Ubistezin forte 40mg+10mcg-ml 17ml 50 pcs injection solution


Before the advent of painkillers, tooth extraction was painful. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, such operations were performed without anesthesia. Nowadays dentistry uses many methods and a variety of drugs that make it possible to remove teeth absolutely painlessly. This helps to avoid discomfort and complications. After all, doctors choose drugs individually, depending on the patient’s health condition and the characteristics of the surgical intervention. An anesthetic is used for tooth extraction, treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis, implantation and other dental procedures.

Why is pain relief performed in dentistry?

Before tooth extraction, anesthesia is required, as this operation is very painful. These sensations can trigger a heart attack or put the patient into shock. Therefore, such manipulations are now carried out under anesthesia. Most often, local anesthesia is used. The injected drug blocks the transmission of nerve impulses from the diseased tooth to the brain. The sensitivity of the gums and surrounding tissues is greatly reduced. Therefore, the tooth is removed painlessly.

Many patients do not visit the dentist on time precisely because they are afraid of pain. They drown out unpleasant sensations with pills, which often leads to serious complications. But, the use of painkillers during tooth extraction allows treatment to be carried out without discomfort for the patient.

Main indications for use

As mentioned above, the drug has found wide use in dental practice. Among the main indications for its use, experts highlight the following manipulations:

  • caries treatment and filling,
  • tooth extraction,
  • cleaning and filling of canals,
  • preparation of the stump before prosthetics,
  • making incisions and suturing in the palate,
  • flap operations and manipulation of bone tissue.

The drug can be used in dental treatment.
The instructions for the drug indicate that it is suitable, among other things, for patients with certain somatic diseases, as well as for those who are prone to allergic reactions and problems with the cardiovascular system. In any case, the choice in favor of one or another anesthetic will be made by a specialist, based on the nuances of the clinical picture and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Types of anesthesia before tooth extraction

In most cases, local anesthesia is sufficient for any dental procedures. Typically, this is one or more injections into the gums. Some clinics perform three-stage anesthesia, which completely eliminates pain. In this case, an anesthetic gel is first applied, then a short injection is given, and after some time a sufficient dose of anesthetic is administered. Sometimes it also becomes necessary to perform a similar operation under general anesthesia. What anesthesia for tooth extraction is required in each specific case is determined by the doctor in accordance with individual characteristics.

Most often, local anesthesia is sufficient. Such anesthesia relieves the patient 100% of pain. Only tactile sensitivity is preserved, which can also cause discomfort, but not severe. There are several types of local anesthesia.

  1. Application anesthesia relieves pain only with superficial intervention. It is usually used before an injection to make insertion of the needle painless. Sometimes it is indicated when removing baby teeth in children. This anesthesia is carried out using a gel or spray based on lidocaine or benzocaine. They are applied to the gums.
  2. Infiltration anesthesia is the most common method. In this case, pain relief during tooth extraction is administered by injection. Usually you need 2-3 injections on one side and the other of the diseased tooth.
  3. Conduction anesthesia involves injecting an anesthetic into the area of ​​the nerve. After this, the entire area innervated by it loses sensitivity. It is usually used only on the lower jaw.
  4. Trunk anesthesia is used in serious cases or when the patient is hypersensitive. In this case, the medicine is injected into the base of the skull.

In addition, sometimes a method such as sedation is also used. This is the administration of intramuscular or intravenous sedatives. They calm the patient, increase the pain threshold, and relax.


  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • bronchial asthma and hypersensitivity to sulfites;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • concomitant therapy with non-selective beta-blockers , tricyclic antidepressants;
  • severe liver failure ;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Use caution if you have the following diseases and conditions:

  • chronic heart failure ;
  • atrioventricular block;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​anesthesia;
  • renal failure;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • weakened patients;
  • elderly age.

Preparations for infiltration anesthesia

Anesthesia in dentistry is most often carried out using injection solutions. The most common ones for this are “Lidocaine” or “Novocaine” in ampoules. It is these medications that provide pain relief in all budget clinics. For this, special syringes with a thin needle are used. But recently, new technologies have been increasingly used. For example, private medical centers have switched to carpule anesthesia. Its peculiarity is the use of disposable cartridges with medicine. In addition, the needle for such injections is taken very sharp, which ensures the absence of pain during the injection.

In addition to Novocaine and Lidocaine, articaine and mepivacaine have recently been used in dentistry. There are several drugs based on these substances:

  1. "Ultracaine";
  2. "Scandonest";
  3. "Ubistezin";
  4. "Septanest".

