repeated.


Individual intolerance to dietary supplement components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from direct sunlight and out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС.
Shelf life: 2 years. Places of sale are determined by the national legislation of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. Certificate of state registration and date of issue No. RU. dated 05/22/2020. TU 10.89.19-075-66999749-2020.

Manufacturer/Organization accepting consumer complaints

LLC "Kvadrat-S", Russian Federation, 107143, Moscow, 2nd Irtyshsky pr-d, 4B, building 5, tel.. Production address: Russian Federation, 612711, Kirov region, Omutninsky district, town .
Vostochny, st. Zavodskaya, 1, tel.: 8 (83352) 33-7-94. By order: LLC "SP", Russian Federation, 143912, Moscow region, Balashikha, Entuziastov highway, Western communal zone, property 1A, office 1. Not a medicinal product.

A little about the history of application

Even Dioscorides and Avicenna considered the substance obtained from the slaughter of animals to be one of the most powerful means that nature gives to man. In those days, medicines made from bile were distinguished according to the animal from which it was extracted. Cow bile was considered the strongest, pork bile the weakest, and wolf bile the hottest. The substance obtained from birds of prey and turtles was especially valued, because it was considered a pure and strong remedy.

Respiratory system;

Genitourinary system

and even the organs of vision and hearing. An undoubted argument in favor of treatment with medical bile in modern medicine can be the fact that it was from it that choline, known as Vitamin B4, was isolated, the absence of which has a detrimental effect on the human body, causing disruptions in functional systems. Using bile in traditional medicine, a modern physician is simply implementing the centuries-old experience of his predecessors.

Even Dioscorides and Avicenna considered the substance obtained from the slaughter of animals to be one of the most powerful means that nature gives to man. In those days, medicines made from bile were distinguished according to the animal from which it was extracted. Cow bile was considered the strongest, pork bile the weakest, and wolf bile the hottest. The substance obtained from birds of prey and turtles was especially valued, because it was considered a pure and strong remedy.

Respiratory system;


Genitourinary system

Medical bile for heel spurs and bunions

To treat joints, you need to learn how to make a compress with medical bile. To do this, take gauze, fold it into 4-5 layers, and then soak it in the medicine. Bile for compresses should be shaken before use. This compress should be applied to the sore area of ​​the body. You need to put cotton wool and a sheet of wax paper on top of the gauze (do not use polyethylene or other synthetic materials for the lotion). After this, you should securely secure the compress with a bandage.

The course of therapy should last from 1 to 4 weeks. The duration of treatment depends on the characteristics of the disease and its severity. If necessary, you can resume the treatment course after 30-40 days. Most often, bile is used as part of complex treatment, combining it with other medications.

Bile compresses can also be used to treat heel spurs. This disease is characterized by the appearance of growths on the heel bone, the formation of which is caused by impaired metabolism of salts in the body and excess weight. As this disease develops, the patient experiences limb deformation, loss of mobility, and severe pain that occurs when walking.

Typically, complex therapy for heel spurs consists of physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, and the use of corticosteroids and other pharmaceutical drugs. Compresses made from medical bile increase the effectiveness of therapy. They help relieve pain and inflammation. There is also a folk remedy that more intensively treats this disease. It is a mixture of pepper and bile.

Recipe: place 2 dried pepper pods in a glass container, add ¼ cup of bile and 150 ml of camphor alcohol. This medicine should be infused for at least 15 days in a dark and warm room. A compress should be made from it, but you can keep it on the body for no longer than 20 minutes. With longer exposure to lotions, the likelihood of negative side effects increases.

A regular gauze compress with medical bile should be applied to the foot as in general cases. Instead of a bandage or bandage, you can use cotton socks to secure the gauze. The compress can be applied at night. The duration of such therapy is approximately 30 days. Only a doctor can say exactly how long treatment should last.

Sore joints can be treated in the same way. A compress of bile helps relieve pain and inflammation from bruises or dislocations. Treatment of joints usually takes from several days to a month. With this therapy, the patient begins to feel improvement from the first day (pain sensations decrease).

