"Zosterin Ultra": what is it, instructions for use, where to buy, price

To treat various types of allergies, strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol, remove heavy metals and other toxins, sorbent preparations are often used, including Zosterin Ultra. This is a natural dietary supplement of plant origin. It works effectively, the first results are noticeable within a few days.

"Zosterin Ultra": description

This is a dietary supplement that contains an extract of a herb called eelgrass. This is a well-known plant that grows underwater at shallow depths (no more than 10 meters). The extract contains a complex of biologically active substances that can restore epithelial cells and also stimulate the immune system. Thanks to this, “Zosterin Ultra” can also be used as an immunomodulatory agent (as part of complex therapy).

The beneficial properties of the extract are as follows:

  • prevention of exacerbation of ulcerative pathology;
  • reducing the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • treatment of ulcerative lesions of the duodenum and stomach;
  • restoration of pancreas function;
  • additional treatment for pancreatitis, diabetes;
  • stimulation of digestion;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • prevention of the appearance of cancerous tumors, especially during radiation and chemotherapy sessions;
  • restoration of the liver against the background of hepatitis;
  • treatment of allergies of various nature;
  • prevention of ARVI;
  • prevention of serious conditions associated with poisoning by hazardous chemicals, including heavy metals (in production with hazardous working conditions).

Eelgrass extract also helps eliminate half-life products, toxins and other harmful compounds. It can be used for general well-being as a natural detoxifier. Another direction is a source of healthy dietary fiber, soluble in water (pectin).

The drug is produced in the form of a powder of sandy or rich brown shades. The main active ingredient is organic polygalacturonic acids. Depending on their content, there are 2 types of dietary supplements:

  • 30% (“Zosterin-Ultra-30%”);
  • 60% (“Zosterin-Ultra-60”).

The powder is packaged in thick paper bags (0.5 or 1 g of extract in each). Produced in cardboard packages of 10 sachets each. Store under normal room conditions. The main condition is that the place must be dry. Access by children should be excluded. The general shelf life is 5 years. After opening the sachet, the powder should be consumed on the same day.


Zosterin-Ultra 60 is a polysaccharide of pectin nature, belongs to the group of organic natural sorbents.

It has a number of distinctive features:

Unique production technology. Obtaining an extract by physical methods, without the use of chemical reagents.

Complex action sorbent: cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and blood (low molecular fractions up to 35 - 40 kDa penetrate into the blood).

Performs the function of an immunomodulator. Effective as a prophylactic agent (for example, during a flu epidemic).

It is not destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract by the action of pectinases from colon bacteria (contains apiose sugar); is a low-methoxylated, highly purified compound (determines the high activity of the drug); contains uronic acids and a peculiar connection with apiose sugar (determines high sorption capacity).

When dissolved in water, a liquid gel is formed, which envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, protecting the mucous membranes from aggressive influences (including hydrochloric acid). Improves the ability of the epithelium to recover. Improves the absorption of other drugs.

In recommended dosages it does not cause electrolyte disturbances.

Has a mild diuretic effect.

Easy to use, almost completely soluble in water.

In recommended doses it does not remove beneficial substances. Considering the above effects and the fact that the drug interferes with the absorption of lipids, it can be recommended to use it in a comprehensive weight loss program. Zosterin-Ultra can be used in food and cosmetic products.

Biological properties:

  • Enterosorbent, hemosorbent, immunomodulator.
  • Creation of mucosal protection.
  • Improving the regenerative abilities of the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Belongs to the group of organic natural sorbents.
  • Pectin.

Available in the form of 30% and 60% powder (the percentage of low molecular weight fractions that can penetrate the blood). Let's dissolve quite well in water (forms a liquid gel). The powder is packaged in 0.5 g, 1 g per bag. Available packages:

Up to 3 yearsor 4 powders (2 g)No
From 3 to 125 powders (5 g)5 powders (2.5 g)
Adults10 powders (10 g)10 powders (5 g)

Indications and contraindications

The drug is indicated for use as an additional agent as part of complex therapy for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. It is mainly prescribed in the following cases:

  • acne;
  • skin injuries;
  • allergies of various natures;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • secondary immunodeficiencies;
  • increased acidity;
  • erosions and ulcerative formations of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • immunomodulator (to strengthen the immune system, especially against the background of weakening due to infectious diseases).

