What is melatonin? List of foods high in the “sleep hormone”

The sleep hormone or melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that acts as a natural immune modulator. It is responsible for the quality of sleep, the speed of falling asleep and waking up. Melatonin is a natural sleep aid. During sleep, the human body is restored, and the quality of life improves. With a deficiency of the hormone, abnormalities in organs and systems are observed, as well as difficulties in falling asleep, which affects the general condition of a person.

What is melatonin

The hormone melanin first discovered in 1959. It is a derivative of tryptophan, a natural amino acid responsible for the normal functioning of the body. The main task of the hormone is to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. A normal level of melanin is essential for healthy sleep, uninterrupted brain function, stress resistance and physical endurance.

As a person ages, melatonin synthesis decreases. People over 40 are more likely to have trouble falling asleep and waking up. The quality of sleep decreases, the body does not have time to rest, which negatively affects the overall functioning of the brain. The natural aging process entails disruptions in the production of many hormones.

With insufficient melatonin production, a person’s constant companions are:

  • disturbance of sleep and wakefulness;
  • high pressure;
  • excessive body weight;
  • constant fatigue;
  • low sexual activity;
  • dullness and loss of skin elasticity;
  • frequent colds and infectious diseases.

A person needs to restore the body. To this end, it is necessary to determine the level of the melanin hormone and begin to eliminate the deficiency.

Indications and contraindications

Melatonin is recommended to be taken for sleep quality problems. If a person suffers from insomnia, he becomes irritable and begins to experience stress, which provokes insomnia.

Those who suffer from diabetes, autoimmune diseases, myeloma, lymphoma, leukemia, and epileptic seizures should not take the drug with melatonin. The hormone is contraindicated for use by children under twelve years of age. For adolescents, medications should only be prescribed by a specialist.

How is melatonin produced?

The process of melatonin production is a set of natural actions that a person can perform daily. It is not necessary to take medications. The following will help influence hormone levels:

  • falling asleep without gadgets. About one hour before bedtime, you need to put away your phone and tablet, it is recommended to turn off the TV;
  • fall asleep in the dark. Night lights and other lamps are excluded. The sleep hormone loves the dark, and this is a proven fact;
  • be in the sun regularly. There is no need to sunbathe until exhaustion or walk in direct sunlight. It is enough to go out into the fresh air for 2-3 hours daily;
  • remove sources of electromagnetic fields from the bed. Routers and other devices cause fluctuations that affect the period of falling asleep and the quality of sleep;
  • balance your diet. Experts recommend consuming foods that promote melatonin production (foods will be discussed below);
  • exercise. Physical exercise has a positive effect on the entire body.

Following simple recommendations is the key to good health and natural stimulation of the production of the sleep hormone.

Risks of Taking Melatonin

Melatonin is considered safe for short-term use - for example, to restore sleep patterns. Even taking single extreme doses is unlikely to cause harm. There is not yet enough data on long-term use to consider it completely safe, but there are few risks. Here are the ones worth keeping in mind.

  1. Melatonin has side effects.

    Headache, dizziness, daytime sleepiness and nausea are rare but do occur. They may be an individual reaction or a consequence of too high a dosage (above 3 mg). Melatonin also inevitably causes drowsiness immediately after taking it, so it is best to avoid driving or operating machinery for five hours after taking the supplement.

  2. Melatonin may interfere with the way medications work.

    The list of drugs that are best not taken with the supplement is quite long. Anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs, and any supplements that reduce blood clotting when combined with melatonin increase the risk of bleeding. Antidepressants and hormonal contraceptives - cause excessive drowsiness and may worsen side effects. Diabetes medications may not work as well because melatonin reduces insulin sensitivity and production. Anticonvulsants and immunosuppressants also work worse. So if you take medications, you should consult your doctor before purchasing melatonin.

  3. The composition of the supplement does not always correspond to the label.

    The production of dietary supplements is not as strictly regulated as drugs. As a result, they may not contain melatonin at all or may not contain the amount indicated on the package. In 2017, researchers tested 31 melatonin supplements and found that melatonin content was within 10% of label claims in more than 71% of the supplements. 26% of the supplements also contained serotonin, which, if exceeded, can lead to serotonin syndrome, a rare but dangerous toxic reaction.

  4. It is not so easy to choose the dosage.

    The brain produces less than 0.1 g of melatonin per night. Melatonin supplements usually contain much more: 2–12 mg. This number seems excessive. Especially in the context of studies in which melatonin reduced insulin sensitivity and production.

What foods contain melatonin?

content in foods allows you to regulate the level of the hormone by stabilizing your diet. The sleep hormone is synthesized by the human body, but its production can be stimulated through natural means.

