Experience of using Phenotropil in clinical practice

The medicine belongs to the subgroup of nootropics. Phenotropil is intended to improve memory performance and facilitate the learning process, it helps concentration and memorization of material, and reduces the toxic effect of certain medications. The drug is responsible for improving mood, lowering the pain threshold, and increasing performance.


- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with severe organic damage to the liver and kidneys, severe arterial hypertension, and severe atherosclerosis; patients who have previously suffered panic attacks, acute psychotic states, accompanied by psychomotor agitation (as there may be an exacerbation of anxiety, panic, hallucinations and delusions); patients prone to allergic reactions to nootropic drugs of the pyrrolidone group.


On the forums you can find many positive reviews about Phenotropil:

  • students talk about improved memory, increased performance, and easier preparation for exams;
  • those losing weight – decreased appetite, rapid weight loss, improved mood and general condition;
  • doctors report good results in improving memory and suppressing chronic fatigue syndrome.

Before using the medicine, consult a doctor. Attempts to lose weight without the supervision of a specialist using Phenylpiracetam can lead to the development of various diseases and deterioration of health.


The dosage regimen is set individually.

Phenotropil is taken orally immediately after meals.

The average single dose is 100-200 mg, the average daily dose is 200-300 mg. The maximum daily dose is 750 mg. It is recommended to divide the daily dose into 2 doses. A daily dose of up to 100 mg should be taken 1 time/day in the morning; a daily dose of more than 100 mg should be divided into 2 doses. The duration of treatment can vary from 2 weeks to 3 months. The average duration of treatment is 30 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a month.

To improve performance, prescribe 100-200 mg 1 time/day in the morning for 2 weeks (for athletes - 3 days).

For nutritional-constitutional obesity - 100-200 mg 1 time/day in the morning for 30-60 days.

It is not recommended to take Phenotropil after 15 hours.

