What causes white spots and streaks to appear on nails?

General information

White spots on the nail plates appear in many people at a certain period of life. Most often they are perceived as a kind of cosmetic defect. But in fact, white spots on the nails indicate that not everything is in order in the human body. This is leukonychia - a phenomenon when, due to various reasons, white lines and spots appear on the nail plate as it grows. Leukonychia can be associated with a number of diseases, as well as with a lack of substances important for the body, and even with certain habits. But in any case, it is worth determining the cause of such a symptom and, if possible, eliminating it.

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If you look at your nails, you will notice light areas at the base. These are holes, or lunulae. Changes in the color, shape and size of the holes may indicate not only the presence of the disease, but also a predisposition to it. Such diagnostics help to notice the problem in time and take action.

1.Changes to the socket on one finger.

-The lunula on the little finger, as a rule, should be practically invisible or completely absent. It is associated with the work of the kidneys, small intestines and heart. An enlarged socket may cause high blood pressure.

-The ring finger is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive and lymphatic systems. A poorly visible hole may indicate problems with metabolism.

-The middle finger is associated with the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system. The absence of a hole may indicate problems with blood vessels and high blood pressure.

-The socket on the index finger may be absent or greatly reduced due to improper functioning of the intestines, pancreas or chronic diseases of the ENT organs.

-The lunula on the thumb reflects the functioning of the lungs and spleen. It is the most noticeable of all and should be no more than 25% of the length of the entire nail. May decrease greatly in regular smokers or increase with high blood pressure.

2. Holes are too big. Lunules are considered large when they occupy a third (or more) of the entire nail. They indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, irregular heart rhythms and low blood pressure.

Often, large holes can be observed in athletes and people whose occupation is associated with physical activity. If a person does not exercise, then enlarged sockets may appear due to severe stress.

3. Small holes. Small holes that barely reach the surface of the cuticle indicate low blood pressure and circulation problems. This may be a sign of a weak immune system, poor metabolism, lack of iron and vitamin B12 in the body. If it is noticeable that the lunulae are isolated by a transverse stripe from the rest of the nail plate, then this indicates problems with blood sugar and the possible development of diabetes mellitus.

4. The holes are not visible at all. Don't panic if you don't find any holes on your nails or your child's nails. In children they are often not visible and appear over time. And in some people they do not appear due to the physiological structure of the nail. However, the sudden disappearance of lunulae is perceived by modern medicine as one of the symptoms of circulatory disorders. The study found that the absence of lunulae is associated with thyroid problems, vitamin B12 and iron deficiency.

5.Changing the color of the holes.

-Gray holes indicate severe fatigue, digestive problems and possible difficulties in the body's absorption of nutrients.

-White lunul color is a good and natural color. The holes should be several shades lighter than the skin.

-Purple color is a sign of poor blood circulation and lack of oxygen in organs and tissues. Dizziness and headaches may often occur.

-Pink (red) holes may indicate low physical activity and lung problems.

-Black holes are an extremely dangerous sign and are rare. This is usually a symptom of heavy metal poisoning.


Pathological changes on the nail plates (on one or several at once) occur due to disturbances in the process of keratinization of the nail. Due to the influence of various factors, the functions of the nail matrix, which determines the formation of the plate and its growth, may fail. Such disorders lead to incomplete maturation of the cells of the nail plate, deterioration or absence of their keratinization. As a result, a layer of air appears in the thickness of the plate, which is then filled with fat and water. Such layers look like white spots on the nail.

Leukonychia, photo


There are several varieties of this pathology:

  • Limited leukonychia - in this case, partial damage to the plate is noted.
  • Stripe leukonychia - with this form, whitish stripes, vertical or horizontal, appear on the nail plates. Often a similar symptom appears if poisoning with thallium or arsenic has occurred.
  • Point leukonychia - this variety is characterized by the appearance of white dots. They can be small or large, single or multiple. This form is the most common today. It usually develops after various mechanical damages.
  • Total leukonychia - the entire plate is completely affected. The pathological process begins in the nail hole. Most often, such a lesion occurs in childhood or adolescence. It is associated with past infections, fungal diseases, liver and kidney diseases.

