Possibility of using the vitamin preparation "Elevit Pronatal"

"Elevit" is a medicinal product that contains vitamins and trace element compounds that are indicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Active components:

  • vitamins from group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12);
  • D;
  • PP;
  • A;
  • WITH;
  • E.

Along with vitamin compounds, there are also mineral components in the form of easily digestible salts:

  • sulfate: manganese, copper, zinc;
  • iron in the form of fumarate;
  • magnesium in the form of phosphate and stearate;
  • calcium in the form of phosphate and pantothenate.

The Elevit vitamin complex is available in the form of tablets, available in packages of 10, 20, 30 or 100 pieces. They are grayish-yellow in color and may have a slight odor, which is normal. The drug is stored at normal room temperature no more than 25 degrees for a total shelf life of 2 years from the date of production. Sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

"Elevit" for pregnant women: indications and contraindications

The main indications for use of the drug are deficiency of vitamins and minerals:

  • hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins);
  • vitamin deficiency (lack of necessary vitamins);
  • deficiencies of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other microelements;
  • prevention of anemia;
  • metabolic corrections, especially at the pregnancy planning stage;
  • pregnancy, lactation (at all stages).

Contraindications are mainly associated with excess content of certain vitamins and mineral compounds in the body or diet. You should not take the drug if you have the following disorders:

  • excess of any of the vitamins;
  • excess magnesium, phosphorus, calcium;
  • iron absorption disorders;
  • rapid excretion of calcium in the urine;
  • pathologies of the liver, kidneys (including urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis);
  • stones in the kidneys.

Pharmacological action of the drug Elevit, which is indicated when planning pregnancy

The composition of the drug Elevit Pronatal, recommended when planning pregnancy, includes many vitamins and microelements. They determine its pharmacological action. Elevit Pronatal tablets contain the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A
    takes part in the formation of substances necessary for a pregnant woman, such as lipids, proteins and mucopolysaccharides. It ensures good condition of the skin and mucous membranes. With sufficient amounts of it in the body, the organs of vision function normally.
  • Vitamin B1
    is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and the functioning of the nervous system. It takes part in hematopoiesis and significantly improves blood microcirculation. This vitamin is necessary for the body to have a good level of metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water and mineral salts.
  • Vitamin B2
    is actively involved in the formation of red blood cells and the production of antibodies. It has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and also neutralizes the negative effect of various toxins that they have on the respiratory tract. Vitamin B2 is also necessary for normal fetal development.
  • Vitamin B6
    plays an extremely important role in metabolism . Thanks to it, the concentration of cholesterol and lipids in the blood decreases. This vitamin is indispensable for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. It also helps improve the contractile function of the myocardium and stimulates hematopoietic processes, and also has a beneficial effect on the structure of bone tissue, gums and teeth.
  • With the participation of vitamin B12,
    the formation of blood cells occurs and the activity of the nervous system is normalized. In the presence of acute or chronic hypoxia, it increases the oxygen content in organ cells. Without enough vitamin B12, sleep is disrupted.
  • Everyone knows vitamin C
    , or ascorbic acid. It takes an active part in the formation of skeletal bones, teeth and gums. Thanks to ascorbic acid, the walls of small vessels are strengthened and their permeability is reduced. Vitamin C helps increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases. It also promotes the normal absorption of calcium and iron ions by the body.
  • Vitamin D3
    is also essential for the human body . It is directly involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body, and also promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the digestive tract. Thanks to vitamin C, these microelements are deposited in bone tissue and dentin in a timely manner. This prevents the processes of osteomalacia (softening) of bones, and also prevents the destruction of tooth enamel. It helps prevent rickets.
  • To improve tissue regeneration, vitamin E
    , which improves blood microcirculation. It is directly involved in the formation of gonadotropin during pregnancy and the normal development of the placenta. Vitamin E ensures the normal functioning of the blood coagulation system. It prevents the development of anemia by strengthening the walls of capillaries. Thanks to this vitamin, the normal formation of red blood cells - erythrocytes - occurs. It also takes part in the formation of collagen fibers in the skin.
  • Folic acid, or vitamin B9,
    takes part in hematopoietic processes . For this reason, it has an antianemic effect. There is no doubt that folic acid plays a big role both during conception and during pregnancy. It ensures the correct formation of the nerve cells of the embryo, and this is an extremely important point for its normal development. If a woman takes folic acid three months before conception and from the very beginning of pregnancy, then in this way it is possible to prevent defects in the development of the fetal neural tube, but also anencephaly, as well as spina bifida. Vitamin B9 prevents miscarriage in early pregnancy and premature birth, as well as premature rupture of the membrane. It helps reduce symptoms of postpartum depression.
  • Nicotinamide cortex
    . As is known, during pregnancy, functional hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex occurs, in which increased expression of glucocorticoids begins. They have an anti-stress effect and cause suppression of antibody production. This is the mechanism of physiological processes aimed at preventing the expulsion of a foreign body, which half of the female body is the fetus. Therefore, Elevit is an indispensable drug when planning pregnancy. Nicotinamide improves the absorption of other vitamins that are included in the complex, activates fat metabolism and participates in redox processes.
  • Biotin
    also takes an active part in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It improves the condition of nails, skin and hair.
  • Calcium pantothenate
    is a mineral that a pregnant woman’s body needs for adequate carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. It takes part in the synthesis of amino acids, cholesterol and fatty acids, as well as hemoglobin, histamine and acetylcholine.
  • In order for the fetus to normally form bone tissue and dentin, the microelement calcium
    . Thanks to it, softening of the mother’s bones and tooth decay does not occur. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the blood coagulation system and influences the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Phosphorus
    , like calcium, is necessary for the formation of skeletal bones and teeth. It takes part in energy metabolism, so Elevit Pronatal is simply irreplaceable when planning pregnancy.
  • Without enough iron,
    red blood cells cannot form normally. It is part of hemoglobin, which is important in the transport of oxygen ions to the tissues of the mother and fetus. With iron deficiency, anemia develops, which is one of the causes of spontaneous abortion or miscarriage.
  • Enzymes that contain zinc
    . If there is a shortage of corticosteroids, the pregnant woman does not provide anti-stress protection and a miscarriage may occur due to the active production of antibodies to the fetus. It also affects the condition of hair, nails and skin.
  • Magnesium
    is a microelement that is involved in the formation of bone and muscle tissue. It is a component of all cells and tissues of the fetal body.
  • Manganese
    , which is part of the vitamin and mineral complex Elevit Pronatal, is also necessary when planning pregnancy It is indispensable for the normal functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system. Manganese improves memory and relieves increased irritability.
  • Copper ions
    play an important role in the prevention of anemia. The trace element is directly involved in the formation of hemoglobin. It also affects reproductive function and promotes normal fetal growth.

