Sulfur s200 Granules, bottle, 1 piece, 5 g, sublingual

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Appearance of a simple substance
Sulfur sample
Properties of the atom
Name, symbol, numberSulfur/Sulfur (S), 16
Group, period, block16 (obsolete 6), 3, p-element
Atomic mass (molar mass)[32.059; 32.076][comm. 1][1] a. e.m. (/mol)
Electronic configuration[Ne] 3s23p4 1s22s22p63s23p4
Atomic radius127
Chemical properties
Covalent radius102
Ion radius30 (+6e) 184 (−2e)
Electronegativity2.58 (Pauling scale)
Electrode potential0
Oxidation states-2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +4, +6
Ionization energy (first electron)999.0 (10.35) kJ/mol ()
Thermodynamic properties of a simple substance
Density (at normal conditions)2.070 g/cm³
Melting temperature386 K (112.85 °C)
Boiling temperature717.824 K (444.67 °C)
Ud. heat of fusion 1.23 kJ/mol
Ud. heat of vaporization 10.5 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity22.61[2] J/(K mol)
Molar volume15.5 ³/mol
Crystal lattice of a simple substance
Lattice structureOrthorhombic
Lattice parametersa
= 10.437,
= 12.845,
= 24.369
Other characteristics
Thermal conductivity(300 K) 0.27 W/(m K)
CAS number7704-34-9
Emission spectrum

This term has other meanings, see Sulfur (meanings).



(chemical symbol -
, from Latin
ulfur) - a chemical element of the 16th group (according to the outdated classification - the sixth group of the main subgroup, VIA), the third period of D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic table of chemical elements, with atomic number 16.

Simple substance sulfur

is a light yellow powdery non-metal. In hydrogen and oxygen compounds it is found in various ions, forming many acids and salts. Practically insoluble in water. Many sulfur-containing salts are poorly soluble in water.

Sulfur in nature

Sulfur is the 16th element of the periodic table. In its pure form, sulfur has the appearance of a crystalline solid with a characteristic yellow color. In the natural environment, the element is found both in pure form and as part of sulfuric acids (FeSO4, MgSO4) and sulfuric acids (FES, CU2S).

The chemical properties of sulfur indicate that it is a typical metalloid.

Sulfur is present in various plants in the form of various organic and inorganic compounds. In addition, there are microorganisms whose waste products contain special sulfur compounds. This component enters the body of animals and humans with food. The process of sulfur absorption occurs directly in the intestines. Human plasma contains about 7% Sulfur, but this number may vary under the influence of various factors.

History and origin of the name

origin of name

The word “sulphur”, known in the Old Russian language since the 15th century, is borrowed from the Old Slavonic “sera” - “sulphur, resin”, generally “flammable substance, fat”. The etymology of the word has not been clarified to this day, since the original common Slavic name of the substance was lost and the word reached the modern Russian language in a distorted form [3].

According to Vasmer[4], “sulfur” goes back to lat. sera - “wax” or lat. serum - “serum”.

The Latin sulfur (derived from the Hellenized spelling of the etymological sulpur) presumably goes back to the Indo-European root *swelp - “to burn”[5].

History of discovery

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The exact time of discovery of sulfur has not been established, but this element was used before our era.

Sulfur was used by priests as part of sacred incense during religious rites. It was considered the work of superhuman beings from the world of spirits or underground gods.

A very long time ago, sulfur began to be used as part of various flammable mixtures for military purposes. Homer already described “sulphurous fumes,” the deadly effect of burning sulfur emissions. Sulfur was probably part of the “Greek fire” that terrified opponents.

Around the 8th century, the Chinese began to use it in pyrotechnic mixtures, in particular, in mixtures such as gunpowder. The flammability of sulfur, the ease with which it combines with metals to form sulfides (for example, on the surface of pieces of metal), explains why it was considered the “principle of flammability” and an essential component of metal ores.

Presbyter Theophilus (12th century) describes a method of oxidative roasting of sulfide copper ore, probably known in ancient Egypt.

