Camphor oil: reviews from doctors and patients, instructions for use

Camphor oil was used in oriental medicine in ancient times, and it also helped preserve the youth and attractiveness of oriental girls. Japanese laurel, from which this irreplaceable product is produced, grows in the Far East, as well as in China and Japan. Recently, cultivated plantations of this medicinal plant have appeared in North America. What reviews has camphor facial oil for wrinkles received? Is this really an effective remedy?

The popular camphor oil is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology (for face and hair care). A wonderful result is obtained if you use essential oil to care for aging skin. Homemade tonics, creams, and masks with this ether quickly and effectively smooth out facial wrinkles, stimulate skin regeneration and ensure its healing.


Camphor oil is a natural remedy used in medicine and also in cosmetology. The ether is extracted from the wood of the tropical camphor tree; it has an anti-inflammatory, local irritant, analgesic, and antiseptic effect. The drug improves the restoration of tissues and organs, and when the oil is used subcutaneously, the vasomotor and respiratory centers of the brain are activated, metabolism in the heart muscle increases, the tone of the venous capillaries increases and blood volume increases, and the microcirculation of the lungs and brain improves.

Camphor oil therapy is also effective for coughs, since the substance helps remove pathological secretions. With its drying, anti-inflammatory effect, the drug is successfully used to improve hair condition.


Camphor oil is produced in the form of an oil or alcohol solution, as well as in the form of an ointment. According to reviews, camphor oil is used for the following conditions and diseases:

  1. Neuralgia.
  2. Myositis (a disease characterized as an inflammatory lesion of skeletal muscles of various etiologies).
  3. Radiculitis (damage to the nerve roots that enter the intervertebral foramina).
  4. Sciatica (pain in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve). It is often called lumbosacral sciatica.
  5. Arthralgia (transient joint pain in the absence of objective symptoms of joint damage).
  6. Myalgia (muscle pain).
  7. Ear pain.

According to reviews, the use of camphor oil subcutaneously is justified in case of collapse, as well as in case of poisoning with sleeping pills or opioid painkillers, in case of suppression of the respiratory center during infections, and in case of heart disease. Essential oil for hair is used in situations where it is necessary to restore hair growth, eliminate oiliness and fragility, and remove inflammation on the scalp.

Facial oil

The main active component of camphor oil is camphor, a terpene ketone, an oxygen-containing organic compound that has a whole range of pharmacological properties for the skin surface:

  1. Regulates metabolism and regeneration.
  2. Tones and strengthens.
  3. Eliminates inflammation and soothes.
  4. Stabilizes sebum secretion.
  5. Evens out the tone and structure of the skin.
  6. Dries it out.

According to reviews, anti-wrinkle camphor oil has a complex structure that has a positive effect on the skin and effectively copes with the signs of its withering:

  1. Phellandrene - helps produce elastin and collagen.
  2. Pinene - smoothes uneven epidermis.
  3. Limonene and safrole - perform the task of antiseptics, instantly healing tissues.
  4. Sineol - rejuvenates, eliminates facial wrinkles.
  5. Camphene - improves blood microcirculation and helps restore skin.
  6. Bisabolol - has a whitening property, lightens age spots.

Camphor ether is suitable not only for mature, but also for young skin to prevent its early withering. The main indications for use are:

  1. Age wrinkles.
  2. Decreased tone and fatigue of the epidermis.
  3. Chronic inflammatory processes in the skin.

If the skin is too flabby and sluggish, then it is necessary to undergo a course of rejuvenation using traditional methods, using them twice a week. A total of 10 to 12 procedures should be done. Then they take a break.

Camphor oil for skin

Cosmetologists recommend using camphor oil for the face and skin for those who have oily skin with enlarged pores. It normalizes the functioning of subcutaneous fat nodes, cleans pores and promotes the healing of microcracks. Camphor oil is especially good at removing pimples and blackheads. It not only removes existing inflammations, but also prevents the appearance of new ones.

Postpartum age spots will become less noticeable if you wipe them daily with a mixture of camphor oil and shea butter

If you use this product regularly, your skin will soon become velvety and matte.

Skin cleansing toner


  • avocado oil – 1 tsp;
  • caraway essential oil – 1 tsp;
  • camphor oil – 2-4 drops

Apply the composition to a cotton pad and wipe the skin of the face. This product is especially good for problem skin.

Toner for aging skin


  • camphor oil – 3 parts;
  • grape seed oil – 1 tbsp.

This tonic should be used before bed.

Whitening toner


  • Sea buckthorn oil – 2 tsp;
  • Camphor oil – 3 parts.

This tonic is great for removing freckles.

