Instructions for use of the dietary supplement Elevit® Planning and the first trimester


Calcium carbonate, carrier microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium oxide, ascorbic acid, ferric fumarate, thickener hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, zinc citrate, stabilizer croscarmellose (cross-linked carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt), retinol palmitate, cholecalciferol, alpha-tocopherol acetate, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, calcium D-pantothene at , nicotinamide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, calcium L-methylfolate (Metafolin®), cyanocobalamin, D-biotin, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, manganese sulfate, sodium selenite, anti-caking agent talc, emulsifier magnesium salt of fatty acids, glazing agent stearic acid, dye titanium dioxide , anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, maltodextrin, antioxidants: alpha-tocopherol and sodium ascorbate, carrier starch ester and sodium salt of octenyl succinic acid, acidity regulators: trisodium citrate and citric acid, stabilizer mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids.

The product contains components obtained using genetically modified microorganisms (GMM). The product is cleared of GMM. The product does not contain genetically modified organisms.

How to use Elevit Pronatal when planning pregnancy

It should be remembered that Elevit Pronatal is a complex drug that contains vitamins that can not only benefit, but also harm the pregnant woman and the fetus. In this regard, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended doses and observe the frequency of taking tablets. Thus, at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is recommended to take one Elevit Pronatal tablet per day. They are consumed fifteen minutes after a meal, washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

Taking Elevit Pronatal tablets should begin three months before the planned conception and continue throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. The course of the drug is determined by the doctor depending on whether it will be therapeutic or preventive. The dosage depends on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman.

Recommendations for use

Women planning pregnancy and during the first trimester of pregnancy take 1 tablet per day with meals.

Nutritional and biologically active substancesContents in daily dose (1 tablet)Degree of satisfaction of women's daily needs, %1
Vitamin A, mcg RE (retinol equivalent)77086
Vitamin B1, mg1,493
Vitamin B2, mg1,478
Vitamin B5, mg6120*
Vitamin B6, mg1,995
Vitamin B12, mcg2,687
Vitamin C, mg8594
Vitamin D, mcg550
Vitamin E, mg TE (tocopherol equivalent)1067
Niacin, mg1890
Folates: Metafolin® (as calcium L-methylfolate),451
mcg equivalent to folic acid, mcg400100
Biotin, mcg3060
Calcium, mg12513
Magnesium, mg10025
Iron, mg1478
Copper, mg1100
Iodine, mcg150100
Zinc, mg1192
Manganese, mg2100
Selenium, mcg60109*

1 MP “Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation”;

* does not exceed the upper permissible level of consumption in accordance with Chapter II of the Uniform Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Goods Subject to Sanitary-Epidemiological Surveillance (Control).

Nutritional value of 1 tablet: carbohydrates – 0.05 g; fats – 0.03 g; energy value – 2.1 kJ (0.5 kcal).

Net weight – 34.7 g (30 tablets).

Pharmacological action of the drug Elevit, which is indicated when planning pregnancy

