Demalan ointment: indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

  • January 16, 2021
  • Dermatology
  • Ulyana Romanova

Demalan ointment is a dermatotropic drug for topical use that has antibacterial, antidemodic and anti-inflammatory effects. What does it contain? In the treatment of which diseases is it most effective? How should this product be used? You will find out the answers to these and other questions related to this topic below.

Composition and price

“Demalan” is a cream for the eyelids and facial skin, which is produced in plastic tubes of 10 g. The composition is multicomponent, it includes 17 different compounds, among which the main active ones are:

  • Polysaccharide glycans. They have a positive effect on metabolism and help restore healthy skin.
  • Lanolin. It has a softening effect and also prevents the destruction of the protective layer of the skin.
  • Metronidazole. This compound has bactericidal and antiprotozoal effects. It also has an antibacterial effect and also suppresses the activity of mites.
  • Herbal ingredients – chamomile extract, olive oil, etc. Everyone knows that they have soothing, anti-inflammatory, healing and strengthening properties.

The average cost of Demalan ointment is 250 rubles per tube.

Effect on the body

The product under discussion was invented to care for skin affected by rashes of bacterial or helminthic etiology.

With its help, you can reduce the severity of inflammation, as well as eliminate swelling, itching and other unpleasant sensations. Even the “sand” in the eyes disappears.

Using the product in accordance with the instructions ensures the elimination of ticks from the affected areas. Demalan ointment helps not only to get rid of demodectic rashes, but also provides protection against their further recurrence.

In addition, due to the active components of the drug, it is possible to stimulate regeneration and metabolic processes in damaged tissues, and also inhibit the proliferation of certain anaerobic bacteria.


Due to its composition, Demalan ointment is recognized as effective in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • Erosion, manifested by damage to the eyelid due to any external influences.
  • Uncontrollable redness, irritation and itching.
  • Demodicosis of the eyelids, which occurs as a result of skin damage by a microscopic mite. This disease is indicated by redness, itching and rash. Then the shade of the cover changes to pale and tubercles, cracks and other defects appear.
  • Swelling, inflammation, rash.
  • Dermatological skin diseases with the epicenter on the face.
  • Cracks and wounds.

The instructions for Demalan ointment note that this remedy is prescribed not only for negative symptoms, but also for the prevention of diseases. It is also suitable for giving the skin elasticity and hydration. Therefore, it is allowed to use this medication as a daily cream for the face and eyelids.


The instructions included with Demalan ointment say that this product should not be used if a person has hypersensitive skin or is prone to allergic reactions. Pregnant women can use the cream, since its composition does not penetrate into the blood, but it is still better to consult your doctor first.

Side effects are extremely rare. The following symptoms indicate that the cream is not suitable for the patient:

  • Burning and redness.
  • Headache.
  • Inflammation and swelling of the eyelids.
  • The desire to scratch the treated area and uncontrollable itching.

If the alarming symptoms do not go away on their own in the near future, then you need to stop using the cream and consult a doctor for help. There are two possible scenarios: either the person will be prescribed a more harmless alternative, or the dosage will be reduced.

It is also important to know that side effects often do not occur immediately, but 2-3 days after starting to use the cream.

Expert opinion

Lyudmila Sheveleva

Higher pharmaceutical education, pharmacist. Work experience in a pharmacy - more than 20 years.

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Demalan cream is a parapharmaceutical product. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it as monotherapy. The drug is used as part of a complex treatment of demodicosis, including that complicated by a bacterial infection. Prescribing the cream does not cancel course therapy with analgesics, antiparasitic, antibacterial, antimicrobial agents. But it is possible to reduce the dosage of the latter to reduce the pharmacological load on the body.

Reception scheme

Having understood the indications of Demalan ointment, you can move on to the question regarding the features of its use. This product should be applied to the skin 1-2 times a day - the frequency is determined by the doctor, depending on the severity of the pathology.

