Second trimester of pregnancy: features of the condition, what a woman needs to know

It is necessary to register for pregnancy, as this allows for timely diagnosis of:

  1. Pathologies of fetal development;
  2. Chronic diseases in the mother that can affect the course and outcome of pregnancy;
  3. Acute pathologies in the mother that occur during pregnancy, affecting the growth and development of the fetus and the health of the mother.

Pregnancy is a complex restructuring of the body; diseases in the mother are not always known if the examination is not completed before conception.

What happens to the body during the 1st trimester of pregnancy

The 1st trimester is considered from the moment of conception to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Direct fertilization of the egg occurs in the abdominal cavity. After fertilization, the egg is located in the abdominal cavity and is actively fragmented into smaller cells and becomes similar to a raspberry or mulberry, such an embryo is called a morula. It is then captured by the villi of the fallopian tubes and moves into the uterine cavity. On the 7th day, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. The fertilized egg begins to form, consisting of amniotic fluid and the yolk sac, from which the embryo will form. At 7-8 weeks, a fertilized sac and placenta are formed from the fertilized egg. From 8 to 12 weeks the placenta is finally formed (later on it only develops), it becomes visible on ultrasound. At week 12, the embryo looks like a full-fledged child measuring about 9 cm, its limbs, head and main internal organs are formed.

Mother's changes. Ideally, a woman does not feel pregnancy at all. The only sign is an enlargement of the mammary glands, due to the development of glandular tissue under the influence of hormones. The belly practically does not increase.

During pregnancy, many women experience so-called “toxicosis” - nausea and/or vomiting. This is due to an increase in the level of estrogen (in particular progesterone) and hCG (chronic gonadotropin). Moreover, these symptoms can complicate the life of a pregnant woman not only in the morning, but at any time of the day. Sometimes nausea or vomiting may persist throughout pregnancy.

There is such a serious complication as excessive (uncontrollable) vomiting in pregnant women, which leads to dehydration of the mother, disruption of the body's electrolyte balance, disruption of the liver and kidneys and encephalopathy, requiring hospitalization and treatment in a hospital.

It is best to eat according to your appetite. Food should not cause negative reactions, eat in small portions, pay attention to what food provokes nausea and try not to eat it for a while, listen to your body, usually the woman herself feels what she would like to eat. Don't forget that food should not only be desirable and tasty, but also healthy. It would be ideal to eat according to the “Harvard Healthy Eating Plate” method, when ½ of the plate’s volume is occupied by vegetables, ¼ by proteins (including plant-based), ¼ by complex carbohydrates (grains, potatoes, cereals, etc.).

Your body will also begin to change. And the first thing you will feel will be engorgement and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, the nipples will swell a little and increase in size. It is important to wear comfortable, comfortable underwear and clothing to minimize discomfort. Sometimes there is pain in the nipples; your gynecologist may recommend ointments for this case.

We all remember that a pregnant woman becomes more vulnerable, whiny and even sometimes capricious. This is also associated with an increase in estrogen levels and requires patience and understanding on the part of family and partners. A calm environment at home and, if possible, at work is important. You can use relaxation methods such as walking, listening to your favorite music, aromatherapy if there are no reactions to odors. Think about what could bring back balance and calm to you?

The main pregnancy hormone, progesterone, causes fluid retention in the body. At the same time, the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder and a frequent urge to urinate appears. This is normal, it is important to plan your day so that you always have the opportunity to visit the toilet.

Progesterone also reduces the tone of blood vessels, which can lead to dizziness. You can minimize these unpleasant sensations by changing your body position smoothly; do not stand up or sit down abruptly. Another reason for frequent dizziness may be a decrease in the level of magnesium in the blood; your doctor will help you figure this out.

Pregnant women often have an increased need for sleep, which is explained by the same effect of hormones, as well as the need for additional rest for the body, because there is a lot of work to carry, give birth and then feed the baby.

