Dioxidin, 5 mg/ml, solution for infusion and external use, 5 ml, 10 pcs.


One milliliter of a 1% solution for external and intracavitary use includes 10 mg of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide , as well as water for injection in a volume of up to 1 ml.
A milliliter of 0.5 percent solution for local, intravenous and intracavitary use contains 5 mg of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide and water for injection as an excipient (in a volume of up to 1 ml).

A gram of Dioxidin ointment contains 50 mg, as well as excipient substances: polyethylene oxide 400, polyethylene oxide 1500, nipagin, propyl ester of paraoxybenzoic acid.

How to breed

Dioxidine is diluted with saline; hormones (Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone), Lazolvan, Berodual (see table) can be added to these basic drugs.

Type of inhalationVolume of DioxidineVolume of saline solutionAdditional components
For adultsChildren from 2 years old
Dioxidine1 ml0.25; from 12 years 0.5 ml3-4 mlNo
Dexamethasone and Dioxidine1 ml0,253-4 mlDexamethasone 0.25-0.5 ml for children, adults up to 1 ml
Hydrocortisone, Dioxidine and saline solution1 ml0,253-4 mlHydrocortisone solution 0.25-0.5 ml
Lazolvan and Dioxidin1 ml0,254 mlLazolvan 1 ml from 2 to 6 years, from 6 – 2 ml

With saline solution

Saline solution is the main solvent when using a nebulizer; it is mixed with Dioxidin in a ratio of 3-4:1 for adults, and a child needs half the dose - 8:1. The saline solution is sterile 0.9% sodium chloride. It cannot be exchanged for water for injection, especially ordinary or mineral water.

Available in the form of bottles or ampoules. When sprayed in a nebulizer, saline solution also has an additional function - moisturizing and liquefying sputum.

With Dexamethasone

The doctor can combine Dioxidine with Dexamethasone (hormone) to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, relieve swelling and reduce allergic reactions. Hormonal treatment is most often used for bronchial asthma or bronchitis with spasm of the airways. The ratio of components is selected strictly individually, after a blood test and x-ray examination.

It is important to consider that when Dexamethasone is administered by inhalation, it is almost completely absorbed through the mucous membranes and penetrates into the bloodstream. May cause adverse side effects, as when taken orally - exacerbation of stomach ulcers, increased blood pressure, worsening of diabetes, heart rhythm disturbances, decreased vision. Therefore, both Dioxidin and Dexamethasone should not be used without the advice of a doctor.

With hydrocortisone and saline

Hydrocortisone and saline solution with Dioxidin are a mixture that:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces treatment time;
  • makes breathing easier.

At the same time, the hormonal drug Hydrocortisone, when the dose is exceeded, inhibits the immune system, the functioning of the adrenal glands, and can lead to increased pressure (arterial and intracranial).

With Lazolvan

Lazolvan for inhalation has an expectorant effect and thins mucus. Usually it is not mixed immediately with Dioxidin, but is prescribed sequentially with an interval of 1.5-2 hours between procedures. In this case, it is important that first the bronchi are cleansed with Lazolvan, and then the microbes are destroyed by Dioxidin. The dose of the solution for inhalation per 1 procedure is 1 ml for children under one year old, and at an older age they take 2 ml.

Release form

The drug has the following dosage forms:

  • Dioxidin solution 1% for intracavitary and local use;
  • Dioxidin solution 0.5% for local, intravenous and intracavitary use;
  • Dioxidin ointment 5%.

A one percent solution is available in 10 ml colorless glass ampoules, 10 ampoules in one package; a 0.5% solution is supplied to pharmacies in colorless glass ampoules of 10 and 20 ml; The ointment is packaged in tubes of 25, 30, 50, 60 and 100 grams.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The mechanism of action of Dioxidin is associated with the damaging effect of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide on the cell walls of microorganisms , which ultimately suppresses their vital activity and leads to their death.

