Piascledine 300 (Piascledine 300). Reviews from patients, doctors, instructions for use, analogues

Data on the production of the drug

  • The manufacturer is the French company Expansiance.
  • Supplied in capsules with 300 mg of substance.
  • 1 blister contains 15 capsules.
  • A pack made of cardboard contains 1-2 blisters and instructions.
  • 1 capsule contains the following components: 200 mg of the unsaponifiable fraction of soybean oil, 100 mg of the unsaponifiable fraction of avocado oil.

In oils, in their saponified part, the constituent elements are glycerin and fatty acids; they determine how the oil looks externally and its consistency. This fraction has a peculiarity: when alkali is introduced into their composition, soap is formed. If you mix the unsaponifiable fraction of oils with alkali, no soap is formed; they have a different composition and properties.

It is the unsaponifiable fraction of oils that contains such useful substances as:

  • phytosterols;
  • enzymes;
  • acids;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • carotenoids.

It also contains many other useful elements. For the treatment of joints, as well as for cosmetic procedures, the unsaponifiable fraction of oils is extracted and used. It is the unsaponifiable fraction of the oil that has beneficial pharmacological properties.

Piascledine 300

Capsules contain such auxiliary compounds as:

  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • butylated hydroxytoluene.

Piaskledin 300, patient reviews of which describe it as an effective drug, is sold at different prices in different pharmacies, its cost is approximately 1200-1300 rubles.

Scientific research on unsaponifiable oils (Piascledina)

Piascledine, which contains 300 mg of unsaponifiable oils, is taken once a day. This indicator was calculated through randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of patients with arthrosis of large joints (knees, hips, spine).

An RCT is a type of scientific, most often medical, study in which participants are randomly assigned to two groups. In one group, the effect of the drug is used and studied, while in the other, standard treatment methods or a placebo are used. Sometimes specified as “compared to a placebo group.”

Through such studies, the effect of slowing the progression of the disease after 3 months was proven, as well as reducing the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and a significant reduction in pain was established. Interestingly, the effect still persisted over the next 2 months.

The combination of unsaponifiable oils is, in turn, a combination of many other plant compounds, and so far no one has been able to find out and prove what exactly and how it has a healing effect. Most research favors the beneficial effects of plant phytosterols and a mixture of tocopherols (various forms of vitamin E).

You need to understand that unsaponifiable oils do not cure arthrosis. Studies have shown that their main effect is to reduce and inhibit the negative dynamics in the development of the disease, the destruction of cartilage, inflammatory processes and pain.

The effect of the combination of unsaponifiable oils makes it possible to reduce the intake and harm of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which still remain the main ones for pain relief, but are also harmful in terms of side effects and effects on the body. This effect of oils in reducing dependence or even quitting NSAIDs is considered a huge achievement and benefit of this drug.

According to studies of two groups of patients with the same clinical parameters, after several months of taking piascledine at a dosage of 300 mg/day, the trend in joint space narrowing in the group taking piascledine was 2 times less than in the placebo group.

Active ingredients

Active ingredients of the medicinal product:

  • unsaponifiable fraction of avocado oil, in an amount of 100 mg;
  • unsaponifiable fraction of soybean oil, in an amount of 200 mg.

The unsaponifiable component of soybean and avocado oils has demonstrated high effectiveness in reducing inflammatory substances involved in the decomposition of cartilage in pathologies such as arthritis and arthrosis.

This combination of unsaponifiable oils was first invented and produced in France in the first half of the 1990s. for the treatment of a widespread disease - osteoarthritis.

Avocado and soybean oils contain small amounts of unsaponifiable fractions. To achieve therapeutic concentrations of nutrients, it is impossible to eat such volumes of soy and avocado. In this regard, taking these elements exclusively in the form of a supplement can have a therapeutic effect on the joints.

As a result of studies of avocado and soybean unsaponifiable oils, it was found that the most effective ratio is 1:2. If you use other ratios of these oils, or oils separately, for treatment, then their effect is much lower.

At the same time, the unsaponifiable fraction of oils is a combination of a large number of other natural active elements, and now no one has been able to accurately determine which substances from it have a therapeutic effect.

Most studies suggest that the therapeutic effect is exerted by a group of tocopherols (various natural modifications of vitamin E) and natural phytosterols.