During the period of Arab alchemy, the mercury-sulfur theory of the composition of metals arose, according to which sulfur was revered as an essential component (father) of all metals.

Later it became one of the three principles of alchemists, and later the “principle of flammability” became the basis of the theory of phlogiston. The elemental nature of sulfur was established by Lavoisier in his combustion experiments.

With the introduction of gunpowder in Europe, the development of natural sulfur mining began, as well as the development of a method for obtaining it from pyrites; the latter was common in ancient Rus'. It was first described in literature by Agricola.

Sulfur crystals among aragonite brushes

Sulfur in medicine

Sulfur and its compounds have been used for medicinal purposes since time immemorial. It was widely used to treat skin and joint diseases, in cases of poisoning, and was also used as a laxative.

In the 19th century, carbon disulfide was widely used to treat paralysis and carbon monoxide poisoning. In combination with oils, it was used (rubbed in) in the treatment of gouty and rheumatic formations. In addition, in the treatment of scabies, sulfur was considered an effective means of killing parasites.

Nowadays, the healing properties of sulfur are often used in balneology. Sulfur waters are beneficial due to their hydrogen sulfide content. Sulfur waters are used to treat chronic arthropathy, gout, diseases of the heart muscle, osteomyelitis, chronic gynecological and skin diseases, as well as mercury and lead poisoning. However, sulfur waters are contraindicated for acute and subacute diseases of the heart and joints, gynecological diseases, hypertension with nephrosclerosis, furunculosis and inert ankelosis.

Recently, organic sulfur preparations have become increasingly popular. The simplest and most effective example of such a drug is the well-known ordinary white streptocide. Most drugs (sulfazin, disulfan, sulgin, phthalazole, urosulfan) are its derivatives. These drugs are used in the fight against serious diseases caused by cocci and other microorganisms.


Physical properties

Natural intergrowth of native sulfur crystals Combustion of sulfur
Sulfur differs significantly from oxygen in its ability to form stable chains and cycles of atoms. The most stable are the crown-shaped cyclic S8 molecules, which form orthorhombic and monoclinic sulfur. This is crystalline sulfur - a brittle yellow substance. In addition, molecules with closed (S4, S6) chains and open chains are possible. This composition has plastic sulfur, a brown substance, which is obtained by sharp cooling of molten sulfur (plastic sulfur becomes brittle after a few hours, acquires a yellow color and gradually turns into rhombic). The formula for sulfur is most often written simply S, since, although it has a molecular structure, it is a mixture of simple substances with different molecules. Sulfur is insoluble in water, but dissolves well in organic solvents, for example, carbon disulfide and turpentine.

The melting of sulfur is accompanied by a noticeable increase in volume (approximately 15%). Molten sulfur is a yellow, easily mobile liquid, which above 160 °C turns into a very viscous dark brown mass. The sulfur melt acquires the highest viscosity at a temperature of 190 °C; a further increase in temperature is accompanied by a decrease in viscosity and above 300 °C the molten sulfur again becomes mobile. This is because when sulfur is heated, it gradually polymerizes, increasing the length of the chain as the temperature increases. When sulfur is heated above 190 °C, the polymer units begin to collapse.

Sulfur can serve as the simplest example of an electret. When friction occurs, sulfur acquires a strong negative charge[9].

Sulfur in homeopathy

Homeopathy uses both pure sulfur and various compounds, including:

  • Sulfur iodatum;
  • Hepar sulfuris calcareum;
  • Acidum sulfuricum;
  • Carboneum sulfuricum;
  • Magnesium sulfuricum;
  • Natrium sulfuricum;
  • Zincum sulfuricum;
  • Ferrum sulfuricum;
  • Mercurius sulphuratus rubber (Cinnabaris);
  • Antimonium crudum;
  • Antimonium sulfuratum aurantiacum;
  • Kalium sulfuricum.

