What types of Relief candles are there, how are they different and which are better?

Has restrictions during pregnancy

Has restrictions when breastfeeding

Prohibited for children

Has restrictions for older people

Has limitations for liver problems

Has limitations for kidney problems

Relief suppositories are indicated for the treatment of internal forms of hemorrhoids. There are several types of Relief suppositories, differing from each other, but all of them are designed to improve the condition of the final part of the digestive tract (the mucous membrane of the rectum), relieve constipation, and are also used to prevent various diseases. Suppositories can be combined with liniments, using them in one therapeutic complex.

How to use Relief ointment in cosmetology

It is worth saying that in addition to the indications indicated in the instructions, Relief is often used in cosmetology as an ointment.

Since the ingredients are beeswax, corn oil and shark oil, many women and men have already appreciated the effectiveness of the anti-wrinkle product. The ointment can also remove bags and dark circles under the eyes, smooth the skin and nourish it with nutrients. The cream should be applied in a thin layer, avoiding contact with the eyes.

Despite such results in the field of cosmetology, doctors categorically refuse to confirm the feasibility and necessity of such inappropriate use.

Which Relief® should you choose?

Suppositories and ointments, in which the active ingredient is phenylephrine, are used by specialists to treat internal and external hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by bleeding and itching.

In the presence of severe pain and burning, both forms of the drug Relief Advance are used (rectal suppositories and ointment).

Which Relief is better for hemorrhoids accompanied by anal itching, eczema and dermatitis of the perianal area? In this case, you should choose anti-inflammatory rectal suppositories Relief Ultra.

Types of the drug

Pharmacies provide the patient with a wide range of Relief rectal suppositories, which are sold without a prescription, but not all may be suitable. Before starting treatment for any type of hemorrhoids, you should consult your doctor. What Relief candles are, and how they differ, is described in detail below.


Suppositories are intended mainly for the treatment of pathologies of blood vessels - internal hemorrhoids. The natural ingredients included in the product reduce local bleeding and swelling. Cocoa butter softens the mucous tissues of the intestines. Inflammatory processes are reduced and the condition is normalized. They are used in preventive procedures for all types of hemorrhoids to stop bleeding.

Relief Advance

Used to treat blood vessels with severe pain or obvious burning. The anesthetic benzocaine contained in the drug helps reduce burning and pain in the anorectal area when symptoms of pathology intensify, after colorectal surgery, and diagnostic procedures.

Efficiency of the drug

Cocoa butter produces a pronounced softening effect. The differences between Relief and Relief Advance are that the latter is prescribed for severe attacks of pain that accompany the acute stage of hemorrhoids. It is used in severe forms of pathology, after surgery to stimulate the restoration of intestinal mucous membranes, in the treatment of anal fissures.

Relief Ultra

It mainly helps to reduce irritation and itching with increased painful symptoms. Hydrocortisone acetate and zinc sulfate relieve itching and reduce inflammation. Prescribed as an additional remedy to relieve inflammation. Thanks to the corticosteroid, suppositories quickly cope with swelling and pain syndromes, accompanied by constant itching and irritating burning.

Indications for the use of various forms of Relief

The suppositories have a good drying effect, tightening the wounds of the intestine and the lower extremity of the anal canal. Recommended for various types of hemorrhoids, inflammation, skin rashes, anal fissures.

Relief Pro

Suppositories are intended mainly for the treatment of pathology of the blood vessels of the terminal part of the digestive tract, accompanied by painful sensations and inflammatory processes. Due to anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the prolonged action of lidocaine and glucocorticoid - fluocortolone pivalate. The latter is an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic substance that blocks histamine receptors, thereby preventing the development of allergic reactions.

The anesthetic lidocaine blocks epithelial sodium channels, thereby stabilizing the neuronal membrane. The action reduces its permeability and ability to transmit pain signals.

Algorithm for choosing a medication

The presence of several varieties of the antihemorrhoidal drug Relief allows you to select the drug individually for each patient, therefore, which one to choose depends on the symptoms of the pathology. Rational use of suppositories will delay or prevent colorectal surgery.