Experience of using Phenotropil in clinical practice

Pharmacokinetics were studied in rats using different routes of drug administration (intravenously, intramuscularly and orally at a dose of 100 mg/kg) [1]. It has been proven that Phenotropil is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and easily passes through the blood-brain barrier, which may be due to its lipophilicity and the lack of pronounced acid-base properties. Moreover, absorption occurs much faster with oral administration, which is also confirmed by the time to reach the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood (with oral administration - 0.84 hours, and with intramuscular administration - 1.46 hours). The degree of absolute bioavailability of Phenotropil with extravascular routes of administration is approximately 100%. Phenotropil is eliminated relatively slowly from the body of rats (T1/2 is 3–5 hours, while for piracetam this value is 1.8 hours), and is completely eliminated within 3 days (but 94% of the drug is eliminated in the first 24 hours). Phenotropil is not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged (unlike piracetam, only 40% by the kidneys and 60% by bile and sweat) [2]. Based on the results of studying the acute toxicity of Phenotropil in mice and calculating the LD50 of the drug, a conclusion was made about its fairly wide therapeutic range and low toxicity. The therapeutic index was 32 units. In addition, Phenotropil does not have embryotoxicity, mutagenic or carcinogenic properties. In animal experiments, it reduces the growth of spontaneous malignant tumors. Phenotropil does not cause addiction, dependence or withdrawal symptoms [3,4]. Phenotropil is superior to other nootropics, and in particular piracetam, in terms of the spectrum of nootropic effects and activity. In addition to the pronounced antiamnestic effect, Phenotropil has psychostimulating, antihypoxic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, analgesic, antidepressant, vegetostabilizing, vasoactive effects. The mechanisms for realizing the effects of Phenotropil are close to natural, and the effect of this drug is predominantly neurometabolite. Also, Phenotropil, like other pyrrolidone nootropics, affects the main synaptic systems - cholinergic, adrenergic, dopaminergic, GABAergic and glutamatergic in such a way that it has a positive effect on memory and the body’s adaptation to extreme influences. Let us consider the main effects of Phenotropil in more detail, using illustrative experimental examples. The antiamnestic effects of Phenotropil were studied in rats using the method of conditioned passive avoidance reflex (CPAR) in a special installation. Amnesia (extinction of CPAR) was induced by maximum electric shock (MESH) [6]. Phenotropil in a wide range of doses (from 12.5 to 600 mg/kg) completely restored memory impaired by MES. In addition, rats treated with Phenotropil were superior to control animals in reproducing CPAR. The antiamnesic effect of Phenotropil increased with increasing dose, and was also significantly superior to piracetam. Thus, piracetam had an antiamnestic effect at a dose of at least 300 mg/kg, and Phenotropil - 12.5 mg/kg. Thus, Phenotropil turned out to be 25 times more active than piracetam. The effectiveness of Phenotropil is similar for other types of amnesia, for example, after the administration of scopolamine. The antihypoxic effect of Phenotropil was studied in a comparative study with piracetam in mice (in hypobaric and normobaric models of hypoxia). The protective effect of the drugs was assessed by the life expectancy of the animals. Phenotropil significantly increased the lifespan of mice in a pressure chamber already at a dose of 100 mg/kg, and piracetam only at a dose of 2000 mg/kg. With an increase in the dose of Phenotropil to 300 mg/kg, life expectancy increased 10 times compared to the control, and after the administration of piracetam at a dose of 2000 mg/kg - only 2 times. The anticonvulsant effects of Phenotropil and piracetam were compared in experiments on mice using bicuculline, corazole or MES to induce seizures. Clonic, tonic and clonic–tonic convulsions and mortality were recorded. In an experiment with bicuculline, Phenotropil in doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg completely blocked its convulsive effect and prevented the death of animals in 100% of cases. In contrast, piracetam at doses of 300 and 600 mg/kg did not block the convulsive effect of bicuculline. In addition, experiments have shown that Phenotropil increases spontaneous motor activity by increasing the frequency of horizontal and vertical movements, which indicates its psychostimulating effect. Phenotropil also weakens the narcotic effect of ethanol, that is, it has a pronounced awakening effect and the ability to weaken the toxic effect of ethanol. The combination of the antihypoxic and ergotropic (activation of energy metabolism in brain cells) action of Phenotropil with neuro- and psychotropic effects allows us to classify it as a drug of multimodal action, which significantly expands the scope of its application and makes it possible to use it both as a means of drug therapy in the event of functional disorders and diseases, and for the purpose of pharmacological correction of fatigue [4,5]. Thus, we can talk not just about the stress-protective, but about the adaptogenic effect of Phenotropil, proven in a study on 1050 male Wistar rats. In this work, a comparative assessment of the effect of drugs (diazepam, phenibut and its