The key component of all compounds is common sulfur. Hahnemann considered it the main way to combat various skin ailments, which were accompanied by itching, rashes, warts and other skin problems. Numerous experiments conducted by the legendary homeopath have shown that Sulfur can be completely dispensed with in the treatment of serious diseases, but for chronic diseases it is simply irreplaceable.

Due to its ability to activate protein metabolism disorders, sulfur has proven effectiveness in combating skin diseases. In addition, it is widely used to treat diseases of the central nervous system.

Analysis of symptoms with hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon disulfide and other sulfur-containing compounds suggests that sulfur can cause headaches and dizziness, general weakness, disorders of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system, sensitivity disorders and psychosis.

The use of sulfur, even in homeopathic doses, requires caution. It is best to avoid taking it for people with impaired sulfur metabolism, as well as those who are susceptible to asthma, eczema or Quincke's edema, since even the 30th dilution of the drug can cause serious consequences.

Effect on the body

In homeopathic doses, the drug has a pronounced effect on the autonomic nervous system. It has anti-inflammatory, absorbable and antibacterial effects.

Under the influence of Sulfur, severe itching appears on the surface of the skin, as well as boils and rashes. It promotes burning of the mucous membranes and the separation of mucus. In addition, sulfur affects the circulatory system. Under its influence, improper distribution of blood occurs, which entails congestion in the chest and head, as well as shortness of breath, redness of various parts of the body, etc. In large dosages, Sulfur has a laxative effect, but in other doses it causes constipation. Diarrhea occurs much less frequently.

Sulfur also manifests itself in rheumatic diseases.


No medicine except perhaps Phosphorus

, does not require so many precautions when using it; very frequent and long interruptions in use are always associated with this remedy.

If after using Sulfur

If any rash or itching appears on the skin, this gives great hope for a cure.
In such cases it is good to discontinue all medicines for fear of interfering with the beneficial effects of Sulfur

Sulfur is used

in all dilutions; high ones are often more valid.

Indications for use

Sulfur is an important homeopathic remedy in cases where the body does not respond to previously prescribed medications. This drug is highly effective for scrofula, diathesis, chronic runny nose or rheumatism and exanthema. In addition, Sulfur helps well with manifestations of chronic asthma and catarrh of the lungs in elderly people. Indications also include pneumonia, pleurisy and dyspepsia (mainly in alcohol dependent people).

The drug is also prescribed for constipation, which is accompanied by burning and itching in the anus. In this case, sulfur is prescribed as part of complex therapy.

Sulfur is often prescribed for scrofulous ophthalmia, acute catarrhal ophthalmia and conjunctivitis, as well as other eye diseases. Also, as part of complex therapy, the drug is prescribed for influenza. Sulfur has a beneficial effect on patients who, after recovery, feel a strong loss of strength and weakness.

Sulfur (Sulfur)

Description and indications for use of a homeopathic medicine

SULPHUR is a chronic Aconite. In case of exacerbation of type S. give Acon. or Puls. S. relieves any problems of suppression: vaccinations, allopathy, homeopathy. Therefore, he is not appointed first. Disgusting, sensitive to his own smells and the smells of others. Children love to play with Lego, they love chemistry and geometry. For pneumonia, when the skin is red and there are rashes, Sulf helps. There are 2 types of S.: one is a skinny, tall, stooped, chilly, philosophical person. He looks unkempt and dirty. He is a hermit, inventor, scientist, philosopher. The other is a rather robust, full-blooded individual with a red face and dark red lips. According to the two polarities in the physical appearance of the village. Polarities are observed both in the psyche and in character. The first type is inert, lazy. The second type is an enthusiast with increased activity, energetic, life-loving, sexy, and strives to have many friends. One is full of theoretical speculations, the other is a practical idealist. He could be a doctor, cat. treats patients free of charge. He is so energetic that he can see patients from morning until midnight. But he needs to be talked about. Money and wealth do not interest him. Don't offer him money. Tell him how spiritual he is, how selfless he is, and you will become his best friend. You can meet selfless s., others are extremely selfish. Such polarities exist in every medicine. You can date not only a lazy s., but also an exceptionally active type. However, it should be remembered that laziness and activity can replace each other, and in the same person. The MM says that s. extremely unkempt; at the same time, you will be surprised by his extraordinary fastidiousness. One will look tired and scrupulous, the other will look extremely sloppy. This is another manifestation of polarity characteristic of this remedy. At a certain stage, they go beyond their usual, natural state of well-being into a phase of increased activity, which can ultimately break them. Fastidiousness p. reaches pathology, and in this it is similar to Arsenicum. M.b. cases of Sulfur which will develop towards Arsenicum during treatment. The transition to the Arsenicum state is especially often observed in acute cases of sepsis, for example, with bronchitis, diarrhea, hepatitis. If you see that in the acute stage Sulfur shows the symptoms of Arsenicum and you prescribe Arsenicum at that moment, you will get an excellent result. These two tools complement each other well. Other supplements to Sulfur are Aconitum and Nux vom. Nux vom. and Arsenicum have very similar characteristics.

