Dietary supplement "Erakond": reviews from doctors, instructions for use, indications and composition

Manufacturer: Erakond (Russia)
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Composition of Erakond
  • Indications for use of the drug Erakond
  • Release form of Erakond
  • Side effects of Erakond
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Erakond
  • Overdose of Erakond
  • Storage conditions for the drug Erakond
  • Shelf life of Erakond

Form of dietary supplement

In what form is a product such as Erakond produced? Instructions for use, description, reviews state that the mentioned additive can be purchased in the form of fine powder, capsules and aqueous solution. The latter form of the drug is especially popular. A 40% aqueous solution is a thick, homogeneous dark brown liquid with a subtle specific odor. It is produced in dark bottles. During long-term storage, a small sediment may form at the bottom of the container.

Best before date

24 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • NewPlas apple-cinnamon (Powder for oral solution)
  • NewPlas berry (Powder for oral solution)
  • Dr. Theiss Elderberry + Vitamin C (Lozenges)
  • Golden root tonic syrup (Syrup)
  • Marine calcium for children with zinc (Oral tablets)
  • NewPlas pineapple-banana (Powder for oral use)
  • Progaine, chocolate (Powder for oral suspension)
  • Retinol acetate (Oral tablets)
  • Elfasept Phyto-Lor (Pastilles)

The description of vitamin Erakond is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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Composition of the product

What ingredients does the Erakond food supplement contain? Reviews and instructions for use (indications are listed below) report that this drug consists of a condensed plant extract of alfalfa seed. This substance is obtained from the above-ground part of the mentioned herb through hydrothermobarometric extraction. This method makes it possible to extract unique natural storehouses of plant cells through splitting their shells, which in their structure and density resemble polymer substances.

What other elements are included in the Erakond dietary supplement? Reviews from doctors report that the extract contained in this product is a storehouse of vitamins (including vitamins H, A, B1, D, B5, B9, B6, B12, E, C, K, PP), micro- and macroelements (including Ca, Mn, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, K, Na, Si, F), as well as amino acids (contains 8 essential amino acids), protein enzymes and proteins that break down and promote their absorption, isoflavonoids (including genisten and daidzein), chlorophyll, asparagine, lecithin, octaconazole, coumestrol, coumarins, alkaloids, saponins, estrogens, anthocyanins, immunomodulating polysaccharides, carbohydrates, monosaccharides, carbohydrates, humic substances, uronic and various organic acids.

Therapeutic features

What is remarkable about the additive in question? What do application reviews say about this? "Eracond", the composition of which was presented above, has a strong modulating effect on almost all parts of the human immune system.

This happens thanks to:

  • antioxidants that have a membrane-stabilizing effect (that is, restoring cell membranes);
  • saponins, which have adaptogenic (i.e. anti-stress) activity, which maintain the balance of intestinal flora and stimulate nonspecific immunity;
  • radioprotectors (or so-called humic substances), which have an ion-sorbent effect, bind heavy metal ions and radionuclides;
  • stabilization of erythro- and myelopoiesis, as well as mobilization of lymphocytes from the depot;
  • stimulating the production of precursors, as well as enhancing the activity of mature immune cells;
  • flavonoids, which have a hepatoprotective effect and reduce smooth muscle tone.

Effects of dietary supplements

What biological effects does the mentioned additive exhibit? What do medical reviews say about this? Erakond has:

  • Detoxifying effect. The product in question is capable of neutralizing various toxins (including man-made, medicinal, environmental, household, and alcohol).
  • Pronounced antifungal and moderate antimicrobial effect. It should also be noted that this drug stabilizes the intestinal microflora.
  • Hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycemic effects. High molecular weight alcohols such as octacosanol and triacontanol lower lipid levels and cholesterol, and alkaloids reduce the amount of sugar in the blood,
  • Anabolic activity. Components of the drug such as isoflavonoids and coumestrol enhance the synthesis of cellular and tissue structures, as well as protein and various compounds that are essential for the normal functioning of the body.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. The agent in question suppresses the excessive release of cytokines. In addition, due to this action, there is a decrease in the hyperproduction of antibodies, which reduces the sensitization of polymorphic and nuclear leukocytes during HNT and HRT, and the processes of autointoxication and allergization are eliminated.

  • Estrogen-like activity. Reviews of use (“Erakond” is sold in almost all pharmacies) say that this remedy is effective for hypoestragynia, as well as in menopause and premenopause. It is often used to prevent breast cancer. In addition, this remedy significantly increases lactation in nursing women.
  • The ability to stimulate the function of the adrenal glands, as well as improve the structure of bone and cartilage tissue, including in diseases such as osteoporosis. This remedy is also actively used for pathologies of the spine and joints. In addition, it significantly speeds up the healing of various bone fractures.
  • Wound healing effect. Customer reviews of the Erakond dietary supplement claim that the drug in question works well for burns, injuries, various skin diseases (including neurodermatitis, psoriasis and eczema) and mucous membranes.
  • The ability to increase a person’s vitality. This happens by ensuring synchronicity in the functioning of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems.