Thanks to its natural composition, the dietary supplement “Zosterin Ultra” has virtually no contraindications. But in some cases its use is excluded:

  • individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • pregnancy (all periods);
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • disorders in the liver.

It is also not recommended to use the drug simultaneously with medications that contain any silver salts.

Method of use

The drug is used in courses. One package is designed for 10 days of use. If necessary, repeat the course after 10 days.

For adults: used orally in the form of a 0.5% solution (1 g of Zosterin-Ultra 30% dissolved in 100-200 ml of hot water). Take once a day (2-3 hours after dinner) for 10 days. Depending on the severity of the condition, a second course may be given after 10 days.

For children from 3 to 12 years old: 0.5 g of Zosterin-Ultra 30% (dissolve 1 powder in 100 ml of hot water) per day for 10 days.

For children under 3 years of age: 0.2 g per day for 10 days. Appointment after consultation with a doctor. For children under 3 years of age, Zosterin-Ultra 30% can be used 30-60 minutes before evening feeding.

Preparation of the solution: Pour hot water into a glass, stirring, pour in the powder. The color of the solution can range from light brown to black. The taste is slightly acidic. The presence of insoluble sediment and the presence of the smell of sea grass are allowed. Let cool for 10-20 minutes. Stir well. Drink before bedtime (2-3 hours after dinner). The interval between taking Zosterin-Ultra and other medications and dietary supplements should be at least 1.5-2 hours.

Use of Zosterin-Ultra 30%

DiseasesAdmission courseDosage (daily)
Food allergies
Allergic dermatoses, respiratory allergiesDuring an exacerbation, the minimum course of treatment is 10 days. Possible combination with antihistamines. Children under 3 years old – no more than 0.25. Children from 3 to 12 years old 0.5 g. Adults 1 g.
Gastrointestinal tract
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, acute erosive gastroduodenitis10–20 days during the period of exacerbation in complex therapy. To prevent exacerbation 10 days. Children under 3 years old - no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old 0.5 g. Adults 1 g.
Gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis10–15 days in complex therapy.Children under 3 years old - no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old 0.5 g. Adults 1 g.
Biliary dyskinesia (especially hypotonic type), reflux - gastritisThe minimum course of admission is 10 days.Children under 3 years old - no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old 0.5 g. Adults 1 g.
Intestinal dysbacteriosis, prevention of dysbacteriosis during long-term antibiotic therapy10–20 days in complex therapy with eubiotics, enzymes, vitamins.Children under 3 years old no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old 0.5 g. Adults 1 g.
Diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder (cholecystitis, cholecysto-pancreatitis, pancreatitis, etc.)10 days in complex therapy.Children from 3 to 12 years old 0.5 g. Adults 1 g. If necessary, the dosage can be doubled.
Ulcerative colitis, chronic spastic colitis10–20 daysChildren from 3 to 12 years old 0.5 g. Adults 1 g.
Moderate to severe endometriosisThe minimum course is 10 days (5 days before the start of menstruation). Repeat for 2 menstrual cycles. According to indications, repeat the dose after 3 – 5 months. For an adult – 1 g. You can also use 60% of the drug (0.5 g)
Effective for psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc.Minimum course 10 daysCan be used in complex therapy with other drugs. Children from 3 to 12 years old 0.5 g, adults - 1 g. It is possible to combine the intake with 60% Zosterin - Ultra. Children from 3 to 12 years old - 0.25 g, adults - 0.5 g.
Pediatric practice
Prolonged physiological jaundice, various allergic diseases, dysbiosis, infectious syndrome (frequently ill children), etc. Children under 3 years of age: no more than 0.25 g per dose 10-15 daysNewborns 0.1–0.2 g, but not more than 0.25 g. Children under 3 years old - 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old - 0.5 g.
Atopic dermatitis:
  • manifest form
  • chronic forms
In combination with eubiotics for 10 days. In combination with local (non-hormonal therapy) – 10 days. Children under 3 years old - no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old - 0.5 g.
Food allergies
  • sharp forms
  • long-term process
As monotherapy for 10 days. In complex therapy with antihistamines - 10 days. Children under 3 years old - no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old - 0.5 g.
Dysbacteriosis of varying severityIn complex therapy with eubiotics, bacteriophages for 10–20 days.Children under 3 years old - no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old - 0.5 g.
After massive antibacterial therapy and chemoprophylaxis in tuberculosis-infected patientsIn complex therapy with hepatotrophs and vitamins. The minimum course of admission is 8 – 10 days. Children under 3 years old - no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old - 0.5 g.
Infectious syndromeMinimum course 10 days. Recommended use during epidemics (flu). Children under 3 years old - no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old - 0.5 g.
Prevention of various diseases
During an epidemic of influenza and other viral infections10 days in complex therapy with multivitamins.Children under 3 years old - no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old - 0.5 g. Adults - 1 g.
Chronic fatigue syndrome10 days in complex therapy with multivitamins.Adults – 1 year.
Immunodeficiency conditionsThe course of administration is 10–15 days in combination with multivitamins.Children under 3 years old - no more than 0.25 g. Children from 3 to 12 years old - 0.5 g. Adults - 1 g.