The composition of the drug Elevit Pronatal, recommended when planning pregnancy, includes many vitamins and microelements. They determine its pharmacological action. Elevit Pronatal tablets contain the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A
    takes part in the formation of substances necessary for a pregnant woman, such as lipids, proteins and mucopolysaccharides. It ensures good condition of the skin and mucous membranes. With sufficient amounts of it in the body, the organs of vision function normally.
  • Vitamin B1
    is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and the functioning of the nervous system. It takes part in hematopoiesis and significantly improves blood microcirculation. This vitamin is necessary for the body to have a good level of metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water and mineral salts.
  • Vitamin B2
    is actively involved in the formation of red blood cells and the production of antibodies. It has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and also neutralizes the negative effect of various toxins that they have on the respiratory tract. Vitamin B2 is also necessary for normal fetal development.
  • Vitamin B6
    plays an extremely important role in metabolism . Thanks to it, the concentration of cholesterol and lipids in the blood decreases. This vitamin is indispensable for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. It also helps improve the contractile function of the myocardium and stimulates hematopoietic processes, and also has a beneficial effect on the structure of bone tissue, gums and teeth.
  • With the participation of vitamin B12,
    the formation of blood cells occurs and the activity of the nervous system is normalized. In the presence of acute or chronic hypoxia, it increases the oxygen content in organ cells. Without enough vitamin B12, sleep is disrupted.
  • Everyone knows vitamin C
    , or ascorbic acid. It takes an active part in the formation of skeletal bones, teeth and gums. Thanks to ascorbic acid, the walls of small vessels are strengthened and their permeability is reduced. Vitamin C helps increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases. It also promotes the normal absorption of calcium and iron ions by the body.
  • Vitamin D3
    is also essential for the human body . It is directly involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body, and also promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the digestive tract. Thanks to vitamin C, these microelements are deposited in bone tissue and dentin in a timely manner. This prevents the processes of osteomalacia (softening) of bones, and also prevents the destruction of tooth enamel. It helps prevent rickets.
  • To improve tissue regeneration, vitamin E
    , which improves blood microcirculation. It is directly involved in the formation of gonadotropin during pregnancy and the normal development of the placenta. Vitamin E ensures the normal functioning of the blood coagulation system. It prevents the development of anemia by strengthening the walls of capillaries. Thanks to this vitamin, the normal formation of red blood cells - erythrocytes - occurs. It also takes part in the formation of collagen fibers in the skin.
  • Folic acid, or vitamin B9,
    takes part in hematopoietic processes . For this reason, it has an antianemic effect. There is no doubt that folic acid plays a big role both during conception and during pregnancy. It ensures the correct formation of the nerve cells of the embryo, and this is an extremely important point for its normal development. If a woman takes folic acid three months before conception and from the very beginning of pregnancy, then in this way it is possible to prevent defects in the development of the fetal neural tube, but also anencephaly, as well as spina bifida. Vitamin B9 prevents miscarriage in early pregnancy and premature birth, as well as premature rupture of the membrane. It helps reduce symptoms of postpartum depression.
  • Nicotinamide cortex
    . As is known, during pregnancy, functional hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex occurs, in which increased expression of glucocorticoids begins. They have an anti-stress effect and cause suppression of antibody production. This is the mechanism of physiological processes aimed at preventing the expulsion of a foreign body, which half of the female body is the fetus. Therefore, Elevit is an indispensable drug when planning pregnancy. Nicotinamide improves the absorption of other vitamins that are included in the complex, activates fat metabolism and participates in redox processes.
  • Biotin
    also takes an active part in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It improves the condition of nails, skin and hair.
  • Calcium pantothenate
    is a mineral that a pregnant woman’s body needs for adequate carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. It takes part in the synthesis of amino acids, cholesterol and fatty acids, as well as hemoglobin, histamine and acetylcholine.
  • In order for the fetus to normally form bone tissue and dentin, the microelement calcium
    . Thanks to it, softening of the mother’s bones and tooth decay does not occur. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the blood coagulation system and influences the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Phosphorus
    , like calcium, is necessary for the formation of skeletal bones and teeth. It takes part in energy metabolism, so Elevit Pronatal is simply irreplaceable when planning pregnancy.
  • Without enough iron,
    red blood cells cannot form normally. It is part of hemoglobin, which is important in the transport of oxygen ions to the tissues of the mother and fetus. With iron deficiency, anemia develops, which is one of the causes of spontaneous abortion or miscarriage.
  • Enzymes that contain zinc
    . If there is a shortage of corticosteroids, the pregnant woman does not provide anti-stress protection and a miscarriage may occur due to the active production of antibodies to the fetus. It also affects the condition of hair, nails and skin.
  • Magnesium
    is a microelement that is involved in the formation of bone and muscle tissue. It is a component of all cells and tissues of the fetal body.
  • Manganese
    , which is part of the vitamin and mineral complex Elevit Pronatal, is also necessary when planning pregnancy It is indispensable for the normal functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system. Manganese improves memory and relieves increased irritability.
  • Copper ions
    play an important role in the prevention of anemia. The trace element is directly involved in the formation of hemoglobin. It also affects reproductive function and promotes normal fetal growth.