According to the size of the spots, the following forms of damage are determined:

  • Subtotal (limited) - appear if keratinization of the plate appears partially and does not occupy the entire surface. Typically, several nails are affected.
  • Total – lesions are located over the entire surface and can appear on all nails at once.


There are many factors that should be listed when answering the question of why white spots appear on nails. The cause of the appearance of white spots may be due to either injury to the plate or exposure to chemicals. In addition, there may be other reasons for white spots on the fingernails. So, sometimes leukonychia is congenital.

If we consider the reasons why white spots appear on fingernails, we should distinguish between external and internal causes.

External reasons may be the following:

  • Injuries, bruises, compression of the plate. In this case, the marks appear on one or more nails, such as the thumbnail.
  • Violation of manicure technique, leading to injuries.
  • Carrying out a manicure using products hazardous to health. Sometimes specialists use very aggressive means that speed up the process, but at the same time have a negative effect on the body. Stains may appear after shellac, gel, etc.
  • Using chemicals to remove nail polish. You need to buy only products from trusted companies.
  • Contact with chemicals that are harsh on hands. All housework should be done wearing protective gloves.
  • Work involving constant contact with chemicals (construction mixtures, etc.).
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight may be the cause of white spots on your toenails.

Internal reasons:

  • Very strict diets, unhealthy and monotonous nutrition.
  • Bulimia , anorexia .
  • Diseases of the digestive system, ulcers, ulcerative colitis , hepatitis, etc.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Deficiency of substances important for the body - minerals, vitamins, in particular iron, vitamins A and B6 .
  • Long-term depression.
  • Chronic stress, constant uneven overexertion.
  • Diseases of the heart and circulatory system.
  • Fungal infections - because of them, spots can appear on the nails of the toes and fingers.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Some infectious diseases.

If a person goes to the doctor to find out why white spots appear under the nails, after examination it may turn out that this phenomenon is associated with several reasons at once.

It is important to take into account that white spots on the nails of the toes and fingers can also appear due to the presence of certain bad habits:

  • The habit of cutting your nails too short.
  • Biting cuticles or nails.
  • The need to frequently type on the keyboard.
  • Frequent manicure with aggressive agents and lack of “rest” for nails.
  • The habit of drumming on the table with your nails.

It is interesting that in connection with the appearance of such marks, there are even folk signs, and people who take superstitions seriously are interested in what the white spots on the fingernails mean. It is believed that, for example, white spots on the thumb promise an upcoming big purchase, on the index finger they mean sad events, and on the middle finger they mean good luck. On the ring finger, such marks supposedly appear as a sign of discord, and on the little finger, as a sign of joy. However, to seriously believe that the white spots on the nails mean exactly what the signs say is, at a minimum, illogical and irresponsible. After all, all that such symptoms indicate is health problems that need to be detected and eliminated.

What do white spots on nails mean?


Many people have at least once noticed white spots or stripes on their nails - these are leukonychia. This cosmetic problem is quite unpleasant, since it becomes necessary to hide stains under bright varnishes, and their frequent use makes the nail plate thinner due to lack of oxygen. White spots appear because air bubbles get stuck between the keratin plates that make up the nail. Typically, several of these white spots appear on one nail at once, although they can form stripes and cover the nail completely. In the latter case, the situation needs to be corrected with the help of a doctor , as well as in a situation where leukonychia increases in size or is located on several nails at once.