You should adhere to the following instructions for use:

  • Before starting the procedure, you need to wash your face using a mild, hypoallergenic cleanser.
  • Then gently pat your face with a towel - the skin should be dry.
  • The area to be treated should be carefully wiped with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol. If the surface is very irritated or there is no ethanol nearby, you can skip this step.
  • Open the tube, squeeze out a small amount of ointment and apply it to your face, ears, and most importantly, eyelids. The composition must be rubbed in carefully.
  • If after 20-30 minutes the cream is not absorbed, then the residue can be removed with a damp cotton pad.

It is best to apply the product in the morning and evening, before bed. The duration of therapy is usually 1-2 months.

Gel demalan instructions for use

"Demalan" is an ophthalmic drug that is used to treat demodicosis. The components included in its composition can effectively suppress inflammation and accelerate tissue healing processes. From the materials in this article you will learn how to use the medication correctly, how much Demalan ointment costs in Moscow, and its side effects.

"Demalan" is a cosmetic antiparasitic drug used to treat skin rashes of a bacterial nature. The medication is available in 10 g tubes, which are packaged in cardboard boxes.

"Demalan" (ointment) contains 17 different components that ensure its therapeutic effectiveness. Among them are chamomile extract, various oils, metronidazole, lanolin and highly purified natural glycans obtained using a special technology.

The shelf life is 12 months, after which the drug cannot be used for medicinal purposes. The ointment can be purchased at almost any pharmacy chain; a prescription from a doctor is not required.

What pharmacological effect does Demalan (ointment) have? The instructions for this drug state that the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, dermatotropic and antibacterial effect. The components included in its composition allow you to eliminate the symptoms that are the result of an allergic reaction and manifest themselves in the form of demodectic rash and burning. Regular use of the ointment helps prevent the occurrence of new rashes and eliminate skin itching.

“Demalan” (ointment) has a complex composition, which determines its multilateral action. The medication effectively eliminates inflammation and helps remove skin mites from affected tissues. Its components accelerate the processes of inhibited growth of certain forms of anaerobic bacteria.

"Demalan" (ointment) contains 17 different components that ensure its therapeutic effectiveness. Among them are chamomile extract, various oils, metronidazole, lanolin and highly purified natural glycans obtained using a special technology.

The shelf life is 12 months, after which the drug cannot be used for medicinal purposes. The ointment can be purchased at almost any pharmacy chain; a prescription from a doctor is not required.

What pharmacological effect does Demalan (ointment) have? The instructions for this drug state that the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, dermatotropic and antibacterial effect. The components included in its composition allow you to eliminate the symptoms that are the result of an allergic reaction and manifest themselves in the form of demodectic rash and burning. Regular use of the ointment helps prevent the occurrence of new rashes and eliminate skin itching.

“Demalan” (ointment) has a complex composition, which determines its multilateral action. The medication effectively eliminates inflammation and helps remove skin mites from affected tissues. Its components accelerate the processes of inhibited growth of certain forms of anaerobic bacteria.

The medication is not recommended for use in cases of severe allergic reactions to its constituent substances. If swelling of the eyelids or redness of the skin occurs, you should consult a doctor and stop using the ointment for a while. After the symptoms subside, you can begin re-treatment along with antihistamines prescribed by a specialist.

The instructions for this drug state that its main area of ​​application is the skin of the face, external auditory canal, and eyelids. The medication is used for serious lesions:

  • in case of a rash caused by parasites or bacteria;
  • in case of erosion of the edges of the eyelids, characteristic of demodectic blepharitis.

This product is recommended for topical use, applying a small amount of cream to the affected areas of the eyelids. You can use a cotton swab for this. The exposure time after application is 30 minutes, then the remaining drug must be carefully removed with a napkin. At night, it is better to apply the ointment after washing your face with warm water and soap.

It has been proven that the effectiveness of this drug increases several times if the skin of the eyelids is pre-treated with tincture of calendula or eucalyptus. It is advisable to repeat the procedure twice, making sure that the liquid does not get into your eyes.