As we can see, due to its composition, Elevit Pronatal should be used long before conception when planning pregnancy. The mother's body needs to be prepared for such a powerful stress as pregnancy. This becomes especially relevant in modern conditions, when a woman is exposed to unfavorable environmental factors that reduce her level of health.

Properties of vitamins and minerals

Folates are recommended to reduce the risk of fetal neural tube defects and other fetal malformations.

Metafolin® is a form of folate that is absorbed better by the body than folic acid.

Iodine is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetal brain.

Iron helps maintain the required level of hemoglobin, participates in the transport of oxygen in the body, and prevents the development of anemia during pregnancy.

Magnesium is involved in the formation of muscle and bone tissue, and is involved in protein synthesis.

B vitamins enhance the protective effect of folate.

Zinc helps maintain the reproductive function of women, plays a role in the process of proper tissue formation, and is necessary for DNA synthesis.

Elevit planning and the first trimester (tab.p/pl.vol. No. 30)

A country

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1 tablet contains: calcium carbonate, carrier microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium oxide, ascorbic acid, ferric fumarate, thickener hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, zinc citrate, stabilizer croscarmellose (cross-linked carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt), retinol palmitate, colecalciferol, α-tocopherol acetate, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, calcium D-pantothenate, nicotinamide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, calcium L-methylfolate (Metafolin®), cyanocobalamin, D-biotin, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, manganese sulfate, sodium selenite, anti-caking agent talc, emulsifier magnesium salt of fatty acids, glazing agent stearic acid , titanium dioxide dye, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, maltodextrin, antioxidants: α-tocopherol and sodium ascorbate, carrier starch ester and sodium salt of octenyl succinic acid, acidity regulators: tribasic sodium citrate and citric acid, stabilizer mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids.

pharmachologic effect

Vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women in the 1st trimester and those planning pregnancy. Folates are recommended to reduce the risk of fetal neural tube defects and other fetal malformations. Metafolin® is a form of folate that is absorbed better by the body than folic acid. Iodine is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetal brain. Iron helps maintain the required level of hemoglobin, participates in the transport of oxygen in the body, and prevents the development of anemia during pregnancy. Magnesium is involved in the formation of muscle and bone tissue, and is involved in protein synthesis. B vitamins enhance the protective effect of folate. Zinc helps maintain the reproductive function of women, plays a role in the process of proper tissue formation, and is necessary for DNA synthesis.

Indications for use

Are you choosing which vitamins are best to take during pregnancy? Elevit® Planning and the first trimester is a unique multivitamin complex that promotes the correct formation of the embryo in the first trimester of pregnancy. First trimester of pregnancy: embryo formation begins from the moment the egg is fertilized and continues throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. This is the most important period of pregnancy, when the foundation is laid for the growth and development of the body of the unborn baby. In order for the baby to be born healthy, it is important to ensure the supply of all necessary elements from the first days of pregnancy.


Individual intolerance to components. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Mode of application

For women planning pregnancy and during the first trimester of pregnancy, take 1 tablet per day with meals.

special instructions

It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Side effects and contraindications for the use of Elevit Pronatal

When planning pregnancy, as during this physiological process, it is usually well tolerated. In isolated cases, digestive disorders such as constipation were noted. You should also be aware that each ingredient in Elevit Pronatal can cause allergic reactions.

You should not prescribe the drug Elevit Pronatal either when planning pregnancy or at any other time if you are individually immune to any of its components. It is contraindicated in the presence of hypervitaminosis of vitamin A, as well as vitamin D. You should not take these tablets if there are violations of the functional parameters of the liver and kidneys. If a woman has impaired calcium or iron utilization, she should stop taking Elevit Pronatal tablets.

Why choose Elevit® for the proper development of your baby?