Under the influence of progesterone, the smooth muscles of the entire body relax (uterus, intestines, blood vessels, bile ducts and pancreatic ducts, etc.), the work of internal organs slows down, which in turn leads to constipation and heartburn. In addition to medication correction (prescribed by a doctor), split meals in small portions, foods rich in fiber (our favorite vegetables), sufficient fluid intake, feasible physical activity (physical therapy, walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, etc.) help.

Unfortunately, sometimes pregnancy is overshadowed by pathology; let's talk about the most common problems in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Hormonal support for IVF after transfer

Hormonal support during IVF is very important and the entire success of the procedure depends on the correct tactics of the doctor.

Many women after IVF may have an increased risk of miscarriage. This is due to both hormonal stimulation for follicle growth and the initial state of health of the patient herself.

In vitro fertilization is most often done by women aged 30 years and older who have gynecological and general somatic diseases, which may have caused infertility.

Make an appointment

All patients undergoing IVF are prescribed hormonal support after embryo transfer. It allows you to reduce the risk of miscarriage at different stages. Drug treatment is mandatory until the 14th day after the transfer, when pregnancy is confirmed by taking a blood test for hCG.

For many women, the hormonal support regimen is extended for several more weeks or even months. The duration of such support is determined by the attending fertility specialist.

Hormones are prescribed even before the transfer, and the woman continues to take them when the embryo is already in the uterus. Progesterone is prescribed for hormonal support after IVF.

Dosage forms of natural progesterone are used for intravaginal use - vaginal gel (Krinon), vaginal capsules (Utrozhestan).

If estrogen drugs (Divigel, Estrogel, Proginova) were prescribed before embryo transfer, then, as a rule, they remain supported.

Actions of progesterone:

  • changes the structure of the endometrium, allowing the embryo to attach to the uterus;
  • reduces the contractility of the muscular layer of the uterus and tightly closes the cervical canal, reducing the likelihood of spontaneous abortion in the early stages.

Progesterone, if necessary, can be prescribed for up to 8-20 weeks. Estrogen support is provided until 8 weeks of pregnancy.

The duration of support will be determined by a reproductologist, and depends on the situation (IVF protocol used, level of own hormones, age, presence of gynecological diseases, experience of previous IVF).

If it is necessary to discontinue medications (allergies or other side effects) prescribed to support the luteal phase, consultation with a doctor is required.

At VitroClinic, your personal doctor is always in touch and ready to give comprehensive advice and recommendations at any time when necessary and prescribe additional examinations, preventive and therapeutic measures.

The drugs are discontinued gradually, with a gradual reduction in dosage.
It is important that the woman follows all the doctor’s recommendations - do not forget to take tablets or capsules and follow the doses indicated by the gynecologist - this will increase the chances of a successful end of pregnancy with childbirth. Treatment using hormonal drugs is highly effective, but independent, uncontrolled use of drugs can cause complications. Regular examination, control by a doctor, mutual trust, punctuality on the part of the patient will help avoid negative phenomena and give joy to a healthy family.

The most common problems in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Bleeding : due to a lack of progesterone, spasm and relaxation of the muscles of the uterus occurs and, accordingly, detachment of the ovum and bleeding (in severe cases, miscarriage). Also, with hypothyroidism, there is a violation of the implantation of the fertilized egg, which also leads to bleeding.

Thrombosis . During pregnancy, blood clotting increases (this is normal - the body is preparing for blood loss). To prevent thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities, it is necessary to stop taking oral contraceptives 6 months before planning a pregnancy, and during pregnancy, maintain sufficient physical activity (long walks, swimming) and be observed by a doctor. If pain, swelling, or “cyanosis” occurs in the lower extremities, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Developmental anomalies and genetic pathologies . In the 1st trimester, abnormalities in the development of the fetus most often develop and manifest themselves, which can occur as a result of ionizing radiation, infectious diseases suffered during pregnancy (rubella, influenza, etc.), taking drugs prohibited during pregnancy (fluoroquinolones, macrolides, tetracyclines, tranquilizers , etc.), genetic pathologies and hereditary diseases.

