Antiviral drug "Daruna": composition, indications for use and administration

A significant part of chronic diseases develops due to the effects of viruses on the body. They affect various systems and organs, including the liver, nerves, blood, skin, and mucous membranes. Combating the spread of infections is the most important task of all rapidly developing countries, of which India is one.

It was there that the effective antiviral drug Daruna was developed, which has a complex effect on humans. It completely destroys pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the development of infectious diseases. This product does not affect beneficial bacteria and does not cause any harm to health.

Composition and specific effects of the product

The name "Daruna" means "merciless". With this name for the recipe, the creators wanted to emphasize its effectiveness. The drug is made only from natural ingredients - plant extracts. Its main task is to create suitable conditions for the patient’s body, which can independently cope with the carrier of the infection.

Simultaneously with the destruction of viruses, the drug has a comprehensive health effect. Positive dynamics are observed in patients with high blood pressure, diabetes and a number of other diseases. This effect can be achieved only with regular use of the extracts included in this product.

How to take an antiviral drug

The standard course of taking Daruna is designed for 6 months. If necessary, it is repeated after a 30-day break. For prevention, the drug must be used constantly. Just 1 capsule per day will prevent the development of viral infections in your own body.

A wellness course is prescribed to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. It involves taking two capsules of the product daily. It should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning, and 1 hour before bedtime in the evening. A comprehensive program of restoration and support of the body is designed for a year.

The treatment course is considered part of complex therapy for acute and chronic viral infections. It includes several recommendations:

  • the patient consumes one capsule per day at the initial stage;
  • taking two capsules of the drug 2-3 times a day in the following stages;
  • observation, records of changes in condition for 6-8 months.

The antiviral drug "Daruna" is supplied in jars of 120 capsules each.
Natural origin minimizes contraindications and restrictions on its use. Only patients who are pregnant or extremely malnourished should refrain from taking any of the courses described. The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by the results of clinical studies of the extracts included in its composition. (Visited 3,970 times, 2 visits today)

What is the secret of efficiency

The composition of the drug reveals all the secrets of its effectiveness. The product contains:

  1. Phyllanthus niruri. The herbal component has proven its effectiveness in the fight against group B viral hepatitis and fatty hepatosis. It gently lowers high blood pressure and normalizes cholesterol.
  2. Haritaki. The plant has the ability to block the replication of cytomegalovirus. It contains gallic acid, which destroys harmful bacteria. This component is famous for its laxative effect, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and fights hepatitis B and AIDS.
  3. Eclipta prostrate. This plant enhances the effect against viral hepatitis. It also has an anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect. The component helps with colds and promotes blood clotting.

Method and regimen of administration

The drug is available in capsules. To achieve high effectiveness, it must be taken in courses. The duration of continuous use should be six months. If necessary, you can repeat the course after a month's break. There are several dosage regimens, which depend on the initial goals.

Prevention . During the season of active spread of viral infections, the body needs additional protection. By taking one capsule of Daruna daily, you can reduce the risk of infection. It is advisable to drink the drug 60 minutes before bedtime.

Wellness . Patients suffering from liver dysfunction require proper treatment. Taking Daruna is an excellent way to improve the functioning of the organ. Also, recovery may be required for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In both cases, a regimen of twice taking capsules is used. You need to drink one at a time: on an empty stomach in the morning and an hour before bedtime.

Intensive healing . Complex treatment of viral infections requires maximum saturation of the body with active components. To do this, the drug must be taken three times a day, two capsules at a time.

You can buy Daruna for the entire course of treatment at once - 6 cans of 120 capsules. Those who are dealing with this remedy for the first time should start the course with a single evening dose. It is important to monitor changes. To do this, it is best to keep a diary, recording the features of the condition.

Daruna - Antiviral agent, killer of viruses and bacteria (Capsules - 120 pcs)

Description of the components of the complex against viruses and bacteria Darun:

  • Bhumiamalaki(PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI): It grows in India in moist and shady areas. Scientific research has proven the effect of bhumiamalaka against the hepatitis B virus. The substances contained in the plant block the proliferation of viruses that cause chronic hepatitis, and also restore liver function. Bhumiamalaki is effective against fatty hepatosis, has a hypoglycemic effect and normalizes triglyceride and cholesterol levels. The ability of bhumiamalaka to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme has been described, resulting in a hypotensive effect. Has antioxidant activity.
  • Haritaki (TERMINALIA CHEBULA): one of the most widely known and unique plants in Eastern medicine. Grows mainly in Northern India. The plant received its name in Sanskrit for its ability to cure all diseases. Studies have shown the ability of substances included in the plant to inhibit the replication of cytomegalovirus. One of these substances, gallic acid and its ester, have an antibacterial effect and demonstrate active action against the hepatitis B virus and human immunodeficiency virus. Haritaki has a cardiotonic effect due to chebulic acid. In Eastern medicine, the mild laxative effect of this plant, which has no side effects, is widely known.
  • Bhringraj(ECLIPTA ALBA): grows in humid hot areas. Is a hepatoprotector. Used for colds. In Chinese medicine it is used for various types of bleeding. Scientific studies have demonstrated an effect on viral hepatitis. Has a choleretic effect. Culumbin, which is part of Bringaraj, has a hypotensive effect without side effects. Antiulcer and anti-inflammatory effects have been demonstrated.