The drug is active against Proteus vulgaris , Friedlander's bacillus , aeruginosa , pathogens of bacterial dysentery from the genus Shigella (Shigella dysenteria, Shigella flexneri, Shigella boydii, Shigella sonnei), salmonella , which is the most common causative agent of acute diarrhea (Salmonella spp.), Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli), staphylococci (Staphylococcus spp.), streptococci (Streptococcus spp.), which are the causative agents of food toxic infections of pathogenic anaerobic bacteria Clostridium perfringens.

Dioxidin is able to act on bacterial strains resistant to other antimicrobial agents (including antibiotics ). In this case, the product does not cause local irritation.

The possibility of development of drug resistance of microflora to the drug cannot be excluded.

When administered into a vein, it has a small therapeutic breadth of action, which in turn presupposes strict adherence to the dosage regimen specified in the instructions.

Treatment of burned areas of the body with the drug, as well as purulent-necrotic wounds , allows you to accelerate the healing process of the wound surface, reparative (restorative) tissue regeneration, as well as their marginal epithelization, and has a beneficial effect on the course of the wound process.

Experimental studies have established that the drug is capable of having teratogenic , mutagenic and embryotoxic effects.

When used as a local remedy, it is partially absorbed from the wound or burned surface treated with it. It is eliminated from the body by the kidneys.

After injection into a vein, the therapeutic concentration of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide in the blood remains for the next 4-6 hours. Plasma concentration after a single injection of the solution reaches a maximum after approximately 1-2 hours.

The active substance quickly and easily penetrates into all tissues and internal organs and is excreted by the kidneys. With repeated administrations it does not accumulate in the body.

Efficacy of the drug

Dioxidin has a bactericidal effect, that is, it kills microbes like an antibiotic. Its advantage is the ability to influence infectious agents that have shown resistance to strong antibacterial drugs.

When administered through a nebulizer, the following results are achieved:

  • stopping the development and spread of infection;
  • elimination of inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • restoration of breathing;
  • hydration;
  • cough mitigation;
  • relief of sputum production;
  • cleansing the nasopharynx and bronchi from sputum and microbes.

Using modern devices, treatment is carried out at home. Dioxidin for inhalation can be administered through any type of nebulizer - ultrasonic, compressor, MESH inhaler. This therapy helps the drug quickly reach its destination; it is suitable for weakened patients, regardless of age (taking into account restrictions for young children).

Indications for use

Indications for IV administration of Dioxidin are:

  • septic conditions (including conditions developing against the background of burn disease);
  • purulent meningitis (purulent-inflammatory damage to the membranes of the brain);
  • purulent-inflammatory processes accompanied by symptoms of generalization .

purulent-inflammatory processes occurring in the chest or abdominal cavity , including:

  • purulent pleurisy (pleural empyema);
  • peritonitis (an inflammatory process affecting the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum);
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • empyema of the gallbladder (acute purulent inflammation of the gallbladder).

Intracavitary injections can also be prescribed for prophylactic purposes to prevent the development of infectious complications after catheterization of the bladder .

Dioxidin is used as an external and local remedy:

  • for the treatment of burns , trophic ulcers and wounds (including deep and superficial, of various locations, infected and purulent, difficult and long-term healing);
  • for the treatment of wounds that are characterized by the presence of deep purulent cavities (for example, purulent pleurisy , soft tissue abscesses , cellulitis and pelvic abscesses , postoperative wounds on the organs of the urinary and biliary system, purulent mastitis , etc.);
  • for the treatment of infectious skin lesions (pyoderma) caused by the activity of streptococci or staphylococci.


The use of Dioxidin is contraindicated:

  • in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with adrenal insufficiency (including if it is noted in the anamnesis);
  • during pregnancy ;
  • during lactation ;
  • in pediatric practice .

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with chronic renal failure .

Side effects

Intracavitary administration and administration of Dioxidin into a vein may be accompanied by:

  • headache;
  • chills;
  • dyspeptic disorders , which are expressed in the form of nausea, diarrhea and vomiting ;
  • increased body temperature;
  • unexpected convulsive muscle twitching ;
  • photosensitizing effect (the appearance of pigmented spots on the body when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays);
  • allergic reactions.