"Erakond" - Magic Molecule of Health

Erakond is a unique activator of the immune system. The drug stimulates local mechanisms of immune reactions, primarily phagocinosis. Erakond is a natural multivitamin product obtained as a result of the original patented technology of enzymatic hydrolysis of alfalfa, a plant of the legume family.

Alfalfa, the “queen of herbs,” is the richest known land-growing plant source of microelements: iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, manganese, fluorine, cobalt and copper, in a bioavailable (digestible) form. Alfalfa contains almost the entire set of essential and non-essential amino acids, organic acids, the quantitative ratio of which is balanced by nature.

Erakond - according to scientists, is a complex biological system; it has an aura - it is a living medicine.

  1. Erakond is a unique activator of the immune system. The drug stimulates local mechanisms of immune reactions, primarily phagocinosis. The immunotropic effect determines its antiallergic properties.
  2. Erakond has a wound-healing effect and exhibits anabolizing (increasing metabolic rate) properties. Due to the presence of bioflavonoids and the amino acid L-canaverine in Erakonda, the growth of malignant tumor cells, immature cells in leukemia, and the destruction of the herpes virus occur. It has anti-carcinogenic properties, i.e. in the presence of obvious and hidden tumors, it calcifies (stops) the tumor, preventing metastasis. The stopped tumor in the calcium “armor” stops living and gradually resolves. This is due to the high content of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and other microelements in a bioavailable, digestible form. Such a balanced and high content of micro- and macroelements is not observed in any plant except alfalfa.
  3. Detoxifying effect: neutralizes toxins (man-made, environmental, medicinal, household, eliminates autointoxication, cleanses the liver and bloodstream). Due to the presence of chlorophylls and uronic acids, it has a pronounced hepatoprotective effect. Erakond stimulates the bile secretory function of liver cells. Erakond has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal effects.
  4. Erakond has an ion-sorbent effect due to the humic components it contains: it removes heavy metal ions and radionuclides from the body. Removes toxins from the liver and pancreas, increasing the body's nonspecific resistance.
  5. Erakond activates the work of the adrenal glands, increasing the level of steroid hormones produced - the most important factor in adaptation and stress resistance. The ability to simulate immunity (without increasing or decreasing), restore the blood formula and remove toxins - all three of these properties - contribute to the self-healing of tissues. Erakond rejuvenates and restores all tissues of the body, especially the thyroid gland and liver.
  6. Accelerates the healing of bone fractures, improves the condition of bone tissue in osteoporosis, and is indicated in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine. This pronounced property of Erakonda is explained by the unique composition and ratio of the natural components of the plant, namely calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, cobalt, copper, zinc, etc.

Indications for use:

  • Immunodeficiency conditions: chronic fatigue, stress, fatigue, frequent colds, headaches.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia (stops the transition of leukemia to cancer), hypochromic anemia.
  • Respiratory diseases, acute respiratory viral infection, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, tuberculosis, herpes.
  • All cancer diseases.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: rheumatism of the heart, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, thrombophlebitis.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system: inflammation of the renal parenchyma, chronic renal failure, cystitis, urethritis, genitourinary tract infections, frequent urination, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, prostatitis, hidden sexually transmitted infections.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, dysbacteriosis, colitis.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: neuroses, insomnia, asthenic syndrome, consequences of stroke.
  • Autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis).
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: polyarthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Decreased sexual function, infertility.
  • For alcoholism and drug addiction.

Method of use of dietary supplement "Erakond"

Reviews from doctors report that the drug in question should be taken orally during meals. The solution must be dissolved in milk, warm water, juice, tea or kefir.

If you want to get a 10% medicine from a 40% liquid, then for this you need to take 1 part of a 40% dietary supplement solution and 3 parts of plain water. Let's give an example: to prepare 20 ml of a 10% medicine, you should use 5 ml (that is, one dessert spoon) of the Erakond dietary supplement and 3 teaspoons (or 15 ml) of boiled water.

As for the drug in capsule form, it is prescribed to adults and children over 14 years old, two pieces twice a day during meals.

The duration of taking the supplement in question is determined by the attending physician.

Feelings from taking Erakond

I ordered this dietary supplement through an online pharmacy, since I managed to ask at three regular ones, but for some reason they did not deliver such a drug. The cost of a 125 ml bottle is nine hundred and eighty rubles. A bit pricey, but worth it!