isomers, hopantenic acid, pyritinol, piracetam and Phenotropil) on indicators of the stress reaction of animals in three models of experimental stress, which received the conventional names “painful”, “emotiogenic” and “antiorthostatic”, was carried out. " According to the results of the work, Phenotropil has a pronounced adaptogenic effect, unlike tranquilizers, not suppressing the body's response to stress ("passive protection"), but regulating the adequacy of the response to the strength of the stimulus, thereby increasing the animals' resistance to stress and their adaptive capabilities. Thus, the wide range of pharmacological activity and mechanism of action of Phenotropil served as the basis for its successful clinical use. Phenotropil is indicated for use both in healthy individuals and in people with various diseases of the central nervous system: for memory disorders of various origins (aging, early stages of dementia, hypoxia, stress, intoxication, fatigue, sleep disorders); in children with hyperactivity disorder with attention impairment; in acute, subacute, early and late recovery periods of ischemic strokes; with discirculatory encephalopathy and vegetative-vascular dystonia, in the acute period of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its consequences, with asthenia of various origins, convulsive states, dizziness, neuroses and neurosis-like states, depression and alcoholism (to relieve withdrawal symptoms, sobering effect). In healthy people, Phenotropil is used to increase mental and physical activity, as well as the body's resistance to extreme influences. Thus, in a group of practically healthy men who received a single dose of Phenotropil at a dose of 100 mg, 200 mg or placebo before starting their usual training sessions, an assessment of mental (using four computerized tests) and physical performance (using bicycle ergometry - PWC-170 test) was carried out. ). According to the results, in the Phenotropil group, compared with the background, an increase in the group average values ​​of mental indicators (for example, concentration and stability of attention, short-term memory) and physical performance (both absolute and relative) was revealed after an intense educational and training load. The severity of the effect on the dynamics of psychological and physiological parameters in practically healthy individuals was higher when taking 100 mg of Phenotropil per day than 200 mg per day [7]. For persons whose professional activities involve heavy mental and physical stress, the recommended dose of Phenotropil as a functional state corrector is also 100 mg once. This was proven in a study of 57 men working in stressful, extreme work conditions. A comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of the mental state was carried out while taking Phenotropil (50–500 mg/day) during a two-week course of treatment. Asthenoneurotic, asthenic and asthenodepressive syndromes were subject to the greatest reduction. The first clear signs were observed already on the 2nd day of therapy, and in extreme conditions of activity - 5-6 hours after a single oral dose. Phenotropil did not increase reaction time and improved coordination of movements. In addition, the drug had a favorable tolerability profile [8]. Also, clinical studies among aviation specialists have proven that Phenotropil accelerates the development of adaptation to hypoxia during a course of treatment [9]. And among athletes with great physical and psycho-emotional stress [10], a comparative placebo-controlled study of Phenotropil and mesocarb showed that the use of Phenotropil for three days maintained a high level of performance and consolidated the achieved results, significantly improved the quality of sleep while reducing its duration and significantly increased the reserves of the adrenal cortex, which indicates the stress-protective effect of the drug. Phenotropil occupies a very important place in the complex treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI is a fairly common type of traumatic pathology, and it is most common in children and young people. Undoubtedly, proper treatment of patients is important both in the acute period and in subsequent stages. The most common consequence of TBI is chronic post-traumatic encephalopathy, the leading clinical syndromes of which are: psychoorganic, vegetative-dystonic, epileptic, astheno-neurotic, syndromes of liquorodynamic disorders and neurological deficit. Depression also often develops [11]. Against the background of astheno-neurotic syndrome, alcohol and drug addictions easily arise, and with increasing severity of depression, patients often tend to commit suicide. It is the consequences of TBI that significantly worsen the quality of life of patients, reduce performance and social activity, and lead to persistent disability. The effect of Phenotropil in patients with TBI has been studied in a number of clinical studies. According to the results of one of the studies [12], the administration of Phenotropil (at a dose of 100 mg per day, course - 1 month) to patients in the acute period of concussion led to a more rapid (already on the first day) and significant regression of asthenic and autonomic changes compared with standard nootropic therapy. Another study [11] studied the effectiveness of Phenotropil at a dose of 100 mg per day in the form of drug monotherapy among patients with long-term consequences of TBI with astheno-neurotic, astheno-depressive, hypochondriacal, behavioral disorders, as well as decreased