How to do an enema at home? How does an enema affect the human body?

An enema is usually called a special medical process during which, for medicinal purposes, water or a liquid medicinal substance is introduced into the human body through the anus into the rectum. For this procedure, a standard set of tips is used. In cases where there is a need to fill the rectum with water or a liquid medicinal suspension, special tubes at the end with tips for performing deep enemas are used. You can learn more about how to do an enema at home.

Characteristics and classification

Esmarch mug for colon cleansing

Enemas are characterized by a whole set of features, which includes their purpose, composition, volume, temperature and amount of injected solution. Based on these characteristics, there is a certain classification of such a medical procedure, which is as follows:

  1. Types of enemas by purpose. These include: cleansing (to cleanse the body of toxic substances); medicinal (a medicinal liquid is injected into the body for a certain time); nutritious (nutrients are introduced into the body to support its vitality); erotic (medical procedure aimed at obtaining sexual satisfaction); psychotropic (causing alcoholic or drug intoxication from the introduction of alcoholic or narcotic substances into the body); ritual (used in various cult sects as a rite of purification).
  2. Types of enemas based on the volume of substance administered. They are divided into: microenemas (the volume of the medicinal substance is 10 - 100 ml); cleansing enemas (the volume of the administered substance is approximately 1.5 - 2 liters to cleanse toxic substances); siphon enemas (the volume of the substance per procedure is 15 - 20 liters, which is poured in portions of 1 - 2 liters).
  3. Types of enemas according to the composition of the substance. They are:
  • Simple
  • Soapy
  • Glycerin
  • Medicinal
  • Hypertonic composition
  • Oil composition
  • Oxygen filling
  • With additives of food acids (citric acid).

Types of enemas according to temperature indicator are divided into:

  1. Cold enemas (the temperature of the injected substance should be below room temperature)
  2. Hot enemas (the temperature of the injected liquid should be 40 - 45°C)
  3. Cool enemas (the temperature of the substance should be at room temperature)
  4. Warm (the temperature of the injected liquid should be slightly higher than normal human temperature and not exceed 40°C).

It is worth noting that of the types of enemas considered, some are often used in practice and are included in the treatment process as one of the main procedures, while others have become history and are practically not used anywhere. They are only described in medical textbooks and encyclopedias. An example of such a historical enema would be a tobacco or nutritional type.

Execution technique

It is imperative to adhere to the recommended enema technique. Esmarch's mug is first rinsed with hot water and the air is removed from it, then hung slightly above the bed where the procedure is planned to be carried out. The algorithm of actions looks like this:

  • The person lies on his left side, bends his knees slightly and pulls them towards him.
  • An enema tip, which is previously coated with Vaseline or a thick cream, is inserted into the anus with gentle rotational movements.
  • Open the tap so that the solution begins to pour into the intestinal cavity; the pressure can be adjusted.
  • After all the water has come out of Esmarch's mug, you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes, and only then go to the toilet.

All instruments and other devices used for enema at home are thoroughly disinfected, then wiped dry and folded.

The couch or bed where the procedure is carried out should first be covered with oilcloth to prevent getting wet.

Features of carrying out treatment procedures using an enema at home

Giving an enema is an unpleasant procedure

It is generally accepted that every person should be able to give an enema. This procedure should especially apply to those who are actively involved in health fasting. But as statistics show, many people are very far from being able to perform such procedural actions. They even have a vague idea of ​​what benefits an enema can bring to their body, if only for the purpose of cleansing it of toxic substances accumulated in it. To achieve this goal, you only need to have three qualities - desire, willpower and experience. The experience itself consists of special knowledge and skills acquired in the course of performing such simple, health-improving prophylaxis for the body.

For those who are interested in the question of how to do an enema at home, it is worth noting that this procedure is very useful in combination with health-improving fasting. To do this, it must be carried out in the following stages:

  • Stage 1 – preparatory. An enema should be used to cleanse the colon of toxic accumulations.
  • Stage 2 is the final stage. An enema should be used to support the digestive process until it begins to function properly.

During health fasting, enemas greatly facilitate this process, especially in its first days. Therefore, it should be done at the very beginning of this useful prevention for 7–10 days with a frequency of no more than 1 time in 2 days.

What is anal douche?

Before engaging in anal intercourse, this causes many to worry about hygienic and aesthetic considerations, even if you have previously had a bowel movement after wanting a thorough cleansing of the colon before anal douche.

Even when using a condom, contact with feces is undesirable for many, especially during anal intercourse.

As children, we learned that anything that "comes out the back" is "fluff." Even adults can rarely talk calmly about their discharge. There is a possibility that in the zeal of sexual struggle something of the “pfui” always slips through.

For some it's not a big deal, they wash it off and that's good. However, most users emphasize the fact that the colon (rectum) undergoes a thorough cleansing of the colon before penetration (such as butt plug play or anal chain with its anal beads).

