Product for strengthening hair and eliminating dandruff Capsiol

Hair loss can affect almost 90% of men and 80% of women as they age, according to statistics. Every day, a person normally loses up to 100 hairs. If this amount increases, it can lead to baldness.

Many products, from ordinary shampoos to expensive special products, promise us luscious hair and the envy of others. But if the problem has seriously affected you, there is no hope for ordinary care procedures and the search for specialized products begins.

One of the remedies against baldness, which is prescribed even by trichologists, is aminexil. Let's try to figure out what it is, how it can help, and what you shouldn't count on.

First, let's remember how hair grows.

It's a young business

Hair loss at a young age is quite common. And here we share the problem between girls and boys. In the former, this is often associated with poor nutrition and a lack of various substances, resulting in the development of iron deficiency anemia, lack of protein, and microelements. Also, their hair loss may be associated with the period of formation of hormonal levels, when it is not yet stable or for some reason has not been established.

In young people aged 18-20 years, hair loss can be the beginning of androgenetic alopecia: hair loss occurs due to high levels of male hormones, which are maximal at this age.

Of course, both young people and girls may have other reasons that do not depend on age, related, for example, to stress or past infectious diseases.

Choice of drug

There are several brands on the market. There are entire lines of products against baldness containing aminexil. Typically, the main effect is a tonic for application to the scalp; there are also related products in the form of foams and shampoos.

There are many medications against baldness, and from this variety it is important to choose the one that is right for you.

There are four main products:

  • Loreal Aminexil Advanced 1.5%;
  • Biolage Tonic for hair loss Scalpsync Aminexil (Matrix) 1.5%;

Upon closer examination, it turns out that all these brands belong to one concern - L'OREAL. The concentration of aminexil in all these products is the same 1.5%. The difference is usually in additional components that should enhance the effect of the product. There is also a division into female and male lines. However, it is believed that the effectiveness of aminexil monotherapy in men is significantly lower than in women, and therefore requires additional funds.

And this is not surprising, because it was this company that discovered this compound and created products with it.

For example, a complete line for hair loss from the Vichy company consists, in addition to the main product, of several additional ones:

  • Vichy Dercos Aminexil Men Foam against hair loss;
  • Vichy Dercos Aminexil toning conditioner;
  • Vichy Dercos Aminexil toning shampoo.

Times change

The older a person gets, the more, unfortunately, he develops chronic diseases, which also affect the health of the hair. In addition, each age has its own characteristics. For example, a premenopausal woman's hormonal levels change, the amount of female hormones estrogen decreases, and even if she has never had problems with hair, hair loss and a decrease in its density become a fairly common complaint at this time. This is typical for hormonal changes. For this case, there is hormone replacement therapy. But it should be prescribed by a trichologist together with a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Regardless of gender, the older the patients, the more diseases they develop: type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension. They may not directly, but indirectly affect the condition of the hair.

Any disease, of course, affects the health of the whole body. The problem can appear at any age, so you need to be examined and treated promptly.

Contraindications for use

In addition to the advantages, "Capsiol" also has disadvantages, most likely a side effect, which is most often associated with the third above-mentioned component of the drug.

While working to restore the health of the scalp, salicylic acid can cause temporary itching of very sensitive skin, hives and irritation.

Long-term treatment for hair loss using Capsiol can cause nausea, dizziness, and noise hallucinations in the ears.

In case of any of these side effects, treatment of hair loss with a drug of this group should be suspended.

Contraindications for the use of the above-mentioned drug are:

  • intolerance to the constituent components;
  • lactation;
  • age of patients up to 12 years.

The use of this product is contraindicated for people with skin diseases, as well as for patients whose bodies are sensitive to any component of the drug.


In addition, it is not recommended to use Capsiol for the treatment of hair loss simultaneously with other medications that contain salicylic acid, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory components.


At the first consultation, the trichologist collects a thorough medical history. He must question the patient in detail, including about lifestyle and concomitant diseases, and he, in turn, must answer him fully and reliably. On this basis, the specialist makes a conclusion whether blood tests, ultrasound, or consultations with other specialists are needed. The consultation also includes a mandatory trichoscopy: the doctor examines the scalp using a trichoscope - a device that makes it possible to assess hair density, thickness, condition of the scalp and sebaceous glands. Having received all the necessary information, he builds a therapy program.

