Citeal solution for external approx. in fl. 250ml (chlorhexidine)


The active ingredients in 100 ml of the drug include:

  • 0.1 g - chlorhexidine bigluconate;
  • 0.1 g - hexamidine diisothionate;
  • 0.3 g - chlorocresol.

As additional ingredients, Citeal contains:

  • 30% laurylamidobetaine;
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid;
  • coconut oil fatty acid diethanolamide
  • lactic acid;
  • purified water;
  • flavoring "coniferol".

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Citeal is an antiseptic drug, the pharmacological action of which is determined by the effects of the drugs included in its composition.

The combination of active substances of the drug has a mild antiseptic effect with bacteriostatic effects (but not bactericidal), and also exhibits antifungal and antitrichomoniacal activity.

Not absorbed when applied to intact skin.

The therapeutic effect of the drug lasts for 18 hours from the moment of a single application.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Citeal

Foaming solution intended for antiseptic treatment of skin and mucous membranes. The drug contains antibacterial active ingredients: chlorhexidine is a cationic antiseptic (synthetic biguanide); hexamidine - a cationic antiseptic from the diamidine group; chlorocresol is an antiseptic from the group of halogenophenols. Citeal has bacteriostatic activity, fungistatic and trichomonacid activity. Active regarding:

  • gram-positive bacteria: Streptococcus, Staphylococcus species;
  • gram-negative bacteria Proteus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E.coli, Gardnerella vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae;
  • protozoa: Trichomonas vaginalis;
  • fungi: Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum, Microsporum canis.

In vitro Herpes simplex virus (types I and II). The drug remains active in the presence of biological substances (pus, blood, serous fluid). Valid for 18 hours after application. Has an antipruritic effect. Does not stain or irritate when applied to the skin and mucous membranes, does not disturb the acid-base balance of the skin and vagina (pH = 5). Does not cause photosensitivity.

Indications for use

  • treatment of the skin and mucous membranes for mycoses, ulcerative manifestations, eczema, diaper rash, acne, as well as dermatitis with concomitant infections of bacterial etiology;
  • prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infectious diseases (douching with Citeal is used for thrush, vaginitis, vulvitis, cervicitis , etc.);
  • preoperative and pre-procedural treatment of the hands of medical personnel.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Citeal

Since transdermal absorption of the drug has not been studied, the possibility of systemic effects of Cyteal cannot be excluded, the occurrence of which may be facilitated by repeated treatments with the drug, especially when using an antiseptic on large surfaces of the skin, when applying occlusive dressings to areas of skin treated with the drug, when treating damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes ( especially burn surfaces), the skin of infants (taking into account the high surface/body weight ratio, as well as the use of diapers, which impede the evaporation of moisture and air exchange on the skin areas treated with the drug). After treatment with Citeal, the area where the drug is applied should be rinsed with plenty of water. Citeal should not be used to disinfect surgical materials. The solution is not suitable for sterilizing instruments. Use during pregnancy and lactation. Citeal can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate complex mechanisms. Citeal does not affect the reaction rate when driving vehicles or other mechanisms. Children. Citeal can be used for antiseptic treatment of the skin of children, including infants.


  • hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of Citeal;
  • patient's predisposition to allergic diseases and reactions ;
  • skin diseases of viral etiology;
  • dermatitis.

Also, the use of the drug Citeal is not recommended:

  • with antiseptic treatment of the skin at the injection site;
  • during antiseptic treatment of the skin before invasive procedures that require surgical antiseptics (installation of an intravenous catheter , spinal puncture , etc.);
  • when disinfecting surgical or other medical instruments;
  • when washing wounds with a large surface or body cavities;
  • during surgical operations on the central nervous system;
  • for local ophthalmological procedures;
  • when treating the external auditory canal, in case of perforation of the eardrum .

Side effects

Local reactions: pain, itching, burning, irritation, dry skin, skin hyperemia, stickiness of hand skin, photosensitivity, especially with repeated use.

Local hypersensitivity reactions to chlorhexidine may occur, such as contact dermatitis, urticaria, contact eczema; as well as anaphylactic shock, angioedema, bronchospasm (especially when treating damaged skin and mucous membranes or ulcers of the lower extremities). These reactions can enhance the damage caused by superinfections.

When applied to damaged skin or mucous membranes, there is a risk of a generalized allergic reaction to chlorhexidine and the development of anaphylactic shock, bronchospasm, urticaria, hypotension, tachycardia, collapse, angina.