adaptation. In the control group, patients received (in addition to standard non-drug therapy) piracetam in a daily dose of 0.8 g orally, restoratives, tranquilizers with sedative and muscle relaxant effects. According to the results of the work, in the main group it was possible to achieve a more significant improvement in impaired higher mental functions in a relatively short period of time. It was in the main group that the best indicators of memory, attention and intellectual capabilities were observed, the sleep-wake cycle was normalized, there was a significant decrease in affective disorders and the severity of pathological somato-vegetative manifestations, the anxiety component completely regressed, the mood level increased, diurnal mood swings and suicidal thoughts disappeared trends, lost social connections were restored. Also today there are encouraging results from the use of Phenotropil for the treatment of patients with both acute and chronic cerebrovascular disorders. In most countries of the world, acute cerebrovascular accidents (ACI) are among the four most common causes of death and one of the most common causes of disability. More than 450,000 new strokes are registered annually in Russia, and 70% of them are ischemic strokes (IS). To treat stroke, a set of measures is used to influence the main neurological consequences of stroke - motor, sensory, coordination, cognitive and other disorders [13–16]. Recently, in the pathogenesis of IS and its consequences, great importance has been attached to immune mechanisms [17–19], and therefore it is advisable to use not only nootropics, but also immunomodulators for stroke. It has been proven that Phenotropil, in addition to its nootropic properties, also has an immunostimulating effect. Work was carried out to determine the effectiveness and mechanism of action of Phenotropil at a dose of 100 mg in the morning for a month in 20 patients who underwent IS [17]. The patients underwent a complete general clinical, neurological and immunological examination and were divided into 2 groups. The first included 7 patients over 60 years of age with a pronounced neurological defect (with internal capsule syndrome, aphasic and emotional-volitional disorders), the second included 13 patients from 31 to 60 years old, whose neurological status included pyramidal syndrome and sleep disorders. Complete restoration of function or significant regression of neurological symptoms was observed in 40% of patients in the first and 85% of the second group, a decrease in the severity of neurological symptoms in 50 and 15%, respectively, and no positive dynamics in only 10% of the first group. In addition, there was a significant decrease in the titer of antibodies to myelin basic protein (an increase in the level of these antibodies is detected in the acute period of IS, which possibly indicates the process of demyelination and insufficient trophic provision of neurons). Another study examined the effectiveness of Phenotropil for the treatment of patients in the acute period of mild to moderate cerebral infarction [13]. 42 patients were included and divided into 2 groups, comparable by gender and age. The main group included 30 patients who were prescribed Phenotropil at a dose of 100 mg orally once a day for 30 days, the control group included 12 patients who received piracetam at a dose of 800 mg 2 times a day for 30 days. The study was conducted before the start of treatment, on the 10th and 30th days. Analysis of the dynamics of clinical manifestations in patients receiving Phenotropil in the acute period showed a clear positive effect of the drug on both general cerebral and focal neurological symptoms, and the positive effect was already on the 10th day and significantly higher than in patients in the control group. In addition to regression of neurological symptoms, patients showed improvement in neuropsychological and electrophysiological parameters. According to the results of the study, among 120 patients, the effectiveness of Phenotropil at a dose of 100 mg 1 time per day for 30 days was proven in the treatment of the early recovery period of IS in an outpatient setting [20]. Dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DE) or chronic forms of vascular diseases of the brain are an extremely common pathology today. DE is characterized by a progressive course, often accompanied by the development of strokes and transient ischemic attacks. Therefore, there is no doubt the need to use effective and safe methods of its treatment. Due to the prevalence of cognitive impairment, emotional disorders and focal neurological deficits in the clinical picture of DE, the use of drugs that have a complex effect (positive effect on both cerebral metabolism and the psycho-emotional sphere) is indicated. This is exactly the effect Phenotropil has. An open study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Phenotropil (compared to piracetam, GABA and vinpocetine) in 147 elderly patients suffering from neurosis-like disorders of vascular origin (stage II DE) with a predominance of asthenic symptoms. According to the results of the work, Phenotropil had the most pronounced effect on asthenic disorders, which was confirmed by the dynamics of the index of reduction of asthenic symptoms, and was also accompanied by a change in the patients’ assessment of their condition during treatment, an increase in activity, an improvement in mood and general well-being. Depending on the nature and severity of mental disorders, the prescription regimen