After COVID-19

The most popular topic right now is hair loss after a new coronavirus infection. It must be said that any infectious and viral diseases can cause hair loss after recovery, and this does not happen immediately, but after 2-3 months. What is typical for a coronavirus infection: it may not be very active, without the need for hospitalization, but nevertheless, after a few months a person may notice increased hair loss. This is due to the fact that the new virus is quite active and it is difficult for our immune system to cope with and immediately recover from it. Especially if antibiotics and other serious drugs were used in treatment. This, of course, affects the condition of the whole organism. Therefore, in general, there are a lot of complaints about hair loss after covid-19.


The progenitor of this substance can be called minoxidil, a recognized effective remedy for the treatment of alopecia. The experience of its use in Europe is more than 20 years. Why was the modification needed? Minoxidil is a fairly strong drug. Therefore, compared to aminexil, this imposes certain restrictions on its use and requires the participation of a doctor:

  • strict application scheme;
  • a pronounced withdrawal syndrome is possible (after 3 months, what was before treatment may return);
  • more pronounced systemic effect;
  • Increases vellus hair growth too much.

Aminexil, like minoxidil similar substance:

  • dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow to the bulb, improves nutrition;
  • promotes the formation of new blood vessels;
  • lengthens the hair growth phase;
  • promotes hair follicle enlargement;
  • helps increase hair thickness.

It acts more gently compared to the original substance, with fewer side effects. Can be used in the initial stages of hair loss. A more convenient and gentle application mode, can be used in maintenance mode several times a week. But with severe alopecia, this effect will not be enough. Then aminexil preparations can be used in combination with minoxidil.

An additional property of aminexil is the reduction of collagen synthesis around the follicle, which helps prevent fibrosis and death of the hair follicle.

The properties of aminexil influence various factors, helping to maintain healthy hair.


Whatever the cause of hair loss, there is always a way to correct the situation. You just need to set yourself the goal of figuring out what’s going on: get tested, if necessary, get advice from a therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist. If the problem is limited to the trichologist, then he has effective procedures in his arsenal. For example, injection techniques, in particular mesotherapy of the scalp. This method has long established itself as one of the best. When drugs containing a large amount of active substances reach the hair follicles through injection, they inhibit hair loss and stimulate their growth.

Plasma therapy (PRP therapy) is also effective, when the injection drug is made from your own blood (plasma). It contains a lot of growth factors and active substances that stimulate growth processes and strengthen hair. These techniques can be alternated.

There are also physiotherapeutic techniques, such as laser treatments, pulsed electrical treatments, massage with specialized lotions. In each specific case, the doctor chooses procedures that are suitable for the patient, taking into account all factors: the condition of the hair and scalp, the cause of hair loss, and so on.

Mesotherapy of the scalp is performed in a course of five to seven procedures with an interval of one week. Plasma therapy requires three to seven treatments spaced at least two weeks apart.

Hair loss after coronavirus – frequency and causes

  • According to international studies, hair loss after coronavirus is observed in 24% of patients; this reaction is considered a late complication of coronavirus infection.
  • It has been reliably established that the virus itself does not affect hair follicles. Premature cessation of the growth phase (anagen) and the entry of hair follicles into the telogen stage is caused by:
  • - intoxication, inflammation against the background of an infectious process
  • -hyperthermia above 38.5 degrees (even a short-term increase in body temperature above these values ​​disrupts the normal hair growth cycle)
  • - microthrombosis and, as a result, disruption of microcirculation of the scalp
  • -drug therapy for COVID-19, namely taking drugs such as Plaquenil (INN - hydroxychloroquine), immunomodulators and antivirals (Ingavirin, Polyoxidonium, Arbidol, Tamiflu, etc.) and antibiotics; 50% of patients take anticoagulants, as well as immunosuppressants (tocilizumab)
  • -psycho-emotional stress that patients experience when the diagnosis is confirmed, layered with depression, anxiety disorder during the quarantine period.

A complex approach

It often happens that treatment begins with one method and ends with another. For example, after a course of mesotherapy, specialized medications are selected for home care, and then physiotherapy is carried out. Or are some other variations offered? In any case, when the therapy is conscious, when the doctor develops an individual program for the patient, taking into account his characteristics, coordinates it with him and explains what he will do and why, then the result will be good and will not be long in coming.

Review of home care products

Serum against hair loss, Nioxin — RUB 3,420.

Contains sandalore™ (a synthetic sandalwood scent), caffeine, lauric acid and niacinamide. The aroma of sandalwood can be perceived by the olfactory receptors present in the hair follicles and stimulate and prolong their growth phase. As a result, the period preceding hair loss is prolonged and hair loss is reduced.

Scalp serum, BNV Biolab - price on request

A cosmetic product with a high profile of effectiveness and safety. Does not contain hormones, antibiotics, steroids. It contains a multipeptide complex HMPF complex - it activates hair follicle cells, nourishes them and normalizes blood circulation, and honeysuckle extract improves hair texture and protects against drying out.