, periwound dermatitis and itching may occur in the area of ​​the body treated with the drug.

Main characteristics of the drug Dioxidin for inhalation with a nebulizer

Dioxidin is used for inhalation only through a nebulizer; it is necessary for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. The main characteristics of the drug are shown in the table.

SignProperties of Dioxidin for inhalation
CompoundAntiseptic dioxidin (hydroxymethylquinoxylin dioxide)
Release formAmpoules with a yellowish sterile solution of 5 or 10 ml
Mechanism of actionDestroys bacteria that cause respiratory diseases: streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, Klebsiella, Proteus and others
AdvantagesActs on microbes resistant to antibiotics
FlawToxic if overdosed, use with caution in children
Penetration into the blood during inhalationPartial
StorageAt room temperature in a dark place, after opening, the remainder of the solution is drawn into a syringe and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, so it can be stored for up to 3 days
Best before date2 years unopened
Can it be used if crystals are falling out?Appear at low temperatures, you need to lower the ampoule (syringe) with the solution into 38C water, if after dissolution there are no crystals, then the drug is suitable for inhalation
Interaction with other drugsNot detected
Price per ampoules10 pieces cost 440 rubles
Vacation at the pharmacyOn prescription

Indications for use

Dioxidin for inhalation is used for:

  • sore throat - acute and chronic tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • acute and exacerbation of chronic bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract - pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis;
  • bronchiectasis (sustained dilatation of the bronchi);
  • pneumonia, suppurative lung diseases;
  • prolonged runny nose or cough.

We recommend reading the article about inhalations for bronchitis. From it you will learn whether it is possible to breathe over steam during bronchitis, how to carry out inhalations during bronchitis with a nebulizer, as well as about the most effective medications for inhalation during bronchitis. And here is more information about saline solution for inhalation.

Can everyone do inhalations with Dioxidin (Hindiox)

Inhalations with Dioxidin, or its direct analogue Hindiox, should not be used if:

  • severe kidney disease;
  • individual intolerance;
  • low adrenal function (even in the past).

Inhalation therapy is contraindicated at temperatures above 38 degrees, but on the individual recommendation of a doctor it is carried out after taking antipyretics. Before procedures, it is important to measure blood pressure, especially in cases of heart and vascular diseases. If there is an increase, the session is postponed until normalization or canceled in agreement with the therapist.

Is it allowed during pregnancy, lactation?

It has been established that during pregnancy Dioxidin penetrates the placenta and causes abnormalities in the development of the fetus, inhibits its growth and causes genetic mutations (chromosomal diseases). Therefore, during pregnancy, inhalations with the drug are contraindicated. When breastfeeding, it partially passes into breast milk, which is why use is prohibited until the end of lactation.

Side effects

When administered by inhalation, the following are possible:

  • headache;
  • fever;
  • nausea;
  • allergies – skin itching, rashes, swelling;
  • bronchospasm – increased shortness of breath, cough;
  • convulsive muscle twitching;
  • darkening of the skin (pigment spots) when exposed to open sun.

Instructions for use of Dioxidin (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use of Dioxidin in ampoules

Dioxidin is administered intravenously by drip. In severe purulent-septic conditions, the solution before administration is pre-diluted with an isotonic solution (5% dextrose solution or 9% NaCl solution) to obtain a concentration of 0.1-0.1%.

The maximum permissible single dose is 0.3 grams, daily dose is 0.6 grams.

In cases where the patient is indicated for external use of Dioxidin, the drug is used for packing deep wounds, as well as irrigating affected areas of the body.

After preliminary cleaning and treatment, deep wounds are recommended to be loosely tamponed with tampons soaked in a 1% solution.

If the patient has a drainage tube, he is advised to administer 20 to 100 ml of a 0.5% solution into the cavity.

Therapy of deep purulent wounds on the hands or feet with osteomyelitis involves the use of Dioxidin solutions (0.5 or 1%, as indicated by the attending physician) in the form of baths.