for Phenotropil varies from low doses (0.05–0.2 g/day) for astheno-neurotic disorders, to fairly long-term use of 0.1–0.5 g/day. in the case of asthenic-depressive manifestations [8]. A study was also performed on the study of the efficiency and tolerance of phenotropil, in which 51 patients with DE I and II stages took part [21]. The main complaints before the start of treatment were headache and dizziness, staggering when walking, reducing attention and memory to current events, poor sleep and fatigue. Patients of the main group (21 people) received phenotropil at a dose of 200 mg/day. (100 mg 2 times a day) within 30 days, and comparison groups (30 people) - piracetams of 0.4 g 3 times a day, sedatives, vitamins of group B. Neuropsychological testing, neurological examination and evaluation of the tolerance of phenotropil were carried out Before taking the drug, after 15 days from the start of treatment and after its completion. According to the results of the work, in the phenotropil group, the indicators in all tests at the end of treatment have significantly improved and exceeded those in the comparison group. Moreover, according to some tests, a positive effect was observed after 15 days from the start of treatment. Thus, phenotropil has a number of advantages over other nootropes due to the unique spectrum of its neuropsychotropic effects and mechanisms of action, with a more pronounced activity and rate of the onset of a positive treatment of treatment at relatively low therapeutic doses [22,23]. All this makes it possible to improve the quality of life of healthy people and patients with the pathology of the central nervous system. Literature 1. Antonova M.I., Prokopov A.A., Berland A.S., chemical and pharmaceutical journal 37 (10), 46–47 (2003). 2. Kholodov P.E., Dorokhov V.V., Chemical and Farmatsutic Journal, 19 (4), 65–69 (1985) 3. Akhankina V.I., experimental and clinical pharmacology of the drug phenotropil. XI Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine". Abstracts of reports. April 19–23, 2004 Moscow, p. 70. 4. Akhakina V.I. Voronina T.A. The spectrum of pharmacological effects of phenotropil. Magazine "Pharmacate" 2005; 13: 19–25 5. Akhankina V.I. (Kalosha V.I.), Field L.G. et al. VII All -Union Conference on Cosmic, Biological and Airlines Medicine. Abstracts of reports. Kaluga, 1982. S. 247. 6. Belousov Yu.B., Mukhina M.A., phenotropil - a new generation nootropic drug. High -quality clinical practice No. 3, 2005. 7. Malyugin V.N., Cherepanov E.G., Akhakina V.I. The study of the effect of phenotropils on the functional state and performance in the process of educational activity. XI Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine". Abstracts of reports. April 19–23, 2004 Moscow, p. 617. 8. Vakhov V.P., Akhakina V.I. The use of phenotropil in persons working in intense extreme conditions. XI Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine". Abstracts of reports. April 19–23, 2004 Moscow, p. 603. 9. Posolov N.A., Chizhov A.Ya., Potievsky B.G., Potievskaya V.I. Normobaric hypoxytherapy. Methodological recommendations for aviation doctors, Moscow - 2002. 10. Portugalov S.N., Akhakina V.I. The results of the study of the use of phenotropil in the practice of sports medicine. XI Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine". Abstracts of reports. April 19–23, 2004 Moscow, p. 621. 11. Aleshina N.V., Stepanov V.P., Filippova S.Yu. The use of phenotropils for the treatment of astheno -depressive syndromes for distant consequences of cranial -brain injuries. "Difficult patient" No. 5, Volume 3, 2005 12. Chikina E.S., Levin V.V. Cherepon -brain injuries: the use of modern nootropic drugs in the acute period and in the treatment of post -traumatic encephalopathy. “Russian doctor” No. 11, 2005 13. Belskaya G.N., wooden E.A., Makarova L.D., Krylova L.G., Popov D.V., experience in the use of phenotropil in the treatment of patients in acute period of cerebral infarction. Atmosphere. Nervous diseases. 2005; 1: 25–29. 14. Velensky B.C. Stroke: prevention, diagnosis and treatment. ST - Petersburg 1999. 15. Gusev E.I., Skvortsova V.I. Brain ischemia. M: Medicine 2001 16. Gusev E.I., Skvortsova V.I., Martynov M.Yu. Cerebral stroke: problems and solutions. Vestn RAMS 2003; 11: 44–48. 17. Gerasimova M.M. Clinical and immunological aspects of the influence of phenotropil on the consequences of cerebral stroke. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakov. Volume 105, No. 5 2005 18. Gerasimov S.M. The content of phospholipids in the acute period of ischemic stroke. Clinical and theoretical aspects of acute and chronic pain. Nizhny Novgorod 2003; 37-38. 19. Zhdanov G.N., Gerasimova M.M. Assessment of the role of autoimmune inflammatory reaction in the pathogenesis of cerebral ischemia. Neurology Bulletin (Kazan) 2003; 3/4: 13-17. 20. Bagir L.V., Batysheva T.T., Boyko A.N., Kostenko E.V., Manevich T.M., Matvievskaya O.V. The use of phenotropil in the treatment of outpatient patients in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke. Consilium Medicum. Volume 08/N 8/2006. 21. Gustov A.A., Smirnov A.A., Korshunova Yu.A., Andrianova E.V. Phenotropil in the treatment of discirculatory encephalopathy, a journal of neurology and psychiatry No. 3 2006. 22. Troshin V.D., Dereyoy A.V., Troshin O.V. Acute cerebral circulation disorders. Nizhny Novgorod: GNMA 2000. 23. Schmidt E.V. Classification of vascular lesions of the brain and spinal cord. Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry 1985; 85: 9: 1281-1288.

