Prontosan gel: instructions for use for wound healing, composition, price, analogues and reviews

Prontosan Gel is a ready-to-use sterile water-based gel for cleansing, moisturizing and decontaminating wounds of various origins. To stimulate the wound healing process, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the wound of necrotic tissue, fibrin and biological films. Cleansing the wound eliminates the environment for bacterial growth and creates the prerequisites for accelerated healing.


Prontosan gel is used to treat:

  • Long-term non-healing wounds (trophic ulcers of various etiologies, bedsores, etc.).
  • Thermal and chemical burns, frostbite.
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative wounds.
  • Wounds with deep cavities and hard-to-reach wounds.
  • Wounds and skin damage after radiation therapy.
  • Skin and mucous membranes around wounds, ostomies, catheters or probes.
  • For sanitation of the wound surface during primary surgical treatment.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in several forms:

  • solution in a 350 ml bottle - used to effectively cleanse the wound of microorganisms, contaminants and dead tissue;
  • gel in a tube of 30 ml and 250 ml - used as a disinfectant and wound healing agent, applied directly to the wound after cleansing and covered with a gauze bandage;
  • liquid in 40 ml ampoules , applied externally.

Prontosan gel contains the following active ingredients:

  • undecylene amidopropyl betaine is a surfactant that effectively removes contaminants from the wound;
  • polyhexanide is an antimicrobial component that is effective against bacteria and fungi.


The cost of the medicine may vary slightly depending on the place of sale. You can buy the gel at any public or private pharmacies located at the patient’s place of residence.

Province/regionDosage form/volumePrice
Moscow, Moscow regionGel, 30 ml485-1127 rub.
Moscow, Moscow regionSolution, 350 ml458-2570 rub.
Saint PetersburgGel, 30 ml641-1104 rub.
St. Petersburg (suburbs)Gel, 250 ml2338-2680 rub.
Leningrad regionGel, 30 ml649-802 rub.
Novgorod regionGel, 30 ml669-670 rub.

Before using Prontosan, you should carefully read the instructions for use of the gel and consult with your doctor or pharmacist. In addition, it is recommended to study reviews of patients who used the drug as a wound healing agent.

Pharmacological properties

Instructions for use of Prontosan gel do not contain detailed data on the mechanism of action of the drug. The main pharmacological effects are wound healing and antimicrobial. At the same time, the product helps eliminate the unpleasant odor during purulent and necrotic processes in the wound.

Long-term non-healing wounds are accompanied by the constant formation of necrotic masses, the appearance of waste products of pathogens and fibrinous deposits. This leads to constant contamination of the cavity and slower healing time. Such processes can be finally stopped by eliminating their root cause. In case of infection or endocrine disorders, this is quite difficult to do. Often the etiological factor is a violation of tissue trophism and the presence of systemic diseases (vascular insufficiency, diabetic foot syndrome, neurodermatitis, eczema, oncological ulcers and other similar conditions).

It will be possible to speed up cell renewal in the affected area, increase the efficiency of healing and improve the functioning of the tissue if the cavity is thoroughly cleaned of contaminants. This will help eliminate conditions favorable for the proliferation of bacteria and wait for the appearance of new cells with sufficient protective properties.

Prontosan gel is more often used to heal complex wounds in a hospital setting, since the cost of the medicine is not cheap.

The surfactant effectively removes any contaminants from the wound cavity - necrotic masses, biofilm, dust dirt, microbes and more. The second active component, polyhexanide, is necessary to suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria and fungi and restore the natural protective properties of the renewed tissue. At the same time, the substance does not have a damaging effect on a healthy area and acts only locally, without being absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, which is a great advantage.

Description of the drug Prontosan

The drug Prontosan is for external use. The components of the product disinfect wound surfaces well, suppress bacterial microflora, moisturize dry epidermis, promote wound healing and rapid regeneration of the skin.

The drug acts on seals that occur during scarring and effectively eliminates them.

Note! Prontosan gel is recommended for treating both long-healing injuries to cleanse, moisturize and accelerate tissue regeneration, and fresh wounds to prevent possible infection


The main active ingredients of the drug are betaine and polyhexanide.

Betaine reduces surface tension and eliminates the consequences of pathogenic activity of microbes - biological film, opening the free outflow of exudate and wound cleansing.

Polyhexanide kills microorganisms that cause putrefactive reactions.

Together, the components act on the damaged area, promoting accelerated recovery of epithelial cells.

Glycerol (humectant), purified water and hydroxyethylcellulose (gelling agent) are used as auxiliary components.

Release forms

The medication is available in 2 types:

  • Gel is a healing agent for wet wounds of various origins.
  • The solution is used to pre-cleanse wounds, preparing the damaged surface for application of the gel.

It is most effective to use both forms of the drug in combination.


Indications for the use of sterile Prontosan gel are as follows:

  • prevention of necrotic processes in case of burns with chemicals or high temperature, as well as frostbite;
  • skin regeneration after radiation therapy;
  • treatment of long-term non-healing wounds, which include bedsores, trophic ulcers on the legs of various etiologies and dermatological diseases;
  • skin restoration and disinfection during injuries and after operations;
  • preventing infection of deep wounds and removing contaminants from hard-to-reach skin lesions;
  • treatment of the cavity around probes, catheters for disinfection and removal of contaminants;
  • primary treatment and sanitation of the wound surface.