As we can see, due to its composition, Elevit Pronatal should be used long before conception when planning pregnancy. The mother's body needs to be prepared for such a powerful stress as pregnancy. This becomes especially relevant in modern conditions, when a woman is exposed to unfavorable environmental factors that reduce her level of health.

Side effects

In most cases, taking a vitamin complex does not cause any side effects. But if the dosage is violated, individual hypersensitivity, or certain pathologies, the following manifestations are possible:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bloating, abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability, nervous excitability;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • itching, redness, rash and other allergic reactions.

If any reactions occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for advice.

With prolonged use of the drug, stool may become darker, almost black, and urine may become intensely yellow. These are normal physiological reactions associated with the action of iron and vitamin B2, respectively.


In rare cases, side effects from the immune and cardiovascular systems are possible, including pulmonary edema, anaphylactic shock, and asthmatic attack. In such situations, you should immediately call emergency help.

What is Elevit Pronatal

The vitamin and mineral preparation is produced by the Swiss pharmacological company Bayer Consumer Care. It is designed to eliminate hypovitaminosis in women preparing for motherhood and ensure the normal development of pregnancy. It is recommended to take it:

  • In order to prevent the development of anemia caused by a lack of iron and folic acid in the body
  • To prevent toxicosis, reduce the frequency and intensity of vomiting attacks at the beginning of pregnancy
  • To support the female body during lactation.

For women planning a pregnancy, vitamins are usually prescribed a month before the expected conception. This time is enough to restore the normal balance of substances in the body and prepare it for conception and pregnancy. During pregnancy, you need to take Elevit Pronatal to maintain a regular supply of vitamins and minerals, and thereby ensure the proper development of the fetus.