Special treatment of the wound surface for 15-20 minutes is also allowed: the drug is injected into the wound for the specified time, after which a bandage with a 1% solution of the drug is applied to the affected area of ​​the body.

Treatment of superficial infected purulent wounds involves applying wipes soaked in a 0.5 or 1% solution to the wound surface.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure daily or every other day (the frequency of applications depends on the condition of the wound and the characteristics of the wound process). The highest daily dose is 2.5 grams. Treatment with Dioxidin is usually continued for up to 3 weeks.

For patients with osteomyelitis , as well as if the drug is well tolerated, in some cases treatment can be continued for 1.5-2 months.

If intracavitary administration of the drug is necessary, the patient should inject 10 to 50 ml of a 1% solution into the cavity daily through a catheter or drainage tube. The drug is administered using a syringe, usually once. In some cases, Dioxidin may be administered in 2 doses according to indications.

The course of treatment lasts from 3 weeks. If appropriate, it is repeated after 1-1.5 months.

The highest daily dose for intracavitary administration is 70 ml.

Instructions for use of Dioxidin in the ear

To treat otitis media, it is usually customary to use antibiotics and vasoconstrictor drugs . However, in cases where they are not effective, Dioxidin becomes the drug of choice, a feature of which is its effectiveness against anaerobic bacteria .

Before instilling the medicine, it is recommended to clean the ear canal from wax using a cotton swab soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide or special cotton swabs (for convenience, the auricle is slightly pulled back). If the ear is very dirty, leave the tampon with peroxide in it for about 5 minutes.

In case of purulent otitis media , which is often accompanied by perforation of the eardrum and discharge of pus, all purulent contents are first removed from the ear canal before instillation.

For otitis, Dioxidin should be injected simultaneously into the nose and into the ear canal. The solution effectively sanitizes the nasal cavity and stops the inflammatory process in it, and since the nose is connected to the ear by the Eustachian tube, relieving the inflammatory process in the nose has a beneficial effect on the situation as a whole.

The dose and frequency of instillations are selected individually in each specific case and exclusively by the attending physician.

According to the instructions for use, Dioxidin drops are prohibited from being prescribed to patients under 18 years of age. However, in some situations, when it is not possible to achieve an effect using other means, pediatricians prescribe the medicine even to small children.

Instructions for use of Dioxidin in the nose

Prescription of Dioxidna in ampoules into the nose is used when it is necessary to treat certain forms of rhinitis , as well as for sinusitis .

For the treatment of adult patients, the drug should be pre-diluted with NaCl solution, hydrocortisone or water for injection before instillation. Dosage in the nose for an adult - from 2 drops to ⅓ pipette. Dioxdin drops are dripped into the nose 3 to 5 times a day. More precisely, the dose and the required frequency of procedures are determined by the attending physician.

The maximum duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days. If after this period the patient does not show improvement, he requires careful examination and, based on his results, appropriate treatment.

There are no official instructions for the use of Dioxidin in the nose for children. However, if appropriate, doctors also use the drug to treat children. Before instilling Dioxidin into the nose, the solution should be diluted to a concentration of 0.1-0.2%. As in the situation with adults, the doctor selects the treatment regimen individually.

As a rule, Dioxidin is administered to a child's nose 1-2 drops 2 or 3 times a day for 3-5 (maximum 7) days.

Inhalations with Dioxidin for adults

Inhalation therapy is one of the main types of treatment for diseases of the respiratory tract .

To prepare a solution for inhalation, the medicine is diluted with physiological solution in a ratio of 1:4 for a drug with a concentration of 1% and in a ratio of 1:2 for a drug with a concentration of 0.5%.

For one procedure, 3 to 4 ml of the resulting solution is used. The frequency of procedures is 2 times a day.

Dioxidin ointment: instructions for use

The ointment is applied topically. It is recommended to apply a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the body once a day. The course of treatment is up to three weeks.

How to use Dioxidin as a mouth rinse

The component of the medicine effectively copes with the infection, cleansing the affected area and accelerating the healing process of the mucous membrane.