Piascledine 300, which has only positive reviews from patients, effectively eliminates the symptoms of osteoarthritis. However, unsaponifiable fractions from oils do not lead to a cure for arthrosis. Their main effect is to slow down the progression of the disease, reduce pain, inflammation and the degree of decomposition of cartilage tissue.

Additionally, Piaskledin 300 stimulates the synthesis of proteoglycans and collagen, which decrease in patients with joint pathologies and the presence of an inflammatory reaction in them. Researchers believe that this effect is due to increased synthesis and release of growth factors. The unsaponifiable fraction from oils reduces the level of inflammatory cytokines.

Proteoglycans are protein substances that regulate metabolic processes inside cells. Proteoglycans surround connective tissue and thereby provide its strength. Various manufacturers from Japan are now increasingly listing proteoglycans as one of the main components of their joint supplements.


Manufacturer: Pierre FabreMedicine Production, France
Release form: capsules

Active ingredient: Chondroitin sulfate

Synonyms: Chondrogard, Chondrolone, Mucosat, Artradol, Artrafik

The analogue of Piascledine Structum is a prescription French chondroprotector with anti-inflammatory activity.

Structum stimulates metabolism in cartilage tissue, reduces degenerative processes, promotes the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, reduces calcium loss and promotes the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue.

The Structum analogue is used twice a day, 500 mg, for six months, the treatment effect lasts for another 3–5 months. In the future, the doctor decides whether to repeat the therapeutic course.

pharmachologic effect

A product made from natural components in cartilage tissue corrects metabolism. It has a symptomatic effect on joints, including analgesic and anti-inflammatory. With long-term use of the drug, the degree of cartilage degradation decreases, joint mobility is restored, and pain associated with joint diseases is reduced.

Among the main mechanisms of action of the drug is the presence of an effect on the production of cytokines. Piascledine 300 inhibits IL-1 and prevents it from damaging synoviocytes and chondrocytes, and enhances the production of collagen and proteoglycans in the joints.

The drug blocks the IL-1-stimulated production of MP (stromelysin and collagenase) by cartilage cells, the synthesis and release of prostaglandin E2, IL-6 and IL-8. This is the basis for the anti-catabolic effect on cartilage tissue.

The drug inhibits the “secondary” inflammatory reaction in the joints: in hyaline cartilage, subchondral bone, entheses and synovial membrane. In clinical experiments, it was found that the constituent substances of Piascledine prevent the occurrence of post-traumatic osteoarthritis and are able to enhance the restoration of cartilage tissue.

Piaskledin 300 reviews from patients are described as a powerful therapeutic agent. Studies have found that this remedy repairs cartilage tissue, enhancing the creation of collagen in it, by inhibiting the enhancing effect of interleukin-1 on the production of collagenase.

Unsaponifiable fraction from avocado and soybean oil:

  • accelerates the synthesis and release of TGF 1 in cartilage cells, which has a strong anabolic effect;
  • ensures a balanced expression of the components of the intercellular substance in the cartilage tissue, enhances the production of the components of hyaline cartilage and periodontal tissue, thereby preventing tooth loss;
  • accelerates the synthesis and release of plasminogen activator inhibitor, thanks to this effect, it reduces the degree of decomposition of cartilage tissue, both indirectly, by enhancing the expression of metalloproteinases, and by directly affecting cartilage tissue, stopping the degradation of proteoglycans, which prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue.


Manufacturer: Madaus, Germany
Release form: film-coated tablets

Active ingredient: Glucosamine

Synonyms: Sustagard Artro, Elbona, Chondroxide Maximum, Unium

Dona is a prescription analogue of Piascledine, containing a component with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

The Don analogue shares with Piascledine the ability to restore cartilage tissue and reduce the development of degenerative changes in the joint. The drug promotes the synthesis of intra-articular fluid, which improves joint lubrication and increases their mobility.

Don's analogue is used for osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis of the spine, knee and hip joints, one tablet twice a day. A reduction in symptoms appears after 15–20 days of treatment, but the medication must be continued for at least a month.

Then, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe a repeat course.


The medicine is taken orally, 1 capsule per day, it is better to take it during meals, in the morning. Take with 1 glass of water. Therapy lasts six months (6 months). Only a medical specialist can increase the duration of the course of therapy and prescribe additional ones.