S. has a penchant for technology. S.'s children play with a construction set. He cares about his family. He is a born egoist: he has difficulty responding to requests, even for the slightest favor, and he lacks a sense of gratitude. He can rudely reproach his wife, overloaded with household chores, for some trifle: “What did you do all day?” Everyone owes him. He has a tenacious grasp on the possession of any property, be it money or books. He is a passionate collector. He loves to save, but not out of stinginess, but for the sake of the very idea of ​​saving. He loves second-hand clothes and is indifferent to his appearance and surroundings. When visiting, such people cannot sit at the table without knocking over a cup, or at least dropping a piece - especially women, on their sometimes lush bust. If this happens, then it is almost certain that this woman is Sulfur. They have an aversion to eggs. Severe fear of heights. Children immediately take new toys apart into their component parts, trying to understand what's inside and how it works, but then they usually put them back together. They don’t want to go to bed so as not to miss interesting adult conversations. If the patient's rashes and itching were suppressed by steroids, then S. should not be prescribed immediately after allopathy is discontinued, because this can cause a severe exacerbation with profuse rashes after stopping the medication, you need to observe for a month. Particular care is required for severe skin lesions. In these cases, it is necessary to first achieve improvement with the help of the remedies that the patient used previously, and then slowly and gradually move away from this treatment and only then prescribe S.!!! Sulfur has an irresistible craving for movement, noise, he is full of creative energy, heat, and curiosity. This debater and leader is often very thick-skinned and tough. He has a philosophical mindset, a rare memory, a know-it-all, will put forward compelling arguments on every occasion, and loves to theorize. His mind is inventive and original. These are not empty fabrications. For example, Adam Smith, who read more books than anyone living on earth, was a prolific author in various genres: poetry, essays, prayers, stories, economics. Sulfur is a pedantic scientist, a compiler of some large explanatory dictionaries. This is Vladimir Dal. Hahnemann himself is an excellent illustration of this type: with an explosive character that pushes him into endless contradictions with life and those around him, he is a man of action, a brilliant, courageous mind, with analytical abilities. In company, Sulfur talks a lot and only about what interests him. This is a loud, bright, big man, large, wide, noisy.

