What is vacuum aspiration? Preparation, timing, consequences

Artificial termination of pregnancy in medicine is called vacuum aspiration or mini-abortion. Vacuum aspiration began to be practiced in the 60s of the last century and to this day it is successfully practiced in clinics and gynecological departments.

A mini-abortion is performed at 5-6 weeks by suctioning out the fertilized egg by creating negative pressure. Thanks to vacuum aspiration, it was possible to significantly reduce damage to the uterus, infections, and bleeding.

The popularity of vacuum aspiration is explained by the ability to carry out the procedure on an outpatient basis using simple medical equipment, without general anesthesia, because the procedure is practically painless.

Until what period can a vacuum abortion be performed?

When contacting a gynecologist with a request for a mini-abortion, the gynecologist is first of all interested in the number of days of delay in menstruation (that is, the number of days during which menstruation did not occur).

A mini-abortion can be performed only if there is a delay of up to 21 days, but the best option is to carry out the procedure on the 14-15th day of absence of menstruation, since when performing vacuum aspiration before two weeks there is a risk of not noticing the fertilized egg and removing it.

To have surgery later increases the risk of complications.

Recovery after miscarriage

Vacuum aspiration is the most gentle method of artificial abortion, and therefore the recovery period is easier and faster (compared to traditional curettage).

After a few hours, the patient can leave the clinic. Before discharge, MEDIONA PARNAS doctors give all the necessary recommendations aimed at a quick and smooth recovery of the body:

  1. For 3-4 weeks, you should avoid sexual intercourse, excessive physical activity, and visiting saunas and baths.
  2. Visit the gynecologist again to exclude the development of complications and select a contraceptive method (if necessary).

Indications for mini-abortion

There are no special indications for a mini-abortion; the leading and sufficient indication is the woman’s desire to terminate the pregnancy. But there are also medical indications for early termination of pregnancy. Vacuum aspiration is indicated:

  • during frozen pregnancy;
  • with anembryonia;
  • if bearing a fetus poses a threat to a woman’s health and life (diabetes mellitus, severe liver and kidney pathologies, malignant tumors, etc.);
  • with rubella, influenza and other infections during pregnancy;
  • social indications (for rape, being in prison, etc.);
  • if necessary, endometrial biopsy;
  • if remnants of the fertilized egg are found in the uterus after a pharmacological or surgical abortion;
  • when parts of the placenta are retained after childbirth or cesarean section;
  • for menstrual irregularities (bleeding);
  • with accumulation of blood (hematometra) or serous fluid (serozometra) in the uterine cavity;
  • with incomplete spontaneous abortion.

Cleaning (scraping)

According to the method of execution, curettage resembles the procedure of abortion. In order for the specialist performing the operation to reach the uterus, it is necessary to dilate the uterine cervix. During the procedure, the inner mucous layer of the genital organ is scraped out.

Nowadays, technology and a wide range of various painkillers make this manipulation absolutely painless.

There are a number of indications for cleaning: bleeding of the uterus, confirmation or refutation of the diagnosis of an identified tumor, elimination of the remains of an incomplete termination of pregnancy or in case of complicated inflammation after an abortion, in case of spontaneous miscarriage or in the treatment of uterine polyps.

Contraindications for the procedure

Vacuum aspiration or mini-abortion belongs to the group of invasive interventions; in fact, it is a minor surgical operation. Therefore, a mini-abortion has contraindications, as does surgical termination of pregnancy.

Gynecologists call contraindications to vacuum aspiration:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • fever;
  • infectious processes of any localization (including “colds” on the lips - herpes);
  • acute chronic diseases of organs located in the pelvis or their exacerbation;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • less than six months after the previous termination of pregnancy.

Mini-abortion is not performed due to specific contraindications:

  • when the pregnancy is more than 5 weeks (according to ultrasound readings);
  • with malformations of the uterus;
  • for tumors of the uterus, due to which its cavity is deformed.

