Sulfur s200 Granules, bottle, 1 piece, 5 g, sublingual

Synonyms: Hepar sulphuris calcarea

Hepar sulfur is made by combining the powdered inside of oyster shells with sulfur powder, also called sulfur color. The scientific name of the drug “Hepar sulphuris calcarea” means sulfuric liver (the word “liver” comes from “oven”, “bake”).

This remedy was introduced into classical homeopathy by Curton in 1768. Before use, this drug must be calcined in a closed crucible. After this manipulation, it is stored in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid, which will prevent moisture from entering.

“Hepar sulfur” is a mixture of potassium thiosulfate with potassium polysulfides, which everyone who has dealt with the processing of genuine leather products and the tarnishing of silver has dealt with. This drug looks the same as most similar homeopathic remedies - these are small round tablets, without a pronounced odor.

"Gepar sulfur" is available in the following dilutions: 3, 6.12, 30 and more. The first two dilutions are released in the form of rubbing. There is also a drug “Hepar sulfur-plus”, the components of which, in addition to Hepar sulfur 6, are calendula officinalis, calcium carbonicum, and carbo vegetabilis.

The treatment regimen and dosage should be prescribed by a specialist. Most homeopaths agree that low dilutions are optimal for use, rubbing is best.

Despite the fact that the drug can be purchased without problems at a pharmacy, a prescription is not needed for this; it is better not to buy it without consulting a homeopath. Self-medication will not only not give the desired result, but can also provoke a variety of complications. This may be caused by both incorrect dosage and inappropriateness of taking the drug in some cases.


ARE COMMON. Scrofulous and skin diseases with increased sensitivity of the liver and suppuration processes.

SUPPURATION. Very high dilutions prescribed while there is no pus yet can interfere with its formation; very low (x2) contribute to its release. Even better than acute boils, Hepar sulfur

corresponds to suppurations in caries, necrosis, sweating sickness, ulcers and fistulas, in the same cases as
, with which it is often alternated.

Scrofula, especially with rashes and indurations.

SKIN. Painless ULCERATIONS, bloody and purulent discharge. They are often superficial and creeping, very sensitive at the edges. Partial or general SWEATS (valuable remedy).

BOLD on the labia majora with severe sensitivity.

RESPIRATORY. LARINGOTRACHEITIS: barking and loud cough, sweating when coughing.

CHRONIC and tuberculous LARINGITIS. Painful sensitivity of larynx, even when breathing ( Phosphorus

- for tuberculous constitution,
- for scrofulous).

ACUTE BRONCHITIS. Useful especially for children, alternately with Bryonia


PURULENT PLEURITIS. Purulent and serous-purulent exudate, especially during the transition to a chronic condition and the possibility of developing tuberculosis.

NERVOUS. NEURALGIA in the right half of the face, shooting into the temple, ear, wings of the nose and lip. Pain in the facial bones, especially from touch.

EYE. BLEPHARITIS: alternately with Mercurius solubilis

Purulent inflammation of the eyes. Hepar
is especially useful against recurrence of corneal lesions in scrofulous ophthalmia.

Headache is dull, pressing or shooting, sometimes on one side, as if the head is about to crack. Boring pain at the root of the nose, in the frontal sinuses.

Patient type "Gepar sulfur"

The distinctive features of the Gepar Sulfur type patient are:

  • Excessive sensitivity to cold and pain;
  • Severe irritability;
  • Anger;
  • They cannot control their emotions, even when they understand that their anger is unreasonable;
  • Fear of bees and wasps;
  • Insurmountable fear of injections;
  • Even tactile contact with cold objects can cause a cough;
  • After exposure to the wind, the patient suffers from otitis media and headache;
  • Even if, absolutely by accident, the patient’s arm or leg peeks out from under the blanket, this can become a serious problem for him;
  • The pain that the patient feels during inflammatory processes very much reminds him of the pain from an injection with a fish bone or splinter;
  • While coughing, you may cry in pain;
  • Boils often appear (very painful, leaving scars on the skin, suppuration from wounds;
  • A feeling of improvement appears in warm, damp weather. In dry conditions it is incredibly difficult;
  • Often the distinguishing feature is a lower lip that is cracked in the middle.


Increased sensitivity to pain and touch. The pain is felt with extraordinary force: the patient faints from mild pain and cannot bear to touch the inflamed area. There is also an increase in mental sensitivity.

Tendency to suppuration; Minor wounds, even the smallest abrasions, fester. Scarring occurs slowly.