Sulfur is inquisitive, strives to penetrate deeply into the subject being studied, to get to the bottom of the truth. The philosopher is wearing the shirt he has been wearing for the last 35 years. He is a scientist who is interested in many subjects. There are piles of books on various topics everywhere in his office, but he never bothers to clear his workspace - he simply does not notice the clutter. He cares only about the issue he is dealing with. He is not interested in what his office looks like. And this reveals one of the characteristic properties of s. - his egoism. He strives to become a leader in his field. He wants to find something that no one has yet discovered. He will continue to work until there are no questions left. He has an inquisitive mind. He has a desire to find out the cause and process of development of a phenomenon. This is the inventor of the perpetual motion machine. He cannot come to terms with the idea that there is something incomprehensible in the world: “I must find a way to understand everything and explain everything.” These are very critical people who “know everything better than others.” This is a manifestation of arrogance. But this work extremely tires his mind. There comes a point when he no longer has the strength to continue research. He stops working, leaving the topic unfinished. But the more his mind gets tired, the more often he thinks that he is the best of people. The inability to cope with reality forces him to increasingly retreat into his unreal world - the world of philosophy and causal relationships. For example, his supervisor suggested that he research a certain topic. His inner curiosity pushes him to study five more related topics instead of focusing on one. Then these topics become 10, 20, his consciousness scatters in all directions, and he finally drowns in a sea of ​​information. He is overworked and does not see the end of his work. He turns to philosophy, arguing that not a single one? no answer. They become convinced that they know everything much better than others and that no one understands them. Criticizes others and points out their mistakes. Boastfulness, conceit. No one will be praised. Doesn't take advice. Fear of infection, will not touch anything dirty. Be sure to immediately wash your hands if you touch anything or shake hands with someone. Disgust is very pronounced - he cannot eat anywhere except his home, believing that all other places are not clean enough. Will not allow his wife to eat from his plate. Fear of death. To alleviate periodic depression, they begin to resort to alcohol. At the village unusually developed laziness. This can often be seen in students when there are no holidays for a long time, they get tired of studying and they put off lessons “for later”, study in periods, and not systematically. Instead of doing his homework, he goes to his friends and philosophizes, discussing certain topics. He is ready to talk about anything. Or, when he has to do homework, he sits down at the table and does nothing. He can't bring himself to do anything. Describing his condition, he will tell you that he would like to work out, but every time it turns out that he is doing something different. He likes to do everything except homework. The Sulfur condition can develop in any person, even in types such as Arsenicum and Natrum mur., which can work systematically, day after day. But, having passed into the state of Sulfur, Natrum mur. will never become typical Sulfur. Sulfur's laziness is a manifestation of selfishness - they only want to do what they like. He may neglect (ignore) his family responsibilities, devoting all his energy to his favorite hobby.

Another Sulfur is full-blooded and energetic. He studies well and will be the best in the group (the first to answer questions, he must always be the first in everything), but he may become overtired, which leads to loss of energy, disappointment, a feeling of insignificance and laziness. "I ruined my career." But pride can force s. resume work. For s. it is important that they praise him, applaud him, tell him how smart he is. This is food for his pride. Narcissistic (narcissist). He is always in the center of a group of friends, he strives for leadership. He instructs and educates, a spiritual teacher, because he is inclined to philosophize, is able to reason on various topics, because... read a lot of books. He is a leader, but only his wife knows that he drinks half a bottle of whiskey a night. She knows that he often tells lies, exaggerates and embellishes many facts, trying to look more significant. His wife does not perceive him as a great teacher. She knows that he never thinks long and hard about anything. Her behavior must be delicate so as not to divorce him. Everyone around him must admit that he is better than everyone else, otherwise he will feel unhappy.

He demonstrates to others his sincere desire to make the world happy. He may feel that he loves all of humanity, but at the same time he does not pay attention to his family. He will help everyone, but under one condition - recognition from others. If this is not the case, he will break off relations with the world. He is kind and humane, selfless. He can sacrifice his life to help others, but behind this there is always a desire to attract attention, a thirst for recognition. Even that man, the cat. studied and criticized everything on his own for many years, cherished the idea that one day the whole world would recognize him and talk about his greatness and genius. Sulfur cannot be described as a romantic person. It is never prescribed in situations where one person is breaking off a relationship and the other is suffering greatly and comes to you for help. The mentality of a Sulfur person is such that he is preoccupied only with himself. Breakup in relationship for s. will imply suffering, but not very severe, and they will soon find someone who will console them. These relationships are not so significant for S., he is a realist. He will tell you that he met an amazing woman whom he now loves. But as soon as the new chosen one stops constantly admiring him and showing enough attention, he will easily find another, etc. He is sexually active, but sex does not play a big role in his life - his life is dedicated to the desire to benefit all humanity. This is very typical for the village. Spirituality plays a big role in his life - if it is lost, disappointment appears. Then he starts looking for a guru, cat. able to believe unconditionally. He will be enthusiastic about the teacher, but if it turns out that the teacher is not who he says he is, he will have depression, thoughts of his worthlessness, hopelessness of life and sometimes suicide. But when romantic relationships fail, depression rarely occurs.