Causes of leukonychia

  1. Mechanical damage . Impact, careless handling of the file, uncomfortable shoes, strong squeezing of the nails - all this causes the appearance of white spots. In this situation, a doctor's consultation is not necessary, as these white spots are similar to a bruise on the skin. You can deal with them using strengthening varnishes.
  2. Chemical exposure . Applying low-quality nail polish, washing off the decorative coating with an aggressive composition, detergents and cleaning mixtures can also cause the appearance of leukonychia. This situation can be prevented by using gloves, which should not be forgotten when cleaning and washing dishes. If you are sure that the white spots are caused by a chemical, you can treat them with a salt bath for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Fungus . If, in addition to leukonychia, the nails turn yellow, peel, crumble, thicken or are otherwise deformed, then most likely they are infected with a fungus. a dermatologist can solve this problem with special antifungal agents or laser procedures.
  4. Lack of protein in the body . This situation can be recognized if the leukonychia accumulate in white stripes. They solve the problem by eating protein foods: meat, fish, eggs, seafood, legumes.
  5. Kidney diseases . You can suspect this problem if leukonychia appears on many nails at once, and also if they are concentrated near the nail bed. A therapist or nephrologist will help kidney disease .
  6. Stress . A neuropathological cause is indicated by large white spots in the center of the nail. A neurologist treat stress , but even without consulting a doctor , rest, soothing decoctions, quality sleep, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, and exercise will be useful.
  7. Metabolic disorders and pregnancy . In this case, no special treatment is required; additional strengthening of the nails with special varnishes and baths is sufficient.
  8. Reduced hemoglobin in the blood . A general practitioner will help confirm that the white spots are caused by this problem after a blood . Increase hemoglobin with the help of medications and consumption of foods rich in iron (apricot, liver , red meat, pomegranate, mushrooms, rose hips, tomatoes, citrus fruits).
  9. Lack of vitamins and microelements (vitamins A, B, C, E, iodine, zinc, calcium). This is the case if there is little leukonychia and there are other symptoms of vitamin deficiency: dry skin, brittle hair, fatigue. The problem can be solved by taking vitamin complexes and diversifying your diet: eat more cereals, nuts, legumes, dairy products, seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits, seaweed, replace sunflower oil with olive or flaxseed oil, give up fast food. If the white spots do not go away, you should consult a doctor .

If leukonychia often appears on the nails, then it would be useful to visit a doctor (first you need to visit a dermatologist’s ), since they can indicate many internal problems. If you avoid stress, mechanical and chemical damage, eat right and protect your nails from fungus, this problem is unlikely to ever arise.

Published in Dermatology Premium Clinic


If white spots appear on the nails of an adult or child, their severity and type depend on the cause that provoked the disruption of the keratinization process. Sometimes, by analyzing the characteristics of this symptom, the doctor can determine why there are white spots on the nails of an adult or a small patient.

  • Nail injury in adults and children. Dotted marks appear, less often - stripes. They are located in those places that have been injured. The defeat is limited.
  • Lack of nutrients due to strict diets and poor nutrition. Stripe-shaped paired leukonychia appear, located horizontally.
  • Hypovitaminosis. Single leukonychia appear. If the state of hypovitaminosis persists for a long time, marks may appear on several nails. In this case, there is general weakness, hyperkeratosis , dry skin, and a feeling of fatigue after habitual exercise.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Total leukonychia is noted, both on the arms and legs. Signs of the underlying disease are noted.
  • Heart failure. Multiple or single lesions, cyanosis of the plates.
  • Chronic stress, depression, nervous exhaustion. A large white spot in the center of the plate, which disappears after it grows back.
  • Fungal infection. The lesion occupies a limited area. The nail becomes yellow, it becomes exfoliated and softens, its tissue thickens, and an unpleasant odor appears. If the disease progresses, the lesion covers other fingers.

Onychomycosis (nail fungus) - symptoms and treatment

There are several types of treatment for onychomycosis:

  1. Local therapy.
  2. Systemic therapy.
  3. Combination therapy.
  4. Corrective therapy [2].

Local therapy involves applying medications to the nail plate and nail folds. Indications for local therapy:

  1. Limited form of damage to the nail plate (according to KIOTOS [4]).
  2. There are contraindications for prescribing systemic drugs: hypersensitivity, liver disease, renal dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation.

The advantages of this therapy are that high concentrations of the therapeutic agent are formed on the surface of the nail, which does not penetrate into the bloodstream. There are no side effects of using antifungal drugs - nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain. The disadvantage of the method is that the medicinal substance does not always reach the pathogen's habitat, especially if the fungi are located in the nail bed or matrix. This in turn can lead to treatment failure. This type of treatment is very labor-intensive, since before applying the drug it is necessary to remove the affected part of the nail [2].

Methods for removing affected nails:

  1. Mechanical removal using files, nippers or a drill.
  2. Using keratolytic patches. Before applying a keratolytic plaster, the skin around the nail is sealed with a plaster, a plaster mass (urea with salicylic acid) is applied on top and sealed with an adhesive plaster. The plaster mass is changed every 2-3 days. After each removal, the affected part of the nail is removed mechanically.
  3. Surgical. This operation is very painful and traumatic, since when the nail plate is removed, the growth zone can be damaged, which leads to the regrowth of deformed nails.