Necessary tests

  • To confirm intrauterine pregnancy, blood is donated to determine hCG, a hormone that increases hundreds of times during pregnancy.
  • Then an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is performed, which determines the position of the fertilized egg and thereby excludes ectopic pregnancy.
  • Next, a smear is taken to determine the degree of cleanliness of the vagina. If inflammation is detected, vaginal sanitation is required - treatment with antiseptic drugs.
  • General blood and urine analysis, blood group and Rh factor, blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.
  • For a period of more than 6 weeks, an ECG is required, because The procedure will be performed under anesthesia.
  • If the patient has concomitant diseases, additional tests may be prescribed.
  • If the pregnancy is terminated without indication on the woman’s initiative, a conversation with a psychologist is scheduled.

How is vacuum aspiration performed?

The procedure for performing a vacuum abortion is based on the use of an electric vacuum pump in the operation to extract the fertilized egg from the uterus. Using a pump, a uniform negative pressure is created in the uterus, as a result - the fertilized egg is peeled off from the walls of the uterus and sucked out.

The vessels of the uterus are not damaged during vacuum aspiration, and avoiding the use of metal dilators allows one to avoid trauma to the uterus, which reduces the likelihood of developing cervical insufficiency, which in the future may prevent childbearing.

Preparation period

Before the procedure, the woman visits a gynecologist. During the consultation, the doctor decides on a mini-abortion, finds out the duration of pregnancy, and prescribes a number of tests. The patient is sent for research:

  • for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • flora smears;
  • blood analysis;
  • coagulogram;
  • Ultrasound.

Before performing the procedure, the gynecologist makes sure that there are no indications, including the absence of a genital tract infection.

At the first stage of the operation, the external genitalia are treated with an antiseptic. Access to the uterus is provided by gynecological speculum.

The cervix is ​​treated with a disinfectant, and sometimes the patient is given local anesthesia, although most often it is done without it.

A catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity with slow rotational movements. Under the influence of negative pressure created by a vacuum apparatus, the contents of the uterus are exfoliated and expelled.

Benefits of the procedure

The main advantage of the procedure:

  • the possibility of carrying it out on an outpatient basis;
  • absence of cervical injuries;
  • rapid restoration of uterine tissue and healing;
  • slight deviations in hormonal levels and menstrual cycle.

After an abortion

The entire vacuum aspiration procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. After a mini-abortion, the patient should rest for several hours within the walls of the medical institution.

The gynecologist will give a prescribed course of antibiotics to prevent infections, and in case of severe cramping pain, painkillers.

If there are no complications, the woman can return to normal activities the next day.

To prevent complications after a mini-abortion, doctors recommend:

  • abstain from sexual activity for a month;
  • avoid heavy physical exertion and hypothermia;
  • refuse saunas, steam baths and swimming pools;
  • You can’t take hot baths after a mini-abortion, only warm showers;
  • maintain genital hygiene;
  • take antibacterial drugs to prevent infectious complications;
  • take hormonal contraceptives to restore hormonal levels and exclude pregnancy.

2-3 weeks after the mini-abortion, you need to see a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound. If necessary, the doctor will order tests.

After an abortion

Sexual activity after an abortion is not recommended for 3 weeks.

A new pregnancy should not be allowed to develop for at least 6 months.

If you want to protect yourself with oral contraceptives, the patient should take the first pill from the package on the day of the abortion.

The intrauterine device may be inserted during a gynecological examination the day after the abortion, or during your next regular menstrual period.

Bloody discharge may persist for up to 2 weeks. If you are feeling well, ultrasound monitoring is recommended 5-7 days from the start of the first post-abortion menstruation. If complaints occur (fever, pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding or purulent “leucorrhoea” from the genital tract), the patient should immediately consult a doctor.

Vacuum abortion: consequences and possible complications

Vacuum aspiration, according to doctors, is the safest operation, since there is minimal risk of injury when performing it. Nevertheless, even after vacuum aspiration complications can arise.

Doctors call possible complications during vacuum aspiration:

  • perforation of the cervix or body of the uterus;
  • incomplete aspiration after removal of the fertilized egg;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • secondary infertility.

Advantages of the technique

According to experts from the World Health Organization, a mini-abortion is a safer, gentler and less painful way to terminate an unwanted pregnancy (compared to a traditional surgical abortion).
The technique has a number of undeniable advantages:

Low morbidity.