Treatment of arthrosis is carried out using this liquid. Medical bile for arthrosis can be used as the only remedy or as part of complex therapy. A compress is applied to the knee as follows:

  • gauze is folded into 5-6 layers;
  • moistened with the suspension and applied to the sore knee joint;
  • A layer of cotton wool is placed on top of the gauze and pressed tightly with a fabric bandage.

A compress of medical bile for arthrosis should be applied for one day, after which it should be replaced with a new one.

The same treatment method is applicable for osteoarthritis.

For arthrosis of the knee joint, medical bile can be used in combination with honey, glycerin, ethyl or ammonia. In folk medicine, a huge variety of similar recipes are used, each of which should be agreed with your doctor before use.

Medical bile is a very popular remedy in folk medicine and is used to treat joints. They get it from animals, more precisely cattle, and then preserve it.

The substance is a yellowish liquid mass with a specific odor and contains additional components: ethyl alcohol, furatsilin and other substances. This remedy has an analgesic effect, eliminates internal inflammatory processes and has some other positive properties.

Medical bile - the use of this remedy is quite common. In particular, it is used to treat heel spurs and joint diseases.

Medical bile is a dark yellow-brown or greenish emulsion, which is created from the gall bladders of animals (pigs and cattle).

This drug is sold in bottles of different sizes, and substances such as alcohol, formalin and furatsilin can be used to preserve the contents.

This product is actively used for medicinal purposes, as it has a wide range of beneficial effects when used externally.


Natural bile contains primary and secondary bile acids, phospholipids and pigments. They allow the product to be used to achieve the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • bile is called a natural pain reliever, which is used for various injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • the product has a resolving effect and also helps restore salt metabolism processes in tissues;
  • the emulsion also produces local tissue irritation, which stimulates blood flow and tissue regeneration processes.

Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, as a result of which cartilage is destroyed and neighboring tissues and organs are affected: capsule, synovial membrane, periarticular muscles, bone formations, etc.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of diseases of the knee joint arthrosis, or otherwise gonarthrosis. Approximately twenty percent of the world's inhabitants are affected by this disease.

The disease is accompanied by pain when walking, crunching in the joint, decreased mobility; in advanced cases, arthrosis leads to complete immobility.

For any painful manifestations in the joints, you should contact a specialist. Doctors, using computed tomography, x-rays or MRI, will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will help improve the quality of life and avoid disability.

Very often, along with drug treatment, medical bile is recommended for arthrosis of the knee joint.

The causes of arthrosis are different:

  • Primary arthrosis of the knee joint occurs as a result of constant microtrauma over a long period of time. It affects older people, and women especially often suffer from gonarthrosis. It is assumed that the disease occurs due to metabolic disorders. At risk are people who are overweight, as well as people engaged in heavy physical labor with high stress on their legs.
  • The secondary form of gonarthrosis is a consequence of severe injuries (fractures, dislocations, sprains, etc.) and complications after inflammation of the joint (arthritis). Athletes are at risk.

Gonarthrosis is sometimes called salt deposition. With arthrosis, calcium salts accumulate in tissues.

They do not cause pain; the disease is associated with a pathological disruption of the blood supply to the bones and tissues of the joint.

Changes gradually occur: the cartilage tissue becomes thin, the cartilage becomes coarser and denser, and bone growths form.

Then, problems arise when walking, crunching in the knees, and constant pain. In the following stages of the disease, difficulty in joint mobility is observed.

Treatment methods for gonarthrosis are primarily aimed at:

  • for pain relief,
  • slowing down the pathological process in cartilage tissues,
  • restoration of damaged areas of the joint and periarticular muscles,
  • increased mobility of the damaged joint.

Of course, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Arthrosis is no exception.

If the doctor has diagnosed gonarthrosis, then it is necessary to begin a number of measures to slow down the disease and eliminate painful symptoms. Typically, the following treatment methods are used:

  • massage, physical therapy, manual therapy;
  • use of traditional medications (tablets, injection capsules, etc.);
  • external use of folk and medicines (compresses, rubbing, extracts, etc.);
  • the use of folk remedies for oral use;
  • changing your diet and lifestyle in order to lose weight and reduce stress on the damaged joint;
  • performing an operation to replace a joint with an endoprosthesis.