Relief drug selection algorithm

Thanks to various combinations of ingredients, a targeted approach can be taken to selecting an acceptable product. Depending on the signs of pathology, the following types of Relief are used:

  1. Bleeding – Relief.
  2. Acute pain attacks - Relief Advance.
  3. Inflammatory reactions, itching, swelling - Relief Ultra.
  4. Accumulation of inflammatory and tumor infiltrate, exudation – Relief Pro.

The last three antihemorrhoidal medications are used in the preoperative and early postoperative period for anesthesia and wound healing.

Which type is more effective?

The drug has various indications for use, which are indicated in the instructions for use. But consulting a doctor will help you decide which is best. Most often, doctors opt for Advance suppositories, which contain a high concentration of the local anesthetic benzocaine.

The drug is good at reducing pain attacks in acute forms of pathology and after surgery. Used when performing diagnostic procedures. The Ultra form gives a quick positive effect on acute itching and burning. Zinc and glucocorticoid inhibit inflammation and reduce the sensation of itching.

If there is no positive effect or the disease worsens, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist.

What to replace the drug with?

Analogues of Relief are considered to be all drugs that are similar in composition or action. The patient can use the following medications:

  1. Hemorrhoids – 1 suppository contains benzocaine and extracts of medicinal plants (chamomile, belladonna, chestnut, etc.). Hemorrhoids and anal fissures are indications for use.
  2. Anuzol - active ingredients - xeroform, zinc sulfate and belladonna extract. , Ukraine.
  3. Doxyproct – comes in the form of an ointment (for the treatment of external hemorrhoids) and suppositories (for internal ones). Active ingredients: calcium dobesilate, lidocaine hydrochloride.

The use of drugs with similar effects is recommended only after visiting a doctor's office.


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Therapy rules

You must wash your hands before use. Suppositories are administered rectally after completion of the hygiene procedure, no more than three times a day. Before use, the candle should be heated in your hand until softened. This will help to painlessly insert it into the anus. The course of therapy lasts one to two weeks.

Clinical studies have shown good tolerance of the drug by patients. However, rare cases are characterized by adverse reactions caused by the action of phenylephrine hydrochloride. Adverse reactions are expressed by the following symptoms:

  1. Reflex bradycardia.

  2. Hyperthyroidism.
  3. Local allergic reactions.
  4. Contact dermatitis.
  5. Dizziness, increased excitability of the nervous system, involuntary trembling of the fingers, a feeling of unreasonable fear.

Preservatives - methyl and propyl ether can provoke delayed allergic reactions and bronchospasm.

Concomitant use with antihypertensive drugs is prohibited. The opposite threatens severe hypertension. Atropine sulfate causes vasoconstriction, beta-blockers lead to arterial hypertension. Thyroid hormone medications lead to cardiac conduction disturbances.

Simultaneous use with drugs that excite the nervous system can lead to convulsions, increased nervousness, irritability, and insomnia. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors reduce the effect of phenylephrine.

Comparison of drugs:

Is it possible to use Actovegin and Curantil together and which one is better?

Relief® line preparations and their release forms

Effective treatment of hemorrhoids may require the use of local vasoconstrictors, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The drugs from the Relief line have the listed properties.

The manufacturer offers a whole line of products, which includes rectal suppositories and ointments. Certain types of the drug are prescribed for certain types of hemorrhoids. This form of drug release, such as rectal suppositories, is used mainly for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, and ointment is used in the presence of not only internal, but also external manifestations of the disease.

How to use Relief ointment

Before use, hygiene procedures must be carried out.

The product can be used rectally and externally. Children over 12 years of age and adults can use Relief 4 times a day.

The ointment is applied rectally using an applicator. When used externally, the cream treats damaged areas of the anus. After each use, wash the applicator thoroughly and close it with the cap.

Use until symptoms disappear completely. Do not use the medicine if the protective cap is damaged or missing.

General information about the drug

The antihemorrhoidal drug Relief is a drug of natural origin. It has anti-inflammatory, resorptive hemostatic, immunomodulatory effects. The medication is actively used in proctology.

Forms of release and prices, average in the Russian Federation

The suppository is torpedo-shaped, light yellow or white, contains 40 mg of active substance. There are 6 candles in an aluminum foil package.

