Holiver: composition, indications and contraindications, method of application


Diseases of the liver and biliary system bring many problems to the human body. Usually these pathologies are accompanied by poor appetite, stool disturbances and pain in the right hypochondrium.

For these diseases, doctors recommend taking medications based on herbal raw materials. One such remedy is Holiver. The medicine has a mild and gentle effect on the body, but at the same time it is quite effective.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Holiver

The drug helps to increase the secretory function of hepatocytes, which is manifested by increased bile secretion (moderate choleretic effect) and stimulation of the synthesis of bile acids. Reflexively increases the motor-secretory function of the digestive tract, inhibiting fermentation processes in the intestines. With regular use of the drug, the detoxifying ability of the liver increases. Holiver's action is due to the properties of biologically active substances contained in bile extract (cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids, bile pigments, cholesterol) and extracts of medicinal plants - artichoke (Cynara scolymus) and turmeric (Curcuma longa). Bile acids increase the secretion of bile, which increases the absorption of fats, cholesterol, vitamins A, D, E and K. Bile stimulates intestinal motility and has antiseptic properties. Artichoke has a choleretic and diuretic effect, reduces urea levels in the blood, normalizes metabolism, has hepatoprotective properties, and helps eliminate toxins. Turmeric longa has an antiulcer effect, stimulates the formation of bile in the liver and its outflow, eliminates the feeling of heaviness and flatulence after eating, and regulates the digestion process. Turmeric helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and also has an antimicrobial effect in intestinal dysbiosis.

Release form

At the moment, “Holiver” is presented in a single dosage form - in the form of tablets, which in turn are coated with a special coating. The tablets are round in shape, the shell is dark brown. Each package contains one hundred tablets.


Each tablet contains:

  • The active components are presented in the form of an extract based on medical bile in an amount of 25 mg, an extract from artichoke seed in an amount of 25 mg, high turmeric powder in the amount of 50 mg;
  • Additional components in the form of sucrose, magnesium stearate, acacia, titanium dioxide, carnauba wax, starch, magnesium carbonate, talc, polyvinyl alcohol, iron oxide, paraffin.

Interaction with other drugs

Information regarding the combined use of Holiver with other medications has not yet been received.

There is data on the simultaneous use of this drug with the following medications:

  • With laxatives - strengthening the effect of the latter;
  • With diuretics – enhancing the therapeutic effect of the latter;
  • With enterosorbents, the medicinal effect of the drug becomes less pronounced.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Holiver

Adequate and carefully controlled studies on the safety and effectiveness of the drug during pregnancy and lactation have not been conducted. But given that the components of the drug are of natural origin and are not potentially dangerous, it is possible to use the drug during pregnancy if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. While taking the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped. The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and in recommended doses it can be used by persons who drive vehicles and work with potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Indications for use

The use of this medicine is recommended:

  • For symptoms of liver cirrhosis;
  • With chronic hepatitis;
  • With jaundice;
  • In the presence of cholecystitis;
  • If there are signs of cholangitis;
  • With biliary dyskinesia, which occurs according to the hypokinetic type;
  • In cases of oliguria, which arose due to heart failure, as well as against the background of liver cirrhosis;
  • With ulcerative processes that occur in the stomach and small intestine;
  • If there are signs of constipation, which appears as a result of atonic phenomena in the intestines.

Mode of application

Immediately before using the drug, it is necessary to coordinate its use with your doctor.

The tablets are taken orally, washed down with a sufficient amount of distilled water.

The medication is taken according to the age dosage:

  • Children over 4 years of age and adults can take the drug up to 4 tablets three times a day before meals, or at the end;
  • Children under 4 years of age can take up to two tablets three times a day.
  • The therapeutic course of this drug should be at least 2.5 weeks.


The drug Holiver contains a unique combination of biologically active substances that have a beneficial and therapeutic effect on the liver and urinary system. The medicine also improves the functioning of the digestive organs.

Holiver tablets are prescribed for oral administration for the following pathologies:

  • cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

The drug also helps to cope with constipation caused by intestinal dysfunction. But in this case it is used as an additional means.

The medicine prevents the formation of cholesterol stones in the gall bladder and reduces atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels.

Analog drugs

Among the analogues of the drug are the following drugs:

  • "Hofitol";
  • "Alohol";
  • "Hepaphytol";
  • "Fruits of coriander";
  • "Artichol";
  • "Rafacholine C";
  • "Flamin-health";
  • "Hepatophyte";
  • "Holosas";
  • "Phosphogliv";
  • "Livolin forte";
  • "Methionine";
  • "Ursodez";
  • "Hepadif";
  • "Hepabel";
  • "Britomar";
  • "Karsil-forte";
  • "Silymarin";
  • "Lioliv";
  • "Essentiale".

Video on the topic: Artichokes - harm and benefit

Let us note the most important points about the drug “Holiver”:

  • The composition has natural ingredients in the form of plant components and medical bile;
  • Has a diuretic and choleretic effect, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Used for chronic hepatitis, gallbladder pathologies;
  • Not for use in young children under 4, or in persons with acute liver failure.
  • Available in tablet form;
  • Can be used in pregnant women under strict supervision by the attending physician.