A special place in the treatment of arthrosis is occupied by the use of compresses. They alleviate the patient’s condition during exacerbation of the disease and are used for prophylaxis during remission.

Compresses are more effective than medicinal ointments, gels, and creams that are applied to the skin of the damaged joint.

Compresses are made on the basis of medicinal solutions, they are applied for a longer period, their active substances penetrate deeper under the skin of the sore spot.

As a rule, “Bishofite”, “Dimexide” and medical bile are used for arthrosis of the knee joint as a basis for compresses.

Medical bile occupies a special place among these drugs: an accessible and inexpensive natural product sold in any pharmacy.

Bile is a liquid substance produced by the liver of animals and humans, accumulates in the gallbladder and promotes the breakdown of fats and the absorption of fatty acids and vitamins.

Back in the Middle Ages, people used animal bile to treat a variety of diseases. Modern medicine has recognized the healing properties of this product, dosage forms have been created on its basis, and it is preserved for further external use.

Medical bile is a brown-green preservative with a specific odor. Composition of this medicinal product:

  • preserved bile obtained from cattle or pigs;
  • solution of furatsilin in 70% alcohol;
  • formalin;
  • fragrance;
  • ethanol.

Medical bile is sold in pharmacies in vials of different capacities (from 50 milliliters to 250 milliliters).

External use of medical bile promotes:

  • relieving inflammation in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system,
  • has a resolving and analgesic effect for injuries and damage.
  1. The first method is to apply compresses. It was described above. Everything is the same, only in this case, instead of a mesh, a cotton sock is worn. The procedure is done at night and the compress is left until the morning. Usually improvements can be seen within 2-3 days. But to consolidate the effect, you need to complete the full course of treatment. It is very important to do the compress regularly, without skipping.
  2. A mixture of medical bile and red pepper treats much more intensively. It is prepared like this: you need to place 3 fresh, or preferably dry, pepper pods in a glass jar, fill them with bile in a volume of 50 ml and add 150 ml of camphor alcohol. This medicine should be infused for at least 2 weeks at room temperature in a dark place. Now the product can be used. The same compress is made as in previous cases, but you can keep it on the body for only 20 minutes. Thanks to alcohol and red pepper, the medicine is absorbed much faster. The course of treatment is 30 days.
  • Primary arthrosis of the knee joint occurs as a result of constant microtrauma over a long period of time. It affects older people, and women especially often suffer from gonarthrosis. It is assumed that the disease occurs due to metabolic disorders. At risk are people who are overweight, as well as people engaged in heavy physical labor with high stress on their legs.
  • The secondary form of gonarthrosis is a consequence of severe injuries (fractures, dislocations, sprains, etc.) and complications after inflammation of the joint (arthritis). Athletes are at risk.
  • Primary arthrosis of the knee joint occurs as a result of constant microtrauma over a long period of time. It affects older people, and women especially often suffer from gonarthrosis. It is assumed that the disease occurs due to metabolic disorders. At risk are people who are overweight, as well as people engaged in heavy physical labor with high stress on their legs.
  • The secondary form of gonarthrosis is a consequence of severe injuries (fractures, dislocations, sprains, etc.) and complications after inflammation of the joint (arthritis). Athletes are at risk.
  • for pain relief,
  • slowing down the pathological process in cartilage tissues,
  • restoration of damaged areas of the joint and periarticular muscles,
  • increased mobility of the damaged joint.

Properties of medical bile

Despite the fact that the action of the substance has a narrow specification, it is very effective, and the main advantage of medical bile is that it is natural. That is why medical bile is in great demand among the population.

The beneficial qualities of the drug are as follows:

  • Primarily used as a natural anesthetic for bruises, dislocations, arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Bile has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is very important for secondary radiculitis, bursitis, spondyloarthritis, chronic arthritis, and osteoarthritis.
  • Animal bile is capable of resolving ossified growths and helps normalize salt metabolism.

Bile, which is sold in pharmacies, is usually obtained from cattle or pigs. In the body of warm-blooded animals, bile occupies an equally important place and is a unique natural substance that has no analogues. That is why the founders of medicine were sure that it had healing properties and this led to its use for medical purposes.