On the first day, I took a dessert spoon of this product on an empty stomach, although it is recommended to start with one-third of a teaspoon. I washed it down with a glass of cool water. ALL! My stomach stopped hurting almost instantly! But if I missed taking Erakonda, the pain started all over again. Therefore, I began to drink it further, gradually increasing it to two teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach.

Now, two months later, my stomach is completely fine. The heartburn was gone. In addition, the skin condition returned to normal, the nervous system was also strengthened: I sleep better, I became calmer and more focused. It is very true that Erakond is a panacea for all diseases!

Digestive tract problems

How should Erakond be taken in case of food poisoning? Reviews from doctors claim that in such conditions dietary supplements are taken orally 5-10 ml twice a day. The same dosage should be followed for gastrointestinal ulcers, esophagitis, enteritis, hypo- and hypersecretory gastritis, as well as colitis.

For fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis of any origin, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, the drug is taken orally 5-10 ml three times a day for 1-2 months.

Respiratory tract diseases

For acute inflammatory diseases, the Erakond dietary supplement is taken orally, 5-10 ml three times a day for 5-15 days.

For angina, the walls of the pharynx should be treated with the remedy in question 4 times a day, as well as rinsing the pharynx and mouth with a 10% solution up to 6 times a day after meals.

For chronic and acute rhinosinusitis, a 10% solution must be instilled into the nose up to 6 times a day. For chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as bronchial asthma, it is recommended to inhale a 1.5% solution twice a day using an ultrasonic inhaler.

Skin diseases and injuries

Is the supplement in question effective for skin diseases? Reviews of Erakonda (indications for the use of this drug are discussed in this article) say that this drug works well for chronic diseases such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis and eczema. In addition, it is often used for allergies, including rhinitis, lacrimation, itching, swelling, hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes.

It should also be very often prescribed for bone fractures in order to speed up healing. It is taken 5-10 ml three times a day, for a course of 10 days.

It should also be said that the mentioned supplement is highly effective for radiation injuries, burn wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues and the skeletal system (including osteomyelitis, abscesses, phlegmon, cellulite, trichophytosis and pyoderma).


Do you recommend using Erakond and from what age?

Yes, I think it’s right to use eracond especially for children with certain problems:

often sick, because Erakond helps develop immunity

prone to allergies and atopic dermatitis, because removes toxins, allergens

children attending children's educational institutions

during the period of viral and bacterial illness, poisoning, intestinal infection - double the dose compared to the usual age, because it helps you recover faster

children who need vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, the current weakened genetics and poor ecology make it necessary for each child to take not synthetic vitamins, but a source of digestible form of minerals and vitamins, such as erakond.

Erakond can be given almost from birth, the first months of life drop by drop, at the age of 1 to 3 years 0.5 to 1 teaspoon per day

The manufacturer's website indicates the dosage for children over 14 years of age; is it possible to give Erakond to children under 14 years of age?

There is no concept of children's medicines in pharmacology, all the prefixes "Children" in the name of the drugs are more to reassure parents, for children they use a reduced dose, which usually happens in the so-called "children's" medicines, which differ from the adult counterpart in the dose and form of administration (syrup instead of a tablet, etc.). Erakond has been used in young children for many years; there are centers that have extensive practical experience in this regard. I can recommend a dose for you approximately according to your age according to my knowledge, but the most accurate individual recommendations can be given by A.N. Alimenko. from ROO "Salyus", who has known the drug Erakond from a practical point of view for more than 10 years.

In what form do you take Eracond and how does it differ from Eramin?

We take Erakond from the age of one year in the form of a 40% solution. We did not use Eramin, but having asked Alimenko how these two drugs differ, we received an answer that practical use and inside knowledge of the technology showed that Eramin is weaker than Erakonda. I trust the opinion of Anatoly Nikolaevich.

What effect did you notice from taking Erakonda and in what situations did you use it?

We started taking Erakonda from the age of one along with other medications, my child with a congenital heart defect immediately became stronger two months after starting taking it. By using Erakonda together with active water, we solved our problem of constipation. We noticed that when taking Erakonda, the severity of atopic dermatitis and allergic manifestations decreases. The likelihood of illness has decreased, and in case of a viral disease, intoxication is well removed by taking Erakonda, which allows you to recover faster. Severe intestinal infection with diarrhea, high fever and risk of dehydration, after a child aged 1.5 ate sand outside in the spring, quick treatment with eraconda and bacteriophages without the use of pharmacological agents. A quick way out of food poisoning (read the post)

Where do you buy Erakond and how much does it last for you?

We buy Erakond at ROO Salus, and we can do this at a discount, which makes the drug very affordable. In order to buy a drug at a discount, you can ask me in a personal message for the number that we use to buy drugs at a discount and for examinations at a discount, come to ROO Salus during its opening hours and buy 30% cheaper by calling this number. On average, a bottle lasts us 2-3 months.