Instructions for use "Zosterin Ultra"

The dosage, frequency and duration of administration depends on the goals of treatment. As a rule, the doctor sets the basic rules. The drug is taken orally in the form of a solution. Cooking instructions are quite simple:

  1. Prepare hot water (but not boiling).
  2. Pour the contents of the powder into 1 glass.
  3. Mix thoroughly and let sit until completely cool.
  4. Drink the entire volume before bed, 2 hours after eating.

Basic treatment regimens:

  1. For prevention - 2 times a day: in the morning half an hour before breakfast, in the evening 2 hours after dinner.
  2. For recovery from acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, the same applies.
  3. To lower cholesterol - the same. The course of treatment is at least 10 days. At least 6 cycles take place per year.
  4. For the removal of heavy metals (mercury, chromium, lead, manganese) - similarly. The course is at least 10 days.


  • Removal of radionuclides (plutonium), heavy metals (mercury, lead, manganese, etc.) from the blood, internal organs (depositing organs).
  • Allergic diseases (including bronchial asthma).
  • Prevention of diseases of the digestive system (including peptic ulcers, dysbiosis).
  • Prevention of complications during chemotherapy and radiation therapy in cancer patients.
  • Flu prevention.
  • For hazardous industries.

The expediency of using Zosterin-Ultra as a standard remedy is beyond doubt, since there is no alternative to it. Therefore, at nuclear fuel cycle enterprises it is proposed to create an emergency stock of the drug, which is also completely justified and does not raise objections.

Information for specialists:

When taking Zosterin-Ultra, a pronounced positive effect is observed:

  • a sharp decrease in the basophilic granularity of red blood cells (3-6 times), which indicates a decrease in lead intoxication in the body;
  • the lead content in bone tissue is reduced by 40%, the maximum decorporalable effect is achieved when taking 60% Zosterin-Ultra;
  • in the group of patients with mercury intoxication after a week's course of treatment, the number of people with a “physiological” type of excretion reached 96.6%, an increase in mercury excretion in the urine was noted (2 times);
  • accelerates the excretion of plutonium in urine by 1.5-2 times.

Method of prophylactic use:

Workers in hazardous industries are recommended to take 0.5 g (1 sachet) of Zosterin-Ultra 60% daily for 10-12 days. Then - a break of 10-12 days, after which the course of the drug is repeated. Such alternating courses of prevention should be carried out throughout the entire period of work at the enterprise or residence in a radioactively contaminated area. Method of use in an emergency. When a toxicant enters the body, it is recommended to take 1-2 grams of the drug per day (in the morning before meals and before bed - 1-2 sachets of the drug).

The decision on the duration of the course of treatment is made by the doctor based on an analysis of the content of radionuclides, heavy metals and other harmful substances in the body.

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