The duration of use of the product is 45 days. If Demalan (ointment) is prescribed for the treatment of demodicosis, it is important to prevent re-infection with skin mites. To do this, doctors advise using disposable wipes for washing, giving up decorative cosmetics for a while, and not touching your eyelids with your hands.

During treatment, precautions must be taken. Following the recommendations proposed in the instructions increases the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect and also reduces the likelihood of adverse reactions.

To prevent relapse of the disease, disposable wipes should be used each time you apply the ointment. It is better to avoid regular towels, as they are an excellent environment for bacteria to thrive.

For the entire treatment period (45 days), doctors recommend stopping drinking alcoholic beverages. In addition, at this time it is better to limit exposure to direct sunlight. It is important to comply with the storage conditions of the bottle. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug may decrease.

What medications can replace Demalan (ointment)? Typically, such drugs perform similar therapeutic functions, but differ somewhat in their chemical composition.

Modern analogues of “Demalan” are “Blefarogel” and “Demazol” cream. The first one has a gel structure, but its scope of application is much wider. In addition to treating demodicosis of the eyelids, Blefarogel is recommended for relieving fatigue and swelling of the eyes, preventing dry eye syndrome, and eliminating problems associated with the use of contact lenses. The average price for this product is 250 rubles. Reviews about it are mixed. Many patients claim that with the help of “Blefarogel” it is not possible to completely defeat demodicosis, because “Demalan” (ointment) is primarily recommended for this disease.

Analogues of this product differ not only in therapeutic effect, but also in the price segment. "Demazol" is a cream that is similar in composition and mechanism of application to "Demalan". Indications for use of the drug are similar. Its average price is about 400 rubles.

The price for this drug in Russia varies from 300 to 400 rubles. The difference is determined by the pharmacy chain, which is directly involved in its implementation.

Doctors warn that the therapeutic effect does not occur immediately, so the course of use is designed for 45 days. Unlike analogue products, the drug does not act as quickly, but it is more effective in eliminating demodicosis of the eyelids.

When does Demalan ointment start to “work”? Reviews from real patients indicate that the use of the drug will have a quick positive effect only if used regularly. Many people note that after the first application of the ointment, all symptoms of demodicosis disappear in the morning.

This medication perfectly eliminates inflammation, relieves swelling and reduces itching of the skin. These are the problems that many modern women who use decorative cosmetics daily have to face. By applying the product before bed, you can go to work in the morning without worrying about flaky eyelids. Many patients of ophthalmology clinics who have been trying to combat the manifestations of demodicosis for a long time confirm the positive effect of the ointment.

This drug also helps fight allergic reactions to animals. It is known to manifest itself in most cases as itching in the eye area and redness. If you are going on a visit where pets are important members of the family, do not forget to take Demalan (ointment) with you. The price of this product is relatively low, and thanks to its economical use, one tube will last for a long time.

Negative reviews in most cases are due to improper use of the drug. Many, after the symptoms of demodicosis disappear, complete the course of treatment. However, this should only be done as directed by a doctor.

Now you know in what cases Demalan (ointment) is used. The instructions, price and side effects of this drug are also described in the materials of this article. Remember that before using this medication, you should consult your doctor and get an approximate regimen for its use. If allergic reactions occur, you should contact the ophthalmology clinic again, where specialists will be able to select an analogue of the ointment.

Demalan is a dermatotropic drug with local anti-inflammatory, antidemodic and antibacterial effects.

Available in the form of eyelid and facial cream (10 g in plastic tubes, 1 tube in a cardboard box).

The cream contains 17 substances, including metronidazole, olive oil, chamomile extract, highly purified native glycans, and lanolin.

Demalan is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antidemodex and dermatotropic drug. It contains highly purified natural glycans produced using special technology.