Gargle and mouth should be used for sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, when other medications do not bring the desired result. Take a little liquid into your mouth, throw your head back and gargle for 15-20 seconds. Then spit out the contents. The procedure can be performed up to 3 times a day.

The duration of the therapeutic course is 5 days.

special instructions

Prescription of Dioxidin is resorted to only in cases where the use of other antimicrobial drugs (including carbapenems , fluoroquinolones , cephalosporins of the II-IV generations ) did not produce the expected effect.

For patients with chronic renal failure, the dosage regimen should be revised towards a lower dose.

When administered intravenously, Dioxidin has a narrow therapeutic range, which requires constant monitoring of compliance with the recommended dosage regimen.

To prevent the development of side effects, treatment with Dioxidin is supplemented with the prescription of antihistamines and calcium supplements . If adverse reactions do occur, the dose is reduced and the patient is prescribed antihistamines .

In some cases, the occurrence of adverse reactions is a reason to discontinue the drug.

If pigment spots appear on the skin, the dose should be reduced, while increasing the duration of its administration (a single dose is administered over one and a half to two hours) and supplementing the therapy with antihistamines.

If crystals appear in ampoules with the drug during storage (usually if the temperature drops below 15°C), it is recommended to dissolve them by heating the ampoules in a water bath (the water should boil) and shaking them periodically until the crystals are completely dissolved.

The solution should be completely transparent. If, after cooling it to 36-38°C, crystals do not form, Dioxidin is considered suitable for use.

During the period of treatment with the drug, care should be taken when driving vehicles, engaging in activities that are potentially hazardous to health and life, as well as performing work that requires a high speed of psychomotor reactions.


Level 4 ATX code matches:







Bacteriophage Klebsiella Pneumonia

Bacteriophage Proteus

Bacteriophage Coli

Bacteriophage Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Bacteriophage Salmonella

Bacteriophage Coliproteus

Bacteriophage Streptococcal

Bacteriophage Klebsiella Polyvalent Purified

Bacteriophage Staphylococcal



Analogues of Dioxidin are the drugs 5-NOK , Galenophyllipt , Hexamethylenetetramine , Zyvox , Kirin , Kubitsin , Monural , Nitroxoline , Ristomycin sulfate , Sangviritrin , Urophosphabol , Fosfomycin , Linezolid-Teva , Zenix , Amizolid , Dioxicol , Quinoxidin .

Dioxidin for children

The drug is not intended for the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age. This contraindication is mainly due to the possible toxic effect of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide .

However, in certain situations, when the expected benefit to the child outweighs the potential risks, the doctor may neglect this limitation. If Dioxidin is prescribed, treatment should be carried out in a hospital setting or under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

In pediatrics, Dioxidin solution is most often used to treat ENT diseases , mainly purulent forms of rhinitis or sinusitis . It is considered most appropriate to use a medicine with a concentration of the active substance of 0.5%.

In addition, the solution and ointment can be used to treat wound surfaces. A solution with a concentration of 0.5% is prescribed if the patient has deep lesions.

However, Dioxidin with such a dosage of the active substance should not be used for a long time. Therefore, as the condition of the wound improves, they switch to a 0.1% solution or ointment.

Dioxidin for a runny nose

The drug is not available in the form of nasal drops, therefore, before dripping Dioxidin into the child’s nose, the contents of the ampoule are diluted with a hypertonic solution to obtain a solution with a concentration of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide of 0.1-0.2%.

It is recommended to administer nasal drops for children three times a day, one or two in each nostril, best after instilling vasoconstrictor drugs that reduce tissue swelling and facilitate nasal breathing. When carrying out the instillation procedure, the patient should tilt his head back so that the medicine penetrates as deeply as possible into the nasal passages.

It should be remembered that after opening the ampoule with the medicine, the solution is considered suitable for use within 24 hours. The maximum permissible duration of treatment for a runny nose is 1 week. However, most pediatricians recommend limiting it to 3-4 days.

In parallel with treatment with Dioxidin, it is recommended to use traditional methods of treating a runny nose (warm the nasal passages and rinse them with weak saline solutions) and monitor the air humidity in the room.

