"Kinder Biovital", gel for children: instructions for use, indications, composition, dosage, reviews

  • January 8, 2020
  • Other drugs
  • Natalia Vorobyova

You can have different attitudes towards vitamins, mineral supplements and all kinds of multivitamin complexes if you are an adult. Doctors often recommend taking a course of vitamins, but not everyone follows this advice. However, if we are talking about children, then there is no doubt: such supplements will bring certain benefits to children.

There are many multivitamins for children. Today we’ll talk about one of these drugs. So, Kinder Biovital gel: what is it, what are its advantages, what do patients say about it?


The Biovital Kinder gel contains (per 10 grams of gel):

  • 2.75 mg retinol ;
  • 600 IU cholecalciferol ;
  • 1.65 mg vitamin E ;
  • 0.33 mg vitamin B1 and riboflavin ;
  • 1.5 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride ;
  • 5 mg nicotinamide ;
  • 1 mcg vitamin B12 ( cyanocobalamin );
  • 1 mg calcium pantothenate ;
  • 100 mg vitamin C ;
  • 2.5 mg calcium phosphinate ;
  • 200 mg lecithin ;
  • 6 mg manganese citrate soluble;
  • 0.25 mg sodium molybdate .

The complex also contains auxiliary ingredients: blood orange flavor, potassium sorbate, sucrose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, distillate, ethanol, isopropyl myristate, sodium benzoate, alpha-tocopherol, vanillin.

The composition of 1 lozenge Vedmezhuyki Kinder Biovital includes:

  • 400 mcg vitamin A ;
  • 1 mg and 0.50 mcg of vitamins B6 and B12 , respectively;
  • 9 mg vitamin PP ( nicotinamide );
  • 5.03 mg vitamin E ;
  • 100 mcg folic acid ;
  • 75 mcg biotin ;
  • 30 mg vitamin C ;
  • 2.50 mcg vitamin D3 .

Additional substances: sugar, citric acid, red fruit concentrate, red pepper extract, raspberry flavor, water, orange flavor, glucose, dry gelatin, Kapoli 2620C, yellow fruit extract, lemon flavor.


If necessary, children's vitamins Kinder Biovital gel can be replaced with other complexes. They may contain a similar composition of vitamins and minerals.

Some of them:

  • Multi-tabs Immuno Plus is a vitamin and mineral complex with probiotic properties that help normalize the functional part of the digestive system and metabolism in general. Restores the balance of microflora after illnesses and the use of antibiotics. Prescribed for the prevention of infectious diseases, improvement of immunity and adaptive properties of the body. It contains vitamins A, C, E, group B, minerals and a strain of lactic acid bacteria.
  • Vitamax is a drug intended for the prevention of hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency. Thanks to ginseng, it has regenerating and defense-stimulating properties. Can be used as a remedy for stress, chemotherapy, exhaustion of the body after illness. It also helps to increase concentration and mental abilities when necessary. In addition to the complex of vitamins and minerals, the composition contains several extracts of plant origin.
  • Vitrum Atherolitin is a remedy that helps get rid of the deficiency of nutrients as a result of the influence of various factors, such as poor nutrition, diets, stress, and strain. Brings cholesterol levels to the required level. Serves as a drug for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Among the active substances there are vitamin A, C, E, group B, and minerals.
  • Gerimax is a combination drug that includes a classic complex of vitamins and minerals. This composition also contains ginseng extract. This combination gives an effective result in improving immunity. Helps to endure and get rid of symptoms resulting from overwork, poor diet, stress, and sleep disturbances.
  • Dr. Theiss Gerovital - it is prescribed for dysfunction of the central nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems. The composition includes a fairly large number of herbal extracts. Also useful for hypovitaminosis, high physical and psychological stress.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The vitamins included in both complexes are important components of the harmonious development of the child’s body. They are necessary for the synthesis of various hormones , enzymes , and other substances.

Vitamin A has an immunomodulatory effect, promotes the development of epithelium, accelerates the healing processes of wounds and cuts on the skin, improves vision, and takes part in the synthesis of visual pigment.

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant , protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, and is involved in erythropoiesis and the process of muscle tissue formation. It also plays a big role in the functioning of the nervous system, increases performance and stress resistance.

B vitamins (B12, B6, riboflavin , etc.) strengthen the nervous system and immunity. B6 has a positive effect on heart function and muscle growth, and is involved in metabolic processes and carbohydrate-fat metabolism.