Demalan is intended for the care of skin on which rashes of helminthic or bacterial etiology are observed (the former can be caused by mites Demodex canis, Demodex brevis, Demodex folliculorum). The drug reduces the severity of inflammatory processes, reduces itching and swelling of the skin of the face and eyelids, eliminates the feeling of discomfort, burning and “sand” in the eyes, and ensures the elimination of mites of the Demodex family from the affected tissue areas. The cream not only eliminates demodectic rashes on the skin of the face and eyelids, but also prevents their reappearance in the future.

The active components of the cream stimulate metabolic and regeneration processes in affected tissues, and also inhibit the proliferation of certain types of anaerobic bacteria.

The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of Demalan have not yet been studied.

According to the instructions, Demalan is recommended for use in the care of skin affected by a rash of parasitic or bacterial origin, including demodicosis of the skin of the face, ear canal, ears and eyelids, due to infection with Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis mites (relieves itching of the skin of the face and eyelids , burning sensation and discomfort in the eyes, eliminates demodectic rash, prevents the formation of new rashes).

The drug is also used for erosion of the eyelid margins against the background of demodectic blepharitis (to prevent the appearance of new rashes).

The use of the cream is contraindicated in the presence of allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to its components (including a history).

Demalan cream is applied topically to areas of the skin affected by demodicosis.

Recommended dosage regimen: 1-2 times a day (morning and at night or only at night) for 45 days.

To enhance the effect of using the cream, it should be applied after cleansing the skin twice (with a 15-minute interval) with an alcohol tincture of aralia, calendula or eucalyptus, or a mixture of ether and 70° ethyl alcohol. Remains of the cream should be removed with a clean napkin half an hour after application.

In the evening, before going to bed, it is recommended to apply the cream after washing with warm water and soap.

During treatment, skin redness and itching may occur (rarely).

There is no information about an overdose of the drug.

If the patient is prone to allergies, the cream should be used with caution.

It is important to follow hygienic recommendations for skin care to prevent re-infection with demodicosis. During therapy, you should not use decorative and hygienic cosmetics or limit their use. You should not stay in the sun for a long time, work at a computer, drink alcohol, or consume spicy foods.

There is no information on the interaction of Demalan cream with other drugs.

Analogues of Demalan are: Demazol, Dexodem phyto, Blefarogel.

Store out of the reach of children at a temperature of 4-8 ° C (in the refrigerator).

Shelf life – 1 year.

Available without a prescription.

According to reviews, Demalan shows good results in the treatment of demodicosis. The drug is most effective with long-term use. Patients note the disappearance of skin hyperemia and subcutaneous seals, as well as a whitish coating on the eyelashes. The itching also becomes less severe, as do other symptoms, usually disappearing within 1 week after starting treatment. However, there are complaints that Demalan is difficult to find on sale.

The approximate price for Demalan in pharmacies varies from 220 to 350 rubles per 1 tube.

Demalan ointment is an ophthalmic cosmetic preparation that is effective against parasites and is used in cases of diseases of bacterial origin.

Demalan gel contains a large number of components, most of which are of natural origin. Among them are:

  • native glycans;
  • olive oil;
  • animal wax;
  • chamomile extract;
  • emulsifiers, which increase the effectiveness of certain components;
  • Metronidazole.

Ichthyol ointment Demalan is produced in aluminum tubes of 10 grams of the drug in each. The drug is sold without a doctor's prescription.

Shelf life: three years. Demalan cream should be stored at room temperature in a dark place and away from children.

The instructions for use for Demalan say that the drug has the following effects:

  • antidemocotic;
  • antibacterial;
  • dermatotropic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Since the composition of the ointment is natural, it has the following effects:

  • relieves swelling;
  • eliminates inflammation, itching and causes of allergies;
  • reduces discomfort in the eye area;
  • removes ticks;
  • fights demodicosis inflammation (therefore it is actively used for demodicosis);
  • stimulates metabolic processes in cells.

Prevents the growth and reproduction of most bacteria that are known to scientists today.

Dmodecosis on the eyes

Be sure to read the article about demodicosis and its treatment on our website.