Dioxidine in the ear

Dioxidin instillation into the ear is indicated for severe forms of acute inflammation of the middle ear , in cases where antibiotics do not give the desired effect.

Before using the solution, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the ear from wax with a cotton swab.

The solution in ampoules is instilled into the ear twice a day. Moreover, for otitis media, the procedures are also supplemented with nasal drops.

The drug is not ototoxic and does not affect the auditory nerve.

Dioxidin for sinusitis

Dioxidine in ampoules is often used in the treatment of infectious processes localized in the paranasal sinuses. For sinusitis, the solution is used in the form of inhalations or as nasal drops. Drops are administered two or three into each nasal passage. The procedures are repeated 2 times a day.

To treat sinusitis, complex drops can also be used, which are prepared using solutions of dioxidine, adrenaline and hydrocortisone . Complex drops are administered one into each nasal passage 4-5 times during the day.

Compound drops are prepared according to a prescription prescribed by a doctor in a pharmacy or at home.

Dioxidin for inhalation

Reviews indicate that prescribing inhalations to children using Dioxidin solution can effectively treat persistent cough . In addition, the use of the medicine helps disinfect the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses, provokes the death of pathogens in the bronchi and pharynx , and also eliminates nasal congestion and prevents the separation of purulent secretions.

It is recommended to do inhalations with Dioxidin for children using a nebulizer. As a rule, this method is used for persistent bronchitis , which cannot be treated with other antibacterial drugs .

For inhalation, a 0.5% solution is prescribed. Before the procedure, it should be diluted with a hypertonic solution in a ratio of 1:2. The duration of inhalation is from 3 to 4 minutes. The frequency of procedures is 2 times a day.

Dioxidin for gargling

The advisability of using a solution for gargling is due to the ability of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide to eliminate infection , clean the infected surface and accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membrane .

These features of the drug contribute to the healing process in case of purulent bacterial infections provoked by microflora sensitive to Dioxidin in case of ineffectiveness of other prescribed antibacterial agents or if they are poorly tolerated by the patient.

Rinsing with the solution is prescribed for pharyngitis , sore throat , tonsillitis , and only in severe cases when other drugs do not help.

To prepare a solution for rinsing, the contents of one ampoule of a one percent solution of Dioxidin are diluted in a glass of warm drinking water, water for injection or isotonic NaCl solution.

A small amount of liquid is taken into the mouth and, throwing the head back, gargle for a few seconds. After this, the solution is spat out, and rinsing is continued until the solution is completely used. The procedure is repeated three times a day.

The course of treatment with rinsing with Dioxidin solution is 5 days (unless otherwise recommended by the attending physician).

How to use Dioxidin for sinusitis

Medicine in the form of ampoules is often used for sinusitis in children and adults. The solution is used in the form of drops or inhalations. You need to drip 1-2 drops into each nostril twice a day.

If the condition is advanced, then you can prepare a more complex solution, which will contain dioxidine and hydrocortisone. They can be used 1 drop in each passage no more than 5 times a day. The prescription for such drops is prescribed by a specialist. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

Reviews about Dioksidin

Reviews about Dioxidin are quite contradictory. Most patients to whom it was prescribed describe the drug as a very effective remedy, especially for diseases accompanied by a purulent-septic process .

Negative reviews are due to the fact that the drug is quite toxic (its therapeutic dose is only slightly less than the toxic one), and its use is often accompanied by unwanted side effects.

Reviews of the ointment allow us to conclude that Dioxidin in this dosage form does not cause irritation to the skin, stimulates tissue healing and generally has a beneficial effect on the wound process, however, with prolonged use, microorganisms develop resistance to the drug.

Dioxidin is used primarily as a reserve agent, that is, its help is resorted to only in extreme cases.

The instructions clearly indicate that the drug is intended exclusively for the treatment of adult patients, but it is often used to treat otolaryngological diseases in children.