Analogues of Prontosan for wound treatment

It is not recommended to independently select a drug with properties similar to Prontosan. The doctor may replace the drug with other medications, including:

  • Panthenol is one of the most popular drugs recommended for use in the first minutes after receiving severe burns.
  • Algofin-forte is a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic cream that cleanses the wound well from microorganisms, reduces itching, and also resolves seals, preventing the formation of scars.
  • Stop early. Antiseptic with a broad antimicrobial spectrum of action, the main active ingredient of which is povidone-iodine. Effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi and other protozoan microorganisms. It also does an excellent job of treating difficult-to-heal trophic ulcers and infected bedsores.
  • Pantestin promotes the removal of purulent exudate and the rapid healing of wounds on the skin and mucous membranes, including postoperative wounds resulting from burns or secondary infection with neurodermatitis.
  • Solcoseryl. The gel stimulates skin regeneration and is intended for the treatment of wounds of any origin, including weeping eczema and ulcers. The ointment is used for abrasions and dry scratches.

It is important! It is strictly prohibited to use two drugs with different compositions but identical properties at the same time. The components of ointments interact with each other, reducing the effectiveness of both drugs

Instructions for use

It is recommended to use Prontosan gel in combination with a liquid form of the medicine - Prontosan solution. It is recommended to first thoroughly rinse the surface of a wound of any etiology with a liquid form. Even if the wound looks clean on the outside, one should always assume that the area of ​​injury is contaminated with microorganisms that can cause complications. During this treatment, the surrounding areas must also be covered. After mechanical removal of contaminants with the solution, you can moisten a gauze cloth in it and cover the wound with it for approximately 15 minutes.

After removing the gauze and washing the affected area, Prontosan gel is applied to the wound surface. The medicine is left directly in the wound. Pharmacological effects will only appear at the site of application.

It is enough to apply the gel in a thin layer, no more than 3 mm. A secondary dressing is placed on top of the medication. A combination of liquid and gel forms of the drug is recommended. The first allows you to effectively remove contaminants, and the second prevents microbial proliferation without spreading to neighboring areas.

The gel is left until the next dressing change, even if it occurs after a few days. When re-dressing, the wound is again cleaned with the solution, after which, if necessary, the product is applied again.

If discomfort occurs during application of the product, the gel can be heated to body temperature.

Prontosan's analogs

The modern pharmacological industry has a wide range of drugs that have similar effects. The doctor must make decisions about prescribing and changing medications. Experts often use analogues of Prontosan wound healing gel.

NamePurposeIndications and method of use
Panthenol ointmentRelieves pain, inflammation, swelling, redness. Disinfects the surface of the wound, accelerates tissue regeneration. The gel promotes skin healing after burns.
  1. Used to treat minor injuries, scratches, abrasions, burns. Effectively used to treat bedsores and trophic ulcers.
  2. After cleansing the damaged area from contamination, apply a thin layer and rub into the surface with massage movements.
Bepanten PlusDisinfects and soothes the skin, like Prontosan gel. Anesthetizes, cleanses the damaged cavity, stimulates the skin, accelerates healing.
  1. Used in the treatment of wounds at risk of infection, burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers. It is often used to treat nipples in nursing women.
  2. The ointment is applied in a thin layer, several times a day. It can be applied under a bandage. It all depends on the severity of the lesion.
BetkosinAntiseptic drug for treating and washing purulent wounds. Effectively copes with bacteria, accelerates healing, and removes pus. The gel is used externally for injured areas with discharge of pus, bedsores, burns, trophic ulcers. Before use, the solution is diluted with water, and then the damaged area is washed.
LevaseptMedicine with broad antiseptic action. Kills pathogenic organisms, removes pus, cleans the cavity, accelerates healing.
  1. Effective in the fight against purulent injuries of any nature, trophic ulcers, bedsores, burns. It is actively used in surgery instead of Prontosan gel when treating wounds and sutures at risk of infection.
  2. The ointment is applied under the bandage.

Analogues are not always effective as Prontosan healing gel. If side effects occur while using the medication, consult your doctor about changing the medication.

special instructions

The gel inside the bottle is sterile, so when applying the medicine to a wound, it is recommended to avoid direct contact of the tube spout with the skin.

Relative contraindications are the use of the drug on damaged cartilage tissue and after joint surgery. In addition, the gel is not used in the area of ​​the central nervous system, on the mucous membrane of the eyes, or in the middle ear.


Prontosan (gel for wound healing is used for various types of injuries) has some restrictions on use due to the distinctive characteristics of the patient’s body.

According to the manufacturer's instructions, the gel has the only limitation for use - individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug. Therefore, before using the product, you must ensure the absence/presence of an allergy to the components by conducting a small test.

To do this, you need to apply a small amount of transparent liniment to the elbow bend and monitor the reaction.



My mother has had diabetes for 10 years. It is impossible to completely eliminate endocrine pathology, despite taking modern medications. Now negative manifestations on the skin begin in the form of a noticeable vascular network and non-healing small ulcers. The doctor recommended Prontosan gel. We apply it regularly to problem areas, and apply a gauze bandage on top. Within a month of use, it was possible not only to stop the processes that destroy surface tissues, but also to improve the appearance of the legs.

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