Shampoo from the Extreme Length range, Redken - from 1,500 rubles.

Enriched with biotin (B vitamin), which promotes hair restoration, growth, and prevents breakage and split ends. After use, the hair becomes stronger and better tolerates thermal and chemical influences (hair dryer, styler, curling iron, dyeing, bleaching). Suitable for owners of weak and brittle hair who would like to strengthen and grow it.

Ampoules against hair loss ScalpSync PRO-Aminexil, Biolage - from 1500 rub.

The tonic with a light melting texture is instantly absorbed into the scalp and adds root volume. This is a professional treatment containing the Pro-Aminexil molecule, which strengthens the hair roots and prolongs the life cycle of the hair. The product restores the balance of the scalp, maintains the density of thinning hair and gives it a healthy appearance.

Serum to stimulate hair growth, Marble Lab — RUB 1,490.

The product promises to stop hair loss in three months and make it invulnerable to stress and the harmful effects of other external factors. The composition includes molecules that stimulate the division of stem cells and the metabolism of skin fibroblasts. The composition is supplemented with zinc, which strengthens the hair shaft, and glycine, an amino acid that reduces hair loss.

Cleansing gel for scalp and hair Scalp Care, Irforia – 1200 rub.

A product with a peeling function deeply cleanses the scalp of fat, dead skin particles, dust, styling products, and hard water deposits. As a result, oxygen is supplied to the hair roots, blood microcirculation improves, stimulating the growth of new hair. The composition contains black willow extract, which nourishes the hair roots, and hyaluronic acid, which prevents the scalp from drying out.

Kerator-regulating shampoo DS Hair, Uriage — 998 rub.

Eliminates dandruff, flaking, crusts, reduces irritation and itching. Zinc lactate, which is part of the formula, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and salicylic acid has a keratoregulating effect. Hair becomes stronger, shiny and easy to comb.

Shampoo against hair loss and oil “Castor oil and almonds” Botanic Therapy, Garnier - from 170 and 300 rubles.

The line is intended for weak hair prone to hair loss. Castor oil is known for its strengthening properties and promotes hair growth. Almond oil nourishes and restores hair, making it more elastic, shiny and strong. Light leave-in oil complements care, adds shine to hair and has an antistatic effect.

Shampoo-activator of hair growth "Seven pharmaceutical oils" Prokapil, Dr.Stern - 217 rub.

The product contains natural oils, including apricot kernel oil, sweet almond and jojoba oil, as well as a complex to activate hair growth - Procapil® (a combination of fortified matrikin, apegenin and oleic acid). Oils nourish and strengthen hair, and the complex stimulates hair growth and fights hair loss.

Product for strengthening hair and eliminating dandruff Capsiol

Greetings to all who stopped by!!

On the table in the pharmacy, among a bunch of advertising brochures, I saw the brightest one - green. It featured an advertisement for a “three in one” product - CAPSIOL (FITOPHARM)

against hair loss to accelerate hair growth, getting rid of dandruff

I started looking in the pile for another similar brochure, but it turned out to be the only one - oh, well, this is selling like hot cakes - many people have problems with their hair and everyone wants to solve them.

By the way, the problem of dandruff (seborrhea) is very pressing for me:

✔ medicated anti-dandruff shampoo Ketozoral

✔ legal husband of my dandruff)))

✔ antifungal agent Sulsena paste 2%

At home, having carefully studied the brochure, I realized that the product is very easy to use and very effective - use no more than once a week for 1–1.5 months. If you count, it turns out to be only 6 times for a miracle effect!!!

Capsiol Capsiol

And, after reading positive reviews and learning about the low price of the drug, I ran to the pharmacy.

I bought a 100 ml bottle for 34 UAH.


It sat on my shelf for about half a month.

You will laugh, but I was not ready for such happiness: my hair was falling out for so long (I was already used to it), and then suddenly some drug will change the course of things in my life, turn everything on its head - my hair will stop falling out hair!!! - what can he allow himself to do! How dare he even!

In general, I needed to mentally prepare for such an event, decide on changes, and it took me half a month.

The time was approaching to lighten the roots and I decided that immediately after lightening I would begin therapy with this drug - the effect of hair growth after lightening would be very obvious, of course, if there was such an effect at all.

But for me, the main goal was to reduce hair loss. Although the problem of dandruff is also relevant. In general, I experienced the action (or inaction) of three effects myself.