Local antifungal agents are used after removing the affected nail plate. Antimycotics are distinguished according to the place of application:

  • applied to the nail: varnishes;
  • applied to rollers: creams, ointments, solutions.

The most studied drug for topical use is a 1% solution of naftifine , which has an evidence base for effectiveness in treatment based on a Cochrane meta-analysis [8]. This product is water-based, which facilitates better penetration of the antifungal substance into the affected area. Varnishes, the active ingredients of which are ciclopirox and amorolfine, have a dehydrated base, which reduces the penetration of the drug into the deep layers. Therefore, dermatologists consider the use of varnishes unsatisfactory and increasingly prefer water-based products [10].

To get results from local therapy, it is necessary to follow the treatment regimen; it is important for the patient to be responsible, consistent and patient. The duration of therapy can be up to 12 months.

Systemic therapy allows the antifungal drug to penetrate the bloodstream to the site of the lesion, even if the nail bed and matrix are affected [2]. A high concentration of the drug remains in the affected area for a long time after the end of use. The disadvantages of this type of treatment are associated with the risk of side and toxic effects.

Indications for systemic therapy:

  1. Common forms of nail plate damage.
  2. Lack of effect from local therapy (that is, after six months of treatment for onychomycosis on the hands and 9-12 months of treatment for onychomycosis of the feet, healthy nails did not grow back).

To determine treatment tactics, KIOTOS (Clinical Index for Assessing the Severity of Onychomycosis by Sergeev), proposed by A. Yu. Sergeev in 1999, is used. It is used as a therapeutic standard in various countries around the world [3][4].

Medicines for the treatment of onychomycosis can be classified as follows:

  • antimycotics - have an antifungal effect;
  • antiseptics - have both antifungal and antibacterial effects. They are rarely used, only if there are no other antifungal agents;
  • multicomponent - in addition to the antifungal agent, they also contain other drugs, such as anti-inflammatory drugs.

Prescription regimens:

  • standard - taking medications daily during the prescribed treatment period;
  • shortened - the treatment period is shortened, can be carried out in regular doses or increased;
  • intermittent - treatment is prescribed in several short courses, the intervals between courses are equal to the duration of the courses;
  • pulse therapy - treatment is prescribed in several short courses, the intervals between courses are longer than the duration of the courses [3].

Antifungal drugs are divided according to the active substance:

  • triazoles: itraconazole, fluconazole;
  • allylamines: terbinafine, naftifine;
  • others: ciclopirox, morpholines [3].

Currently, only third-generation drugs : terbinafine, itraconazole, fluconazole.

Terbinafine acts only on dermatophytes, is highly effective and safe. This drug must be taken every day for a long period of time [2][3].

Itraconazole - covers all types of pathogens of onychomycosis. It accumulates best in the nail. Used in short courses. Highly effective and has a low risk of side effects [2][3]

Fluconazole - acts on dermatophytes and yeast fungi. It is used in long-term courses. Efficiency is average, poorly studied. Prescribed as a second-line drug or in combination therapy.

With combination therapy, local and systemic treatment are carried out simultaneously. Combination therapy is used when it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of systemic therapy and reduce treatment time.

Corrective therapy (treatment of concomitant diseases): to select a treatment regimen, it is necessary to assess the general somatic condition of the body. Diseases such as circulatory disorders in the extremities may reduce the access of the antifungal agent to the lesion. Therefore, drugs are prescribed that improve tissue trophism.

Due to the toxic effect of systemic antifungal drugs, it is necessary to exclude liver diseases and, if necessary, prescribe hepatoprotectors [2].

Tests and diagnostics

If white spots appear on your nails, you should definitely contact a dermatologist and undergo the tests he prescribes. First, the specialist examines and interviews the patient. In addition, the following examinations are required:

  • Analysis of scrapings to determine fungal infection.
  • Spectral analysis of the plate for the determination of microelements.
  • General and biochemical blood tests to determine the presence of pathological processes in the body.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor prescribes other studies or consultation with specialists.

