Can vitiligo be cured? – symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

What is vitiligo and how does this disease manifest itself?

The disease vitiligo is a disorder of the synthesis of melanin, the skin pigment.
In some areas of the skin, the number of special cells - melanocytes, which give the skin its usual color, sharply decreases. As a result, light beige, almost white spots of irregular shape are formed, which stand out sharply against the background of healthy skin and are separated from it by clear boundaries. The number and size of spots may vary depending on the stage of the disease.

Light areas appear:

  • on the face;
  • on the skin of the hands, most often on the elbows, wrists and backs of the hands;
  • under the knees;
  • in the armpit area;
  • in the groin and other parts of the body.

Sometimes the disease also affects the scalp, and in men, the skin in the area where the beard and mustache grow.

Procedure protocol

Before starting therapy, all patients participating in the study signed informed consent for the “off label” procedure and permission to publish their photographs in scientific journals.

The course of mesotherapy procedures with NCTF135 consisted of 5 sessions, once a week. Emla cream was previously used as local anesthesia for patients for 30–45 minutes. Then, NCTF135 was administered in a volume of 3.0 ml intradermally, using a papular technique, at a distance of approximately 1.0 cm from each other (Fig. 5). A 30G × 13 mm needle was used for injections. The duration of the procedure was 15–20 minutes (excluding anesthesia time).

Stages and forms of vitiligo

There are several stages of vitiligo:

  1. Initial stage. The first light area on the skin appears and, in general, the pigmentation of the skin is disturbed.
  2. Progressive vitiligo. At this stage, the shade of the spots changes, the difference in the pigmentation of skin areas becomes more noticeable, and new light areas appear. This usually happens gradually over 3–4 months. But in 20% of cases, vitiligo develops at lightning speed.
  3. Stationary vitiligo . New spots no longer appear during this period and no significant changes occur in the condition of the skin. The shade of the affected areas may vary slightly, but within the established boundaries.
  4. Repigmentation . This is the improvement stage when light spots on the skin gradually regain their natural shade. It can occur as a result of effective treatment or with mild reversible forms of vitiligo (arising, for example, as a side effect after a procedure by a cosmetologist or taking medications).

There are also two forms of the disease depending on the size of the affected area. If light spots are located within one area on the body (for example, vitiligo on the face), they speak of a segmental form of the disease. If vitiligo affects almost the entire body, it is a generalized form.

“Of course, we’ll have to learn to live with it all over again.”

Daria, 31 years old

“I developed vitiligo 14 years ago. I was 17, I was entering my first year of college. It was not clear why it started - spots simply appeared on the thighs and began to grow. Now I even have vitiligo on my face, around my eyes.

The doctor told me that there is very little information about this disease. I bought some ointment at the pharmacy and tried to be treated with folk remedies, but then I stopped using anything - nothing helped.

Of course, complexes appeared. I cried, was very worried, and used foundation to cover it all up. Some ill-mannered classmates asked me: “Are you sunbathing with glasses on? What are your spots? Of course, I was embarrassed, I wanted to turn away, hide... It’s just this kind of situation: you live for 17 years with the same appearance, and then one day it changes not at all according to your wishes. Of course, you will have to learn to live with this again.

My boyfriend helped me accept myself. When I started communicating with him, he gave me the opportunity to believe that I was special, that there was nothing special about my spots. I posted my first photo with vitiligo on Instagram in 2022, when someone wrote to me in direct message: “What’s wrong with your face?” And I decided to post a photo without filters, without anything, and write that I have vitiligo and that it is not contagious. Many acquaintances, having seen the photo, wrote to me that they did not even notice my spots and did not pay attention to them. In general, everyone reacted adequately.

Now many people come to me with the same problem as me, especially those who have it recently: “You are such a cheerful girl, how do you cope? I’m depressed because of this...” I’m pleased that I’m sharing my experience: maybe it will help someone. And if they write to me something about some new treatment for vitiligo, I immediately close the dialogue. I have already accepted this fact and I don’t want to give myself unnecessary hope. Only time will help you accept yourself. “Reconcile” is not the right word here, just accept. It took me five years.

Causes of vitiligo

The causes of vitiligo are always internal: it is a non-infectious disease.