Hexamidine may cause sensitization, the likelihood of which increases with the severity of epidermal lesions. Hexamidine-induced contact dermatitis is associated with a specific Arthus reaction, which may indicate the involvement of humoral immunological mechanisms. Clinical symptoms in such cases generally differ from classic contact eczema: the rash is usually with infiltrates, papular or papulovesicular hemispherical elements of the rash, isolated or grouped, are observed. There are more of them in places where the antiseptic is applied and they can merge. Often such lesions regress slowly.

Side effects

As a rule, therapy using the drug Citeal is well tolerated. skin swelling, itching and/or burning sensation , hyperemia ) and allergic manifestations, including contact eczema, was noted

The development of side effects of Cyteal was most often observed with its repeated use.

When using the drug on areas of the skin with impaired integrity, systemic allergic reactions to chlorhexidine are possible, including the development of anaphylactic shock.

In some patients, the effect of hexamidine caused contact dermatitis , while the symptoms of the disease were different from classic contact eczema (rashes with infiltration, papulovesicular and papular formations in the form of hemispheres, localized or located in groups).

Pharmacological action Citeal is an antiseptic foaming solution containing three active substances - chlorhexidine, hexamidine and chlorocresol, which have pronounced bacteriostatic, fungicidal and anti-trichomoniacal activity. Citeal also has some antipruritic effects. Gram-positive (Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp.) and gram-negative (Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. Coli, Gardnerella vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae) bacteria, as well as Trichomonas vaginalis, Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum, Microsorum canis are sensitive to the action of the drug. In addition, virostatic activity of the drug against herpes simplex virus types I and II was noted in vitro. The antiseptic effect of the drug lasts for 18 hours after a single use. When using the drug, patients did not experience staining or irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as changes in the pH of the skin and vagina.

Indications for use

The drug is used for the treatment of patients with infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes caused by microorganisms sensitive to the action of the drug, including: Vulvitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Eczema, mycosis, acne, diaper rash, ulcers, bacterial dermatosis. The drug can also be used as a prophylactic agent in patients with an increased risk of developing superinfections.

Mode of application

The drug is intended exclusively for local external use. The drug cannot be used parenterally or orally. The drug can be used both undiluted and diluted (usually a dilution of 1:10 is used). After using the drug, the treated area should be washed with plenty of running water. After dilution, storage of the drug is not allowed. It should be taken into account that after opening the bottle there is a risk of bacterial contamination of the drug. The duration of the course of treatment, the amount of solution and the frequency of use are determined by the attending physician individually for each patient.

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients; in isolated cases, the development of local reactions has been noted, including dry skin, burning sensation, itching, and hyperemia. The risk of side effects increases with repeated use of the drug. In addition, allergic reactions, including contact eczema, may develop. When applying the drug to areas with impaired skin integrity, systemic allergic reactions to chlorhexidine, in particular anaphylactic shock, may develop. Some patients experienced the development of contact dermatitis caused by the action of hexamidine, while the symptoms differed from classic contact eczema, in particular rashes with infiltration, papulous and papulovesicular formations in the shape of hemispheres, located isolated or in groups; formations may merge at the sites of application of the drug.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Local use of the drug in ophthalmology is contraindicated, as is the use of the drug for treating the external auditory canal in patients with perforation of the eardrum. It is recommended to avoid contact of the drug Citeal with the meninges. The drug is not intended for treating the skin before injections and invasive procedures that require surgical antiseptics, including spinal puncture. The drug is not used to disinfect medical instruments. The drug should be used with caution in patients with impaired skin integrity, as well as patients who require treatment of a large area of ​​skin or the use of an occlusive dressing, since in such cases the risk of systemic absorption of the drug and the development of systemic side effects increases.


The drug can be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation by the attending physician.
Drug interactions The use of the drug in combination with other products used to treat the skin and mucous membranes, including soap, is contraindicated.


When applied topically, an overdose of the drug is impossible. If the solution is accidentally swallowed, call an ambulance immediately. It is contraindicated to rinse the stomach, as the solution forms foam.

Release form

Light yellow viscous solution with the smell of pine needles, 250 ml in a polyethylene bottle.