* Dietary supplement “Elevit® planning and first trimester”. ** Unlike folic acid, it does not require preliminary activation, therefore it does not depend on MTHFR gene polymorphisms. *** Biologically active food supplement “Second and Third Trimester” of the trademark “Elevit®”. **** According to the American Pregnancy Association. URL.: ***** Dietary supplement to food "Elevit® Feeding". ****** According to the database of IMS Health LLC “Retail audit of over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements in the Russian Federation”, based on the results of July 2022, the drugs “Kalcemin®” and “Kalcemin® Advance” are the only calcium drugs in combination “calcium + Vitamin D3 + minerals in group A12A” “Calcium preparations.” 1. Monastra G, De Grazia S. et al. Vitamin D: a steroid hormone with progesterone-like activity. Eur. Rev. Med. and Pharmacol. Sci. 2018 Apr;22(8):2502-2512. 2. according to the monthly retail audit of the pharmaceutical market in Russia, conducted by JSC DSM Group until February 2022, in pharmacies the best-selling items (top 20, which account for 99% in value terms) among medicines and dietary supplements—vitamin and mineral complexes recommended for use during pregnancy—contain only one type of omega-3. Thus, the dietary supplement “second and third trimester of the trademark Elevit®” produced by Bayer, planned for release in May 2022, contains two types of omega-3 (DHA and EPK), while many others medications and dietary supplements - vitamin and mineral complexes recommended for use during pregnancy contain only one type. 3. An Overview of Anemia in Pregnancy Shaikh Sabina et al, JIPBS, Vol 2 (2), 144-151, 2015 URL.: 4. According to database of IQUVIA Solutions LLC “Retail audit of FPPs and dietary supplements in the Russian Federation”, based on the results of December 2022, the trade name Elevit® Feeding is the only biologically active food supplement containing a combination of Omega-3, vitamin A and Vitamin D "among over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements of group O4A4 "multivitamins + minerals for pregnant and lactating women" (consumer healthcare classification). 5. Gasparyan N.D. et al. Disorders of mineral metabolism and its correction with the drug Calcium-D3 Nycomed in pregnant women with osteopenia. //Rus. Bulletin of obstetrician-gynecologist. - 2007. - No. 4. - P. 57–61. 6. MR “Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation.” Calcemin®. Film-coated tablets. Indications for use: prevention and complex treatment of osteoporosis of various origins. To replenish the deficiency of calcium and microelements in children, adolescents and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Directions for use and dosage: for children aged 5 to 12 years, take 1 tablet 1 time per day with meals. Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals. During pregnancy and breastfeeding: from the 20th week of pregnancy and the entire period of breastfeeding - 1 tablet 2 times a day. The minimum course of taking the drug for the treatment of osteoporosis as part of complex therapy for adults is 3 months, for the prevention of osteoporosis for adults is 1 month, for children and adults with calcium and microelements deficiency is 2-3 months, a longer course is after consultation with a doctor. Contraindications: increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, primary hyperthyroidism, nephrolithiasis, hypervitaminosis of vitamin D3, renal failure, nephrolithiasis, active form of tuberculosis, decalcifying tumors (myeloma, bone metastases, sarcoidosis), children under 5 years of age. With caution: benign granulomatosis, taking cardiac glycosides and thiazide diuretics, in bedridden patients. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding: should be discussed with your doctor. The daily dose should not exceed 1500 mg of calcium and 600 IU of vitamin D3; hypercalcemia that develops against the background of an overdose during pregnancy can cause defects in mental and physical development in the fetus. In nursing women, it should be taken into account that colecalciferol and its metabolites pass into breast milk, so the intake of calcium and vitamin D3 must be taken into account. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, allergic reactions, anaphylaxis. Special instructions: the dose should not exceed that indicated in the instructions; during long-term therapy in patients taking cardiac glycosides, calcium channel blockers and/or thiazide diuretics, it is necessary to monitor the level of calcium in the blood and urine, the functional state of the kidneys, the drug contains sodium, what should be taken into account in patients on a controlled sodium diet. Reg. number: P N015890/01, instructions for use dated 01/22/2020. See instructions for use for complete information. JSC "BAIER", Russia, 107113, Moscow, 3rd Rybinskaya st., 18, building 2. L.RU.MKT.CC.04.2020.3149

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