Prices in Russia are presented in the table below.

NameNumber of suppositories (pcs.)Average price (RUB)
Relief Advance12525
Relief Pro12591
Relief Ultra12577

Composition and pharmacological properties

The active component is phenylephrine hydrochloride. Auxiliary ingredients:

  • shark liver oil;
  • propyl, methyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid;
  • cocoa butter;
  • corn starch.

Phenylephrine hydrochloride, the active component of the drug, is an adrenergic stimulant. Its action is reduced to a local vasoconstrictor effect, preventing the marginal accumulation of neutrophils. The action normalizes blood circulation in hemorrhoids, reduces exudate, swelling, serous discharge in various pathologies of the anorectal area.

Forms of release of the drug

The active component included in medications loses its properties under the action of monoamine oxidase and is excreted by the kidneys or as part of the mucus.

In addition to the active component, the drug contains several ingredients that have additional effects:

  1. Deep sea shark liver oil - squalene, alkylglycerol, vitamins A, E, D strengthen the immune system, increase the number of red blood cells, reduce inflammatory reactions, pain, relieve burning and itching in the anal canal area.
  2. Phenylephrine is an adrenergic receptor that can constrict arterioles and increase blood pressure at the site of application to the skin. Normalizes hemodynamics, preventing blood from accumulating in hemorrhoids.

    Description of the drug

  3. Cocoa butter is a ointment-like liquid that helps in the administration of suppositories. There is an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the feeling of itching.
  4. The medicinal component Benzocaine relieves attacks of pain due to its local analgesic effect.
  5. Zinc salt of sulfuric acid is an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent. It has an astringent, drying, immunomodulatory effect. Helps skin regeneration, relieves signs of inflammation.
  6. The glucocorticosteroid hydrocortisone acetate reduces inflammatory reactions, swelling, and itching. The vasoconstrictor and anti-allergenic effect reduces the secretion of exudate.

Comparison of drugs:

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The difference between Relief® drugs

Let's take a closer look at how the candles in the Relief line differ from each other. The following rectal suppositories of this line are produced:

  • Relief, the active ingredient of which is phenylephrine, which has a vasoconstrictor effect, which reduces swelling, itching and bleeding.
  • Relief Advance is a local anesthetic used to treat local pain syndrome.
  • Relief Ultra, the active ingredient in which is hydrocortisone acetate, an anti-inflammatory component used to treat itching and eczema of the anorectal area, and zinc sulfate, which is used to accelerate healing.

Now let's figure out what Relief ointments are. The manufacturer produces two types of the drug in this dosage form. The difference between them, as with rectal suppositories, lies in the composition and therapeutic effect.

There are such types of Relief ointments on sale as Relief ointment with phenylephrine, which has an anti-edematous and hemostatic effect. And also Relief Advance ointment, with benzocaine, which has an analgesic effect. Each of them has its own area of ​​application.

Indications and contraindications

Direct indications for treatment with a therapeutic agent are pathologies of the rectum of a non-infectious nature, namely:

  • external, internal types of hemorrhoids;
  • chronic and acute fissures of the anus;
  • mechanical injuries, erosive proctitis;
  • ulcer or fistula.

Types of hemorrhoids

Stops prolonged itching of various types in the anal area.

The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug. It is also prohibited to use candles for:

  • high blood pressure;
  • paroxysmal tachysystolic disturbances of heart muscle contractions;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • intracardiac blockades;
  • acute functional renal and hepatic impairment;
  • thyroid disease – hyperthyroidism;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;

  • simultaneous use with monoamine oxidase inhibitors - Phenelzine, Befol, Moclobemide;

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • venous thromboembolic disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • granulocytopenia.

The medication should not be used under 12 years of age. During periods of breastfeeding and pregnancy, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

special instructions

If bleeding is observed while using the medicine, the course of treatment should be completed immediately. It is also worth refusing further use if the condition worsens, or if there is no visible result after 5-7 days from the start of using the product.

The drug can be stored for 24 months. It should be kept in a dry and dark place at room temperature away from children.

You should not use Relief in parallel with antihypertensive drugs and antidepressants.

The medicine does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms that require increased concentration.

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