Storage conditions

It is recommended to store the drug in a dry place away from direct sunlight at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The drug should be stored in the original bottle. It is not allowed to close the bottle with a cork stopper. Shelf life – 3 years


100 ml of Citeal solution contain: Hexamidine diisothionate – 0.1 g; Chlorhexidine digluconate – 0.1g; Chlorocresol – 0.3g; Excipients. Attention! The description of the drug on this page is simplified. Before purchasing and using the drug, consult your doctor or pharmacist, and also read the instructions approved by the manufacturer. Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. ATTENTION! This section is provided for informational purposes only and is not a catalog or price list of our company. To obtain information about the availability of drugs, call + 99871 202 0999 Pharmacy Network Helpline 999.

Citeal, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug Citeal is used exclusively externally.

For the prevention and treatment of various diseases, use an undiluted solution or a solution of Cyteal with water 1:10.

The drug solution is prepared immediately before use.

During therapy, applications are made daily, with an average course of treatment lasting 10-15 days.

For prevention, it is recommended to use the drug twice a week for 3-6 months.

After using Citeal, the application sites should be thoroughly rinsed with water.

An undiluted solution is used for: vulvitis , treatment of the hands of medical staff, fungal diaper rash , pityriasis versicolor , dermatophytosis of the feet (daily for therapy and 2 times a week for prevention).

At a dilution of 1:10 for: diaper rash in children, primary bacterial dermatoses (folliculitis, impetigo, furunculosis, carbunculosis), ulcers of the lower extremities, as well as in gynecology for fungal and microbial vaginitis (for therapy in the form of daily douching, with specific treatment, and 2 times a week in the form of douching, for prevention).

For cervicitis, acne, bacterial eczema and recurrent infectious diseases of the genital organs, both pure and diluted drugs can be used.

The instructions for douching with Citeal suggest diluting 2 caps of the drug in 200-250 ml of water, filling the syringe and performing the vaginal douching procedure; after 2-3 minutes, the process is repeated several times using plain water.

Citeal 250 ml solution for external use. appl. into the bottle

Instructions for medical use of the drug Citeal Trade name Citeal International nonproprietary name No Dosage form Solution for external use Composition 100 ml of solution contain active substances: chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.1 g hexamidine diisethionate 0.1 g chlorocresol 0.3 g, excipients: filler (pH 5) cocamidopropyl betaine 30%, diethanolamide of copra fatty acids, edetic acid, pine flavor, lactic acid, purified water. Description Light yellow, viscous liquid with a characteristic odor. Pharmacotherapeutic group Antiseptics and disinfectants. Biguanides and amidines. ATC code D08AC52 Pharmacological properties Pharmacokinetics The effect of the drug Citeal is the combined effect of its components, so kinetic observations are not possible. Pharmacodynamics Cyteal contains antibacterial substances: chlorhexidine is a cationic antiseptic (synthetic bigunide), hexamidine diisethionate is a cationic antiseptic from the diamidine group; chlorocresol is an antiseptic from the group of halogenophenols. Citeal has bacteriostatic, fungistatic and trichomonacid activity. Active against: - gram-positive bacteria: Streptococcus spp, Staphylococcus spp; - gram-negative bacteria: Proteus spp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Gardnerella vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhea; — protozoa: Trichomonas vaginalis; — fungi: Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum, Microsporum canis. Under in vitro conditions, it inactivates the Herpes simplex virus (types I and II). The drug remains active in the presence of biological substances (pus, blood, serous fluid). Valid for 18 hours after application. Has an antipruritic effect. Does not stain or irritate when applied to the skin and mucous membranes, does not disturb the acid-base balance of the skin and vagina (pH=5). Does not cause photosensitivity. Indications for use As part of complex therapy - inflammatory and urogenital diseases (vulvitis, genital itching, vaginitis, cervicitis, thrush; for diaper rash in children, adolescents, elderly women) - infections of the skin and postoperative wounds - sanitation of the vagina when using local contraceptives With prophylactic the purpose is sexually transmitted infections - antiseptic treatment of the hands of medical personnel, wound surfaces. Method of administration and dosage. Solution for topical use, use undiluted or in a dilution of 1:10. The solution should be prepared immediately before use. The undiluted solution is used for mycoses; in gynecological practice (vulvitis, cervicitis, when using an IUD), for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, aseptic treatment of hands. An undiluted solution or a 1:10 dilution is used in dermatological practice (eczema, acne, bacterial dermatitis, herpes). A solution at a dilution of 1:10 is used in surgical practice (washing and treating wounds and ulcers), for treating the skin of children (including infants). Side effects - local allergic reactions: contact eczema, dermatitis, pain, itching, burning, dry skin, redness, rash Contraindications - hypersensitivity to any component of the drug Drug interactions Simultaneous or sequential use of other cationic and anionic antiseptics should be avoided (antagonism, inactivation and etc.). Do not use with regular soaps. Avoid contact with balsa wood plugs. Special instructions The drug is used with caution on large surfaces of the skin in premature and newborn babies, for burns, when using occlusive dressings or diapers in children to prevent absorption through the skin. Do not allow the drug to get into the eyes and ears (in case of perforation of the eardrum). The drug is not used topically in ophthalmic practice. The drug should not be used: · as an antiseptic before injection (venipuncture, injection). · for any invasive procedures requiring surgical antiseptics (laparoscopy, central vein catheterization, etc.). · disinfection of medical or surgical instruments. Use in pediatrics There are no restrictions on use in pediatrics. Pregnancy and lactation Citeal can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding Peculiarities of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms Does not affect Overdose No cases of overdose with external use have been reported. In case of accidental use orally, do not rinse the stomach, because This is a foaming agent. Release form and packaging 250 ml of solution in a frosted bottle made of high-density polyethylene with a screw cap made of low-density polyethylene. The bottle is accompanied by instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages. Storage conditions Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, in a place protected from light. Prepared solutions of the drug cannot be stored. Close the bottle tightly after use. Do not swallow. Keep out of the reach of children! Shelf life: 3 years Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the bottle. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies Without a prescription. Manufacturer: Pierre Fabre Medicament Production 45, place Abel-Gance, 92100 Boulogne-France. Address of the organization that accepts claims from consumers on the quality of products (products) in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan Representative office of “EUROMEDEX” Almaty, Abay 155 of. 40 Tel./Fax: +7(727)2503-547, +7(727)2501-544, e-mail: e [email protected]