Anemia . More often it happens due to iron deficiency, because. the fetus consumes a huge amount of it, taking away iron reserves from the mother, less often due to bleeding. B12 and folate deficiency anemia also occur, which is also associated with increased consumption and insufficient consumption by the mother. Anemia is dangerous due to chronic lack of oxygen, causing fetal growth restriction syndrome. In severe cases, it can lead to intrauterine fetal death.

Chronic diseases may worsen during pregnancy . This is due to the fact that the fertilized egg already carries part of the DNA that is foreign to the mother. To prevent egg rejection, the mother’s body suppresses its immunity throughout pregnancy, which affects the body as a whole. Therefore, all diseases that were not detected at the stage of preparation for pregnancy should be detected and treated. This applies mainly to infectious diseases. For example, exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, or herpes virus infection.

Also, during pregnancy there is a sharp restructuring of hormonal levels , which, in turn, affects somatic (non-infectious) diseases. For example, due to thickening of bile and compression of the gallbladder by the uterus, chronic cholecystitis may worsen. As the fetus develops, the islets of Langerhans (cells that produce insulin in the pancreas) sometimes do not develop quickly enough and the baby begins to consume the mother's insulin. If the mother has diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance (including hidden), both the child and the mother lack insulin, which leads to tissue damage to both the child and the mother (early aging of the placenta, delayed fetal development, premature birth, polyhydramnios, increased blood pressure in a pregnant woman, the formation of a large fetus, the risk of injury to the woman and child during childbirth and the most dangerous complication - intrauterine fetal death).

In addition, the fetal liver does not yet function as a detoxification organ, and all decay products produced by the child are forced to be processed by the mother’s liver. 2% of pregnant women develop benign cholestatic hepatosis of pregnancy - a violation of the formation and outflow of bile, which causes:

  • Itchy skin, especially at night
  • Digestive disorders (as bile is involved in the emulsification of fats)
  • Inflammation of liver tissue due to toxic effects on cells and bile ducts

What should an expectant mother be wary of?

The second trimester is characterized by a large amount of discharge. Normally, they have a light white or yellowish tint, a uniform consistency, and no odor. Discharge becomes more abundant due to the fact that it is more difficult for the body to maintain normal microflora, compensatory mechanisms are launched.

However, the appearance of the discharge described below is not typical for a normal pregnancy:

  1. Brown. There is a risk of late miscarriage, premature birth and problems with the placenta.
  2. Greenish, gray. Indicate infectious processes of a purulent nature.
  3. White curdled ones. The microflora is disrupted and, as a result, thrush occurs.

If any unusual discharge occurs, you should consult a doctor.

What should you avoid in mid-pregnancy?

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the characteristics of a woman’s condition suggest some restrictions and more careful behavior in everyday matters.

  • Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription.
  • Do not wear tight, constricting clothing.
  • Never lift more than 3 kg.
  • If you are involved in strength or team sports, you will have to give up training. You can move on to more gentle and relaxing activities, such as swimming, Pilates, etc.

It is in the second trimester that a woman gets used to her new role, “gets to know” the baby when he moves, and becomes attached to him. This is a period of bright feelings and genuine emotions. Do everything in your power to ensure that your future baby develops correctly and is born healthy!


Vitamins and minerals in the second trimester of pregnancy

What you need to know about the second trimester of pregnancy? During this period, the fetus actively grows and develops, its body begins to function independently. Micronutrients in food are no longer enough for two organisms. Therefore, women during this period are strongly recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes. They help provide the child with the substances necessary for growth and development, and the mother to maintain her health. After all, if there is a shortage of any useful substances, they will be “extracted” from the pregnant woman’s body and given to the baby.

A good choice would be the Pregnon Mama complex, which takes into account the needs for vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. In addition, it contains 200 mg of omega-3. The peculiarity of the complex is easily digestible forms of nutrients. For example, iron is contained in liposomal form, which is absorbed several times better than other types of iron and is therefore more effective in preventing anemia. Folic acid is found in the form of methylfolate.

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