Camphor oil for heels

According to reviews, it is known that dryness and small cracks in the heels cause discomfort. These phenomena provoke a lot of inconvenience from constantly tearing tights to severe pain in the lower extremities.

But in fact, this condition of the foot indicates that the heels need additional care. Camphor oil for dry heels can be an excellent solution to most problems. It must be rubbed into the roughened epidermis, as well as baths or lotions. The essential oil eliminates irritation, eliminates fatigue and tones. A combination of coconut and castor oil works well for foot problems. They soften the skin, making it more elastic.

Aroma oils help to “remove” fatigue and also eliminate pain. Most essential oils have an antibacterial and soothing effect, which is so necessary when cracked heels occur. If a fungus has formed on the feet, you need to use camphor oil. In order to use it correctly, it is important to know what properties a particular substance is endowed with.

If a person has cracked heels or rough skin on the feet, then it is necessary to make a softening foot bath. Before therapy, apply oil to your heels and wrap your feet in film.

Then let the oil soak in for 20 minutes and remove the film. Add soda to hot water (about 50 degrees) - one spoon per liter of water. Take a bath for less than 20 minutes, add warm water. Coarsened skin residues should be removed with a pumice stone or a special brush. This method helps eliminate foot fungus.


It is not recommended to prescribe camphor oil therapy to a person with increased sensitivity to the drug; for epilepsy, the oil is administered subcutaneously. External use of ether is prohibited for skin damage. Despite widespread recommendations, instilling camphor oil into the ear is still contraindicated, since burns, inflammation, and hearing impairment may occur.

The use of camphor ether is prohibited if the child is under 2 years of age. Oil vapors are easily absorbed by the mucous membranes and epidermis of the child, which can cause poisoning. Camphor oil is strictly prohibited for children who suffer from epilepsy.

Beneficial properties of camphor oil

It is difficult to list all the beneficial properties of camphor ether, but the main one is the awakening and stabilization of the central nervous system. In addition, camphor oil has the following features:

  • Activates the work of the heart and blood circulation;
  • Restores respiratory function;
  • Improves brain function.

This oil can be used as the following preparations:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • analgesic;
  • pathogen;
  • decongestant and anti-allergenic.

Internal use of camphor oil is not recommended. It is very toxic and can cause severe poisoning of the body. Therefore, camphor oil is recommended for use as compresses, rubs and lotions.

How to use camphor oil correctly?

Compresses with essential oil are used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. To do this, you need to moisten a gauze napkin and apply it to the sore spot, then cover it with cellophane and lightly bandage it. Leave the bandage on all day and then change it. This compress is excellent for healing wounds, tumors, as well as injuries and dislocations with cyanosis and swelling. After 3-4 days, the pain goes away and the wounds heal.

For preventive purposes, to prevent bedsores and diaper rash, the patient’s body is lubricated with ether after hygiene procedures.

To eliminate cough, you can take the oil orally - mix 4 drops with milk and drink. For hair, camphor oil is used only as one of the components of homemade masks and shampoos.

According to reviews, shampoo is made for hair with camphor oil, which also contains an egg yolk, as well as two tablespoons of water and a teaspoon of oil. Apply the prepared mixture to damp hair, hold for 2-3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Camphor oil for hair

Due to the fact that camphor irritates the skin and improves blood circulation, camphor oil for hair is used to dry the skin, improve hair structure and get rid of dandruff. There are several proven masks for each hair type:

For oily hair


  • chicken yolk – 1 piece;
  • warm water – 2 tbsp;
  • camphor oil (heated) – 0.5 tsp.

Apply the product for 5 minutes. Rinse off with hot water.

For dry hair


  • chicken yolk – 1 piece;
  • almond oil – 1 tbsp;
  • camphor oil – 0.5 tsp.

Apply the mixture to wet hair and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse off with hot water.

To strengthen hair follicles


  • lemon juice – 5 tsp;
  • camphor oil – 0.5 tsp.

Rub into scalp for 15 minutes, cover hair with a plastic bag or towel. Rinse off with hot water.

To increase volume


  • chicken yolk – 1 pc.;
  • sesame oil – 1 tbsp;
  • camphor oil – 0.5 tsp;
  • alcohol solution of red pepper – 1 tsp.

Rub the mixture into the scalp, make a compress and rinse after half an hour.

All masks must be repeated every 2-3 days. The course of treatment ranges from 10 to 14 times.

Camphor oil for treating eyelashes and eyebrows

To add shine and improve their structure, add 3 drops of camphor ether to a teaspoon of castor oil. Apply the mixture to the mascara brush (the brush must first be thoroughly washed to remove pigment) and distribute along the entire length of the eyelashes and eyebrows. Do the procedure at night.

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