Piaskledin 300 has active ingredients with a pharmacological effect, which makes it possible to reduce the dosage of NSAIDs, which are now the main medications in medical practice for the treatment of pain, but, according to doctors, at the same time, have some harmful effects on the patient’s body.

A similar effect of Piascledine in reducing dependence or quitting NSAIDs is a big advantage of this drug.


Experts speak positively about the drug: the capsules are highly effective and have a natural composition. Easy to use, as one piece per day is enough. The drug helps reduce pain in chronic diseases of the spine and lower back pain. The disadvantages are the high cost of the course of treatment and the need for long-term therapy, since the drug has a cumulative effect.

Patients note a decrease in pain, swelling of the joints, the disappearance of crunching, the return of the ability to move without pain, and the disappearance of the dependence of the condition on weather changes.

Side effects

Allergies sometimes occur during drug therapy. Even more rarely, laboratory parameters may increase, including: gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and transaminases.

The medicine can be used in work that requires high concentration and high speed of psychomotor reactions.

Piaskledin 300 reviews from patients are described mostly positively. In clinical studies, according to their assessment, the drug was excellently tolerated - in 84.7%, well - in 8.7% and satisfactory - in 6.6%.

In this regard, the researchers concluded that Piaskledin 300 is an effective therapeutic agent with a slow but powerful development of pharmacological effect in the treatment of osteoarthritis. This drug is considered a biological response modifier with a specific mode of action on body tissue.

Piascledine significantly reduces pain in diseased joints, both during the patient’s physical activity and at rest, reduces synovitis, helps reduce the severity of coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis, reduces the need to use NSAIDs, and helps maintain the functionality of diseased joints.

Piascledine also has a significant modifying effect on the structure of joint tissues; this was established during continuous treatment of coxarthrosis for 2 years.

This medication has high safety and good tolerability. Those few side effects that may appear at the beginning of therapy completely disappear with continued treatment, without requiring a change in the treatment regimen.

The data presented have been proven in a large number of controlled studies that fully meet the requirements for modern medications used to treat osteoarthritis.

Problems of drugs for the treatment of arthrosis

Now, with the dominance of all kinds of chemistry, there is great interest in plant-based preparations. We all understand this when choosing and buying medications for ourselves. Modern medications, especially NSAIDs, in addition to their intended purpose, also have serious side effects. Avoiding this wouldn't be bad at all.

Scientists are working in several directions: minimizing the negative effects of taking non-steroidal or steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and searching for safe natural anti-inflammatory and painkillers, increasing their impact and absorption. Here you can remember about curcumin and preparations based on it, boswellia, preparations with bromelain (pineapple extract), etc. These are natural substances with a proven anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on joints with arthrosis and arthritis.

Nature heals naturally and gently. The beneficial effects often extend to other systems and tissues of the body. But this is a long process. In acute forms and symptoms of diseases, it is better to use such drugs in addition to the main treatment, when it is necessary to spare the body and prevent it from getting used to and suffering from chemical drugs. It is best to take natural herbal preparations as preventive measures, especially if there are grounds for this, prerequisites and predispositions, and strong physical activity. These are not instant healing drugs, but they have their own great advantages and capabilities. This is why most studies include comparisons with conventional NSAID treatment and look at ways to reduce them.



Piascledine 300 has the following analogues:

A drugPriceDescription
AlflutopProduced in Romania by Biotechnos SA, in the form of: ampoules of 2 ml, 10 mg/1ml, 5 pcs., costing from 1978 rubles; ampoules of 1 ml, 10 mg/1ml, 10 pcs., costing from 2008 rub. It is a Romanian remedy used to treat joint dysfunction.
It is produced in the form of a solution for injection. The main active ingredient is a concentrate isolated from small marine fish, which has high biological activity. Alflutop has restrictions on its use. You should carefully study the instructions in advance of using the drug. The medicine is expensive. However, therapy will be more profitable than treatment with Piascledine, because the course of therapy with Alflutop requires less time, and less money is needed, since it is administered intramuscularly and inside the joint. This remedy can be used by elderly patients, but it must be used with caution if there are liver and kidney diseases.
Avocado 300 Soy UnsaponifiablesPublished by Maximum International. Unsaponifiable fractions of soybean and avocado oil, 60 tablets of 600 mg, price from 2000 rub. One tablet of the drug contains 300 mg of unsaponifiable oils, as well as the natural mineral complex SierraSil. According to the manufacturer, the combination of substances in the remedy is balanced and created for the most complete therapeutic effect on the joints.
ArtraProduced by the American company Unipharm, in the form of: tablets, in the amount of 30 pcs. Price from 695 rub. It is a medicinal product from the USA used for the treatment of joint diseases. Produced in tablet form. The active ingredients are chondroitin sulfate sodium in an amount of 500 mg and glucosamine hydrochloride in an amount of 500 mg. However, the use of the drug is prohibited for those patients who have impaired renal function.
RumalonProduced in the Russian Federation by the pharmaceutical company Bryntsalov, in the form of: ampoules of 1 ml, 5 mg/ml, 10 pcs., costing from 1241 rubles; ampoules of 1 ml, 10 mg/ml, 10 pcs., costing from 2008 rub. The drug is a Russian medicinal product used to treat joint pathologies.
It is produced in the form of a solution for injection, administered intramuscularly. Indications are degenerative joint diseases. Contraindications to the use of Rumalon are rheumatoid arthritis and high susceptibility to the constituent components of the drug.
Teraflex AdvanceProduced by the German company Bayer in the following form: capsules of 30 pieces, costing from 569 rubles; capsules of 60 pcs., costing from 1184 rubles. It is an antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory drug. Prescribed for osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis of large joints.
RumalayaProduced by the Indian company Panacea Biotek in the form of: capsules of 30 pieces, costing from 459 rubles; capsules of 60 pcs., costing from 1184 rubles. The cost of the gel product is approximately 265 rubles. It is an additive with high biological activity, and includes extracts of various medicinal herbs as components. Due to powders of medicinal plants and extracts from them, used more often by healers in India, the product acts on the same principle as Piascledine: it enhances metabolism in cartilage tissue.
Additionally, as indicated by the manufacturer, this remedy eliminates pain and inflammation.

Rumalaya is prohibited from use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as by patients who have an increased sensitivity to the active substances of this dietary supplement. Additionally, Rumalaya is available in the form of a gel. Before initiating therapy with this medication, you should consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that this dietary supplement can be used as a substitute for approved medications.

If you need direct analogues of the drug, then they need to be selected based on the main component. Piascledine's main active component is the unsaponifiable component of soybean and avocado oils.

Taking into account the unique mechanism of action of Piascledine 300, its increased effectiveness, low number of side effects, ease of use, and also focusing on the positive assessments of patients, this remedy can be recommended as effective, eliminating the symptoms of the disease and improving the structure of tissues in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Piaskledin 300 or Teraflex – which is better?

Manufacturer: Contract Pharmacal Corporation, USA / Bayer, Russia
Release form: capsules

Active ingredient: Glucosamine + Chondroitin sulfate

Synonyms: ARTRA, Kondronova, Artrafik Pro

The Piascledine substitute Teraflex is produced in the USA, and the rights to the marketing authorization belong to the Russian branch.

The Teraflex analogue is a chondroprotector that promotes cartilage restoration and prevents destruction and chemical damage to cartilage tissue.

The Teraflex analogue is used for osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis, reducing the symptoms of the disease and reducing the need for anti-inflammatory painkillers.

Theraflex should be taken more often than Piascledine: in the first three weeks, three capsules per day, then 1 capsule twice a day. The course of treatment is 3–6 months, depending on the degree of joint damage.


Piaskledin cannot be called a cheap and affordable medicine. The price for one pack of the drug containing 30 capsules varies depending on the region. At the same time, in online pharmacies the cost of “Piaskledin” is slightly lower than in offline pharmacies.

In Moscow pharmacies, the price for “Piaskledin” starts at 1,300 rubles per package. The maximum price reaches 1600 rubles. The drug will cost a little cheaper in St. Petersburg - from 1,200 rubles per package. Kazan pharmacies set the price for “Piaskledin” at 1000-1100 rubles, and in Yekaterinburg you will have to pay about 990 rubles for a package.

Since a full course will require 6 packs of the drug, the amount for therapy with Piaskledin will be quite large, and therefore not affordable for every wallet. Considering that among patients with osteoarthritis, the majority are pensioners. Of course, in the case of this medicine, the price corresponds to both the quality and the healing effect. But many people are interested in whether Piaskledin has cheaper analogues.

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