Why do you trust these dietary supplements, because there are now so many low-quality dietary supplements that are called miracle remedies, but in fact can harm the body?

Firstly, I really trust the recommendations of A.N. Alimenko, who can be compared in our case to a family doctor. I have been convinced more than once over the years of his competence and the real help of what he recommends. In addition, he works with patients, tracking the results of each drug not just for one year, but for more than a decade. Gives lectures to doctors, participates in symposiums and scientific conferences. Many drugs have found practical use in hospitals and medical centers (for example, amber and its effect on the body was used in the Bakulev center, a children's hospital in Ukraine, etc.) Among our friends there are doctors and pharmacists who highly appreciated the effectiveness of some drugs that we accept and use them for ourselves in our lives. Therefore, I am confident in what I give to my child and with a clear conscience I talk about what we take for those who are truly interested in prevention.

And as food for thought, I will tell you one little story that happened to us this fall. This fall, our friends told us how wonderful Tentorium is and we started giving our son vitamins containing Perga and blueberries. After some time, something unimaginable began. The child stopped sleeping at night, woke up at 3-4-5 in the morning and could not fall asleep for a long time, began to eat very poorly, this continued for 2 weeks. I was nervous. We even went to see a good neurologist on the advice of our cardiologist. The mild sedative did not work (we were prescribed a note), the neurologist found nothing. Our hemoglobin has dropped. They no longer knew what to do.

We arrived for an appointment with Anatoly Nikolaevich. He gave us an examination using a varicardial apparatus and immediately asked what we had recently started giving the child, because... he has a surge of hormonal activity. We began to remember what was new in our diet, and got to the bottom of this famous tentorium. A.N. He explained to us that beebread stimulates children hormonally and cannot be given to them, which is why this started. And also that he and some other experts were invited to the tentorium to conduct laboratory research and their products did not pass the examination for purity, there are many impurities and poisons in their beekeeping products. Therefore, he did not recommend taking Tentorium to either our child or us adults. But people in Russia are generally accustomed to the fact that honey is good, and in fact we don’t think about how many fakes there are on the market now, and that this beekeeping product, depending on the conditions, may not be beneficial, but vice versa. After we stopped taking Tentorium, everything returned to normal, and none of the pediatricians, cardiologists, or neurologists could have guessed this.

Other indications

What other pathological conditions does Erakond dietary supplement treat? This remedy is very often prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system, or more precisely for the prevention of atherosclerosis, lowering cholesterol in the blood and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. It is also used for oncological diseases, for the removal of radionuclides, toxins, carcinogens and heavy metal salts.

The Erakond dietary supplement is often used for endocrine pathologies, including diabetes. In addition, it is used in urological and gynecological practice for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys (including pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, cervical erosion, colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, vaginal candidiasis).

For hemorrhoids, the remedy in question is used in the form of a 10% solution for the preparation of warm baths and microenemas.

The Erakond dietary supplement works well against infectious diseases, including tuberculosis. It is also particularly popular in dental practice. It is prescribed for gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontitis, for the prevention of caries.

The story of our acquaintance with the natural preparation “Erakond”

My gastroenterologist recommended this dietary supplement to me. I turned to him because of frequent heartburn and abdominal pain that had plagued me for more than a month. I myself prescribed various drugs that can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription. Unfortunately, I relied only on the advice of the pharmacist, and paid mainly attention to the medicines that I heard about from advertisements. But alas, self-medication is evil! Now I know this for sure. Taking handfuls of pills for heartburn and stomach pain, I almost destroyed my stomach and liver. As a result, I also developed external manifestations of the disease: my skin became somewhat yellowish, and in addition, problems appeared in the form of acne. On top of that, my immunity was clearly weakened, as I managed to catch a cold three times already this season. The state of my body couldn’t be worse, my mood was simply at zero. At times I started having problems sleeping, and I also became more distracted and unfocused, which really interfered with my work. Fortunately, the Erakond dietary supplement, which my gastroenterologist recommended to me for problems in the gastrointestinal tract, turned out to be, in his words, “a cure for all diseases” and quite quickly managed to get me back on my feet).

Reviews from people and results of use

Dietary supplement "Eracord" is an effective and efficient remedy. This opinion is shared by many people who use it to solve problems with their health. According to consumer reports, this supplement works well for various diseases, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels and heart. Also, this drug is very often used for topical use in dental practice, for injuries and skin diseases.

As a result of using this remedy, many patients got rid of cystitis and other urological problems.

As for doctors, they are also favorable towards this drug. Experts say that the supplement in question is good to use as an additional natural remedy to the main method of treatment. Doctors also report that taking this dietary supplement almost never causes negative reactions. This is due to the fact that it contains only natural ingredients.

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