It is important to carry out differential diagnosis with the following diseases:

  • Onychomycosis - develops when infected with a fungal infection.
  • May's stripes are a symptom indicating thallium or arsenic poisoning.
  • Brittleness and delamination are a consequence of the dryness of the plate.
  • Violation of shape - the nail may grow in and have a pathological shape.

Treatment with folk remedies

For those for whom white and sometimes brown spots on the nails are a problem, you can use effective folk methods to eliminate them and strengthen the plates:

  • Bath with sea salt. To prepare it, you need to prepare a decoction of oak bark (1 tbsp of raw material per glass of water), take 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Mix everything (the broth should be warm), keep your hands in this bath for 20 minutes. After completing this procedure, it is advisable to rub your nails with a solution of vitamin E or fish oil. This procedure improves blood circulation and effectively strengthens nails. You can do it every day for 3 weeks.
  • Bath with potassium permanganate. Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of warm water. potassium permanganate. Keep your fingers in this bath for 5 minutes, wash and dry your hands. Apply a layer of olive oil to your nails.
  • Bath with tea. You can keep your fingers in a strong green tea solution. The bath should last 15 minutes, after which the nail plates are lubricated with castor oil .
  • Beer bath. Mix a strong chamomile decoction and dark beer in equal proportions, heat until the solution is warm. Keep your hands in it for 30 minutes. After completing the procedure, rub in olive oil.
  • “Mask” of oils. To carry out this procedure, the nail plates are lubricated with linseed or olive oil, adding a little lemon juice to it. You can do this before going to bed, wearing gloves after lubrication. Also suitable for this procedure is olive oil, to which a few drops of iodine vitamin A solution . This procedure accelerates regenerative processes.
  • “Mask” with garlic. You need to crush a few cloves of garlic. Steam your hands by holding them over the steam for several minutes, then rub the garlic pulp into the nail plates. Rinse thoroughly after half an hour. This remedy should not be used if there are open wounds on the hands, or if the person cannot tolerate garlic.
  • Massage. You can use vegetable oil or fish oil with the addition of a few drops of vitamin A or E to massage the nail plates. The product should be slowly rubbed into them for several minutes, massaging the fingers.

Homemade recipes for white spots on nails

If, after consulting a doctor and examination, it turns out that there are no serious reasons for the formation of white spots, then folk recipes can be used to remove this cosmetic defect.

Various baths and masks for nails will help restore their attractive appearance.

Use the following homemade recipes:

  • Rub liquid vitamins into your nail plates. For these purposes, you can take capsule vitamin E or A, crush the ampoule and apply the product.
  • Give your nails a bath with sea salt. Dissolve 2 tbsp in half a liter of warm water. salt. Soak your fingers in the solution for 25 minutes. Then rinse with cold water and apply castor oil.
  • Use fish oil. Rub this product into your nails, massaging the nail plates for about 5 minutes, then rinse off the fat with water.
  • Mix 3 drops of iodine with 5 drops of vitamin A and 60-65 ml of olive or almond oil. Rub the mixture into your nails for 10-15 minutes.

Give your nails a lemon mask. Take 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1/2 cup vegetable oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath, dip your fingers in it for 10-15 minutes. Finally, lubricate your nails with fish oil or liquid vitamin A.

Apply homemade polish to your nails. It has a strengthening and healing effect on the nail plate. Homemade varnish is prepared from 60 ml of olive oil, 5 drops of iodine and 5 capsules of the drug “Aevit”. Heat the oil, add iodine and Aevit. Mix and apply to nails daily before bed.


Those for whom the question of how to remove white spots on nails is relevant should follow these recommendations:

  • Eat well. The diet must include protein products, as well as fruits, vegetables, and herbs. It is advisable to eat nuts and wheat germ, which contain a lot of zinc.
  • Take proper care of your nails and hands. Do not overuse nail files or other manicure products. Moisturize your nails and constantly maintain their hygiene.
  • Get manicures and pedicures only from qualified professionals.
  • Avoid serious stressful situations.
  • Use nail polish removers without acetone.
  • Eliminate external aggressive influences. Wear gloves before using chemicals.
  • Provide a “rest” between painting the nail plates and applying other products.
  • Wear normal size shoes.