Particular attention should be paid to folic acid . The substance is involved in the synthesis of thymidylate , purines , methionine and other methylation reactions. Accelerates metabolism, promotes cell growth and replication reactions.

Vitamin C supports the immune system and accelerates the absorption of other vitamins and vitamin-like substances. Ascorbic acid also participates in collagen synthesis, supports redox reactions, and has an antioxidant effect.

To prevent rickets , muscle weakness , and diseases of the nervous system, you should consume a sufficient amount of x olecalciferol ( vitamin D3 ). The substance stimulates the rapid absorption of calcium by the body. Bones and teeth gain strength, the muscular system and nervous system become more resilient.

The vitamin complex is well absorbed and undergoes metabolic reactions.

Basic information about the drug

Kinder Biovital gel is a vitamin complex intended for children of all age groups. It has a large amount of vitamins and allows you to normalize all body functions.

Improves the overall immune system, thereby increasing performance and tone.

Recommended use:

  • If there is a lack of vitamins and minerals and the corresponding symptoms appear;
  • Inflammation of the oral cavity and stomatitis;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • High physical activity.

More material on the topic:

  • Detailed description of the vitamin complex for children Pikovit and the price of the drug in pharmacies
  • In the next article you can study the composition, indications and reviews of the product for improving immunity in a child Multi-tabs Baby
  • Find out what beneficial properties Vitamins for children have. To do this, follow this link https://okvitamin.org/vitaminnye-kompleksy/detyam/chem-polezen-dlya-detej-preparat-vitamishki.html

Author of the article: Nefedov Vasily Alexandrovich

Allergist, Immunologist Examines and consults patients on strengthening the immune system for various disorders in the functioning of the body. She also conducts a full comprehensive diagnosis of allergies and prescribes treatment based on the results.

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Indications for use

Biovital gel for children is prescribed:

  • for hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency ;
  • during a diet or an unbalanced diet;
  • for children who are stunted;
  • for stomatitis , after suffering from infectious or other diseases;
  • during treatment with antibiotics , chemotherapy .

Chewable lozenges are prescribed:

  • during active growth, with increased physical activity. or mental stress;
  • in the cold season, during the adaptation period (for example, in kindergarten);
  • with insufficient nutrition;
  • children living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Possible negative consequences

If the dose is too high, pain, nausea, vomiting, and allergies appear - you must seek medical help.
When taking Biovital gel, additional administration of vitamin D is dangerous. An overdose causes seizures due to a sharp decrease in calcium. Other medications coexist peacefully with the gel, which makes it possible to use it in complex therapy of diseases. Biovital gel is stored at low humidity and a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. With proper maintenance, the positive qualities of the medicine will be preserved for a long time, but not longer than two years. The storage location must be inaccessible to children.

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Instructions for Biovital Kinder (Method and dosage)

The gel for children is taken orally or topically, regardless of food intake. The duration of the course is determined after consultation with a doctor.

Instructions for Biovital Kinder gel

Teenagers and schoolchildren are prescribed a teaspoon, 2 times a day. For infants and primary schoolchildren – half a spoon 2-3 times a day.

For stomatitis and other lesions of the oral mucosa, the gel is applied to the affected area and left for a while until completely absorbed.

Instructions for Vedmezhuyki

For children aged 3-6 years, the daily dosage is 1-2 bears. For children 7-13 years old – up to three bears per day. You should not try to replace a good diet with a complex.

Lozenges are taken for 30 to 45 days. Courses can be repeated up to several times a year.

Additional Information

Good to know:

  1. Multivitamins for children in gel form have many benefits, but it is very important to follow the correct dosage indicated in the instructions for use of the drug.
  2. In the first three days after starting to take vitamins, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s well-being and appearance. If the child’s cheeks suddenly turn red or a rash appears on the skin, you should immediately stop taking the selected complex. You should also stop taking vitamins if you have vomiting and/or diarrhea.
  3. Multivitamins, like any other medicines, should be stored in a dark, dry place, out of reach of a child, at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees. Shelf life: two years.
  4. If the doctor has prescribed vitamins for your child, you need to give them to him, but this is not enough. You also need to monitor your baby’s nutritious diet. His diet must be balanced, and only then will a really good result appear.

  5. Taking this multivitamin complex in parallel with other multivitamin supplements is strictly prohibited.


Reviews of Kinder Biovital gel

Reviews of Biovital gel for children are good. Many people like the release form, packaging, fruity taste and smell. The complex is quite effective, children get sick less and become more active. However, there are also patients who, on the contrary, did not like the packaging, taste, or cost of the product.