Breastfeeding women also need a vitamin complex, since the unrecovered body continues to experience severe stress.

Manufacturers recommend drinking Elevit Pronatal one tablet daily, preferably with meals.

Vitamins "Elevit": instructions

The drug is taken in the amount of 1 tablet per day, preferably in the morning, 15-20 minutes after breakfast. There is no need to violate the dosage - it is enough to take 1 tablet, since it contains all the essential microelements and vitamins in a daily dose.

The duration of the course ranges from several weeks to several months - throughout all trimesters of pregnancy. Subsequently, the course can be continued during lactation, in consultation with the doctor.

If the dosage is violated, symptoms such as:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • severe pain in the head.

In these cases, symptomatic treatment is indicated, using drugs for the head, stomach or intestines.

Are prenatal vitamins good for men?

Can men take women's vitamins? Opinions differ on this question. Most often people are puzzled by this issue in families where a woman, for some reason, has stopped taking the drug. And so that the vitamins do not disappear, he gives them to his companion.

In principle, this can be done, since there is no categorical prohibition on such use. Moreover, there are cases when a local doctor prescribed Elevit to a man. But whether this should be done is another matter.

Elevit Pranatal contains all the most needed substances for women: 12 vitamins, 7 macro- and microelements. The dosage is calculated taking into account the increased consumption during pregnancy and lactation in order to eliminate hypovitaminosis (if any) and prevent a new one.

Therefore, the overwhelming amount of vitamins is given in quantities much higher than the daily requirement: vitamins B5, B6, B9 - 2 times, iron - 4 times, and the amount of biotin is 667%, that is, its content exceeds the daily requirement by almost 7 times! The concentration of vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C ranges from 120 to 150%, and only D3 and PP are given in smaller quantities - 83% and 95%, respectively.

In addition, Elevit Pronatal does not contain iodine: it was not included due to its ability to provoke allergies. If necessary, it is taken separately.

Therefore, if a man has a desire to finish his vitamins so that they do not disappear, or to replenish their supply after heavy exercise, please, this is not prohibited. However, we must be aware that Elevit Pronatal is a serious drug, and it must be treated accordingly. It has contraindications, side effects and compatibility issues with other drugs.

Therefore, it is better to first consult a doctor whether a man needs to take vitamins for pregnant women, since taking loading doses is fraught with the development of hypervitaminosis, which can provoke serious complications.

It’s a different matter if a doctor makes the referral. In this case, there is no doubt about the adequacy of the prescription. Most likely, the doctor decided that this particular amount of Elevit Pronatal vitamins could help the man regain his strength.

Drug interactions and special instructions

The vitamin complex "Elevit" interacts differently with other drugs:

  1. Antibiotics of the tetracycline group and antiviral agents are absorbed less well, so their therapeutic effect is weakened.
  2. Antacids used for gastritis and other gastric pathologies reduce the absorption of Elevit components.
  3. Combining vitamins with anticoagulants and medications that affect blood clotting should be done with caution. In some cases, it is possible to increase blood viscosity, which leads to serious consequences, and extremely rarely to death.
  4. The use of laxatives together with a vitamin complex can lead to the risk of increasing calcium concentrations, which can lead to the deposition of salts in the urinary system. In case of a long course, regular testing is indicated.
  5. Taking Elevit reduces the therapeutic effect of medications such as Penicillamine, Levodopa, Thyroxine, drugs based on biosphosphonates and fluoroquinols.

When taking vitamins together with foods containing large amounts of phytic and oxalic acids, problems with calcium absorption are possible.

Concomitant use with alcoholic beverages is allowed, but the therapeutic effect will be weakened. In addition, during all stages of pregnancy and lactation it is recommended to give up bad habits, including smoking.

Bottom line

Instead of a conclusion, I would like to say the following: Elevit Pronatal is considered by many doctors to be a good complex of vitamins and minerals, which has a positive effect on a woman’s body during pregnancy. But its use by men who do not have hypovitaminosis due to the substances in the drug can lead to hypervitaminosis and side effects.

Can men drink Elevit? In some cases, taking it is actually advisable. But it is not recommended to make decisions about such vitamin therapy on your own. It is better to first consult with a specialist.

Have you come across examples where Elevit was prescribed to a man?

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