Key symptoms for prescribing Sulfur. 1. From the side of the head: headaches in the area of ​​the crown of the head, burning pain. Headaches that appear every Sunday when the patient does not have to go to work. “I only get headaches on days when I can rest and sleep.” He is worse when he sleeps too long - a goal appears. pain. It's worse when he sleeps on his back - in this position he has nightmares, from which he wakes up in fright. If the patient has a burning pain in the crown of the head and a burning sensation in the soles, then this is a case of c. The burning sensation in the soles is so strong that you want to walk barefoot on the cold floor. At night he sticks his legs out from under the blanket. In winter he covers himself with two or three blankets and still sticks his feet out (Pulsatilla, Medorrhinum). But not to cool the feet, but rather to cool the whole body. S. is generally worse from heat. In warmth, he becomes dull, his head becomes heavy, and he loses the ability to think. Heat worsens the rash. Goal. pain relieved by cold. He puts his head under a stream of cold water and the pain decreases. At night, when he goes to bed, he usually has itching all over his body, even without a rash. 2. From the eyes - chronic conjunctivitis: a burning and itching sensation in the eyes, as if sand had gotten under the eyelids. Copious yellow sticky discharge in the morning, sticking the eyelids together. This condition is also relieved by cold lotions. 3. Foul odor of all discharges, including discharge from the ears. The patient is bothered by odors from various parts of his body, especially the genitals. Sweaty feet with unpleasant odor. Horrible smell of stool, even in a child. The whole family knows about it. 4. Worsening of gastric symptoms at 11 o’clock. 5. Frequent awakenings in the middle of the night, sleep fitfully. They fall asleep, but after one or two hours they wake up and feel that there is no sleep in either eye. Then they fall asleep again for half an hour and wake up again. And so several times during the night. They do not have uninterrupted sleep. They usually sleep on their backs, and in this position they are often tormented by nightmares, because of the cat. they wake up. For s. It is typical that he wakes up at 5 o'clock; no matter what time he falls asleep, he is awakened by the urge to loose stool. He has the impression that he did not sleep all night or slept little. Sulfur can cure most cases of sleep disorders. 6. The condition worsens significantly when the sky is covered with clouds and the sun's rays barely break through the clouds. Mainly cloudy.

Their washing process is curious: they are not completely immersed in the bath. It seems to them that they do not have time for such a long procedure. He believes that he will certainly catch a cold after the bath. This is the key sm! He will wash only certain parts of the body, not seeing the point in washing the whole body. He is prone to theorizing, his mind is filled with an abundance of ideas, and everything else is not important to him! His wife and friends are obliged to serve him. Everyone must take care of him so that he can do his research. That's why he never has time to take a bath. He also does not like washing in the bathroom because water makes him much worse (Clematis erecta). The rash is worse from water. S. is unusually dirty and yet cannot stand any dirt around him. This contrast is characteristic of Sulfur.

For Sulf. Taking care of the family is important and for its well-being, he is ready to do anything!

Patients with. they love sweets (predisposition to diabetes), fatty foods (cooked fat), starchy foods, and a strong desire for spicy foods. Strong desire for alcohol, especially whiskey. Enviable appetite: they eat a lot and drink a lot of water. Thirst. Although he eats a lot, he is losing weight (Iodum, Lycopod., Natrum mur., Tuberculin.). Does not like eggs (Ferrum met., ac. Nitricum, Phosphor.) and sometimes they do not like sweets. Aversion to salt and fish.

The mental state caused by syphilis is very similar to Sulfur, which is why it is often indicated with. In repeated cases of gonorrhea, it is often not Medorrhinium that is indicated, but Sulfur.