Indications for use of the complex against viruses and bacteria Darun:

  • Liver diseases, including chronic viral hepatitis.
  • Chronic and acute viral and bacterial infections (influenza, cytomegalovirus infection, tuberculosis, etc.).
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Parasitic infestations.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Peptic ulcer, gastritis.
  • Constipation.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2.
  • Migraine.
  • Hypertension.

How to use the complex against Darun viruses and bacteria:

  • Healing effect: To prevent viral infections, take once a day continuously.
  • Optimal course: To improve the functional state of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, take 2 times a day for a year.
  • Intensive course: For acute and chronic viral infections, take 4 times a day for six months.

Release form: Jar - 120 capsules. Registration No. of the declaration of conformity: No. TC N RU D-RU.AB05.V.16937

Daruna - box 6 pcs.

Description of components:

BHUMIAMALAKI (PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI): It grows in moist and shady areas in India. Scientific research has proven the effect of bhumiamalaka against the hepatitis B virus. The substances contained in the plant block the proliferation of viruses that cause chronic hepatitis, and also restore liver function.

Bhumiamalaki is effective against fatty hepatosis, has a hypoglycemic effect and normalizes triglyceride and cholesterol levels. The ability of bhumiamalaka to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme has been described, resulting in a hypotensive effect. Has antioxidant activity.

HARITAKI (TERMINALIA CHEBULA): one of the most widely known and unique in its properties of plants in oriental medicine. Grows mainly in Northern India. The plant received its name in Sanskrit for its ability to cure all diseases.

Studies have shown the ability of substances included in the plant to inhibit the replication of cytomegalovirus. One of these substances, gallic acid and its ester, have an antibacterial effect and demonstrate active action against the hepatitis B virus and human immunodeficiency virus.

Haritaki has a cardiotonic effect due to chebulic acid. In Eastern medicine, the mild laxative effect of this plant, which has no side effects, is widely known.

BRINGARAJ (ECLIPTA ALBA): grows in humid hot areas. Is a hepatoprotector. Used for colds. In Chinese medicine it is used for various types of bleeding. Scientific studies have demonstrated an effect on viral hepatitis. Has a choleretic effect.

Culumbin, which is part of Bringaraj, has a hypotensive effect without side effects.

Antiulcer and anti-inflammatory effects have been demonstrated.


  • liver diseases, including chronic viral hepatitis;
  • chronic and acute viral and bacterial infections (influenza, cytomegalovirus infection, tuberculosis, etc.);
  • hyperthermia;
  • parasitic infestations;
  • heart diseases;
  • peptic ulcer, gastritis;
  • constipation;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus type 2;
  • migraine;
  • hypertension.

Recommendations for use:

Healing effect: to prevent viral infections, take once a day continuously.

Optimal course: to improve the functional state of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, take 2 times a day for a year.

Intensive course: for acute and chronic viral infections, take 4 times a day for six months.

Results of clinical studies of the Daruna product

Main group of indications for use

The drug is recommended as part of complex therapy, as a complementary agent. It is highly effective in the treatment of any liver diseases, including viral hepatitis. It is often prescribed to patients experiencing acute or chronic infections caused by viruses and bacteria. These include influenza, coronavirus, papillomavirus, tuberculosis, CMV and others. “Daruna” is also shown for:

  • gastritis and ulcers;
  • weakened immune system;
  • infection of the body with parasites;
  • heart pathologies;
  • migraines;
  • hyperthermia and hypertension;
  • underweight or excess body weight;
  • skin diseases;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • slow, difficult or systematically insufficient bowel movements;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes.

Before using this product, you must obtain recommendations and consultation from your doctor. In some cases it is contraindicated. The main reasons for refusal are the period of pregnancy, lactation and the presence of individual intolerance to one or more components.

Who should take Daruna?

It is recommended to take the antiviral drug Daruna if any of several indications are present:

  • liver damage – viral hepatitis, other diseases;
  • infections – influenza, coronavirus, tuberculosis and a number of others;
  • gastritis, ulcers, constipation, parasitic infestations, hyperthermia;
  • skin problems, excess weight, comprehensive rejuvenation;
  • heart disease, type 2 diabetes;
  • strengthening immunity, eliminating chronic fatigue.

The drug has shown good results in the treatment of cytomegalovirus. Patients often do not know about its presence, since the infection can develop unnoticed in the body. Externally, it manifests itself with symptoms characteristic of ARVI. If you take the drug in a timely manner, you can effectively fight the causative agent of this disease.

Daruna demonstrates similar effectiveness in the fight against human papillomavirus, of which about 90% of people are hidden carriers. It affects mucous membranes and epithelial cells of the skin. Clinically, the infection manifests itself when the patient’s immunity decreases. Visible changes are the appearance of tumors and other formations, including papillomas and condylomas.

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