In addition to the bile itself, medical alcohol, furatsilin and a stabilizer are added to it for preservation. Sometimes formaldehyde or lysoform is used for preservation, which adds a specific smell to an already pungent-smelling natural substance. To give it a more pleasant smell, fragrances can be added. Thanks to such additives, the bile preparation is stored for quite a long time.




Any skin pathologies;

Purulent, allergic, infectious diseases;

Violation of the integrity of the skin;

Unhealed scars and scars.

All this can become an obstacle to compresses with bile. It is better to avoid them during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Doctors do not consider it possible to treat children with bile.

The specificity of the properties of the biological fluid used requires compliance with certain precautions. Along with careful adherence to the prescribed technology, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin, the presence of allergic reactions of the epithelial layer, and possible disorders of the dermal layer.

This requires an attending physician who will monitor the development of the process, determine its feasibility and the possibility of further use of the product. Even if you turn to bile as a proven folk recipe, it is better to purchase it in the form of a canned medicinal product. This means relative safety, shelf life and the absence of substances that can harm the patient’s health.

This composition has a thick consistency, has a specific odor and may have flaky impurities.

Medical bile has a long shelf life

In the production process of the drug, preservatives are used (formalin, ethanol, furatsilin), so honey. bile for arthrosis, the price of which is very reasonable, has a fairly long shelf life. The healing emulsion is produced in 250 ml bottles. It is recommended to store the liquid in a cool place without exposure to ultraviolet rays, and shake well before each use.




This composition has a thick consistency, has a specific odor and may have flaky impurities.

In the production process of the drug, preservatives are used (formalin, ethanol, furatsilin), so honey. bile for arthrosis, the price of which is very reasonable, has a fairly long shelf life. The healing emulsion is produced in 250 ml bottles. It is recommended to store the liquid in a cool place without exposure to ultraviolet rays, and shake well before each use.

Bile medical emulsion for external use fl 250ml


Active substance:

1.013 l
defrosted bile*900 ml

* obtained from the bile of cattle and pigs
Excipients: ethyl alcohol 96% - 100 ml, solution of furatsilin in alcohol 70% - 10 ml, formalin - 1 ml, flavoring - 2 ml.

Indications for use

  • Arthralgia;
  • post-traumatic myalgia (without compromising the integrity of the skin).


  • Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the areas where the drug is intended to be applied;
  • skin diseases;
  • children's age up to 12 years.

The drug should be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in children over 12 years of age.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is used externally, in the form of compresses. A gauze napkin (4-6 layers), richly soaked in the drug, is applied to intact areas of the skin in the affected area, covered with wax paper, a thin layer of cotton wool and secured with a light bandage.

The compress with the drug is kept for 24 hours. When dry, the gauze cloth is moistened with water at room temperature and re-fixed with a bandage. After a day, the compress is changed using a new gauze pad.

The course of treatment is 6-10 days.

If there is no improvement after treatment, or symptoms worsen, or new symptoms appear, the patient should consult a doctor.

The drug should be used according to the indications, the method of administration and in the doses indicated in the instructions.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light at a temperature of 4 to 20°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2.5 years. Do not use a drug that has expired.

special instructions

Shake before use.

Avoid getting the drug on open wounds, eyes and mucous membranes.

For compresses, you should use only waxed paper, because... the use of plastic film contributes to the “greenhouse effect”, which can lead to skin burns.


Local irritant.

Use in children

The use of the drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

The drug should be used with caution in children over 12 years of age.


The drug, obtained from the bile of cattle and pigs, has a local irritant effect.

Side effects

Allergic reactions and skin irritation are possible. Skin irritation goes away quickly after discontinuation of the drug. In such cases, subsequent use of compresses is possible only after 30 days.

If side effects indicated in the instructions are observed, or they get worse, or any other side effects not specified in the instructions develop, the patient should inform the doctor.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child. You should consult your doctor.


The drug should not be mixed with other medications.


Symptoms: increased dose-dependent side effects.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The use of the drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher, operator).

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