The composition of the ointment allows it to be used on the face, eyelids and ears. It is better to use Demalan before bed to get the maximum effect.

  • Zinc ointment is applied to the edges of the eyelids 2-3 times a day.
  • The drug is often recommended to be used before bedtime.
  • It is best to apply the gel using a tampon.
  • The course is determined in each specific case by the doctor. But the average is 40 days.

Manufacturers claim that the maximum effect of the drug can be obtained if the affected areas are pre-lubricated with calendula tincture. The skin should be treated 15 minutes before applying the ointment. It is also important to ensure that the substance does not get into your eyes. If necessary, the cream can be removed from the face with a cotton swab half an hour after application.

You should avoid using this product:

  • if you are sensitive to any component;
  • people prone to allergies (as swelling and redness may occur).

Important! If you notice signs of an allergy, you need to stop using the ointment and consult a doctor.

The substance can be used in conjunction with other ophthalmic medications, but only after consulting a doctor.

Children can also use this ointment. But first the child must undergo a full examination.

Among the analogues of Demalan ointment, the following are especially popular:

  • Blefarogel - has a similar effect, relieves fatigue from the eyes and moisturizes them. The cost of such a substance is lower than Demalana. You can buy it at any pharmacy.
  • Demazol - the composition of the medicine is the same. Cost - 300 rubles.

The average price of Demalan is 350 rubles.

You can find many reviews about this drug online. Basically they are all positive. The effectiveness of using the cream is high. The result can be seen within a month of treatment. For some patients, this ointment helped cope with allergic reactions to animal fur.

Negative reviews are left by those who did not complete the entire course of treatment or did not follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Demodectic mange is a disease that occurs when a parasitic mite comes into contact with the skin. During the illness, the patient experiences severe discomfort, so you need to choose a high-quality medicine that can quickly cope with the problem.

Demalanum is a drug successfully used in the field of dermatology. The composition of the product for topical use effectively copes with demodicosis, as well as the symptoms that this pathology provokes: it destroys pathogenic flora, relieves the inflammatory process and promotes rapid healing of the epidermis.

Demalan is available in the form of a cream (sometimes called an ointment) in a 10 g package, packed in a cardboard box. The drug is also available in the form of lotion and gel, but they are not always available in pharmacies.

The main active ingredient is metonidazole (Metronidazolum) - an antiprotozoal agent, that is, a substance that fights microorganisms. Metronidazole is also used for local, internal use; it quickly destroys pathogenic microorganisms, restoring human health and well-being.

Also, the healing properties of Demalan are achieved by adding the following components to the cream:

  • glycogen is a substance for rapid skin regeneration by activating metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • olive oil – a component for softening the epidermis;
  • chamomile extract – a component to reduce itching and other manifestations of physical discomfort;
  • Lanolin is a nutrient.

Demalan contains various emulsifiers necessary to give the necessary consistency and preserve the properties of the drug.

The cost of Demalan in pharmacies is 280-400 rubles. per package.

Demalan is effective through the following directions of influence:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating.

The drug destroys Demodex folliculorum, Demodex canis and Demodex brevis, which cause the dermatological disease demodicosis.

After application to the dermis, Demalan quickly destroys microorganisms living in the epidermis of the skin of the face and eyelids. The anti-inflammatory effect is manifested by relieving swelling, rashes and itching, as well as any other manifestations of demodicosis. The skin healing process is accelerated due to the effect of metronidazole on metabolic processes.

Data indicating the time of removal of Demalan components from the body has not been provided to date.

Demalan is used for demodicosis and demodicosis blepharitis.

The drug should be used exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician. The cream is applied to the facial skin according to two schemes: twice a day or once a day before bedtime.

If the cream is applied at night, the patient should cleanse the face with warm soapy water. When using Demalan twice, the skin must first be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in eucalyptus or calendula tincture. These tinctures allow you to cleanse the surface of the skin before applying a therapeutic cream, and the alcohol in the tincture base acts as a conductor, allowing the ingredients of the therapeutic agent to penetrate deep into the epidermis.