The bottle is made of dark transparent plastic - you can visually control the consumption of the product. Cap with seal. I am a perfectionist - I very carefully applied the product in partings to the roots - a 100 ml bottle was enough for exactly 4 times, that is, for a month.

Capsiol Capsiol Capsiol

Composition per 100 ml:

salicylic acid - 1 g, ricin oil - 10 g, capsicum tincture - 10 ml

excipient – ​​ethanol 96% (that is, the rest of the volume)

Ingredients according to the brochure and on the box:

Capsiol Capsiol

And what do we get in terms of composition? - alcohol! – Its aroma is felt first, but it is directly at the neck, and the product smells practically nothing - no irritating odors.

Well, okay, what’s more, but there is pepper in the composition and I put on a rubber glove, tore off a piece of cotton wool, moistened it with the product and applied it to the scalp (to the roots) along the partings - carefully. The liquid is yellowish transparent.


Get ready for the fact that if your hair is falling out, then thorough rubbing of the product will make it fall out even more - this is inevitable.

The wide neck is a minus, it caused me inconvenience - firstly, I want to directly apply the product to the roots, but I had to take a wide piece of cotton wool so that it covers the neck, and as a result, greater consumption of the product - the product ends up not only on the roots, but also to a length (about 2 cm) on both sides of the parting. If you take a smaller piece of cotton wool, then dipping is inconvenient and the product spills - also not economical.


In general, the claim to the manufacturer is a wide mouth. Make the neck narrower.

You already understand that the product is not an oil. The oil in it “the cat cried”, so everything is washed off well after one wash. Although there is still a slight oiliness upon application.


The instructions say 1 hour before washing your hair, and the brochure says before taking a shower, but that doesn’t always include washing your hair?!


There is practically no irritating effect, so keeping it on for an hour is not a problem – you can easily keep it on for three hours. I only felt the irritating effect when, by accident, the product got into my eye, but even then not much. When I first applied it to my scalp, I didn’t feel any pepper - I thought it would be absorbed into the skin and it would start! — but barely felt a slight tingling sensation.

In general, the irritating effect is minimal, and this is the main thing in such products. What effect could it have then?

I used the product 4 times (a month) - I did not feel a noticeable reduction in hair loss during this period - it disappointed me. Due to the lack of results, there was no motivation to continue treatment further (up to 6 times, 2 more times were not enough).

If my hair began to fall out at least half less during use, I would be encouraged by this result and I would run to the pharmacy for a new bottle of CAPSIOLA! So what's the point?!

But half a month passed after that and I noticed that my hair began to fall out less. Should we attribute this merit to CAPSIOLU retroactively? I heard about the life cycle of the hair follicle, that renewal takes time, that the final result can take a month or two - is this it??? I don't know! But if, nevertheless, this delayed effect is from CAPSIOLA, then I give it a “4-” for this, because, disappointed in the lack of the current result, I did not complete the application.

Acceleration of hair growth. Normal hair growth in a month is 1.5 - 2 cm. With CAPSIOL I got 2 cm - nothing unusual. For acceleration “2” points.


Unfortunately, I can’t show you the thickness of my hair, because for this a good period of time must pass.


I had to cut the bottom

Capsiol Capsiol

Keratolytic agents - causing softening and rejection of the hypertrophied, keratinized layer of the epidermis.

The salicylic acid contained in CAPSIOL has an antiseptic effect, which, together with the softening effect of ricin oil, helps get rid of dandruff.

Different manufacturers offer different ways to get rid of dandruff: some use ketoconazole (an antifungal agent), some use sulfur, and CAPSIOL uses salicylic acid.

I didn’t rely on the effect of CAPSIOL alone, but combined it with the effect of Head&Shoulders shampoo. Only in the compartment did they give results, and only then: visually there is no dandruff, but the itching, smell and quickly oily scalp remain.

So, my verdict: CAPSIOL for dandruff is a weak assistant. Score "3" points.

Of course, the most impressive thing about this product is its ease of use! Judge for yourself: with other drugs, before use, the product must be heated in a steam bath, then rubbed in thoroughly, wrapped in a towel and wrapped in cellophane, then rinsed off thoroughly twice and do all this 3 times a week. In short, you will have to rack your brains and it remains to be seen whether there will be a result.

This product didn’t really help me, but I won’t recommend it, because there are also positive reviews about it - it helped someone.


If you are hearing about it for the first time and suffer from alopecia, try it - maybe it will help you.

Contraindications, side effects: I did not feel any side effects, although my skin and body are sensitive. It fits perfectly on the head (I wrote above that I could sit with it for three hours – easily!)

But they still exist, so for your attention:

Capsiol Capsiol Capsiol

Thank you for your attention !

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