The drug "Novocain" in dentistry

This anesthetic was synthesized at the beginning of the 20th century. And for many years, Novocain in ampoules became the most common means of pain relief during any surgical interventions. This is an inexpensive drug, so it is accessible to everyone; a package costs 30-40 rubles. But recently it has been used less and less due to the high risk of side effects.

The instructions for Novocain warn that after its administration, a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, weakness or allergic reactions may occur. In addition, sometimes it is not very effective, so it is administered together with other drugs. Most often, Novocaine is combined with adrenaline, but this mixture is contraindicated for high blood pressure. The low effectiveness of this drug, as well as the loss of its functions in the presence of purulent inflammation, has led to the fact that it is now used very rarely in dentistry.

Use of the drug "Lidocaine"

This is the most common anesthetic, widely used not only in budget dental clinics, but also in private ones. It is quite effective, completely removing sensitivity for about 1-2 hours. However, it rarely causes side effects. But sometimes intolerance to Lidocaine still occurs. In this case, allergic reactions, a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, and heart rhythm disturbances occur. Numbness of the lips and tongue often occurs, which can lead to accidental injury.

In order for this drug to work well and not cause negative reactions, it must be administered in the correct dosage. Sometimes it is sold not in ampoules, but in powder, so you need to know how to properly dilute Lidocaine for injection in dentistry. Most often, a 0.5% solution is used, but for conduction anesthesia in difficult cases, 1-2% can be used. The dosage is determined individually according to the severity of the patient's condition.

The drug "Ultracain"

This product is based on the strong anesthetic articaine. Additionally, the drug contains epinephrine. This is an analogue of adrenaline that has a vasoconstrictor effect. It is needed to lengthen the duration of action of the drug. "Ultracaine" is considered a safer and more effective remedy than the previously common "Lidocaine" or "Novocaine".

The instructions note that it has almost no contraindications. It is even used for children and elderly patients. The advantage of the drug is that it begins to act within 10 minutes, and its analgesic effect lasts up to 3.5 hours. The drug is sold in pharmacies at a price of 500 rubles per pack of 10 ampoules.

The most common side effects after Ultracaine are headaches, nausea and muscle twitching, but this is rare. Even less common is a drop in blood pressure or arrhythmia after administration of the drug. Ultracaine is available in several forms, differing in the dosage of the active substance and epinephrine. The most popular is “Ultracain D”, which does not contain additional components, therefore it is less likely to cause side effects.

The drug "Ubistezin"

The price of this painkiller is slightly higher than that of other similar drugs. But, it is widespread in dentistry due to its high efficiency. In addition to articaine, the drug "Ubistezin" includes adrenaline. It provides vasoconstriction at the injection site. Thanks to this, the drug is absorbed slowly and causes fewer side effects. Because of this, its effect lasts longer. Moreover, the effect occurs within 3-5 minutes after the injection, which in some cases is very important. In addition to the general side effects caused by articaine, after an injection carried out in violation of the rules, tissue ischemia or neurological problems may develop.

The price of “Ubistezin” is quite high, since it is mainly sold in large packages. 50 cartridges cost from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles, so they are purchased from dental clinics. This drug is allowed to be used even in pediatric dentistry. Its advantage is the rapid onset of analgesic effect and good tolerability. But, it is contraindicated to use the drug in case of arrhythmia, tachycardia, or the presence of allergic reactions.

Pain relief with Septanest

The drug is produced by a well-known French pharmaceutical company. It has been used in dentistry for a long time, and has already proven its effectiveness. Therefore, in difficult cases or in the absence of contraindications, dentists often choose Septanest. The instructions for use of the drug note that allergic reactions to this drug occur quite often. This can be explained by the presence of a large number of artificial additives. In addition, side effects such as respiratory and cardiac dysfunction often develop.

However, the drug is quite popular. The instructions for use for Septanest allow the drug to be used by children over 4 years of age and pregnant women. Contraindications include only glaucoma, bronchial asthma and heart rhythm disturbances. If necessary, you can use similar anesthetics that also contain articaine: Alfacaine, Brilocaine, Cytokartin, Primacaine.

The drug "Scandonest"

It is an anesthetic based on mepivacaine. It does not contain adrenaline, preservatives or other harmful components. It is used for intolerance to articaine or adrenaline. This drug can be used in the elderly, patients with diabetes, hypertension, bronchial asthma and even pregnant women. In addition to the analgesic effect, mepivacaine has the ability to constrict blood vessels, so additional adrenaline is not required. An analogue of the drug "Scandonest" is the anesthetic "Mepivastezin".