Reviews for Vedmezhuyki

For some, lozenges in the form of gelatin bears are more suitable than Biovital gel. It is easier to force the child to take them, allergies or other side effects are less likely to occur. Many people are confused by the high cost of lozenges.

Side effects

The vitamin complex does not have any side effects, since the amount of substances in the composition does not exceed the norm necessary for the child.

In some cases, with high individual sensitivity, allergic reactions may occur. Such actions are usually expressed in the form of skin rashes, itching, swelling, and urticaria.

From the digestive system - nausea, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea.

The same symptoms appear in case of overdose - over 100 g of the drug.

If any of the above symptoms occur, you must stop taking Kinder Biovital gel vitamins.

Video: “Antioxidants and their properties”



The drug is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • Hypervitaminosis A, E, D3;
  • Hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria;
  • Intolerance to any one or more components of the complex.

It should be used with caution in the presence of nephritis, heart failure, chronic pancreatitis. For people with diabetes, it is necessary to take into account that 5 g of gel corresponds to 0.15 XE (bread units)

For people with diabetes, it is necessary to take into account that 5 g of gel corresponds to 0.15 XE (bread units).

Kinder Biovital gel during pregnancy

If necessary, this complex can be prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation. Before you start taking it, you should consult your doctor.

It will help even with rickets

Specialists of all fields treat this drug with great respect; it is known that it is often used to eliminate inflammation of the oral mucosa. Here the gel is applied locally to ulcers and swelling three times a day. “Kinder Biovital” is very effective for various types of dystrophic conditions, weight loss and exhaustion. Reviews from mothers indicate this. Children who were not gaining weight in any way, with poor appetite and the presence of constant weakness after starting to take it, changed simply before our eyes. A survey conducted among parents showed that they note a number of particularly positive qualities in this drug:

  1. The release form and taste of the gel are interesting for children.
  2. The most balanced composition, giving excellent performance after starting to take it.
  3. Nice price.

Many take into account a good selection of vitamins, which contributes to the harmonious development of the child. In spring, winter and autumn, this medicine completely compensates for the lack of necessary substances in the body, children practically do not get sick or tolerate colds much easier. For frequent irritability, rapid excitability, mood swings, fatigue and heavy workload, mood swings and tearfulness, experts recommend taking Kinder Biovital. Its composition is as balanced as possible.

Description of the drug

It will help speed up recovery after suffering serious infectious diseases, improve the condition of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, increase the body’s protective properties and give a good boost of energy for the whole day “Kinder Biovital” (gel). It is a yellow viscous mass filled with air bubbles and has a sweet aroma. The taste of the gel is rich, there is a slight sourness. The drug itself is packaged in special bright aluminum tubes of 175 milligrams. Additionally, each box is equipped with detailed instructions with a full description of the composition and rules for its use. Children adore this gel; thanks to this form of release, it is a sweet treat for them, filled with bubbles that are pleasant to the tongue. They eat it with pleasure every day and even spread it on bread like a sandwich.

The effect of a multivitamin complex

Biovital Kinder vitamins are taken by babies up to one year old, schoolchildren for preventive purposes during school and sports competitions, patients with anemia, vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis, with a lack of trace elements, minerals and nutrients in the diet. Vitamins are prescribed after surgery to help the body recover. Kinder gel is taken for colds, viral infections, chemical therapy and when taking antibiotics as rehabilitation measures.

In dentistry, Kinder gel is used in the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes - stomatitis; the composition is applied to ulcers and around the affected areas three times a day. The instructions for the drug recommend regular use of the medication if you are following a diet, lack of vitamins in the diet, or vitamin deficiency. Dystrophic condition, exhaustion, stunted growth and weight require the prescription of a multivitamin complex.

During the periods of autumn, winter and spring, when the consumption of natural vitamins in vegetables and fruits is reduced, it is necessary to take Biovital Kinder gel. With short-term or permanent changes in climatic conditions, with tearfulness, fatigue, excitability and irritability, the medicine has a positive effect

Kinder gel will help restore memory, concentrate attention, and increase success in school

When interviewing parents, the positive qualities of Biovital gel were noted: pleasant to the taste, interesting shape, air bubbles reminiscent of soda. Disadvantages include allergic reactions, red cheeks, and a noticeable specific taste. Many agree with the usefulness of the gel. Vitamins are involved in the harmonious development of the baby, in the production of hormones and internal metabolic products, in the proper functioning of the child’s body, which distinguishes the drug from its analogues.

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