Vacuum abortion does not involve curettage, and, therefore, injury to the walls of the uterus and its cervix, which prevents the risk of damage to the genital organs (with surgical curettage, there is a possibility of perforation of the uterine wall).

No complications.

Allows you to completely remove all tissues of the fetal egg, so re-intervention is not required. The likelihood of developing infectious and inflammatory complications is also reduced to zero.

Speed ​​of the procedure.

Vacuum abortion is performed on the day of treatment. The duration of the procedure is no more than 5-7 minutes.

Fast rehabilitation.

Due to its low trauma, mini-abortion does not require a long recovery period. The woman can return home just a few hours after completion of the procedure.

Menstruation after vacuum aspiration

On days 3-5 after the intervention, a woman may experience bleeding similar to menstrual discharge.

But this discharge is not menstruation - this discharge after surgery is associated with hormonal changes in the female body.


Real menstruation after a mini-abortion will appear in about a month. In this case, periods may be shorter and more abundant, which is associated with suppression of ovarian function. The menstrual cycle that follows will not differ from the regular monthly cycle.

Necessary examination before manipulation

A mini abortion is an operation and is performed exclusively by a doctor and exclusively in a medical institution. Before carrying out such a manipulation, a medical examination is required and tests are prescribed. This stage is needed to prevent possible consequences after an abortion.

Before an abortion you need to get tested

The first thing you need is an examination by a gynecologist, and then he will prescribe tests. You will need to undergo a general urine test, a blood test for the Rh factor, a test for the presence of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis, a hCG test, fluorography, a general smear and an ultrasound examination.

It is also possible to individually prescribe additional tests in individual cases. For example, if a woman is registered with one of the specialists (cardiologist, neurologist, dermatologist).

How to prepare for a vacuum abortion

Preparing for vacuum fetal removal surgery requires certain preparation:

  • The doctor examines the patient, asks questions, and inquires about chronic diseases, hereditary pathologies, and allergic reactions.
  • The gynecologist will refer you for tests and instrumental studies. It will be necessary to determine pregnancy and the location of the fetus using an ultrasound examination. Perhaps the pregnancy will not be confirmed at all.
  • Tests for sexually transmitted diseases and a vaginal smear are required to make sure that there are no inflammatory processes or hidden infections in the body.
  • After this, the patient signs a document and expresses her consent to a vacuum abortion.

It is better to arrive on an empty stomach on the day of surgery. It is worth taking care of who you meet near the clinic. The body's reaction to anesthesia can be different. An accompanying person may be required. On this day you need to rest physically and emotionally.

Make an appointment and free consultation by calling +7(495) 256-49-52 or filling out the online form

Select a clinicGynecologist appointmentMedical abortionSurgical abortion

Answers to frequently asked questions on the topic of termination of pregnancy:

  • Which doctor should I contact?
  • What examination is necessary before an abortion?
  • What consequences can there be from abortion?
  • When can you start having sex after an abortion?
  • How to recover after an abortion?
  • What is an incomplete abortion?
  • What anesthesia is used for abortion?
  • When can you get pregnant after an abortion?
  • What are the contraindications to medical abortion?
  • Until what time is a medical abortion performed?
  • How is a medical abortion performed?
  • How to prepare for a medical abortion?
  • Until what time is surgical abortion performed?
  • Do you offer late-term abortions at your clinic?
  • How to prepare for a surgical abortion?
  • What is a vacuum abortion?
  • Which method is considered safer?


Abortion is performed when:

  • conscious choice of a woman;
  • the presence of fetal malformations or intrauterine death;
  • complications that arise that pose a threat to the woman’s health or life;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, pregnancy can be terminated at the request of a woman up to 12 weeks.

After 12 weeks, abortion is resorted to only for medical (non-viability or severe pathologies of the fetus, threat to the life and health of the woman) or social (rape, refugee status, lack of housing, death or disability of the husband, large families) indications.

The safest time for termination of pregnancy is up to 7 weeks. Later, the embryo attaches to the uterine wall, and the woman’s body begins to adapt to bearing a child. Therefore, as the gestational age increases, the risk of complications after an abortion increases.

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