Key characteristics, scope of application and dosage

So, “Ubistezin” is a transparent liquid, colorless and odorless. The solution is stored in disposable 1.7 ml ampoules. The amount of the drug administered directly depends on the purpose of its use:

  • removal of teeth on the upper jaw (1-2 units) – 1.7 ml,
  • palate preparation and suturing – 0.1 ml,
  • removal of chewing teeth of the lower jaw – 1.7 ml,
  • treatment of chewing teeth and their canals – 1.7 ml,
  • treatment of caries and turning for installation of a crown – 0.5-1.7 ml,
  • mandibular anesthesia – 1.7 ml.

The drug is a clear, colorless and odorless liquid.
The above dosages are advisory in nature - they are indicated in the instructions for use of "Ubistezin". However, the doctor can independently adjust the volume of the injected solution, based on the complexity of the clinical case and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. The standard dosage for dental procedures is 1.7 ml.

Need for general anesthesia

Sometimes it becomes necessary to treat a patient under general anesthesia. This is necessary if the usual painkiller during tooth extraction does not help, for example, with a low pain threshold or fear of dentists. General anesthesia is also used in patients with various psychological or neurological disorders, as well as with an increased gag reflex. When extracting a tooth, this is rarely required, since the procedure is short, but during long-term treatment, complex surgery or complete implantation, general anesthesia is necessary. It uses trichlorethylene, administered through a breathing mask or injection drugs: Ketamine, Propanidide, Hexenal.

What side effects may there be?

As with any other medication, when using Ubistezin there is a slight risk of side effects. Possible adverse reactions from the body are listed below:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, including headache, loss of consciousness, convulsions and difficulty breathing,
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea,
  • decreased vision is a very rare phenomenon,
  • problems in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, including decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, arrhythmia and other disorders,
  • allergic reactions, which most often manifest themselves as skin itching and hyperemia, conjunctivitis and rhinitis, as well as angioedema and even anaphylactic shock1.

Side effects may include headache and nausea.
Typically, the above complications occur due to exceeding the permissible dosage. In this case, it is necessary to immediately stop administering the solution and move the patient to a horizontal position. It will be necessary to ensure sufficient oxygen supply to the body. If respiratory function is impaired, artificial ventilation may be required. Barbiturates are used to stop convulsive contractions, and circulatory disorders are corrected with electrolyte solutions.

Reviews about pain relief in dentistry

Nowadays dental treatment has become much more comfortable than before. Pain is usually not felt even when removed. At the same time, many patients note that they received effective pain relief with the help of regular Lidocaine. But there are also those who cannot tolerate this drug. And those who have been injected with modern anesthetics note that they have a better analgesic effect. There are many positive reviews about the drug "Ultracain", patients note that they do not feel anything even during a complex operation.

Category: Tooth extraction Published by Mister stomatolog

What can be replaced - products with a similar effect

Now dentists have a fairly large selection of effective and safe anesthetics at their disposal. Some may differ in composition and concentration of active ingredients, but almost all of them have similar properties. Among the analogues of Ubistezin, experts identify the following drugs:

  • "Artikain"
  • "Artifrin"
  • "Ultracaine"
  • "Cytokartin" etc.

Any of the above drugs has its own advantages and disadvantages, indications and limitations for use. The choice of one or another anesthetic is usually at the discretion of the attending physician.


Level 4 ATX code matches:






Ultracaine D-S Forte

Ultracaine D-S



Alfacaine , Brilocaine-adrenaline , Ultracaine D-S , Ultracaine D-S forte , Brilocaine-adrenaline forte , Primacaine , Ultracaine suprarenine , Cytokartin .


Overdose is manifested by symptoms: dizziness, tachycardia or bradycardia, impaired consciousness, anxiety, decreased blood pressure.

It is necessary to stop the manipulation, lie the patient down and restore adequate airway patency, monitor blood pressure and heart rate. Inhalation of oxygen and artificial ventilation are indicated. barbiturates are administered intravenously ; in case of shock - infusion of electrolytes , glucocorticosteroids ; for vascular collapse - intravenous Adrenaline 0.1 mg; for tachycardia - intravenous selective beta-blockers ; with increased blood pressure - peripheral vasodilators .

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