Sulfur CHILDREN love privacy and do not go outside or play with other children. They are very picky. They don't like to be wrapped up and don't like to wash themselves. Child s. will scream and kick when his mother bathes him. At night, in their sleep, they throw off the blanket and stick their feet out from under it. They are unkempt, and even an adult with. always finds a way to spill food on his clothes. They are so passionate about their ideas that they always manage to get dirty, spilling and knocking over everything and creating an extraordinary mess around them. Absent-mindedness. Leaders among peers. They might very picky in choosing friends. They are restless and the doctor's office is a terrible mess after their visit. The boy has many warts on his hands. (The child is sociable, extroverted, mischievous, climbs everywhere. Plays on his own. Easily gets along with children. He is comfortable everywhere (Meta)). Severe jaundice of newborns – Sulfur 30 or 200.

Sulfur may be prescribed when there are few or no symptoms. For example, after treating a patient with a constitutional remedy, his symptoms have disappeared, but he does not feel very healthy (suppression?). But it is not prescribed in an acute case, when, for example, there is only fever and no other symptoms. He is worse when he stands, but he has no weakness. Do not drink chamomile tea. Can be chilly, especially in old age! It may be worse from the cold! Cataract of the left eye. Headache when bending over. Burning on top of head. Acute pain in the neck when bending the head forward.

Meta: Key Thread – Pseudo. Everything is false, false. False philosopher. Ambitious - wants to prove that he is a great philosopher, scientist. Disappointment when not recognized. Hot flashes, redness, itching - worse at night. Burning from scratching. Itching of the genitals in bed. Heat in the top of the head. Feet are cold. Burning urethra, eyes. Burning pain. All discharge is corrosive, dirty and smelly. Corrosive leukorrhea. All holes are red. Unpleasant smell of sweat, sour sweat. The desire to open up. Cold outside, hot inside. When he eats a lot of spicy foods, the next day he experiences a burning sensation in his rectum.

Externally punctual, but internally carefree. Outwardly religious are Pharisees: it’s all a show, inside there is no faith. Superficial knowledge in many sciences, but no deep knowledge. He wants to show himself as an erudite, but in reality he is a charlatan (Calc., Plat., Lyc.). Arrogant. Doesn't finish the job. Passionate, addicted. Religious. Leadership qualities, but he is not a leader! Stupid joy and stupid pride. His place in society matters. Hides what he really is. He takes on everything, but doesn’t really know how to do anything. Sits relaxed, leaning back or reclining on the table. When saying goodbye, he touches his palm without shaking it. Prophetic dreams.

S.'s main feeling is that he is insulted, suppressed, humiliated and criticized. This is a man created to be humiliated and his pride hurt. Confusion is one of S’s main feelings. For this reason, he struggles, makes continuous efforts to rise again, to be someone, to know something, to gain respect. He feels that he is expected to look good, have good connections, and be successful in his business. If he does not succeed in all these areas, he is forced to face contempt and becomes very embarrassed. He fights for his own “I” and his honor. Ego is one of S.'s largest themes, effort is one of his most important actions. His feeling and this effort indicate psora - S. has some hope. His goal is not too high, so he is often an optimist. S. has a desire to do business, earn money and achieve material well-being. He has a feeling that he is poor, and this feeling gives rise to efforts to overcome this poverty and earn money. In case of failure, laziness and powerlessness appear. Delusion: old rags look like silk. There is satisfaction in this, no more actions are taken to try to get out of this situation. Indifference to one's own appearance, to the success of others, to business, to everything, including pleasure. S. is idleness and a disregard for everything. In a compensated state, he passionately strives for perfection. A woman of this type is very attentive to her clothes and does not allow herself to be out of fashion so that no one can find any flaws in her. People like S. m.b. are very concerned about how they appear to others. They have a feeling that if their image is imperfect, they will be despised. They are concerned about not looking dirty, so they take a lot of effort to maintain external cleanliness. On the other hand, they may neglect their appearance and will not care whether they look dirty or not. They feel insulted when they don't know something and try to make up for their ignorance by constructing theories. It is important for them to treat themselves well, because... they have a feeling that they are unimportant people, that they are out of favor. They are very sensitive to criticism, to contempt and insult. Each of them lives in their own world, they may. They are pleased with themselves when they imagine that they have great knowledge, great wealth, that they look good in the eyes of others. They imagine that others value them for who they are and what they have. Patients feel that they are expected to have good relationships with people, so they are overly caring and do a lot for others. Children of type S often touch objects, as if only those things that they can touch really exist. Dreams of being chased by wild animals. Intolerance to hunger, especially before noon. Touches objects; does not know whether it is real until it touches the object. Cataract of the left eye. Desire for raw food. Skin cracks in winter.