An important component for the body is contained in:

  • bananas;
  • tomatoes;
  • walnuts;
  • berries;
  • corn;
  • products of animal origin;
  • rice and oatmeal;
  • olives;
  • peanuts

According to expert advice, to normalize the sleep cycle, these categories of products should be consumed in the evening. A balanced diet has a positive effect on the entire body. Eating a certain category of food products containing melatonin helps eliminate problems with falling asleep, eliminates irritability, and also prevents the development of depressive conditions.

Foods that cause insomnia

Scientists have proven that foods containing high levels of iron provoke insomnia. These include the following products:

  • lemon juice;
  • green salads;
  • buckwheat;
  • raw carrots;
  • coffee;
  • apples.

When iron enters the human body, it acts as a sleep blocker. Products containing it were previously used as circulatory supplements. Caffeine keeps people from sleeping at night, what does this mean? This means it will be difficult for him to sleep. The same applies to products where fats predominate: butter, fried lard and cakes.

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Foods high in vitamin E have an antioxidant effect, but you should not overuse such foods before bed. Complex carbohydrates also cause an increase in energy and deprive you of sleep.

Products can stimulate activity only for a while, and after a few hours, the body may decline and sleep will come. However, it should be noted that each person’s body is individual and if one person needs a glass of milk to fall asleep, as well as a banana for dessert, then another can easily fall asleep even after a cup of coffee.

Attention! Melatonin is involved in the stimulation of phagocytes, which are responsible for protecting against the effects of bacteria and viruses that attack the human body.

The lack of tryptophan and melatonin can provoke nervous diseases, as well as sleep disorders, leading to various diseases in the body. In addition to foods, this condition is influenced by stress, alcohol abuse and various diets.

With melatonin, you can forget about insomnia and negative mood. The easiest way to get the right amount of hormone is through food. All that is required for a healthy lifestyle is to eliminate foods that block tryptophan and melatonin.

Medications containing melatonin

Medications will help quickly restore hormone levels. Melatonin tablets are a common form of medication. But, the use of medications is carried out only according to indications, after determining the level of the hormone in the body. For this purpose, comprehensive diagnostics are carried out.

Sleep pills with melatonin are publicly available, but it is unacceptable to use them without consulting a specialist. There are a number of more natural processes that allow you to normalize the level of the hormone in the body. Including impulse impact on active points. Altimed Medical Center specializes in eliminating hormone deficiencies using modern equipment operating at various frequencies.

Dosage and method of use

Melatonin is not a sleeping pill, it simply synchronizes biorhythms and provides restful and long-lasting sleep. Doses ranging from 0.5 to 5 mg were found to improve sleep rhythm.

It is better to start with a minimum dose and gradually increase if there is no effect.

The benefits of melatonin are not dose dependent, so a higher dose does not mean more impact.

The higher dose produces only slightly higher levels of growth hormone.

For best performance, it is recommended to take one tablet per day, in the evening 30 minutes before bed.

It is not recommended to exceed the daily dose. Although melatonin is a dietary supplement, self-medication is not recommended until you have been diagnosed by a doctor.

Why is a lack of melatonin dangerous?

A lack of melatonin is dangerous for the body. The hormone performs a number of functions and also affects a person’s general well-being. Experts recommend carefully monitoring your health and melatonin levels. Its lack is:

  • problems falling asleep;
  • general hormonal imbalance;
  • constant fatigue;
  • tendency to depression;
  • weak immunity;
  • endocrine system disorder;
  • disruption of brain function;
  • weakening of bone tissue;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • the likelihood of developing mental illness.

Melatonin levels also affect overall body weight. Its deficiency is a direct path to excess weight gain.

Why and when is it necessary to take a “sleep hormone”?

People need to take melatonin in the following situations:

  1. The hormone is necessary for those who suffer from insomnia and have difficulty falling asleep due to severe fatigue and prolonged wakefulness. If you increase the concentration of melatonin, sleep problems will decrease to a large extent. This substance has a sedative effect and has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  2. The connection is required for every person who experiences increased irritability either due to a change in time zone or work schedule. The hormone is also useful for those who engage in physical activity that leads to muscle fatigue. The substance helps you relax and recover better during sleep.

The substance helps cope with fatigue after training and overwork.

Analysis of melatonin levels in the body

Melatonin is a hormone that is important for normal sleep. To check it, you need to donate blood. But this is far from the most pleasant way. There are other, more effective and safer methods.

At the Altimed Medical Center you can undergo new types of diagnostics, with high accuracy up to 100%. No blood draws are required! Melatonin testing is performed using functional screening. It assesses the general condition of the body and also records wave processes in the body.