The course of therapy with Demalan is 45 days. Usually, the symptoms of demodicosis disappear earlier, but you need to continue to apply the cream for at least one and a half months to prevent relapse of the disease.

Unlike other drugs, Demalan contains a high concentration of plant components, so even children can use the cream. However, therapy should be supervised by a doctor who, based on the manifestation of the disease and the age of the child, should adjust the dose indicated in the instructions.

The manufacturer does not recommend using Demalan in the first trimester of gestation. If the symptoms of demodicosis are not too severe, then it is more advisable to postpone the period of treatment until delivery and the end of lactation. But if therapy is needed immediately, you can purchase Demalan after a visit to your doctor.

Demalan should not be used if you are highly sensitive to any of the components of the composition. Moreover, allergy sufferers should begin therapy with Demalan with caution.

When Demalan is applied to the dermis, redness of the skin may appear, accompanied by itching. At the first sign of a side effect, there is a reason to stop treatment with the cream.

After all manifestations of skin irritation have disappeared, you need to resume using Demalan simultaneously with the anti-allergy drug.

Demalan should not be used without consulting a dermatologist. The doctor must confirm that the signs of the disease are manifestations of demodicosis.

The main danger that arises in people with demodicosis is re-infection. It is quite easy to avoid it if you follow all the rules of personal hygiene. During the therapy period, you need to get rid of towels, and instead wipe your face with disposable paper towels. It is recommended to change the pillowcase daily and iron it thoroughly on both sides with a hot iron. The drug must be applied using disposable gloves.

In addition, it is important to support the body’s immune system so that the immune system can quickly cope with the disease. To do this, it makes sense to adjust your diet by completely eliminating alcohol, fast food, fried, smoked and salty foods. A large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits will cleanse the intestines and completely normalize digestion.

The manufacturer of the drug, Demalan, advises avoiding direct sunlight and staying in front of a computer monitor during the treatment period.

There is no information on the interaction of Demalan with other drugs.

Demalan has many recommendations due to its high efficiency and softening of the skin due to its unique composition. According to published reviews, Demalan has a lasting effect approximately 2 weeks after the start of use. Doctors emphasize that patients who combined the use of Demalan with a diet achieved recovery faster than patients who ignored advice on changing their diet.

Demalan is a medicine with the latest formulation, the effectiveness and safety of which correlates with a minimum number of undesirable effects due to the natural substances in the composition. However, the following drugs can be considered as analogues:

  • Oftocipro (Russia) – 190 rubles;
  • Demazol (Russia) – 290 rubles;
  • Aurobin (Germany) – 430 rub.

Before using any of these medications, you should consult a dermatologist.

This video will tell you what not to do with demodicosis:

What to do if the product gets into your eyes?

Demalan ointment may well end up on the mucous membrane of the eye, because it needs to be used to treat the eyelids. And the fact that it got inside is indicated by pain and burning.

The situation needs to be corrected urgently. As soon as the ointment gets into your eyes, you need to rinse them thoroughly with running water, and do this not immediately, but for 10-15 minutes. This is the only way to wash the medicine completely.

If the discomfort does not go away, you need to treat the eyelid with vegetable oil. But if the condition worsens, only an ophthalmologist will help.

Therefore, you need to handle this cream very carefully. Getting it into the eyes can lead to the development of ophthalmological pathologies or deterioration of vision.

Important Tips

The effectiveness of Demalan ointment depends entirely on the patient. To achieve maximum results, you should follow some recommendations:

  • During treatment you should not drink alcohol and stop smoking.
  • It is worth starting to adhere to a proper lifestyle and diet, as this helps strengthen the immune system. This means that the body fights bacteria better.
  • During the entire duration of therapy, there is no need to use cosmetic products - foundation, powder, eye shadow, etc. These products clog pores, preventing the skin from breathing, no matter how high-quality the products are. If it is not possible to refuse cosmetics, then the ointment should be used at least 1-2 hours after its removal.
  • It is recommended not to use towels. Bacteria and microorganisms accumulate on them. So the best choice is disposable cotton napkins.