White spots on nails: causes and prevention

Today we will look at such a common problem as the appearance of white spots on the nails. The material was prepared by the technologist of our line for manicure and pedicure DoctorDerm Evgenia Fesenko.

Let's look at a case in which we know for sure that the nails are healthy, there is no fungus, onycholysis and other problems.

The client walked around with normal nails, the master painted his nails according to all the rules (varnish, vinyl lux or gel polish) and suddenly spots appeared.

Why did this happen?

The nail plate consists of compressed keratin cells; these cells hold together particles of moisture and fat. This results in a layered structure. When wet, it expands slightly in thickness and becomes more elastic; when dry, it narrows and becomes more fragile.

Artificial turf

– this is a film of a certain thickness and elasticity; it does not change its properties when wet and dry. Varnish, vinyl lux - thin hard glass, gel varnishes, depending on the manufacturer's brand, have different thicknesses and elasticity.

Now imagine a nail covered with varnish. The nail is alive and elastic, depending on its moisture content. Two surfaces adhere firmly to each other - artificial (varnish, gel polish) and natural (natural nail).

Under mechanical influence

(working on the keyboard, washing dishes, walking, running, squeezing in shoes) two surfaces begin to move relative to each other. And micro-tears occur between these surfaces. Since the nail plate is less durable due to its layering than any artificial coating, micro-delamination occurs on it. This mainly happens in the stress line area of ​​the nail, i.e. polish or gel polish tears off small particles of the top layer of the nail and pulls the top layer towards itself.

The photo shows an example of white spots on the nails.

In the photo, number 2 indicates the stress zone of the nail.

How to prevent the white spot effect or how to reduce it?

Be sure to warn the client that the wearing period of the coating is limited! Even if the coating adheres perfectly, it must be promptly and professionally removed and replaced.

The nail plate grows, the center of gravity of the coating shifts, pressure and mechanical stress increase.

For varnish or vinyl lux

Wear time on hands is no more than one week, on feet no more than two weeks.

For gel polish, bio-gel or shellac

- on the arms no more than two weeks, on the legs no more than three weeks.

This is an approximate guarantee period that the coating will not cause mechanical damage to the nail plate.

In children

Parents often notice that white spots have appeared on their child’s nails. If we are talking about a single spot that moves forward as the nail grows, then most likely it is caused by injury, and you should not worry about it.

To understand why your child has large numbers of white spots on his nails, you should visit a dermatologist with him. In a child, such signs may be associated with the following reasons:

  • Deficiency of calcium and other trace elements or vitamins. In this case, as a rule, other signs are also expressed. A baby with this problem has dry hair and skin, he may often catch colds, etc. In this case, the doctor will recommend making adjustments to the daily diet or prescribing appropriate medications. If there is a zinc deficiency, a child may develop longitudinal white stripes. A lack of zinc can be associated with chronic stress, pesticide poisoning, as well as a calcium deficiency, which promotes the absorption of zinc. It is also important to avoid a lack of B vitamins, as well as A, C, E.
  • Lack of protein. Since the basis of the nail is the protein keratin , a sufficient amount of protein is required for normal formation of the plate. In this case, it is very important to adjust your diet.
  • Anemia associated with iron deficiency. If the hemoglobin is too low, oxygen starvation occurs, leading to unpleasant symptoms. A baby with anemia has pale skin, gets tired quickly and complains of weakness. In this case, more iron-containing foods are introduced into the menu and appropriate medications are prescribed.

In any case, a doctor will help determine the cause. Parents should not hesitate to contact a specialist.


Protein diet

  • Efficiency: 3-4 kg in 1 week
  • Terms: from 3 days to 4 weeks
  • Cost of products: from 100 to 150 rubles. in a day

Calcium diet

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after a month
  • Terms: up to 3 months or more (depending on condition)
  • Cost of products: 1400-1500 rubles per week

It is very important that the diet is balanced, varied and nutritious. The diet must include the following products:

  • A variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs.
  • Sea fish, seaweed.
  • Protein products - meat, fish, eggs, dairy products.
  • Nuts, seeds.
  • Legumes.

You should adhere to the correct eating regimen and drink enough fluids.

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