Functional screening is carried out using the ATM Vega Test. Innovative equipment is aimed at assessing the general condition of the body, including determining hormone levels. Based on the results obtained, an individual recovery plan is developed.

You can sign up for a consultation using the phone numbers provided!

Instructions for use

The hormone is intended to be taken in the evening. It is best to take the drug thirty minutes before going to bed. The active substance begins to act after 45-60 minutes. When taking the hormone, you should avoid direct contact with bright light. It suppresses the effect after consuming the drug. Take the tablets with plenty of water.

melatonin uses

Recommended Dosages

The instructions and the optimal daily dosage of the drug completely depend on what dietary supplement or pharmaceutical drug is taken. It is necessary to carefully study how much melatonin is contained in one tablet. The daily optimal and safe dose of the active substance is up to three milligrams. In the first days, it is recommended to take one or two milligrams, and then increase the dosage. The maximum dosage is 6 mg. Deterioration in health is a signal that you need to stop taking the supplement.

Course duration

Melatonin is recommended to be taken for a month. A longer course (up to two months) is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. Next, be sure to take a break of a week. If the need arises, after a week's break the course is repeated again. From three months to six months, the drug can be prescribed to older people who are undergoing treatment to normalize blood pressure.

Let's sum it up

Night fell, and a hormonal signal of time - melatonin - was formed in the pineal gland. Let's try to answer the question posed above: what does melatonin do and why does its concentration in the body increase?

First. Melatonin has been shown to maintain and correct intracellular circadian rhythms: the effectiveness of melatonin intake in reducing and reducing jet lag has been proven [24]. When the rhythm is disrupted, melatonin helps bring the internal clock into line with the sundial. How he does it? Apparently, influencing the SCN and providing feedback. For the mechanism of this feedback, it has been shown that taking melatonin during the day causes activation of the SCN [25]. A significant role in this activation appears to be played by the melatonin receptors, MT1 and MT2, which are located on the membrane of SCN cells. So here we see that melatonin is indeed an active participant in circadian rhythms.

Second. With the onset of night, melatonin, in addition to switching the phase of circadian rhythms in the nervous system, is released into the blood and distributed throughout the body. We know that the molecule is theoretically capable of penetrating any cell of the body and carrying out some work there. And all these effects of melatonin not only relieve fatigue and provide quality sleep, but also participate in protection against malignant neoplasms [26]. Conversely, disruption of rhythms apparently provokes the development of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases [27], [28]. Unfortunately, the molecular mechanisms behind these effects of melatonin and circadian rhythms in general are much less well understood.

One thing is for sure: circadian rhythms, their drivers (including melatonin) and physiological manifestations (such as sleep and rest) appear to be much more closely related to the well-being of our bodies than we used to think. There is something to think about for a modern person who neglects healthy sleep and sacrifices night hours to work or watch movies.


  1. Poluektov, M.G., Buzunov, R.V., Verbitsky, E.V. and others. Draft clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic insomnia in adults, Consilium Medicum. Neurology and Rheumatology, 2016. - V. 2. - pp. 41–51.
  2. Bhattacharya, S., Patel, K., Dehari, D. et al. Melatonin and its ubiquitous anticancer effects. Mol Cell Biochem., 2022. - Vol. 462(1-2). — P. 133-155.
  3. Cipolla-Neto, J., do Amaral, F. Melatonin as a Hormone: New Physiological and Clinical Insights, Endocrine Reviews, 2022. - Vol. 39(6). — P. 990-1028.

Indications for use

There are a number of situations in which it is recommended to take appropriate medications. Melatonin should be taken in the following situations:

  • insomnia;
  • severe overwork;
  • poor sleep associated with stress;
  • increased irritability due to violations of the regime;
  • strong physical activity;
  • muscle fatigue.

For those who suffer from sleep disorders, it is not at all necessary to look for products and medications with melatonin. Another way to relax, normalize nervous activity and finally get enough sleep is to give preference to tryptophan. This is an amino acid that is often used to treat depression and insomnia. Sound and healthy sleep is a necessity, which means you need to find a way to achieve it. Herbalife offers an Evening Shake formula that not only helps avoid overeating at night by providing a feeling of fullness and providing the body with minerals, but also contains L-tryptophan, which relaxes the nervous system. As a result, you will receive not only help in losing weight, but also sound and restful sleep.


First of all, melatonin is needed to improve sleep quality. The compound reduces emotional and physical activity. But this only happens if wakefulness interferes with biorhythms. The hormone can also have an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect, help cope with stress, and have an antitumor effect. Many experts claim that the hormone can even slow down the aging process.

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Nature's Bounty, Melatonin, 1 mg, 180 Tablets

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