Side effects

Practice shows that this drug is well tolerated by the body. However, in isolated cases, some people do not accept the drug due to individual intolerance to certain components of the drug. This intolerance can manifest itself in the form of allergic phenomena:

  • Skin itching begins to bother you;
  • Rashes of different sizes and shapes appear;
  • Redness of the skin occurs.

Also, a side effect may manifest itself in dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, diarrhea.

If the above situations occur, it is recommended to stop using the medication and seek advice from a doctor regarding the advisability of its further use.

In case of possible overdose (diarrhea, allergic reactions), the medication is discontinued, after which a course of therapy is carried out according to the symptoms that appear.

The drug does not have a negative effect on the speed of psychomotor functions. Its use is permitted for those who work with vehicles and complex automated mechanisms.


This medicine is not recommended by doctors for use in the following clinical situations:

  • For symptoms of hepatitis, which is in the acute stage of its course;
  • For liver dystrophies;
  • If there are symptoms of acute liver failure;
  • When there are obstructive pathologies associated with obstruction of the biliary tract (for example, obstructive jaundice);
  • When there is an individual intolerance on the part of the body to the components of one or more in the composition of this medicine;
  • Restrictions on children's age: not allowed for use by children under four years of age.

During pregnancy

Studies on the effectiveness and safety of the drug in pregnant women, as well as during the lactation period, have not been conducted.

However, keeping in mind that the composition of the drug is mostly natural and is potentially not dangerous, taking this medicine is possible if the benefits of its use for the mother are higher than the expected risk for the unborn child.

For women who are undergoing lactation, during the period of taking the Holiver course, it is worthwhile to stop feeding the baby breast milk for a while in order to avoid negative consequences.

Storage conditions

The medication should be in a dry place that is not exposed to sunlight. The room temperature should not be more than 25 degrees.

You can use an already opened product for a year and a half. After the end of this period, you must stop using it.

"HOLIVER": price

It will not be difficult for consumers to find this drug for treating the liver on pharmacy shelves. The dilemma is the high cost. In order not to fork out for medicines, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the prices in branded pharmaceutical boutiques in the country before purchasing:

  • The cost of tablets in Farmani is about 300 rubles;
  • You can buy the product at the State Pharmacy for 320 rubles;
  • Maksavit offers its customers a price of 290 rubles;
  • At ASNA, the cost of the medicine is 280 rubles;
  • Price category for Health pharmacies - 310 rubles.

"HOLIVER": reviews

Let us be convinced of the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical product thanks to reviews from people who have already experienced its effects:

I have a diseased liver, it was genetically passed on from my parents. The tendency to cirrhosis or hepatitis increases. I’m usually always careful with alcohol or junk food, but once I went too far. I had to go to the ambulance. After several days, they sent me home and prescribed these tablets that resembled dragees. Soon I felt better, Holyver helped;

A relative has cirrhosis. A terrible disease from which there is no easy cure. It’s her own fault, she should have given up harmful medications a long time ago. Now he takes this medicine. He brought her to her feet!

The child often has tummy problems. The doctor prescribed this remedy. At first it was dubious for me, but after the results I realized what a good remedy it is!

"HOLIVER": which analogues are cheaper?

If you are allergic to a drug, you need to turn to a worthy replacement. It is worth paying attention to high-quality analogues:

Artichol . Medical product manufactured in Ukraine. Quite a good substitute for the original product. The main role in its composition is played by the Artichoke, which is used in Holiver. The principle of action is based on the original, so it also relieves excess bile and fights liver and stomach problems. Available in smaller quantities, only 10 tablets in one pack. The price of the medicine is 100 rubles;
Gepadif . Quite an expensive medicine. The producers are several countries - Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The medicine has a different composition from the original; the main ingredient is Kartinin. Its range of administration is very wide; the analogue cures more serious diseases than Holyver. The list of diseases that Gepadif relieves includes acute hepatitis and fatty degeneration. Release form: powder. The cost reaches 3,000 rubles;
Lioliv . Prescribed in different cases, it gives good results for chronic or acute liver diseases. Sold in stores as a solution. The drug is made by domestic manufacturers. Among the diseases are Gilbert's syndrome and various types of hepatitis. Product price category - 600 rubles;
Hepatophyte . A popular remedy for treating the liver. It is often recommended to people who have been diagnosed with cancer. You need to be careful with the drug, it is quite strong, if your liver health is poor, it is better to do a test before taking it. It is a collection of medicinal plants that treated diseases of the liver and stomach long before the advent of our usual medicine. The herbal tea costs 170 rubles.

Contraindications and side effects

This medicine has contraindications. Therefore, you should definitely familiarize yourself with them before taking the product.

The medication cannot be used if you are hypersensitive to the components that make up it. The medicine should also be discontinued in the following cases:

  • with acute hepatitis;
  • with obstructive jaundice;
  • if symptoms of liver failure are present;
  • with liver dystrophy.

Despite the fact that the drug has a natural base, it should be taken with extreme caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Holiver is tolerated quite well by patients and only in rare cases can it cause side effects. For example, taking medication incorrectly can cause diarrhea. An allergic reaction in the form of scabies or other skin rashes may also occur.

An overdose of the medication is also possible. In this case, you should refrain from taking the medicine for a while and start taking antiallergic and antidiarrheal drugs.

In order to avoid side effects and overdose of the drug, it should be taken strictly according to the instructions.

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