Vega: Putting himself down.
Considers himself unworthy of rewards and praise. He gives everything he has, even when he is not asked. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs. Share your interest!

Psychotype of the patient

The Sulfur patient is a person who treats all people with contempt. Such people are selfish and even self-centered. They are extremely hot-tempered, hypochondriacs and constantly feel sorry for themselves. A common symptom of this type of patient is a constant feeling of hunger. In addition, such patients are characterized by:

  • sad, melancholy mood, anxious thoughts;
  • excessive focus on one’s own well-being, anxiety about the future;
  • work makes these people absolutely miserable;
  • adults exhibit the whims inherent in children;
  • often have philosophical and religious thoughts;
  • the patient is constantly haunted by unpleasant feelings about long-past events;
  • bouts of inconsolable crying are abruptly replaced by a cheerful mood;
  • often overtaken by attacks of melancholy or fearfulness;
  • impatience;
  • increased anxiety;
  • aversion to long conversations;
  • indecision;
  • clumsiness;
  • reluctance to communicate and interact with people, reaching the point of dizziness;
  • poor memory;
  • lost in time;
  • slurred speech;
  • does not like to wash, smells bad;
  • likes doors and windows to be open;
  • stooping when walking.

Instructions for use

As with any other homeopathic medicine, taking Sulfur without first consulting a doctor is not recommended. The dosage directly depends on the diagnosis and condition of the patient. The most common are Sulfur in dilutions C30 and C6. As practice shows, high dilutions are more effective.

Experts recommend starting treatment with C12 dilution. Further, depending on the dynamics and response of the patient’s body to treatment, the doctor may either prescribe a higher or lower dilution. In chronic cases, the use of 200x dilutions is allowed, and in case of sluggish rashes, lower dilutions are prescribed.

The duration of the course of using the ointment is up to 10 days. It is recommended to apply it before bed to the affected areas of the skin.

Side effects and contraindications

Some patients experience increased symptoms of the disease for which Sulfur was prescribed. In this case, this indicates its effectiveness, so there is no reason to refuse to take this drug. If new symptoms appear that are not characteristic of the initial diagnosis or manifestation of an allergic reaction, you should seek advice from a medical institution. He must review the regimen or dosage of the drug, or completely replace it with another one.

If the patient has severe oozing, it is not recommended to use the drug. In addition, it is contraindicated in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, increased individual sensitivity to sulfur preparations, as well as in conditions that may be dangerous after opening abscesses and suppurations.

Sulfur is approved for use during pregnancy as prescribed by the attending physician. Many women in an interesting position confirm its effectiveness in treating toxicosis, as well as prolonged contractions.

An overdose of the drug is impossible. If the patient has drunk a quantity of granules significantly exceeding the prescribed dosage, he can be offered strong tea or coffee as an antidote.

The drug is incompatible with alcohol and alcohol-containing drugs, as well as caffeine and alkaloids. Efficiency decreases when used together with cytostatics and glucocorticosteroids.

If a patient takes Sulfur for more than 14 days and does not notice any positive dynamics, he should contact the doctor who prescribed this drug. The treatment regimen probably needs to be revised.

Diabetics taking Sulfur granules should be informed about the sugar content in them (the daily dose of the drug contains 0.08 bread units).

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