special instructions

It should be taken into account that with excessive psycho-emotional exhaustion against the background of chronic stress and fatigue, chronic insomnia, a single dose of Phenotropil on the first day can cause a sharp need for sleep. For such outpatient patients, it is recommended to start taking the drug on non-working days.

Use in pediatrics

Phenotropil is not recommended for use in children due to the lack of clinical data on the use of the drug in children.

Experimental results

Phenotropil is characterized by low toxicity, the lethal dose in an acute experiment is 800 mg/kg. Does not have a carcinogenic effect.

Overdose symptoms and manufacturer's instructions

If a large amount of Phenotropil is accidentally taken, the patient experiences signs of side effects. The patient is prescribed symptomatic treatment.

The abstract draws attention to the following nuances:

  • Phenotropil is able to increase the effectiveness of drugs that affect the central nervous system, antidepressants and other nootropics;
  • the medication can be used in the treatment of alcohol dependence due to the reduction in the toxic effect of ethanol on the body;
  • the drug reduces appetite and increases physical activity, and is used as a means of helping to reduce body weight;
  • the medicine is used during training; due to the increase in performance, it was included in the list of doping prohibited for professional athletes.

The effect of Phenotropil is incomparable to the effect of amphetamines, although many mistakenly believe that they give similar results. The nootropic does not provoke the development of withdrawal symptoms and addiction.


The appearance of non-standard symptoms during treatment requires replacing Phenotropil with a suitable medicine. The list of popular analogues is presented:

  • Bravinton, Acefen, Carnicetine;
  • Piracezin, Nooclerin, Semax;
  • Piracetam, Olatropil, Phezam;
  • Vinpocetine, Cerebrocurin, Cavinton Forte;
  • Calcium Hopanthenate, Glutamic acid;
  • Cephabol, Olanzapine, Cerebrolysate;
  • Pramistar, Sidnocarb, Vinpotropil.

The drug has no complete analogues in structure. These nootropics have similar therapeutic effects. Common drug substitutes include Nootropil and Glycine.

The replacement and selection of a second drug is the responsibility of the attending physician. The specialist looks for an analogue based on laboratory diagnostic examination data and the reasons for rejecting the original.