The tendency of the mucous membranes to secrete, most noticeable in the respiratory tract, but not limited to them.

Sensation of coldness in limited parts of the body, particularly inside the skull ( Calcarea

); sensitivity to cold.

Inactivity of the intestines and bladder; urine flows slowly, drop by drop, it seems that it always remains in the bladder.

Increased appetite for hot, spicy foods.

The pain is shooting, sharp, aggravated by the slightest touch or movement of air. They are always worse at night.

Chair. Constipation. Stool, although soft, occurs with difficulty and requires great effort.

Menstruation is late and infrequent. Itching in the vagina during menstruation. Leucorrhoea with a strong odor.

Effect on the body

Liver sulfur has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The drug mainly affects the skin - it causes a rash and blisters that at first glance closely resemble herpes. In addition, crusts appear in the corners of the lips, on the neck and chin.

But the most pronounced effect occurs on wounds and ulcers - under the influence of Gepar Sulfur they begin to fester and become inflamed.

The product can also provoke inflammatory processes on the upper lip and purulent processes in the glands, especially in the neck.

The most noticeable effect of sulfur liver has on people of thin build. A distinctive feature of the pain is a tearing effect, which is intensified by touch.


Most often, the drug "Gepar Sulfur" is suitable for people who are predisposed to rashes and tumors; their body reacts very painfully to touching the affected areas. They have a yellowish complexion. Their body is prone to the development of suppuration even in the case of the most harmless wounds and ulcers. The healing process takes a long time.

While taking this drug, you should not take additional vitamin complexes, especially those that contain a lot of sulfur or calcium. In general, the drug combines well with most drugs, but individual reactions may occur.

You should be very careful with high dilutions and take the drug only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. High dilutions can cause complications if encapsulated deposits have developed in the patient's lungs, which are the result of a long-term illness.

Since the drug can cause suppuration, you should be extremely careful with it. The lowest dilution will be enough to get rid of a large number of ailments.

Before you start taking it, you should make sure that there are no foreign objects, lumps, etc. in the body.

Allergic reactions are extremely rare and manifest as a rash.

If while taking the drug the patient notes positive dynamics (gradual), this means that the treatment regimen is correct and the medication should be continued. If the state of health improves sharply, this is an alarming symptom, since there is a high probability that this will have a bad effect on the patient’s health.

You should closely monitor your body, and if you have any alarming symptoms, immediately consult a doctor so that he can review the regimen and dosage of the drug, or prescribe another treatment.


Sulfur liver. This compound of sulfur with calcium was described by Curton in 1768.

For homeopathic use Hepar sulfur

prepared by calcining in a closed vessel equal parts of absolutely pure sulfur color and oyster shells, reduced to a fine powder. The first three dilutions are prepared in the form of rubbing.

Hahnemann studied this remedy and gave its pathogenesis in “Pure Medicine,” which he supplemented in “Chronic Diseases.”


Hepar sulfur

especially suited to a lymphatic and scrofulous constitution, prone to eruptions and swelling of the glands. The complexion is often yellowish, the skin is unhealthy. The lower lip has a crack in the middle, the upper lip is swollen and painful. It is also suitable for apathetic blondes with poorly developed muscles.

Mentally ill Hepar sulfur

rather sad and depressed, especially in the evenings. There is a suicidal tendency, as well as, according to Testa, a kind of “cruel indifference that leads to cold-blooded murder.”

In a patient with Hepar

an increase in physical and mental sensitivity is noticed; he is very cold and cannot bear even the slightest pain. At the same time, he doesn’t like everything, everything irritates him, everything is not to his liking. Strong people get angry very easily. Drunkards in a state of intoxication reach the point of murder.

Application in homeopathy

For home use, the 3rd and 6th potencies of Gepar Sulfur are most suitable. They will help you quickly get rid of diseases that lead to suppuration.

The drug in the 200th potency in homeopathic practice is used in more problematic cases, when there is the development of a non-purulent, but dense abscess, as well as in chronic diseases of the skin and internal organs.

High dilutions prevent the appearance of purulent formations, and low dilutions, on the contrary, help the mature abscess to resolve as quickly as possible. If an abscess has already formed inside due to the presence of a foreign body in the body, then with the help of this abscess he tries to get rid of this foreign object.

"Gepar sulfur" is a remedy with proven effectiveness in cases of acute inflammation - it prevents the formation of a purulent process.

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