No cases of overdose were observed with topical use of the drug Citeal.

When using the drug externally in large doses or with prolonged contact with the skin irritation, itching, dryness, dermatitis and other side effects may occur.

In cases of these reactions, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the skin with water.

Accidental ingestion of Cyteal can lead to nausea and subsequent vomiting, as well as difficulty breathing and cyanosis due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles, which in turn can cause an attack of asphyxia.

Also, when taken orally, it is possible to develop arterial hypertension, depression of the central nervous system with convulsions, and coma.

There is evidence of death with symptoms of renal and hepatic failure.

In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, gastric lavage is not performed, since Citeal is foaming.

special instructions

Given the lack of information on transdermal absorption, systemic effects cannot be ruled out. the likelihood of their occurrence increases with repeated applications, especially when a large area is treated, the surface under an occlusive dressing or mucous membranes, in the presence of damage to the skin (including burns), as well as in the case of treating the skin of newborns (taking into account the ratio of surface area and body weight of the child , as well as the occlusive effect of diapers).

After opening the bottle, there is a risk of microbial contamination of the drug.

As after using any detergent, the treated area must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

Note. Antiseptics are not sterilizing. They only temporarily reduce the number of microorganisms.

Use during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is used during pregnancy and lactation only in cases where the expected positive effect for the mother exceeds the potential risk for the fetus/child.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and work with complex mechanisms. Does not affect.

Children. Citeal can be used for antiseptic treatment of the skin of children, including infants.


The sequential or combined use of Citeal with other local antiseptic drugs should be avoided due to the possibility of antagonism or inactivation.

Do not use simultaneously with soap.

Do not use a cork cap to seal the bottle.

Citeal increases bacterial sensitivity to Neomycin , Kanamycin , Levomycetin and cephalosporins.

The drug is incompatible with iodine, due to the possibility of developing dermatitis, as well as with anionic compounds ( carboxymethylcellulose, gum arabic, colloids ).

Chlorhexidine is incompatible with carbonates, borates, chlorides, phosphates, citrates, sulfates, due to the formation of sparingly soluble compounds.

Citeal price, where to buy

The average price of Citeal in Russian pharmacies is 1000 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Citeal solution for external use 250ml
    RUB 2,650 order

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  • Citeal 250 ml solution Pierre Fabre Medicament Production, France
    175 UAH.order


  • Citeal solution 250ml France, Pierre Fabre Medicament Production

    196 UAH order

  • liquid Citeal solution 250ml Ukraine, Pierre Fabre

    205 UAH order

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Description of the drug Citeal solution for external use. approx. fl. 250ml on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

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