22.11.2019 18:13

Fig 1. - Phenotropil USA from the manufacturer SNS Smart Powders

Author: Neurologist Oleg Olegovich Torsky

  • Alcohol compatibility
  • Drug effect
  • Side effects
  • Reviews
  • Where to buy without a prescription?
  • In medicine, nootropics are medicinal substances that can have a certain effect on a number of higher-order mental functions. With their help, mental activity is stimulated, memory and the ability to perceive information are improved, and cognitive functions are activated. One of the most popular drugs among nootropics is Phenotropil.

    Is it available without a prescription?

    Since we are talking about a strong nootropic, a natural question arises - is the drug prescription or not, and whether Phenotropil will be dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. Considering the active effect of the drug on the body, the answer to the question of whether a prescription is needed to purchase the drug is not always.

    The drug Phenotropil is not prohibited for sale, but you can buy it in sports nutrition without a prescription. The doctor's prescription at the pharmacy is prescription only and is based directly on the patient's problem, while possible contraindications are taken into account; it is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage of the drug and the regimen.

    Another option when the product is sold without a prescription is to order via the Internet, while the products offered can be produced both in the CIS countries and by foreign pharmacists. Thus, the buyer can benefit from the cost, and Phenotropil is sold without a prescription.

    What should I take with it for the best effect?

    As practice shows, the effect of even very effective drugs can be enhanced in combination with certain substances. In our case, it is recommended to take Phenotropil, Caffeine and Glycine at the same time for the best effect - of course, if there are no problems with the cardiovascular system.

    This complex should be taken if you are afraid of not being able to cope with the assigned tasks, or if you need to receive a regular influx of energy over several weeks. It works like this:

    • Phenotropil + caffeine stimulate the body in the morning.
    • After lunch, you need an extra dose of caffeine to perk you up.
    • Glycine is indicated to improve sleep, since insomnia is a side effect of the combination of Phenotropil and coffee.

    Phenotropil can also be taken in conjunction with other medications to mutually enhance the effect - it all depends on the problem present.

    Drug effect

    Phenotropil has such a powerful effect on the body that patients often wonder whether this drug is a drug or not. Although included in the list of doping substances and partially exhibiting the effect of amphetamine, Phenotropil is nevertheless not a drug.

    It has a psychostimulating effect on the body, reminiscent of a drug effect, enhancing the production of neurotransmitters - dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, while increasing productivity and improving the emotional component.


    All information in the article is based on scientific medical materials.

    PMID (from the English PubMed Identifier, PubMed ID) is a unique identification number assigned to each publication, description, abstract, or full text of which is stored in the PubMed database.

    PubMed is an English-language text database of medical and biological publications created by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) based on the biotechnology section of the US National Library of Medicine (NLM). A key component of PubMed is MEDLINE. It was first introduced in January 1996. Available through NCBI-Entrez[en], a central search engine including PubMed, PubChem and other major medical databases. Contains approximately 25 million citations.

    Comparison with other drugs

    Of course, Phenotropil is not the only nootropic; there are other effective analogue drugs, but which is better? Let's make a short comparison of Phenotropil with such well-known drugs as Phezam and Mexidol.


    Both products demonstrate a noticeable nootropic effect. Phenotropil acts as an antidepressant and stimulant, affects stress resistance, memory, and reduces obesity.

    Phenibut has a complex effect on the nervous system; it can be prescribed to children over 3 years old and is recommended for use for migraines, low concentration, and depression. At the same time, Phenibut has fewer contraindications, so its scope of use is less limited. The composition contains aminophenylbutyric acid.


    Phenotropil has a strong psychostimulating effect; it is effective for obesity, since it is able to stimulate metabolic processes, for convulsions, and depression. Mexidol is a preventive substance for oxygen starvation of brain cells and helps in its treatment; it is used for toxic intoxications and blockage of blood vessels.

    Preference for one drug or another is given depending on the problem. So, if you need to eliminate oxygen starvation or improve blood circulation, take Mexidol, if you need brain stimulation and stabilization of the psychological state, use Phenotropil.

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