Factors that can trigger the development of the disease include:

  1. Heredity. Melanin deficiency can be congenital, and this increases the risk of vitiligo.
  2. Malfunctions of the immune system. In 1959, A. Lörincz suggested that some patients develop vitiligo due to autoimmune disorders, and today this is a scientifically accepted theory.
  3. Neuroendocrine causes are malfunctions of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries, pancreas and other organs that produce hormones.
  4. Sun, thermal and chemical burns, skin injuries, as well as systematic ultraviolet irradiation without protective equipment with SPF.
  5. Gastroenterological diseases: disorders of the liver, stomach, intestines.
  6. Infectious diseases of a viral or bacterial nature (vitiligo can develop against a background of weakened immunity).
  7. Severe intoxication.
  8. Severe stress.

Although it has been proven that a predisposition to vitiligo is sometimes transmitted genetically, it is rare for a child to be born with this pathology. As a rule, vitiligo on the hands, face or body develops later: from 10 years to about 30 years of age.

Science has established the causes of vitiligo not so long ago, but the disease itself has been known since ancient times. The term “vitiligo” was first used by the ancient Roman physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus (1st century AD).



- one of the most common types of hypomelanosis. According to official data, it affects from 3 to 6% of the world's population (the largest number of cases was recorded in Asia and the Middle East). However, in recent years, it appears that the number of patients with vitiligo has been steadily increasing. Let us recall that dyschromia is manifested by spots of depigmentation due to the loss of the ability of certain areas of the skin to produce melanin. This is due to the absence of the enzyme tyrosinase in melanocytes, which stimulates the process of pigment formation. Due to the presence of a pronounced cosmetic defect, patients with vitiligo experience severe stress and psycho-emotional discomfort. This dictates to clinicians and researchers the need to find new ways to treat this disease.

Currently, the lack of a holistic concept of the pathogenesis of vitiligo makes it difficult to develop a unified approach to treatment and predict the clinical course of this disease. In a number of scientific studies of the pathogenesis of vitiligo, preference is given to various theories: genetic, neurogenic, autoimmune, theory of oxidative stress, etc. All these theories have been repeatedly confirmed experimentally, but scientists have not yet come to a consensus. In addition, there are also a number of provoking factors: exposure to UV radiation, psycho-emotional stress, changes in the state of the peripheral nervous system, etc.

Is vitiligo treatable?

Success in treating vitiligo depends on the causes of the disease.

If the pathology is genetic or appears as a result of incurable autoimmune disorders, it is often impossible to completely restore pigmentation. But well-chosen therapy will help stop the progression of vitiligo.

If the cause of vitiligo is reversible disorders in the functioning of internal organs, you need to start with their diagnosis and treatment. In this case, there is a chance for significant improvement.

In parallel with the treatment of the main internal problem, the doctor may prescribe procedures that affect the skin condition:

  • a course of specially selected hormonal medications, as well as vitamin complexes;
  • phototherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • methods of hardware cosmetology: peelings, polishing, etc.;
  • treatment with a UV lamp;
  • skin whitening. This method does not directly treat vitiligo, but it reduces the contrast between light spots and pigmented areas;
  • in rare cases, surgical intervention by transplanting healthy skin cells. This method is not always justified and has contraindications.


Research methods • Biopsy •• Complete absence of melanocytes in skin biopsies from the depigmented zone; swelling and homogenization of individual collagen fibers are noted in the dermis •• At the edges of the depigmented zone at an early stage - an inflammatory reaction, at a later stage - a small number of lymphocytes and an increase in the number of melanocytes large in size with abnormal melanosomes • Examination under a Wood's lamp allows one to examine depigmented areas in more detail, especially in persons with pale skin • Microscopic examination of skin scrapings is performed to exclude trichophytosis.

Why you need to contact the Mama Papa Ya clinic

Our clinic offers quality services at affordable prices:

  • consultation with a qualified dermatologist familiar with modern methods of treating the disease;
  • the opportunity to attend physical therapy;
  • the use of non-traditional methods of treatment, such as acupuncture;
  • the ability to treat family members of different ages;
  • careful observation of a specialist for the effectiveness of treatment, if necessary, the use of additional methods.

Call our clinic by phone or make an appointment at a time convenient for you through the form on our website.


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