Despite the fact that Dioxidin does not have an evidence base that would confirm the safety of its use in pediatrics, nasal drops, according to reviews left on the Internet, are a fairly effective remedy for such forms of pathological runny nose as, for example, purulent rhinitis .

Meanwhile, Dioxidin is not included in the standards for the treatment of ENT diseases , and there is no official data on its use as nasal drops. Thus, when prescribing this drug to a child, both the doctor and parents (if they agree with the prescribed treatment regimen) act at their own peril and risk.

It should be noted that until now, the use of the medicine has not been associated with any complications or negative consequences for the child’s body.

How to do inhalations with Dioxidin

Inhalations are carried out after diluting Dioxidin with saline and heating the mixture to body temperature. Dose for adults – up to 1 ml, for children – up to 0.5 ml. The first procedure should be done as a test, reducing the dosage by half, and assess the reaction.

Preparation for the procedure

Before inhalation, it is important to first measure the required quantities of Dioxidin and saline solution. It is convenient to draw them one by one into a syringe with a volume of 5-10 ml. Then it is lowered into a container of water heated to 40 degrees for 5 minutes. The warm solution is poured into the nebulizer container and spraying is turned on.

Adults: how to dilute, dosage

For an adult patient, for 1 inhalation, the doctor may recommend diluting Dioxidin in a dosage of 0.5, 0.75 or 1 ml.
This will depend on the disease and its severity, as well as the overall treatment regimen. The required volume is mixed with 3-4 ml of saline solution. If combined procedures are prescribed, the dose may remain the same or decrease.

For children: instructions for use in a nebulizer, dosage

According to the instructions for Dioxidin, it is contraindicated for children, however, the doctor may prescribe its use in a nebulizer, but in each case the dosage is selected individually.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited, as the drug is toxic even if the dose is slightly exceeded.

For one procedure from 2 years of age, 0.25 ml of a 1% solution and 2 ml of saline are recommended. After 6 years, it is allowed to increase the dose to 0.5 ml for 2-3 days. Usually 2-3 procedures are performed per day.

Watch the video about the use of Dioxidin for purulent runny nose in children:

How to breathe with Dioxidin

It is necessary to breathe Dioxidin with saline solution for the first time at a halved dose. This is important because an allergic reaction is possible. It manifests itself in deterioration of breathing, coughing, soreness or burning in the throat. In such cases, the drug is not suitable. If well tolerated, the course of treatment is continued.

Eating is not recommended for an hour before the procedure, and after the procedure the following is prohibited for the same period of time:

  • food, drink,
  • conversations,
  • walks in the open air,
  • intense physical activity.

Such restrictions are necessary in order not to reduce the amount of the drug administered into the respiratory tract. The nebulizer itself is disassembled after each inhalation, washed with soapy water, rinsed and dried before the next assembly.

How long to inhale

Inhalations are done for 5 to 7 days, each procedure lasts from 2 to 4 minutes, its time depends on the power of the nebulizer. The course of treatment with Dioxidin is completely determined by the doctor; it cannot be reduced independently, since the microbial flora will not be completely destroyed. With prolonged treatment, a high risk of adverse reactions remains.

Possible consequences of the procedures

When Dioxidin is administered into the respiratory tract, the following are possible:

  • dizziness,
  • chills,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • labored breathing,
  • coughing attack,
  • headache.

Some time after the procedure, rashes and skin itching occur. If allergic reactions occur, antiallergic drugs are prescribed for 3-5 days or Dioxidin is completely discontinued.

Dioxidine price, where to buy

The price of Dioxidin differs depending on the form of release of the drug. For example, the average price of Dioxidin in ampoules with a concentration of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide 0.5% (this form is used for preparing nasal drops) is 547 rubles.