Also, if possible, you should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and working at the computer.

special instructions

To avoid re-infection with demodicosis mites, it is necessary to use new cotton swabs, disks or napkins each time.

After each use, wash your hands thoroughly in warm soapy water. It is also recommended to refrain from applying decorative cosmetics to your face and not to touch the affected areas with your hands.

To reduce the risk of re-infection, it is also necessary to carry out each treatment with disposable gloves. During treatment you should:

  • Reduce time spent at the computer.
  • Do not expose to sunlight.
  • Avoid alcohol and spicy foods.

What do the doctor's say?

Ophthalmologists and dermatologists leave good reviews about the product under discussion. Demalan ointment for demodicosis is the preferred drug for many patients - the product is inexpensive but effective. It has been proven that the active ingredients quickly penetrate deep into the skin and destroy parasitic microorganisms from the inside.

Many doctors prescribe Demalan in winter as a preventative measure. The ointment protects the skin from frostbite, drying and cracking, helping it remain smooth and beautiful.

Doctors also note that patients themselves willingly agree to use this drug. After all, it contains practically no chemical components, which inspires confidence. For the same reason, it can be prescribed to elderly patients, adults, children, and pregnant and lactating women.

Comparison with Demazol

Many patients ask the question: Demalan and Demazol, what is the difference? The composition is almost identical with one exception; Demazol contains fewer moisturizing components.

The scope of application is approximately the same, but this drug additionally eliminates “sand” in the eyes.

The cost of Demazol is slightly higher, provided that its composition is almost identical to Demalan. However, the latter medicine is more often prescribed to pregnant women and children, which makes it better.

The material was prepared specifically for the website, edited by clinical pharmacologist Nedelko K.V.

Patients' opinions

Many people have to live with demodicosis for years. For some, this disease is very difficult - with relapses, the formation of deep scars, etc. Such patients had to try a lot of remedies designed to combat pathology, and many came to the conclusion that Demalan is an ointment that can really cure this condition.

By following the instructions and medical recommendations, you can actually get rid of the disease in 1-2 months. The main thing is to complete the full course and not interrupt treatment at the first signs of improvement, so that the disease does not return.

As a prophylactic agent, Demalan has also proven itself to be excellent. The main thing is to find out before use whether a person is allergic to one or another component. Still, the drug is multi-component, and the presence of hypersensitivity is not excluded.


If for some reason it is impossible to use the original drug, the doctor will prescribe an alternative option. Demalan has few analogues:

  • "Demazol". This cream is also intended for topical use for parasitic and bacterial skin lesions. Its effectiveness can be increased by wiping the infected areas with alcohol tincture after 15 minutes before treating the skin with ointment.
  • "Glycodem". A therapeutic and preventive cream that not only eliminates discomfort, swelling and inflammation, but also affects the cause of demodicosis infection.
  • "Stop demodex." This remedy has a pronounced healing, antibacterial and antiseptic effect. It can be used more than twice a day.
  • "Dexodem phyto." Another cream designed to combat demodicosis and also help restore the integrity of the skin.

But you need to understand that each remedy has its own contraindications and features. In addition, maybe a person will be suitable not for a cream, but for some kind of solution. What exactly will be effective for a particular patient is up to the attending physician to decide.

Pharmacological properties

The ointment has a wide spectrum of action and is even used to combat skin mites. Demalan has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-demodectic effects.

Doctors often prescribe Demalan for demodicosis, since the drug fights this disease quite quickly and painlessly.

The substance inhibits the growth of some malignant aerobic bacteria (which die in the air), and also improves some processes in the body (restoration and regeneration).

Demalan analogues do not have such a wide range of applications, which makes the drug unique and effective.

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