Basic techniques for delivering enemas

The usual standard form of an enema consists of a container with a volume of 1-2 liters, hoses, a tip and a clamp. In fact, such a device can be very easily made independently from available materials. But, despite the simplicity of such a device, it is still worth buying it from a pharmacy in a factory-made version to avoid unforeseen accidents. Before starting the cleaning procedure with an enema, you first need to think about the water that fills its container. For example, when using it before starting to cleanse the body with the help of hunger, various additional substances, such as potassium permanganate, soda, and herbs, can be added to the water. And already during the fast itself, it will be excellent to use water and a weak solution of potassium permanganate (the water should have a slightly pink tint). Such a solution will not cause irritation to the intestines being cleansed and is very well removed from the body, without any consequences.

What solutions can be used

The solution for a cleansing enema can be different; in some cases, they take ordinary pre-boiled water, cooled to room temperature. The following liquids are most often used to cleanse the intestines:

  • a weak solution of kitchen salt;
  • baking soda solution;
  • faint pink solution of manganese;
  • decoction of chamomile;
  • decoction of herbs and yarrow flowers.

Prepare the solution immediately before the manipulation; the water used for the cleansing enema must be boiled.

Any enema solutions should be at room temperature. Very hot liquid will lead to strong absorption of toxins, and cold liquid can provoke an inflammatory process.

Features and rules for using a cleansing enema

Different tips for cleansing enema

Among the broad classification of enemas, the most used at home is the cleansing enema. It is used as a primary and additional treatment for the following diseases and dysfunctions of the human body:

  • When infectious symptoms of the disease occur, as well as intoxication of the body caused by poisoning from consuming low-quality products or exposure to harmful microbes. For such disorders of the body, an enema is given every day.
  • When suffocating attacks of bronchial asthma occur. An enema is given 3 times a day until the indicated manifestation of this disease completely ceases.
  • If a very high temperature occurs. The enema is applied 3 times a day until the temperature is completely normalized.
  • When fecal obstruction or poor passage occurs, which is commonly called constipation. An enema is used once when such a malfunction of the body occurs.
  • In case of poisoning of the body with spoiled food. It is necessary to immediately give 2-3 large enemas.

For a cleansing enema to be effective, it is extremely important to correctly prepare the liquid that will be introduced into the body. To do this, you need to take boiled water and add citric or malic acid to it (with a proportion of 1 tablespoon of acid per 1 liter of water). It is worth remembering that the temperature index of water should not be lower than room temperature, since its very cold state can cause severe irritation of the intestinal walls. Also, you should not use highly heated water, which can cause negative consequences during the use of an enema or at the end of this process.

Necessary tools for a cleansing enema

It is worth remembering that the temperature of the liquid used for an enema has different criteria, which depend on the disease itself. For example, for atonic constipation, it is necessary to give a cool type of enema, the temperature of the liquid should be slightly below room temperature, approximately 18 - 20 ° C. But when manifestations of spastic constipation occur, the temperature of the liquid should already be at a temperature of 38 - 40 ° C. So you need to pay a lot of attention to this issue.

This is especially true for women, since the female organs are very often at risk of inflammation, and very cold enemas can cause very dangerous inflammatory diseases. There are cases when the infused liquid cannot pass and fill the rectum. There may be several reasons for such a violation. This includes:

  1. Water obstruction due to the high density of feces in the rectum. To achieve a positive result in such a situation, you need to install the enema tip deeper and raise the container with liquid higher. Or do the opposite, withdraw the tip a little and let water in in small portions, thus creating some pressure, which in turn crushes the feces.
  2. The tip cannot pass through the second anal sphincter, which has become constricted and does not allow fluid to pass through. This disorder may be caused by tension and fear. You just need to relax and not be afraid of anything, and you need to convince yourself that an enema is a painless procedure, after which pleasant sensations appear in the body. It must be added to all this that the anal sphincter cannot open when the enema tip is inserted into the rectum due to its strong elasticity, which can be in people who have a strong, trained body. In this case, it is necessary to use an extended tip, which is inserted to a depth of no more than 15 cm.

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Ways to achieve a more effective effect of cleansing fluid administered through an enema

In answer to the question of how to do an enema at home, in addition to using it correctly, there should be ways to help the tissues of the intestinal walls better absorb the cleansing agent with which it is filled. These methods include:

  • The first method is to perform a relaxing retraction of the abdomen after infusion of liquid.
  • The second method is to perform a physical exercise in which, after filling the intestines with a cleansing liquid, you need to lie on your back near the wall, raise your legs and buttocks up and fix this position with your hands, supporting your lower back. Then, with such a physical stance, your legs need to be rested with your heels against the wall, and your stomach should be relaxed as much as possible. You can achieve maximum relaxation of the abdomen by lightly stroking it from the bottom to the beginning of the chest. In this weakened state, the intestines are most able to absorb the infused cleanser. To achieve the greatest therapeutic effect, you must remain in this position for at least 10 minutes.
  • The third method is reinforcing. After standing with your legs raised, you should lie on your right side to allow the liquid to reach the most inaccessible places in the intestine, where a huge amount of toxic substances are deposited. For people suffering from hypertension, the stand with legs raised can be completely changed to a position on the right side.

After such preventive manipulations with the body, the release of the intestines should occur in several stages. Don't be afraid of this. This is normal. But at the same time, you should not delay the emptying process for too long, since the liquid in the intestines will begin to be absorbed into its tissues, which means that toxic substances will go back into the body.

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