The cost of packaging ampoules with a 1% solution is from 477 to 795 rubles (depending on the manufacturer and the number of ampoules in the package). Ointment for external use can be purchased for approximately 385 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Dioxidin solution for intracavity.
    intro., places and adv. approx. 0.01 g/ml 10 ml 10 pcs Grotex LLC 584 rub. order
  • Dioxidin ointment 5% 30g Biosynthesis OJSC

    430 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Dioxidin ointment (tube 5% 30g) Biosynthesis OJSC

    422 rub. order

  • Dioxidin (amp. 1% 10ml No. 10) Valenta Pharmaceuticals OJSC

    550 rub. order

  • Dioxidin (solution d.inf. and nar. approx. 5 mg/ml 10 ml No. 10) Grotex LLC

    RUR 525 order

  • Dioxidin (amp. 0.5% 10ml No. 10)Novosibkhimpharm OJSC

    RUB 249 order

show more


  • Dioxidin 1% 10 ml No. 10 solution
    193 UAH. order


  • Dioxidin ampoule Dioxidin solution d/in. 1% amp. 10ml No. 10 Ukraine, Farmak OJSC

    219 UAH. order

show more

Combined treatment regimen

For severe bronchitis with severe bronchospasm and inflammation, several drugs are prescribed in a strict order:

  • Berodual for bronchial dilation (10 drops for children, 20-30 drops for adults and 3 ml of saline solution);
  • Lazolvan (1-2 ml and 2-3 saline solutions) with ACC injection (0.5-1 ml) to liquefy and remove sputum (15 minutes after Berodual);
  • Dioxidine (0.25-5 ml) with saline solution (3-4 ml) or with the addition of Dexamethasone (0.5 ml), but first you need to wait for a good cough and carry out the procedure after 20 minutes.

When coughing

Dioxidin inhalations for coughing are carried out only when there is an infectious disease caused by bacteria. It is not used for common colds or allergies. It is administered through a nebulizer in a dose of 0.25-1 ml, depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. For dilution, saline solution is used in an amount of 3-4 ml. No more than 2 procedures are prescribed per day.

When inhaling aerosols, one breathes through the mouth without effort, the breathing rhythm is slow, since when forced, there is a spasm of the bronchi and an attack of reflex cough. If possible, then after each inhalation you need to hold your breath for 1-2 seconds.

With a runny nose

When you have a runny nose, you can breathe dioxidin only through an inhaler that sprays large particles - from 5 microns. If they are smaller, then the main part of the solution settles in the bronchi. Therefore, you need to choose a device with a regulation function (indicated in the technical specifications).

The drug is used more often for prolonged inflammation (rhinitis). In order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the nasal passages with saline beforehand and use drops with a vasoconstrictor effect (if necessary). For 1 session, take 0.25-0.5 ml with 2 ml of saline solution, inhalation is carried out up to 3 times a day.

For pharyngitis, laryngitis

Inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis) or larynx (laryngitis) is treated with inhalations of Dioxidin and saline; hormones (Dexamethasone or Hydrocortisone) may be added to them to reduce swelling. One procedure requires 0.25-0.5 medications and 3 ml of saline solution. There are 2-3 sessions per day. ENT doctors apply Dioxidin locally to the area of ​​the tonsils and pharynx.

For sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis with Dioxidin inhalations is necessary when pus accumulates in the maxillary sinuses. Before the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the nasal cavities with saline and the mandatory use of decongestants (for example, Sanorin or Nazivin), since the outflow of contents must first be restored.

For 1 procedure you will need 0.5 ml of Dioxidin and 2 ml of saline solution, 2-3 inhalations are prescribed per day. Often (in addition to inhaling the aerosol), the doctor prescribes washing the paranasal cavities with a solution of the drug, but this is considered a completely medical procedure.

Nasal cavity rinsing scheme

For bronchitis

Inhalations with Dioxidin are usually used in combination with expectorants and sputum thinners (Lazolvan, ACC, Fluimucil). They are recommended to cleanse the bronchi, and only then administer this antimicrobial medication.

In case of spasm of the lower respiratory tract (obstructive bronchitis), it is important to pre-administer bronchodilators (Berodual, Berotek), this facilitates deeper penetration of the medicine. For inhalation, take 0.25-1 ml of Dioxidin and 2-4 ml of saline solution; with combined administration, the volume can be reduced. 2-4 treatments per day are recommended.


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